The Power of Empathy

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The Power of Empathy

Having the ability to see using the eyes of other, to listen using the ears of
another, and to feel in accordance with how other people’s heart feels is a power
that can keep the world in peace. Making someone sense that we actively listen to
them without any form of judgement is actually one of the greatest efforts we could
ever give to someone who is having a hard day. Being there for them, understanding
how they came up with their emotional battles, and building strong connection as
they share their struggles with you is worth more expensive that any luxurious gifts.
And that is how powerful empathy is. If only everybody in this world can
acknowledge their empathizing power and practice it, then maybe, there will be no
hard feelings anymore. Then maybe, there will be no fake smiles anymore. Then
maybe, there will be no pillows getting wet of tears at night anymore.
We, truly, are responsible for one another for we are not created merely to
live our lives alone; but we are crafted by our Creator’s almighty hands to live for
each other, to spend our days with one another, and to be each other’s uplifters
during our lowest days. Simple words like “I understand you” is way better than
saying “You should have done this or that”. A famous saying quoted by Aesop goes
like this: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Let us all not
neglect the power of empathy.

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