Animosity Weekender 2024 - Rolling Thunder

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The Bare Bones

Welcome to the Animosity Weekender! … directly toward Hysh’s Iscarneth Ceraphate, a

This is a 10-day, single turn unofficial global breakaway aelf fiefdom which did not embrace the
narrative event for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, teachings of Teclis’s Reinvention.
Warcry, and Soulbound. To participate, players will
submit up to three Reports through a provided Tasked with the Ceraphate’s defense,
Google Form supporting one of two opposed Iscarneth commander Atressa Redhand has
non-player characters we call Figureheads. mustered an army of volunteers to delay Mogrek’s
horde before they reach her homeland… and
These Reports consist of playing games, perhaps even protect the Ashfall Delta until the
building and painting models, writing short stories, storm has passed.
and even things like drawing illustrations or
recording audio dramas. Players allocate all of their
What, Where, When?
submitted Reports to one of five Narrative Paths
(imagine a combination between “choose your own
adventure” and a tug of war). Each Figurehead Da Warpath begins Friday, January 5th
must win 3 or more of the 5 Narrative Paths to ● Discord registration for Coalitions
claim victory. ● Discord access to Coalition Channels

Player Turn begins Friday, January 12th

The Story So Far
This event takes place immediately after In person events…
2023’s Animosity V - The Fated Blade. Having ● AOS Grand Narrative at the Las Vegas Open
been imprisoned in the frozen heart of a shackled January 19th thru January 21st (Fri-Sun)
Everwinter since the Age of Chaos, the orruk ● UK players meet-up at Warhammer World
“colossa-boss” Mogrek Longblade walks the Mortal January 21st (Sunday)
Realms once more. His body the size of a
Bloodthirster, Mogrek’s terrible Waaagh! energy has Player Turn ends Monday, January 22nd
animated an army of Rogue Idols, great stone
gargants roughly hewn in the image of orruks. GM Turn will run through January 30th
● Unfolding Narrative will drop January 31st
Long ago, Mogrek boasted that he would
breach the gates of Azyr where even the Chaos
Gods had failed. Single-minded in his pursuit, with Join our community!
an army of rogue idols in one fist and an Everwinter
in the other, Mogrek has led his horde upriver…
The Ur-River The Ashfall Delta
The Ur-River has been said to be the most ancient The Ur-River departs Aqshy through the Ashfall
of all watercourses in the Mortal Realms. Like an Delta, where it leaves the foothills around Ignoth's
ouroboros, it is believed to have no headwaters and Furnace. The wide flatlands of the surrounding
no outlet, instead crashing endlessly from one Brûlant Plains allow the river to slow and spread
realm to the next, its course constantly shifting as it out to form the delta, just before it leaves the Realm
perpetually grinds a new path through the Realms. of Fire and falls into Ulgu as the Fiammascura Gate.
The ancient heart of Ignoth's Furnace still
Aqshy, Realm of Fire burns, deep under where the Catarhactes falls from
Hysh, heating the Ur-River in its passing to this day.
As the Ur-River flows from Hysh to Ulgu it The unwary find out the hard way that it scalds
briefly touches Aqshy, far to the south of the Vitriol anything it touches, unless it was born to such heat,
Sea. It tumbles from the Catarhactes Realmgate in though it cools to merely painful levels at the delta.
Hysh, a vast waterfall that appears in the sky, It is only when the Ur-River touches the cold
seemingly out of nowhere. Miles above the currents flowing from the Fiammascura realmgate
mountain range sometimes called Ignoth's that it becomes bearable.
Furnace, the waters of the Ur-River crash into a
broken landscape of constant volcanic activity. Cool and Hot are the names of the tides at
Flames and smoke spew forth from the rocky the boundary, as it ebbs and flows back from the
