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Gender identity refers to:
Q.1 a) The anatomical and physical characteristics that determine an individual's sex
b) The socially prescribed roles and behaviors associated with a particular gender
c) The psychological sense of being male, female, or another gender.
d) The genetic factors that determine an individual's gender

Which of the following is an example of a gender stereotype?

Q.2 a) Women are more nurturing and empathetic than men.
b) Men are naturally more assertive and competitive than women.
c) All individuals with female gender identity enjoy cooking
d) Only males are capable of pursuing careers in science and technology.

Gender differences in behavior are:

Q.3 a) Universally consistent across all cultures and societies.
b) Solely determined by biological factors.
a) Socially constructed and can vary across cultures and contexts.
c) Only applicable to adults and not observed in children

Gender and behavior are influenced by:

Q.4 a) Biological factors only.
b) Sociocultural factors only.
c) Combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.
d) Gender has no influence on behavior

Which term describes the negative consequences that can arise from strict adherence to traditional
Q.5 gender roles and expectations?
a) Gender dysphoria
b) Gender fluidity
c) Gender polarization
d) Gender role strain

Gender equality refers to:

Q.6 a) The belief that males and females should be identical in all aspects of life.
b) The elimination of all gender differences.
c) The equal treatment and opportunities for individuals of all genders.
d) The belief that gender is irrelevant and should not be considered

Gender and behavior research suggests that:

Q.7 a) Gender is the sole determinant of behavior, overriding all other factors.
b) There are significant differences in behavior between genders across all contexts.
c) Gender influences behavior, but individual variation is vast, and stereotypes can be limiting.
There are no observable differences in behavior between genders
Health psychology focuses on the interaction between:
Q.8 a) Physical health and mental health
b) Genetics and environment
c) Health behaviors and societal norms
d) Healthcare professionals and patients

The biopsychosocial model of health emphasizes the importance of:

Q.9 a) Biological factors in determining health outcomes.
b) Psychological factors in determining health outcomes
c) Social factors in determining health outcomes
d) All of the above

Which of the following is an example of a health behavior?

Q.10 a) Eating a balanced diet
b) Genetic predisposition to a disease
c) Availability of healthcare facilities
d) Socioeconomic status

The study of how thoughts, emotions, and behaviors influence the immune system and overall health is
Q.11 known as:
a) Psychosomatic medicine
b) Behavioral medicine
c) Biomedical science
d) Epidemiology

The primary goal of health psychology is to:

Q.12 a) Diagnose and treat physical health conditions
a) promote health prevent illness and enhance well-being
b) conduct research on the effectiveness of medical treatment
c) provide psychological support to health care professionals

Which of the following is an example of psychosocial factor that can influence health?
Q.13 a) Age
b) Gender
c) Social support
d) Genetics

The study of how stress can impact health is known as?

Q.14 a) psychoneuroimmunology
b) psychopharmacology
c) psychopathology
d) Psychometrics

Which health behavior is commonly associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases?
Q.15 a) Regular physical exercise
b) Smoking
c) Excessive alcohol consumption
d) Sedantary lifestyle

The belief is ones ability is successfully execute health related behavior is known as?
Q.16 a) Self efficacy
b) self esteem
c) self monitoring
d) Self actualization

Health promotion strategies aim to:

Q.17 a) Prevent the spread of infections diseases
b) Promote healthy behavior and lifestyle
c) Treat Mental health Disorders
d) Improve access to health care services

Sarah is a new employee at a company she always smiling offers help to her colleagues in actively
Q.18 participates in team activities besed on this scenario how might Sarah be perceived by her coworkers?
a) As an introverted individual
b) As an unfriendly person
c) As a conscientious friendly and individual
d) As an unreliable team member

person Perception refers to:

Q.19 a) Evaluating one's own personality traits.
b) Understanding other people thoughts and emotions
c) Forming impressions of other based on their behavior
d) Developing a positive Self image

Lisa frequently arrives late to her classes rarely complete assignments on time and seems disinterested
Q.20 during lectures, how might Lisa be perceived by her classmates?
a) As a diligent and committed student
b) As a disorganized and unengaged student
c) As a highly intelligent student
d) As an overachieving student

The primary cues used in person perception include?

