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Bridge To Wisemans Cove Setting
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CH 1– Kerry
-In this chapter we are introduced to the Matt family.
-3 kids, Sarah 19, Carl 15 and Harley 9~ mother is Kerry.
-She been married 3 times and each child has a different father.
-Kerry would disappear sometimes for days on end, the kids called it “Mums holiday”.
-Sarah looked after her 2 younger brothers and worked in a travel agency

CH 2- Sarah -
Kerry gone for 2 months.
-Sarah is selling all the furniture in the house.
- Carl knows something is wrong when Sarah announces that she is going overseas for a holiday
-Staying with Beryl. Beryl lives at the beach so Harley loves the idea.
-Sarah said it‟s only for a few weeks. “I will put them on a bus whether your there to mee t them or not.”
-Sarah packs their clothes and puts them on the bus. She gives Carl a large sum of money.
-Near Christmas~ season of joy and giving but they are going away
-forgotten veggie patch-un nurtured dreams and aspirations
-going on bus~ start a journey
-Sarah sitting on bench defeated relief
-going away from home~ venture into the unknown
„From the road he could see…hopeful weeks‟ pg8
„Two hundred km‟s away, aunt Beryl made her reply‟ pg11
„She had hopped onto a bench…about to be sick‟ pg13

CH 3- Aunt Beryl
-On a highway~ new straight Journey
-Pine Plantations~ trying to grow but being cut down by duty
-old bus~ world weariness
-Saw the ocean- open and new
-House was nice looking on outside, Inside was dirty and messy~ appearance doent matter
-Hot weather ~hard to adapt
„The highway was new and straight through the pine plantations‟ pg15
„He stepped into the general store‟ pg17
„Carl saw the … eucalyptus‟ pg16
„he waded through…found the house‟ pg17
„the house was low set…three years before‟ pg18
„he looked around…take stock‟ pg19-20

CH 4- Wattle Beach
-hot weather~ hard to adapt, the first steps
-one whole day of wattle beach spent~ loneliness and isolation
-Busy road and town~ longing companions
-beached crowded~ being attracted to the „lonely girl‟
„the heat drove…wattle beach‟ pg22
“at eight thirty…under tarpaulins‟ pg22

CH5- Harley
-Carl suffers from his sunburn and can‟t take his mind off the girl.
-Monday night all you can eat- Aunt Beryl can‟t control money
-The next day he puts on sunscreen and goes looking for her.
-Local policeman tells Carl that Harley has been stealing from a local shop.
-They find him and Harley is given a warning. -He wants to know when his mum is coming back and starts crying.
-policeman confronts her there and tells her about Harley.
-Beryl takes it out on Carl~ so Carl gives her most of the money he got from Sarah
„uncomfortable night on the makeshift mattress‟ pg26~Describes how Carl is feeling
„he stepped into the sunshine…before a police car drew up‟ pg27
„Alone in the park, Carl wishes he was a concrete statue set there for the bird to sit on. No thoughts, no cares, no pain,
just years of weathering in the sun and rain until there was nothing left‟ pg29

CH6- the Café

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-Nugent‟s store- has many places where people can‟t see you steal
~has a bus stop outside, one outside Hendon
~carl goes there everyday
~also tries to stalk girl at beach
-noon Friday
-there is a café, leaning against a wall- does some creepy staring
-boys and girls are there
„Grimy outdoor café on the corner of the main street metal chairs and wobbly tables, empty cans and ice cream wrappers
belching from solitary rubbish bin. Laughter, coke, cigarette smoke twirling grey and dreamlike in search of a breeze.‟

