Engliah Language Pt. 1

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ICSE Class 10

Friendly Topic Explanations & over 100+ Solved Practice Sheets
05 Introduction to Grammar and its Rules
09 Pronoun
12 Adjectives
17 Articles

20 Verb
22 Tenses

31 Active and Passive Voice

35 Modals

36 The Infinitive, The Participle, The Gerund

39 The Participle

41 The Adverb

43 Conjunction
60 Sentences
1 One Word for Many
73 Direct Indirect Speech

82 Letter Writing

93 Notice Writing

96 Email Writing

99 Paragraph Writing
101 Comprehensiobn
111 Composition
119 Story Writing
120 Practice Essays

132 Syllabus - Internal Assessment

135 Secret Tips & Tricks to make your AnswerS in 1CSE

Board Exam Delightful

to check the most mistakes of the students.

Some rules of Noun are given here common

which most educated

and write
people speak and write and the
Grammar is a record of the way in
language and to
rule I) Number
Clear iaea about
grammar will consequently
enable you to gain a check 1) Some nouns have the singular and plural alike; as
to do so."
aCcuracy of what you have
written wish
if yoU
- PL Stephen Swine, sheep, deer, trout, salmon, pair, dozen, hundred, thousand, gross

2) Some nouns are used only in plural=

The Sentences a) Some Instruments scissors, tongs, spectacles, fetters

Is called a Sentence. b) Some articles of dress-trousers, shorts, breeches, socks

A group of words which makes complete

c)Some diseases measles, mumps

Kinds of Sentences d) Some nouns thanks, tidings, assets

statement, positive or
e)Some games billiards, draughts
that makes negative, is
1 Assertive sentence A sentence a
t) Some parts of body- bowels, intestines, entrails
Assertive s e n t e n c e ; a s
3) Some nouns, originally singular, are now generaly used as plural. Eg. Alms, riches, caves
in studies. or Reena is not a sincere person. 4) Some nouns,though plural in form are used in singular, a s Mathematics, Physics,
Aditya is very good
Mechanics, News, Innings
2) Interrogative sentence-A sentence that asksa question is called an
Interrogative sento 5) Certain collective nouns though singular in form are always used in plurals; as cattle,
vermin, people, gentry, poultry
6) Some nouns are used in singular only; as, scenery, poetry, information
Where are you going
i) Case
3) Imperative sentence A sentence that expresses a command or request is called
Imperative sentence; as Students' common mistakes oceur in the use of possessive case and thus in the use of apostrophe
Go and finish your homework. Or Please be kind to that poor beggar.
1) The possessive case is used only-
4) Exclamatory sentence - A sentence that expresses strong feelings is called an Exclamal
a) With the name of living things; as, the governor's bodyguard, the cow's tall
sentence; as b) With the names of personifled objects; as, nature's laws, fortune's favourite, at duty's
call, at devil's door
What a beautiful house!
oWith nouns denotng time, space or weight, as, a day's march, a pound's weight
Every sentence has two parts d) With some familiar phrases; as, at his finger's ends, for mercy's sake, to his heart's
content, a boat's crew
Subject and Predicate 2) When the noun is plural and ends in 's, the possessive case is formed by adding only an
apostrophe; as, boys' school, girls' college
Subject is the doer and anything about the doer is the Predicate 3) When
the noun is plural but does not end in s, the possessive
as, men's club, children's library
case is formed by adding 's,
Eg. Ram goes to the market. Ram is subject, and the rest of the sentence is predicate.
4) When two nouns are closely connected the possessive sign Is put to the latter, as,
Parts of Speech shubham and priyam's house, zoya nad milan's garden, William and mary's reign
5) Avoid the use of double possessives; as, the builder's son's car (say the car of builder's

Words are divided into different kinds classes. They are called parts of
or speech and are eightn son)
1. Noun 2. Pronoun 3. Adjective 4. Verb 5. Adverb 6. Preposition
7. Conjunction 8. Interjection
PracticeSheet1 faithfully"
Rewrite the following sentences after correcting the errors.
You s h o u l d
- "Yours

17) children's sports.

We went to see
18) find the gils'
1) Riches has wings. Can you help me

2) The car cost me five thousand rupees. That book is

in Indla.
20) foot seven.

