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Marriot Hotel’s director

May 30, 2023

Motivational letter
To whom it may concern,

With this letter I would like to express my strong desire and interest to be considered
for the position of manager at Marriot Hotel in Armenia.

My name is Anna Galstyan, and I am a student at Bryusov State University. I study at

Intercultural Communication English-Armenian faculty and my second language at
university is Korean, I also know Russian, but I have a keen interest in organizing
everything clearly and also managing . I am writing to apply for the job of the manager at
Marriot hotel.

I read the job posting very carefully. I know that the position calls for product
knowledge, written and verbal communication, and also a strong sense of who the customers
are. I believe that I am a perfect fit. I have worked with many people before because of my
job which needed too much patience and energy. I was working at Armenian clothing store.
My work experience made me to stay calm and confident in stressful and unpredictable
situations. I handle everything In a professional manner.

I have used strong communication skills to achieve positive customers. I have deal
with many people before and I am well aware what they would like and what will they love,
how they like to be treated. I have great organizational skills, the most important one is
communication. Organized communicators prioritize efficiency in the workplace by
responding to requests quickly, giving instructions accurately relaying information reliably.
Setting goals also important for me because organized employees can set personal and
professional goals which will inspire them working hard and perform well. Mental
organizational skill is the most important because the skill will allow to analyze situations,
prepare documentation. In my opinion those three skills are the most important for
I believe that I am a great fit for being manager in Marriot Hotel and you all will
make one of my goals come true. I believe I can do the job better, I will try everything to
make everything organized and never have any problem. By giving me the job I desire too
much I will learn many things from everybody, we all learn something from someone.

For your convenience, I have attached my resume for your review. I would welcome
the opportunity to participate in a personal interview to answer any of your questions and
better present my qualification. Thank you for your time and consideration


Anna Galstyan

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