CH7- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

-Christmas time- New Year‟s Eve
-Carl following Harley late at night, making sure he doesn‟t wreak havoc
-10pm rolls around
-at beach- there is a bonfire ~ Bonfire and surf club symbolises where humanity and the rest of the world is. The fact that
carl decides to stay on the run or at least not connected to the bonfire and the surf clubshow that he thinks he isn‟t part
of the world and is all alone.
~there is lots of music
~bright (surf club)
~Carl goes to surf club, because he thinks Harley is good beside the bonfire
~surf club has STEPS
-Carl listens to conversations happening at surf club~ girl is drunk
-Carl helps girl home~ her name was Maddie (the one he stalked at the beach) and her friend was Justine
-they take Maddie to Justine‟s house and Carl has a little perv~ her home has a bathroom
-Carl goes back to bonfire to do some brooding
“steams of spark rose into the darkness above the vivid glow, as a dozen silhouettes tinged with devil crimson fed the
blaze with driftwood and dry brush from the duns.‟ Pg39
„music thumped the air above the beach and the surf club shone brighter than the lighthouse three kilometres away
around the crescent of the beach. He walked through the sand until he stood below it, Drawn to this singeing flame as
irresistibly as Harley was drawn to the real fire to the beach‟ Pg39~ Symbolises how he is attracted to where everyone is
how he wants to be part if the crown and not an outsider
„Carl walked down to the water‟s edge then along past the rocks until the light and sound of the surf club has receded.
With the beach to himself, it was safe to dream.‟ Pg43~ can be seen has how he hides his true self form everyone around
him put up all these walls an only when he is a lone he come out of his shell-shows he is introverted
„the moon found a small break in the clouds, shedding light like rain, enough for him to see his hand, his arms, his legs,
even his feel disappearing into the water.‟ Pg43
„He thought briefly of escape, of getting away. It didn‟t matter where so long as he was free and the name Carl Matt
didn‟t seem to mean what it meant in this town.‟ Pg43- He is so desperate to be part of the crowd he doesn‟t want to be
seen differently, so desperate that he already had thoughts of leaving.
„He walked back to the bonfire area and sat on the cool sand beside his brother until midnight, when voices cheered, car
horns blared and the new year began.‟Pg43

CH8- Birds of Prey

-Carl did not swim much; he was ashamed of how he looked.
-4 wheel drive vehicles used the beach.
-A land cruiser got stuck in the sand and Carl along with some others pushed it out.
-Bruce turns up in his tow truck and gets angry with Carl for helping the guy out.
-He said you‟re taking the food out of my mouth.
-Bruce gives him a lift and they pass the café.
-They wait for beryl and Bruce shows him pictures of the vehicles he has rescued from the rocks.
-Everyone seems to know the story about Maddie throwing up.
-Bruce says her surname is Duncan and they live at Wiseman‟s Cove.
-He calls her father a mongrel.
-Bruce tells him to find another girl because she is Nathan‟s girlfriend.

CH9 -Holidays End

-Carl knew it was coming.
-Beryl had had enough of them.
-In mid-January she told the boys they were going home at the end of the month.
-Harley asked if Sarah was home.
-Beryl said it did not matter you two can look after yourselves she has to back soon.
-Carl finally tells Beryl that he thinks Sarah expected her to take care of them
-that she won‟t be back for a long time.
-Beryl rings and finds out there are new tenants in their house.

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-Beryl now knows that the boys have been dumped on her.
-She throws the boys out.
-She takes them back in the morning.
-Carl figures out that she only took them back because of the social security money.
-Beryl has been getting Kerry‟s cheques

Chapter 10: Birthday

-The chapter starts off at the bus stop for Carl‟s school bus in the morning before school. He watches Maddie as she
moves through the crowd of other kids.
-On the bus, he sits at the front of the bus with the Year Eights, loners and eccentrics. Maddie sits at the back with
Nathan Trelfo.
-After school, Carl walks to Beryl‟s house.
-On the way there, he drops into Nugent‟s store to buy ingredients for his birthday dinner.
-In the evening, Carl, Harley and Aunt Beryl eat pasta that was made by Carl to celebrate his birthday.
~Symbolism: The bus symbolizes the social standing of students in the school. The loners like Carl sit at the front of the
bus and the popular kids sit at the back.
~Quote: “On the bus, where you sat was a measure of your social standing.” (page 58)

CH11- Joy-The chapter starts in Aunt Beryl‟s house. Here they find out the child support money she was getting for
Carl and Harley was being cut.
-Carl goes to Nugent‟s store and asks for a job. Nugent refuses.
-He goes to the bowls club and asks the groundsman if he can take his place for t hree weeks. He is accepted.
-After these three weeks, he searches for another job in Main Street.
-He asks all the stores but nothing comes up.
-He visits the news agency to see if any jobs are available there. He looks at the magazines on the shelf and sees his
sister Sarah on the front cover of a glamour magazine.
-Carl is shocked, ashamed and hurt and storms out of the store.
-He bumps into a bucket of nails and they scatter all over the ground in front of the news agency.
-Here he meets Joy and is offered a one day building job at her house in Wiseman‟s Cove. He accepts.
~Symbolism: Joy is a symbol of hope and new beginnings by helping Carl find a job, letting Harley live with her and
repairing the Osprey‟s wings.
~Quote: “Shame followed him like a can tied to a dog‟s tail.” (page 67)