3) The disease of measle is common

He s t a n d s five
21) is

4) Vermins carry diseases.


22) No

full of
reach the age of four scores and ten. Keats' p o e m s

5) Some people 23)


6) He gave me five rupees note Or romanticism.

full of
poetry is
7) He enjoyed beautiful sceneries of Kashmir. John Keats'
m e the
8) My college won by one inning and five runs. 24)

No is good
9) He did many acts of mercles 25)

10) There are many mens who are hardworking.

11) He gave me many advices.
12) He ran a five-mile's race.
13) This is my daughter's Mamta's voice.
14) This is my grandson's Mudit's pen.
15) Can you tell me the names of all the Governors Generals of India.
16) We met him when we went to see King of Rampur's palace
17) You should write - "Yours's faithfully"

18) We went to see children's' sports.

19) Can you help me find the girl's college?
20) That book is her's.
21) He stands five feet seven.
22) No further information's are avallable
23) John Keats' poetries are full of romanticism.
24) Please give me the scissor
25) No news is good news.

1) Riches have wings.
2) The car cost me five thousand rupees.
3) The disease of measles is common in India.
4) Vermin carry diseases.
5) Some people reach the age of four score and ten.
6) He gave a five-rupee note.
7) He enjoyed beautiful scenery of Kashmir.
8) My college won by one innngs and five runs.
9) He did many acts of mercy.
10) There are many men who are
11) He gave me many pleces of advices.
12) He ran a five-mile race.
13) This is my daughter
Mamta's voice
14) This is my
grandson Mudit's pen.
15) Can you tell me the
names of all the
16) (The sentence is
Governor-Generals of India

7 Exam
PRONOUN in some places sUch as

8) We omit the use of 'pronoun' omitted)

AI survey. (That is
i) am monarch of all sow. (which)
thing they

The word pronoun i) Men must reap the (who)

means noun for a noun wants to s e e you.

ii) There is somebody

at the door
is omitted)
Rules of Pronoun The boy
I s a w yesterday. (whom
iv) pronoun
the relative
used because
should not be
for a collective noun, it must
be in the SInguiar Number, as. 'and' and 'but'
w h e n a Pronoun stands 9) To avoid confusion,
a) The jury gave its verdict fulfils the function
conjunction; for
of been in his family
for generations.
and which has
a valuable piece of antique
b)The crew rebelled against its officers. i)He has
(Incorrect) in his family for
which has been
individuals, the Pronoun standing for it must piece of antique
2 lf the Noun conveys the idea of separate He has a valuable

of the Plural Number, as, (Correct) (Incorrect)

has been sold.
He had a house but which
the jury were divided in their opinion. i) sold. (Correct)
which has been
He had a house
the Pronoun is generally Singular
neither, or..either,

3) With the words every, each, nor...

Rita has done this.

Either Reena or
Correct the following sentences
ejther.. Or, neither..nor, the Prono
Plural Noun and Singular
Noun are joined by
4) When a away.
noun; as, that gave the prizes this school.
the nearest previous through
It w a s me
must be in agreement with
1) cleverest
students that has passed
of the
Either the manager his assistants failed
in theirduty. 2) He is one

has given great

trouble to my
father and I.
tenant made.
have brought their books. 3) The that has ever
Neither Ram nor other boys o n e of the
best speeches
4) It was ticket.
must show his
like this 5 All
of placing Pronouns is

5) Order than me.

writes better
You and I are (Not I and You)
students. 6) He m o r e than
i) teachers favour you late.
there. (Not he and you) 7) The umbrella and
which made me
You and he must go
) home for my I declined.
and I can never get together.
(Not l and he) 8) I went have dinner with
them but which
i) He wished me to
(Not you and we) 9) They
attend this meeting. of his good

iv) We and you must c a n n o t be

too careful
there. (Not they and you) 10) One
v) You and they should go
emphasise something, Solutions
subject or the subject has to
When action tums upon the Change me toI.
used; as,
myself, himself or yourself are
Change has
to have.
pronouns 2)
i) I hurt myself 3) Change to I me.

to have.
be true. Change has
i) To thine own self 4)
for nothing but his own self, 5) Change his
to their
i) He c a r e s
me to l.
whose are relative pronouns. 6)
That, this, those, these,
who, which, what, which tney
7) Change I to

