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School of Education.
Department: Education
Course outline:
Unit code: TDC 312
Contact hours: 45
Credit Hours:3
Unit Instructor: Patrick Maina
Email: Patrick.maina @,
Mobile: 0722366937
Purpose of the course
This course focuses on methodologies appropriate for facilitating CRE instruction at the
secondary school level. It aims to integrate theory with practice in order to enhance and deepen
the knowledge of the subject. This course is designed to develop and enhance the student’s
ability to teach more effectively in the context of the secondary school curriculum.

Expected Learning Outcomes.

At the end of this course, the learner should be able to:
i. Describe the historical development of the subject and the various theories applied in the
learning the subject;
ii. Discuss the relationship between the subject objectives and the National education
iii. Develop schemes of work and lesson plans in the subject;
iv. Implement various methods and teaching techniques;
v. Evaluate, test and provide feedback in the subject area; and
vi. Practice, and reflect on the specific pedagogical knowledge needed to teach Christian
Religious Education to secondary students.
Course Description:
Historical Development and philosophical foundations of Education; Theories of Education; The
Secondary School CRE Syllabus; Relationship between CRE, Education objectives and the
National Educational Objectives. Preparation of Schemes of work; Lesson Plans; Methods and
techniques of teaching CRE; Media and resources for teaching CRE; Future trends in CRE
Education; Measurement, Evaluation and feedback in CRE; and Records Keeping.

Week Date Topic Subtopic.

1 12/01/2024 Introduction Historical and Philosophical
foundations of Education
2 19/01/2024 Goals of Education Objectives and goals of education
in Kenya
3 26/01/2024 CAT CAT I
4 02/02/2024 Theories Theories of Education
5 09/02/2024 Rationale for Teaching Curriculum Philosophy and
Religion Justification of Teaching CRE
6 16/02/2024 CAT CAT II
7 23/02/2024 CRE Syllabus Christian Religion Education
Syllabus for Secondary Schools in
8 01/03/2024 Schemes of Work Developing the Scheme of Work
from the syllabus
Lesson Plan Developing and using the lesson
9 08/03/2024 CAT CAT III
10 15/03/2024 Learning Resources Improvising, assembling and
construction of teaching and
learning resources
11 22/03/2024 Teaching Methods and Teaching Techniques
12 29/04/2024 Motivation Introduction of a lesson and kinds
of motivation.
13 05/04/2024 Future of CRE Future Trends in teaching CRE
Laws governing teaching of CRE
Legal documents
14 12/04/2024 Feedback Evaluation and Testing
15 19/04/2024 Exam Exam

Teaching Methodologies
Lecture, Practical’s, Discussion, Exercises and assignments
Instructional Materials/Equipment
Power point slides, Audio, wall charts and white board
Course Assessment
Laboratory work (20%), CAT (10%) and main exam (70%). Pass mark 40%.
Course Textbooks
1. Ayot, Henry Okello (1987). Instructional Methods (General methods); Kenyatta
University (Nairobi).

Reference Textbooks
1. Mulindi, H. A. (1979). Guidelines for Pure and Applied Modern Mathematics
Curriculum Development for Secondary Schools in Kenya. University microfilms
international: Michigan;
2. Twoli, N. W., Maundu J., Kiio M., Kithinji C (2007). Instructional Methods in
Education: A Course Book For General Teaching Methods: K.I.E.: Nairobi; and
3. Were, Nasibi, Mary W. Strongwall (2003). Instructional Methods: General Methods for
Teaching across the Curriculum. Africa Publishers: Nairobi.

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