Q.21 a) Verbal Communication Only
b) None verbal cues only
c) Both verbal and nonverbal cues
d) physical appearance Only

The halo effect in Person perception refers to:

Q.22 a) Giving excessive weight to the first piece of information received about a person.
b) Focusing Only on negative aspects of a person behavior
c) Overestimating The influences of situational factors on behavior
Making consistent judgment about other's based on a single trait or characteristics
23.Mark is known for being punctual organized and consistently meeting deadlines he is also highly
Q.23 motivated and goes to extra mile in his Work how might mark be perceived by his supervisor?
a) As a Mediocre employee
b) As an ambitious and reliable employee
c) As an unenthusiastic employee
d) As an inefficient and lazy employee

Stereotyping is person perception refers to?

Q.24 a) Making accurate judgment about individual based on their behavior
b) Forming jeneralized beliefs About Group of people based on their characteristics
c) Developing deep personal connections with other
d) Practicing active listening and interpersonal communication

Emma is often seen volunteering at community events donating to charities, and helping those in need.
Q.25 How might Emma be perceived by her neighbors ?
a) As a Self centered and uncaring person
b) As a compassionate and helpful individuals
c) As in introverted and reserved individual
d) As in arrogant and selfish individual

Attribution theory in person perception focuses on

Q.26 a) Identifying individual personality traits
b) Assessing the influence of situational factors on behavior
c) Analyzing nonverbal cues in social interactions
d) Examining cultural differences in person perception

Who is often considered the founder of behaviorism?

Q.27 A) Sigmund Freud
B) Carl Jung
a) John B. Watson
b) BF. Skinner

Which learning process involves the association between a neutral stimulus and a naturally occurring
Q.28 stimulus?
A) Classical conditioning
B) Operant conditioning
C) Observational learning
D) Cognitive learning

The concept of "reinforcement" is closely associated with which type of conditioning?

Q.29 a) Classical Conditioning
b) Operant conditioning
c) Observational learning
d) Cognitive learning

Which term refers to the process of extinguishing a learned response?

Q.30 a) Acquisition
b) Generalization
c) C)Discrimination
d) Extinction

Which psychologist conducted the famous "Little Albert" experiment, demonstrating classical
Q.31 conditioning with a human subject?

a) Sigmund Freud
b) John B. Watson
c) Ivan pavlov
d) BF Skinner

Which part of the brain is primarily responsible for regulating basic survival functions such as breathing
Q.32 and heart rate?
A) Cerebellum
B) Hypothalamus
C) prefrontal cortex
D) amygdala

Which neurotransmitter is associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation?

Q.33 a) Serotonin
b) Dopamine
c) Acetylcholine

The fight-or-flight response is associated with the activation of which branch of the autonomic nervous
Q.34 system?
A) Sympathetic nervous system
B) Parasympathetic nervous system
C) Central nervous system
D) Somatic nervous system

Damage to which area of the brain is often associated with language impairment.?
Q.35 A) Hippocampus
B) Amygdala
C) Broca's area
D) Occipital lobe

Which gland in the endocrine system is often referred to as the "master gland because it regulates the
Q.36 functions of the other glands?
A) A)Thyroid gland
B) B)Adrenal gland
C) Pituitary gland
D) Pancreas

To teach your dog to roll over on command, which of the following techniques would you use ?
Q.37 A) shaping
B) modelling
A) C)Lateral learning
B) D)Imprinting

A father scolds his son when he hits his little sister . The son stop hitting the sister. This change in the
Q.38 child's behaviour is a result of:
A) Punishment
B) B)Negative reinforcement
C) Positive reinforcement
D) Shaping
In middle adulthood what intellectual ability enhanced?
Q.39 A) Numerical
B) Perceptual
C) Vocabulary
D) none of above

In which stage of Ericksons developmental theory an individual develops a sense of mastery over aspect
Q.40 environment cope with challenge and increase Responsibility.?
A) Trust v/s mistrust
B) Intimacy v/s isolation
C) Initiatives v/s guilt
D) Identity v/s diffusion

Maria a 25-year-old women is trying to establish a sense of intimacy with her partner and develop
Q.41 meaningful relationships According to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is Maria likely