ground at random and, as the waters of the river sea - often in a swirling morass of strange weather
rush down the mountainside they become heated, as more than just heat and cold mix but also as fire
great clouds of steam and mist cloak its banks. and shadow twist in the waters of the Ur-River. The
delta cannot be frozen from without; it must be
When the Great Volcano of Ignoth's frozen from within. The flow of the Ur-River’s
Furnace roared forth it’s fire into the sky it was said heated water would push all but the most dogged
to have burned so hot with the fire of Aqshy that it ice to sea and melt any that managed to remain.
tore a new way between the realms and spewed
forth into the Haixiah of Hysh… but what poured Out of the sixty or more islands in the
back down into the ash column of Aqshian fire was Ashfall Delta only five were inhabited during the
more than just the light of Hysh, but a mighty Age of Myth: Fuegorn Drift, Infurnata, Heartpyre
torrent of the Ur-River. Nar, Flarecrux Spit and Brimnstorn. However,
these early settlements were destroyed during the
Fire and water raged until at last, in the ravages of the Age of Chaos.
final cough of steam, the river quenched the fires of
Ignoth's Furnace, and where once a great caldara
was, now formed a steaming lake that soon flowed
Fuegorn Drift
down the sides as lava once did. The smallest of the Ashfall Delta islands, on the
western side. Surprisingly this island was largely
Water followed the ancient courses and untouched by the Age of Chaos, the razor sharp
soon found purchase in one great eruption, its ash cliffs and smoldering mountains hide a beautiful
and pumice easily carved unlike the basalt around secret paradise at its heart.
it. Thus from the plinth of Ignoth's Furnace does the
Ur-River leave the peaks and with the ash and loose Ravenspite Pass - a lush fertile valley flourishing in the
fall of that ancient plinian eruption does it flow rich volcanic soil.
down to the Vitriol Sea over the Brûlant Plains. Leadtusk Tor - smoke and ash billow from the peak of
this, the tallest of the mountains on the islands. One of
the hundreds of volcanos that give the delta its name.
In time the Ashfall Delta took its current
shape: as great bastions of hardened basalt were
left standing amidst the ashy and silty meandering
delta, anything less hardy was eroded away in the
inevitable march of time and flow of water.
Infurnata Flarecrux Spit
The site of fierce battles which saw the use of Jutting out of the sea like a massive obsidian tooth,
terrible weapons and and self-destructive sorcery. surrounded by scorching waters and steep cliffs
that make it appear impenetrable. At the northern
The Gleaming Tower - a ruined aelven spire. Fiery tip of the island, a towering volcano casts an eerie
geomantic runes mark the weathered stone landscape red glow across the landscape.
around it.
The Voidwell - a lightless, bottomless pit. Cold winds Hollowsoul - a lake so still and clear that it appears to be
whistle out of the abyssal chasm while it seems to stretch made of solid crystal.
endlessly downward. Slurrywater - a blighted river that flows from the
Wildpyre Watch - a ruined watchtower, overlooking the mountain, the sulphurous waters smell extremely
straits between Infurnata and Fuegorn Drift, built into the unpleasant.
steep and jagged cliffs. Scalderbright - the ruins of a settlement around a
The Blackiron Cage - a Stormvault, known in legend as lighthouse.
the prison of a powerful daemon. The Ebonthorn Hoard - a shattered Stormvault, crackling
with residual energy.
Heartpyre Nar (LVO exclusive) The Gate of Vekhos - a minor realmgate to another part
of Aqshy.
In the centre of the five largest islands, Heartpyre
Nar is the only part of the delta with Order
settlements that are currently inhabited and even
prospering. The eastern island has the only deep-water harbour
