Hieu's W1

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The two pie charts indicate the proportion of rented house and purchased
buildings in the UK between 1991 and 2007.

Overall, it seems that there was the large difference of homes between 2007 and
1991 the percent of home owner native by the UK was perceived the largest after
that was the proportion of social renting then private renting at the end was social

At the beginning year, the proportion of home owner took over 50 of the total
homes. The chart also reported about just under 25 percent a little bit was related
to social renting. Besides, the rate of renting privately seems to have just half of
the portion of social renting and social housing has the least proportion with
absolutely not over 10 portion. However, during 2007 the data reported home
owner rapidly increased reached about 75 percent. Due to this event, the
quantity of social renting sharply dipped half of the origination. Although the
percentage of private renting remain stable but the amount of social housing
bottomed out.


The bar chart indicates the amount of different types of waste were collected by a
recycling centre between 2011 and 2015.

Overall, there were the oscillation of waste began at year 2011 until 2015
followed the order of the largest amount, paper next is glass and tins in the end
was garden.

The number of wasted paper from 2011 was taken the highest with 57 tons
however in the following 2 years: 2012 and 2013 this report gradually decent in
order of 50 to 40 but it sharply climbed up to 51 in 2014 and reached the peak in
2015. In 2011 and 2013, there was a same amount of glass waste with 48 tons
however in 2012 it slightly climbed down to 41 tons then in 2014, it just declined
2 tons with 46 and rapidly increased to 52 in 2015. There was a fluctuation of tins
waste previously, the amount of wasted tins oscillated from 2011 (35 tons) to
2012 bottomed out (27 tons) then rose up in 2013 and slight declined to 33
however jump up to 39. Aforementioned, the quantity of garden waste was the
lowest which only fluctuated between 15 to 35 tons of waste.

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