A) Autonomy v/s Shame and Doubt

B) Initiative v/s guilt
C) Intimacy v/s isolation
D) Generativity v/s Stagnation

Mark, a 40 year old man is focused on advancing his career contributing to Society and making a
Q.42 difference He is concerned about living a legacy and being productive which stage of psychosocial
development is mark likely in?
a) Industry v/s inferiority
C) Identity v/s role confusion
D) Generativity v/s Stagnation
b) Integrity v/s despair

Sarah, is teenager is trying to establish her own identity exploring different roles and figuring out her
Q.43 values and belief according to Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is Sarah likely
A) Initiative v/s guilt
B) Identity v/s role confusion
C) Autonomy v/s shame and Doubt
D) Industry v/s Inferiority

John a retired individual in his late 60s is reflecting on his life and evaluating his accomplishment he is
Q.44 contemplating is overall satisfaction and sense of full filament which stage of psychosocial development,
is john likely in?
A) Intimacy v/s isolation
B) Autonomy v/s shame and Doubt
C) Generativity v/s stagnation
D) Integrity v/s despair

EMILY a 5 years old girl is learning to take initiative make decisions and engage in imaginative play, she is
Q.45 developing a sense of purpose and self confidence according to Erikson which stage of psychosocial
development is Emily likely experiencing ?
A) Initiative / guilt
B) Industry v/s Inferiority
C) Autonomy v/s shame and Doubt
D) Identity v/s role confusion

The halo effect in a cognitive bias in which?

Q.46 A. People tend to attribute their own success to external factors
B. Individual judge other based on their physical attractiveness
C. People have a tendency to remember information that confirms that their preexisting beliefs
D. Individual attribute positive qualities to a person based on one favorable characteristics

The Self fulfilling prophecy refers to :

Q.47 A. A belief that ones own sacrifices well lead to success
B. The process of conforming ones own biases through selective attention
C. The phenomena where expectation about a person influence their behavior and ultimately
become true
D. A theory of personality development based on innate properties

Attribution theory focusing on:

Q.48 A. Understanding how people attribute their own success and failures
B. Examining the influence of situational factor on behavior
C. Exploring the role of cognitive biases in decision making
D. Analyzing the social perception and interpretation of others behavior

Which of the following developmental tasks is typically associated with early adulthood
Q.49 A. Establishing a sense of identity
B. Building intimate relationships
C. Developing autonomy and independence
D. Transitioning from concrete to abstract thinking

Q.50 Which of the following developmental tasks is typically associated with late adulthood
A. Establishing a career and achieving financial stability
B. Exploring personal identity and value
C. Adjusting to physical and cognitive changes
D. Forming initiative relationship and starting a family

With regard to counselling, the best statement is:

Q.51 a) It is done by trained counsellors.
b) It is about giving the best possible advice.
c) It involves empathy and compassion
d) It is a technique to help people help themselves by increasing self understanding

A common misconception about counselling is that it:

Q.52 a) Involves giving direct advice to clients.
b) Is done exclusively by psychologists.
c) Is synonymous with psychotherapy.
d) Is most effective in psychiatric patients.

Fight or flight response” is the responsibility of the following system:

Q.53 a) Somatic nervous system
b) Central nervous system
c) Sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system
d) Parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system

Behavioral modification involves:

a) Solving problems through insight
Q.54 b) Bringing behaviors under stimulus control
c) Demonstrating learning in the absence of reinforcement
d) Application of learning principles to change behavior.

Negative reinforce7ment means:

Q.55 a) To extinguish a behavior .
b) To increase desired response rate.
c) To eliminate desirable response
d) To decrease the frequency of a behavior
Little Mobeen has recurrent allergies and must receive injections to counteract them. He became fearful
Q.56 and cried whenever he got his injections but now just the sight of a nurse makes him fearful and tearful.
What is the conditioned stimulus in this example?
a) Injections
b) Nurse
a) Doctors
c) Allergies

Behavior means
Q.57 a) Outward or overt action and reaction
b) Mental processes
c) Internal covert processes
d) Meaningful thoughts

12 years old Asad did not need to be told that he had failed his exams. On returning home he could
Q.58 guess by the looks on his father’s face and his posture, what his result was. This is an example of :
a) Involvement of visual modality
b) Non-verbal communication
c) Effective communication
d) Extra sensory perception (ESP)

