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S : KALGen

La bo r a t o ri u m Kl i n i k

Jakarta, 22 February 2024

Dr. Kristanto Yuli Y a r s a / Dr. Novan Atli Setyavvan
Clinician / Patiiologist
RS Kasili Ibii Suiakai ta

Ref. : Mrs. Joeli Dwi Astoeti

Dear Dr. dr. Kristanto Y u l i Yarsa, S p . B ( K ) O n k / dr. Novan A d i Setyawan, Sp.PA :

We would like to inform you about the outcome o f Estrogen Receptor ( E R ) * * , Progesterone Receptor
( P R ) * * , and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 ( H E R 2 ) * * Immunohistochemistry ( I H C ) tests of
the following case:

Received Date : 20 Feb 2024

KalGen I D :240201258.05
Patient Name : Mrs. Joeli D w i Astoeti
Sex : Female
Birth Date/ Age : 26 Jul 1978 / 4 5 Years
Anatomic Pat. I D : Y24.04i
C l i n . Diagnosis : Mammae sinistra
PA. Diagnosis : Mammae Sinistra:
- Invasive (ductal)
Carcinoma NST grade 3
(dr. Novan Adi Setyawan,
Specimen Type : F F P E Block and Slide
Notes 'T> '*• HER2

IHC Result:
ER : Positive, moderate to strong intensity, heterogeneous feature in 1% of tumor cells.
PR : Positive, weak to moderate intensity, heterogeneous feature in ! % of tuinor cells.
HER2 : Expressed, weak to moderate complete membrane staining observed in more than 10% o f
tumor cells, categorized as 2+ score. It is suggested to perform confirmatoiy test for H E R 2
gene amplification by chromogenic in situ hybridization ( C I S H ) .

Sincerely yours.

Dr. dr. Patricia Diana. Sp. P A , MSiMed

Pathologist ^
I Iw \ k - l l l i H l I x^'il ' / / ; • ( ! ( I ' l l / iiiw r.s.ii I K'k I li^'ii kil ( I l\ i 11{\I • ml i- l.'.l n r^^'ii R^wpi, n 11 .lii iSI' I ) U..ihhii \ I, >iii iil, >ii,in'i iiikii-\ li:nhnj\^
('OM IRM anli-l'rogcslc'i im Receptor (PR) (ll-:2) Ralihil Monoclotml Priimiiy Aiilihody. I /•.'A'/'. I cmli-HER2 iieii I4H5) Ruhhil Moiioclomil
Pnman . liilitiody ('OS h IRS I ciiin^ki-6 • i30-9) Rulihil Monocloiuil Primair. inlilmdy ('OMRIM aiiti-p53 (I H)- 7) Primary . Iiilily>dy
Ryri:rcni;c: C i n u n . ( iira-nl i s s u e s In l : R iuid I I I ; R 2 Icstirig b\ I I I C in lireast Ciinccr. Modem I'otholiiiiy (201)8) 21. SS S I 5; I laniimiinl el <//.. American
Societx ol'C'linieal Oncology/Cdllege o f Anieriean Palhologists (mideline Reeomniendalio))s for Inimunoliisloeheniieal Testins: ol' listrogen and
PniEesleEone Receptors inHreasl Cancer (Unaliridyied Version). .l/c7; Puiliol- l.ah. Med. (2010) 134(7) e48-72-. Biislreo el uL. Oplinial K i 6 7 cnt-olT
for luminal breast cancer prognostic e\aliiation: a larue case s e r i e s stiidv u i t h a lojig-tcrm liiliou-np. Ccincer Res Treai ( 2 0 l f ) ) l.>7:3f).V37l.
W o i n . A et a l I iiniiim I p i d c r m a l ( i r o u i h 1 actor Rece|Hor 2 testing in Breast Cancer: /Xmeriean Societ\ of Clinical Oncology/College of American
• P a t h o l o g i s t s C linical Practice (iiiidcHiic I ociiscd I '|xlate " A r c h i v e s of [ i a l l i o l o g \ & laboratory medicine 142 I I (201S): l3()t-13S2

s s h o u n as des
i9|"6^V-'^>k^-'^(!)»b"^Ji| 0811-9002-151 I I customer.relation(
r) 1518^^ .AccrediicJ In k.- "
k ^ ^ a r a i i i c l c r liLi^ b c c i i l U ^ . dited according t'
M <,)AS I C C & I S I l
L a b o r a t o r i u m Medis K h u s u s U t a m a
L a b o r a t o r i u m Medis K h u s u s PA Kompleks Kalbe Pulomas
J l . S u l a w e s i No. 5 2 , K e l . Ngagel, K e c . Wonokromo Jin. J e n d . A h m a d YanI No. 2 RT. 3 R W . 1 3 , K a y u Putlh
Kota S u r a b a y a , J a w a T i m u r K e c . P u l o g a d u n g , Kota J a k a r t a T i m u r 1 3 2 1 0

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