of the delta, which was once a busy trading port. It
The Troggwood - a mushroom-forest Dankhold. was the point of entry for the invasion during the
Glowerhold - a sinister angular stronghold in a volcanic Age of Chaos.
Breakspear - a massive castle built around what is The Tarkhummar Locus - A sprawling necropolis. A maze
allegedly a shard of the Spear of Mallus. of winding stairways with tall stone archways looming
Harkdeep - a duardin brewery built into the cliffs below a overhead, dark catacombs, partially collapsed tunnels,
waterfall. and musty mausoleums.
Stonethorn Wold - a wanderers enclave of tree-top Sulphurwald - A yellow-leaved forest, peppered with
houses. crumbling stone ruins. Fog-wreathed and strangely quiet.
Runefall - a new-built Dawnbringer strongpoint on a Emberport - As the only deep-water harbour in the delta,
nexus of geomantic power. Emberport was once a bustling trading hub but it was the
Wyrmwater - a mysteriously abandoned Sigmarite first place in the delta that was attacked during the Age of
settlement. Chaos. The harbour waters are littered with the
Southmarches - a Stormvault with a badly failing submerged wrecks of burned ships. The winding
Penumbral Engine. rubble-strewn streets are cluttered with debris. Many of
Northmarches - a Stormvault with a missing Penumbral the buildings were burned down but a few pockets
Engine. remain that may be habitable. A small number of
Scorchbrass - a dreadhold bastion of the dark gods. expeditions here have made their first camps in the old
The Foreteller’s - ancient structures of crumbling stone harbourside area.
and twisted metal.
Hexstone - A ruined Age of Myth settlement, the
Turnglass - a mist-veiled labyrinth of ruined stone
shattered buildings seem to brood with a resentful,
structures, overgrown with ivy and moss.
malevolent energy.
Mogrek’s March Atressa’s Gambit
Released from his frozen prison upon the “Mogrek is coming.” This simple statement
isle of Frorholm and master of the very Everwinter realized the worst fears of Atressa Redhand,
which held him, Mogrek Longblade has marched Warden of Iscarion and commander of the Iscarneth
his army of Rogue Idols up the river itself like a Ceraphate’s standing army. Many years earlier, she
great road. Many grots, orruks, ogors and even and her fellow Satraps had fought a bitter war of
gargants witnessed his return, and it was not long succession to become the next Ceraph. Atressa had
before the banners of their kind flocked to Mogrek’s lost, yet remained the Iscarneth’s greatest warrior.
side. The stomp of the Idol’s tread upon ice Many who once opposed the new Ceraph, Dariel
accompanied by the mad drumming of frenzied the Resplendent, found positions of power in his
warchanters have given Mogrek’s ad hoc army a fell new government, and none higher than Atressa.
harbinger… rolling thunder.
However, she understood better than
Mogrek is both brutal and cunning; he’s anyone that her role was a responsibility, not a
realized his Everwinter cannot claim the Delta, and privilege. Her life had been spent fighting for her
without it frozen, his Rogue Idols are vulnerable. He people’s survival, and having endured the threat of
will be forced to rely upon the “Longblades” at his devastation from within, Atressa now faces the
side to dislodge the Delta’s defenders. He must threat of devastation from without.
reach a point above the Delta to see the river cooled
enough to freeze the glacier and allow his horde to In secret counsel with Dariel and the other
pass unhindered. defeated Satraps Caradryas and Iden, a plan was
set in motion. Using the blackpowder innovations
It would be nothing less than madness to stand of Caradryas’ people and lost technology from the
against him… wouldn’t it? Age of Myth hidden within Iden’s vaults, they
devised the Dawnhammer Bombards, ponderous
guns of aelf design capable of killing a Rogue Idol
with a single shot.