A female patient comes to the nursing unit she comes to the nurse and start asking personal question in
Q.59 a seductive tone what would be the appropriate response by the nurse?
a) Refuse to examine her
b) Use open ended question technique
c) Ask about her personal life
d) Maintain professional boundaries

Which theory views that people have free well and potential for self actualization ?
Q.60 a) behaviorism
b) psychodynamic theory
c) Cognitive theory
d) Humanism

the brain has a very protective mechanism which screens the flow of substances from the blood to the
Q.61 cortical nervous system .It is known as:
a) blood brain barrier BBB
b) amino acid
c) epinephrine
d) enzymes

Disease and hospitalization are a source of major stress to the patient one of the urgent concerns of the
Q.62 patient when he meets a doctor is
a) Who will look after me?
b) Which medicine do I need?
c) When will I get back to work?
d) What is wrong with me?

The best example of verbal communication skill is:

Q.63 a) Good vocabulary.
b) Competence in presentations.
c) Fluent speech.
d) Organise educational training and research activities.

Patient experiences stress of hospitalization due to:

Q.64 a) Leaving friends and work
b) Stigmatization
c) Structure and functioning of hospitals
d) Loss of self esteem

in which stage of Erikson,s development theory and individual develops a sense of mastery over aspects
of one environment cope with challenge and increase responsibility?
Q.65 a) Trust v/s mistrust
b) Intimacy v/s isolation
c) Initiate v/s guilt
d) Identity v/s diffusion

Q.66 “Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, to the
right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not
easy.” This is related to:

a) Emotional development
b) Social development
c) Cognitive development
d) Physical development

25 year old woman dressed in a professional looking suit you might immediately assume that She works
Q.67 in a formal setting perhaps at a law firm or bank is an example of:
a) Salience
b) Physical cues
c) Assumptions
d) Perception
Two people are working together on an group project, one person is late because it was snowy and icy
Q.68 out, and it took longer to get to school than usual the second person is late because they are generally
Irresponsibile and cant manage time this explanation for their behavior is known as
a) Fundamental attribution error
b) Situational bias
c) Actor observer bias
d) Cognitive bias

Ali Scored excellent in his project presentation while other participants did not prepare well and makes
Q.69 a mess in his presentation also scored same is an example of?
a) Fundamental attribution error
b) Contrast effect
c) Stereotyping
d) Hallo effect

pattern of change in human capabilities that begins at conception and continues through the lifespan is
Q.70 known as:
a) Learning
b) Cognition
c) Development
d) None of above

Selecting a mate is characteristics of :

Q.71 a) Early adulthood
b) Middle adulthood
c) Late adulthood
d) All of above

Which statement is not related to middle adulthood:

Q.72 a) Expanding personal and social involvement and Responsibility
b) Assisting next generation in becoming competent nature individuals
c) Reaching and maintaining satisfaction in a career
d) Decreasing strength and health

Markers of adulthood include:

Q.73 a) Marriage
b) Full time job
c) Economic independence
d) All of above

Changes in individual relationships with other people ,emotions and personality is known as ?
Q.74 a) Physical process
b) Cognitive process
c) Emotional process
d) Socio emotional process

Widely shared beliefs about males' and females' abilities personality traits and social behavior is known
Q.75 as?
a) Gender stereotypes
b) Gender differences
c) Gender similarities
d) None of these

Gender related research focused on ?

Q.76 a) Psychological aspect of genders roles
b) Aspects of gender relation
c) Aspects of gender differences
d) All of these

.________refers to the social and psychological dimensions of being female or male

Q.77 A) Sex
B) Gender
C) Gender role
D) Gender typing

Sex refers to the _______whereas gender refers to the______

Q.78 A. person's identity; person's role
B. person's role person's identity
C. Biological dimension, social dimension
D. Social dimension, Biological dimension
In terms of parental influences on their children's gender development
Q.79 A. Fathers usually want their sons to behave independently and engage in rough-and-tumble play
B. Mothers are more likely to engage in playful interaction
C. Mothers are more likely to be gives responsibility for ensuring that their children conform to
cultural norms
D. Fathers are more involved than mothers in socializing their children.