CH 12 – Wiseman’s Cove
-First time on land rover ~new experience
-The land over kind of like Joy~ 'It Ticked over with a confident, no-nonsense shudder' pg70
-first time sees barge/ bridge~ can symbolise new hope or bridge to a happier place
-'the second barge was a faded red, streaks of rust bleeding from wounds high on the hull' pg71
-'the giant lips lowered, inviting traffic into their bellies' pg71
-first meeting with Duncan on wheel house.
-air is fresh~ cam symbolise something new refreshing
-'the freshening breeze' pg73
-'loosening his hair in the salty wind enjoying its strength' pg73
-Joy lives beyond the national park
-'onto a dirt track. After a stand of paperbacks.....her and there with purple bougainvillea flowers' pg74
CH 13 – Skip Duncan
-back to barge~ can symbolise going back to unhappiness
- sees how hard job is with one person~ gets idea of working on barge
- finds out why people don't like Matt~ especially skip because of the incident
-'he stumbled away toward the land rover which shielded him from view' pg81~ can be seen as how he acts to hide from
other people
- loses hope but joy goes back and agues with skip~ Carl gets the job

CH14- The Barge

-Carl‟s first day at the barge – arrives early – excited/anticipant
-carl brings in lots of much needed money for the barge – starting to belong
-The barge is busy but is still beaten by Wattle Lady
-Bought the hat – a sort of “uniform” contributing to Carls feeling of belonging.
„when they returned to the Wattle Beach ramp, the drawbridge of the yellow barge yawned like a mythical
beast awakened my its slumber. The waiting cars poured onto it. Only when wattle lady and had sailed away
toward Wiseman‟s Cove did cars begin to trickle again onto the red barge.‟pg87
„Carl enjoyed the work. After the four‟ wheel drives and occasional modified tourist bus has been positioned
aboard and the fares where safely in his pouch he would mount the ladder to watch the surge of the blue

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green water and cool himself in the lively breeze‟ Pg87- he liked it because he was finally part of something
made him feel more secure.
„Carl trailed in the wake and the engine surged and the drawbridge began to rise.‟ Pg90
CH 16– The Curse of the Matts
- each day carl is on the barge
- Wednesday
- Harley's school
- Room next to Principal's office
- thin walls - angry voices next door
- small room - trapped feeling
- Principal's office
"No one said anything to Carl except to direct him to a room next to the Principal's office." pg 102
"In the Principal's office the story emerged." pg 104

CH 17– A Piece of Cake

- Aunt Beryl's house - empty
- abandoned
- Barge with Harley
- Afternoon - warm weather
"'You'll have to come up to the barge with me.'" pg106
"It was late afternoon before Carl saw his brother again, just in time for the last run back to Wattle Beach" pg 108

CH18-Dreams of Escape
-Chained bike ~no freedom
-Home ~a Safe Haven
-The dirty bedroom~ all let out, nothing hidden, isolation
-Wattle beach causing changes in Harley.
“When Carl left the house…supporting the patio.” Pg. 110-111
“He took a step…into the street.” Pg. 111
“Was thee some demon…spent in Wattle Beach.” Pg. 115

CH19- Chains
-Stay around the house~ loss of freedom and defeat
-Carl went away~ Hope and distancing himself
-Beryl at Bowls‟ Club~ separation
-Harley chained in lounge room~ symbolises h w Carl fell chained to his responsibilities and duty
“the house…supporting the patio.” Pg. 110-111
“He took a step…into the street.” Pg. 111
“Was thee some demon…spent in Wattle Beach.” Pg. 115

CH 20 –good Friday
Set in/on:
-Good Friday (the Friday before Easter)
-aunt beryl‟s house
-Skip‟s barge
-Joy and skips house
-Osprey‟s cage
-Carl does not want to leave Harley with Beryl ~takes him with him to see skip.
-Skip says I need you to work today as it is busy…good Friday
-Skip takes both boys over to the island to stay with Joy for the day.
-Carl hopes Maddie is there she‟s staying with her sister.
-Justine is there and has a baby possum
-The osprey is recovering well
-Harley really happy around Joy.
„sharp suspicious eyes which fixed themselves on Carl. The proud head jerking slightly every few moments, tracking his
movements as he examined it from different angles.‟pg130
„one wing stretched wide, startling Carl with its power, then as quickly folded back into place against its body. The
damaged wing had moved only slightly, inhibited by pain. It was enough to let him glimpse the bird strength which would
remain caged for a while yet. He hoped joy would keep her word and take him with her the day this magnificent creature
too to its wings.‟ Pg130 ~ Can represent the hidden strength that is hidden within Carl, a kind of strength that he isn‟t
aware of himself.

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