Construction of the bombards would take

precious time, however. Dariel bid Atressa make
their people ready for war, with the hope they
might repel Mogrek until the guns’ completion.
Deliberate action was ever Dariel’s way, and Atressa
feared it would not be enough to save their people.

Leaving the Iscarneth’s standing army and

citizen militia behind, Atressa bid only volunteers to
join her. Disregarding Dariel’s frustrated demands,
she departed downriver, mustering her army en
route and bidding her “Redhands” join her in the
Ashfall Delta. She does not expect to stop Mogrek,
yet still intends to claim only victory.
Mogrek Longblade Atressa Redhand
To hear Mogrek tell it, he sprung from the tooth Atressa has held a blade since before she could
Gorkamorka once chipped on Kragnos’ own shield walk. In the years before the Spirefall, she learned
Tuskbreaker. Although none truly know his origins, swordcraft not from meditative old masters, but by
the “colossa-boss” is best described as primordial. walking the Ten Paradises and challenging those
He stands the height of a gargant, with the fury of a claiming great skill to duels of honor. When the
raging Megaboss, the appetite of a Tyrant, and the Spirefall finally came, slaying other aelves was
sharp mind of a Loonboss. hardly a novelty to Atressa.

Mogrek does not claim to be the hand of Gork or the The years since her defeat have challenged Atressa
mouth of Mork. He is not the “boss trampla” or even to finally embrace life beyond violence. Her people
a boss of any kind. Mogrek is the WAAAGH! made are the Iscarneth, an enclave of aelves who did not
manifest, whose warclan are idols animated by his embrace Teclis’s Reinvention and never became
rage alone. Lumineth Realm-lords. Atressa, like all Iscarneth,
must navigate her flaws as best she is able, without
Long ago, after Sigmar fled before Archaon in the guidance of fickle gods.
cowardice, Mogrek boasted that he would break the
Gates of Azyr. To complete his task, he was It is an independence she fiercely defends. Although
promised a weapon crafted by one of Grungni’s she has often struggled to relate with her fellow
most gifted pupils. So afraid was the Ironsage of Iscarneth, she has embraced them all as her people.
Mogrek possessing his masterwork that he chose Under Dariel’s leadership and her protection, the
his own death rather than surrender the Longblade Ceraphate has prospered among broken realms.
and released the Everwinter contained within his
forge, locking Mogrek in ice for centuries. Atressa believes the Dawnhammer Bombards will
deprive Mogrek of his greatest advantage, but she
With the Longblade in his right hand and an will not sit meekly by and wait for the Longblade’s
Everwinter in his left, Mogrek Longblade spells attack. She means to ride in force against Mogrek,
nothing less than doom to anything that stands his Rogue Idols, and whatever else awaits her in the
between him and the Realm of Heavens. Ashfall Delta.
How to Participate Submitting Reports
There are two ways to take part in the Animosity Each player must choose one Narrative Path to
Weekender: allocate their Reports toward, and may submit up
to a total of 3 reports to that Path. These 3 reports
- If you are a global player, simply join our Discord may be any number or combination of Report
community, scroll down until you find the types. (This is unique to the Weekender.)
#weekender- registration channel, and ask to fight
for Mogrek or Atressa. This will give you access to
Report Types
private discussion channels to better collaborate
with your fellow players! - Game Reports can be any game of Age of Sigmar,
Warcry, Soulbound, or Warhammer Underworlds
- If you are a Las Vegas Open player, you may that is played to its logical conclusion. Just play,
choose to join our Discord community, but are not and tell us you played. (Playing a game of Total War
required to do so. If you do, there is a private does not count, but using cinematic screenshots
channel just for our LVO attendees! from a Total War game to tell a story are a common
type of “Other” Report.)
When the Weekender begins, Team Animosity will
publish a Google Form to our Discord by which - Narrative Reports can be any Short story of 500 to
players will submit Reports. (If you are an LVO 1000 words (one to two pages of writing) telling the
player, Team A will Report your games for you.) tale of your army and character and the glorious or
nefarious deeds they enact to win the Narrative
When you submit a Report, you will be asked for Path. We prefer players to use Google Docs and we
your Discord username, your player character and remind you to set access to “anyone with the link
army’s name, the Figurehead you’re supporting, can view”.
and the Narrative Path you wish to allocate your
Report toward (details on Reports can be found - Hobby Reports are any building, painting,
opposite). You may also include a short narrative. conversions, terrain or WIP that relates to your
character, army, or the Narrative Path you're
submitting the Report toward. 1 hour of work is
Winning the Campaign expected as the minimum standard. Any company’s
Each Narrative Path will represent one of models or 3D prints are welcome.
the five major islands in the Ashfall Delta. To claim
victory, your Figurehead must win 3 or more - Other Reports are a catch all for any number of
Narrative Paths (details on the Narrative Paths can other artistic and creative endeavours that can be
be found below). related to the campaign. Digital or traditional
illustrations, arts and crafts, audio/visual projects,
Think of your Reports as if they were a photography, cosplay, etc. are all welcome.
communal blind auction. Each team has a collective
bid they place on a Narrative Path in order to win it, AI “art” such as Midjourney IS NOT WELCOME.
with each Player chipping in what they can by way Reports utilizing AI will be discarded and will not
of their Reports. Like with a real auction, you count toward the Narrative Path to which they were
cannot control where others place their allocated.
contribution, only your own.
Narrative Paths

Narrative Path 1 - Fuegorn Drift

This flank of the Delta is arguably the most
vulnerable, with what little land there is
choked by treacherous jungle. However, it
should not be disregarded that the Drift still
boasts the tallest peak in all the Delta.

Narrative Path 2 - Infernata

Already reduced to a hellscape by conflicts all
but forgotten, Infernata promises to become a
crucible for the worst meatgrinder this war has
to offer.

Narrative Path 3 - Heartpyre Nar

(LVO Exclusive!) The largest and most central of
the islands, it stands as the keystone to the

Narrative Path 4 - Flarecrux Spit

More defensible than even its siblings to either
side, the Spit will provide nigh unassailable
high ground to whichever side can drive the
other off first.

Narrative Path 5 - Brimnstorn

Vulnerable and vital, Emberport is a crucial
rallying point for Atressa’s allies. Her defenders
will be hard to dislodge, but a defeat here
would be crippling.

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