Which counseling approach emphasizes the importance of understanding and changing irrational
Q.80 thoughts and beliefs?
A. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
B. Person-centered therapy
C. Gestalt therapy
D. Solution focused Brief therapy

In counseling, the term "empathy" refers to:

Q.81 A. The ability to provide advice and guidance to clients
B. The therapist's genuine and understanding response to the client's experiences
C. The process of exploring unconscious Conflicts and childhood experiences
D. The focus on present thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

The primary goals of solution focused Brief therapy is to

Q.82 A. Identify and explore unconscious conflicts and childhood experiences.
B. Faster self-actualization and personal growth
C. Understand the underlying causes of maladaptive behaviors desired goal
c) Help clients develop Solutions and achieve their desire goal

Which counselling approach emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and the Clients self-discovery
Q.83 process?
A. Person centered therapy
B. Psychodynamic therapy
C. Rational emotive behavior therapy
D. Existential therapy
The therapeutic technique of reflection in counseling involves.
Q.84 A. Offering interpretations of the client's thoughts and feelings
B. Providing solutions and advice to the Clients problem
C. Paraphrasing and summarizing the client's words to demonstrate understanding
D. Exploring childhood experiences and unconscious conflicts

The "unconditional positive regard is a key Concept in which counseling approach?

Q.85 a) Person-centered therapy
b) Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
c) Psychodynamic therapy
d) Existential therapy

Which counseling approach focuses on the exploration of the client's unconscious process and childhood
Q.86 experiences?
a) Psychodynamic therapy
b) Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
c) Gestalt therapy
d) Solution-focused brief therapy

The therapeutic technique of "active listening" in counseling involves:

Q.87 a) Interpreting the client's thoughts and feelings
a) Offering solutions and advice to the client's problem
b) Demonstrating empathy and understanding through focused attention
c) Exploring the client's unconscious conflicts and childhood experience

The concept of "transference" is commonly associated with which counselling approach?

Q.88 A. Psychodynamic therapy
B. Solutions focused Brief therapy
C. Rational emotive behavior therapy
D. Existential therapy

Stress in defined as:

Q.89 A. state of physical and mental exhaustion
B. The body's response to threat or demand
C. A psychological disorder characterized by fear and worry
D. A state of complete relaxation and calmness

Which of the following is NOT a common source of stress?

Q.90 A. Work or school pressure
B. Financial difficulties
C. Strong social support
D. Relationship problems

Chronic stress refers to :

Q.91 a) Short term stress that is easily manageable
b) Stress that occur occasionally but resolve quickly
c) Ongoing stress that persist or a prolonged period
d) Stress that is experienced during specific life events

The fight or flight response is an autonomic psychological reaction to stress involving the activation of :
Q.92 a) Sympathetic nervous system
b) Parasympathetic nervous system
c) Endocrine system
d) Immune system

Prolong or chronic stress can have negative effect on ;

Q.93 a) Physical health only
b) Mental health only
c) Both physical and mental health
d) Neither physical nor mental health

Which of the following is a psychological symptoms commonly associated with stress?

Q.94 a) Headache
b) High Blood pressure
c) Depressive
d) insomnia

Chronic stress has been linked to an increase risk of developing :

Q.95 a) Cardiovascular disease
b) Common cold
c) vitamin deficiency
d) broken bones

The stress become released by the adrenal gland During the stress response is called :
Q.96 a) Serotonin
b) Dopamine
c) cortisol
d) epinephrine (adrenaline)

Stress management technique am to:

Q.97 a) Eliminate stress completely
b) Minimize or cope with stress more effectively
c) Increase stress level for better performance
d) Induce relaxation through stress exposure

The process of adapting to and effectively coping with stress is known as:
Q.98 a) Resilience
b) Avoidance
c) burnout
d) Exhaustion

Gender role refers to:

Q.99 a) The biological differences between male and female
b) The socially constructed expectation and behavior associated with male and female
c) The psychological difference between males and female
d) The genetic factors that determines in individual gender identity

Gender socialization refers to:

Q.100 a) THE PROCESS BY WHICH individual acquire their biological sex
b) The influence of peers on the development of gender identity
c) The process through which individual learn the norms and expectation associated with their
d) The genetic factors that contribute to gender differences in behavior

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