Reading Assignment - Mohammad Ezykel Pasha - 205040107111009

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MOHAMMAD EANKEL DASHA 205040 109 1009 — Assessing a New Venwuce’s Financia Strength at eee orl Nauiay — eae _|Financial Management - = mancit\ _managemen deals With tno things: raising mandy: nd Managing a compony's Mon(es INO Way thar achioes the Highest toe of retuin Finoncial Objerives. z Cosnis st fone OWRuives of ation BR AW Poatihiliyy + A company's ability Ye Rom Mongy _ 1 Liquidity 2 A company's ability ao meet in¢ shert=rarmn _abliga __» ficiency 1 How greduciely a fem Wilines its assets ability > ThE Suekaqin any vigor of the ficen’s overall Financial Poa - The esas _ of Fronal_ Monagemens Liquidity Mificiency Ctabiliay ay 2) Teepororion. 1% Faas xe Irom | ARERS 8) Kegorayion of a Tiina Financial Gator Balance shaes , Staremend of cash tls. 4) Ongring analysis “ot Fivancia\ Resulys 96 . Financial Stovement _ W isurioal Financial Statements i, : = a FRAWCES pase Performance aS aed asually PrePOLLS ono quorterly a bois. 1 Pee Fareys Financial Statemenes os 24 Xeyenions for _furuca yards bata on Ferecses And! ale aypically amas To two te thee vores in the future. _ | Pate Analysis : The Mitt Piactical x) te evtqeay or _maKe Sense tt Hg Rieen's ~ historical _ Fiqancial syaraments 1s enfough aralysis _ Foacase a _| Fora is prasteriony of atoms fu 7 ArRenaiyres Sales — foes fore cast annwal _, 2ApeHIES Peajertion ot 4 Fieth’s: Scanned with CamScanner Ye Tumna Finandsd Syaremenas — Grenilaes Yo WAS historical fraremrents @xcepe thay Mey los forward rodher then trock Pht Pate. The Peapavarion of pu forma financigl 15 also NeCossorgy Mt @ tem & Sarking funaing oF financing . Rorio Analysis Fhe Some Financial toyivs uses to evoliale a _fumn’s historical Fivancial {Sorements Shoals be wed io Qvalvare tha pr foima financial Starements. Scanned with CamScanner

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