7) the noun, about

sentence, are placed
8) Omit and.
in a Complex or Compound
9) Omit but.
relate. For example,
red-handed. his to one's.
i) He is the manwho was caught 10) Change
but, so.
using and,
i) He, that is content, happy.
is without

here. of a
is to be played by means

know the rules of the game which


ii) Do you each of following

Join together
iv) Take anything that you
The thief
t life
stole the watch.
while 'which' is
used for things WI 1) The thief
brother of Malaria.
and things He cured
that'is used for persons
The pronoun He is the
Note: 2) good in

and for animals I met a boy. He is very


lost her way.
4) We met a girl. She had ADJECTIVES

I know the man. He stole my laptop.

5) wrote

Kalidas is a famous poet. He

6 by the pollce. P r o n o u n or

crook. He was arrested to a Noun or

is detals
T h i s man a which adds
'added'. A word,
lost it yesterday. means

8) Here is the pen. You see them. The word adjective

mines in Bihar.
I went to Adjective. For
There are coal is called an
9 describes

10) Isaw agirl. She was singing. She is wearing

a pretty

was limping.
11) We saw a dog. The dog
for the book. a bright day.
It is
Herethe book. You
were asking i1)
12) is The boy is brave
had lost it il) school teacher.
13) I have found the pen. I My late
was a

soldier. He lost his arm.

14) He is a adjectives.
month. words are Noun.
It was built in a underlined or after a
15) This is the building. dead.
The above
whether they are
used before
teacher. She is on

16) Mrs Sadiq was my English

the house. change in meaning responsible.
had broken into
The burglar A few adjectives involved, present,

17) The dog bit the burglar. cruel. of these are;

The man was very Some

18) Once there lived a wealthy

be read carefully:
liked him. examples
rushed back to the patient.
19) He had bad habits. No one The following (worried)

likes him. i)
on a
He is sincere. Everyone
20) The nursed

ii) boy.
a responsible
Henry is
Solutions M)
was punished,
was punished. boy
The thief who stole the watch
1) (correct) question
who cured my brother
of Malaria. It was a proper
not answered
2) He is the doctor V)
proper (itself) w a s
in studies. The question
3) Imet a boy who is very good confusion
about the order in
We met a girl who had lost her way. be the
4) The Order of
before a noun,
there may
order of Adjectives
the possible

5) I know the man who stole my laptop. more adjectives describes

When twO or below
The table given
who wrote Raghuvansham. be placed. Noun
6) Kalidas is a famous poet
should What kind
which they Materlal

7) This man, who was arrested by the police, is a crook. Colour

Orlgin What for
Size, Age
Here is the which you lost yesterday. Quallty Washing
8) pen
Shape Italian
whlch are In Blhar.
9) Iwent to see the coal mines
reen DIning
Wonderful Small Stone lable

10) I sawa girl who was singing New

Steel Building
11) We saw a dog which was limping. Majestic
12) Here is the book, you were asking Beautitul

13) I have found the pen, which I had lost.

14) He is a soldier who lost his arm.

in a month.
15) This is the building which was built Used as
Nouns the class of
Adjectives They denote
Mrs Sadig, who was my English teacher, is dead. be used as Nouns.
16) preceded by 'the' can
who had broken Into the house.
17) The dog bit the burglar Certain Adjectives
18) Once there lved a wealthy man, who was very cruel.

care for the poor.

The blind deserves
hlm who had bad habits. The rich do
19) No one llkedl Blessed a r e
the meek.
the Singular
and the
used both in
20) He Is sIncere whom everyone lIkes, become
Nouns and can be
Some Adjectives
Plural. For example
seniors; elder,
Junior, juniors;

11 ExB

all three Adjectives

FeW people
are free from faut Solutions
few, the few, E.g..
to say af
Few, a meaning.
3) A)
F e w means
hardly any. It has negative
meaning. E.g. He w a s
positive am
small number.
It has a
looking for a cheap, white, Japanese caar.
A few means

he had, 2) am looking for

He lost the
few friends beautiful, polished teak dining table.
words. E.g. 3) am
but all of
looking for an inexpensive, small old
The few
means not many
4) am looking
for a well maintained, second hand sports car.

begin each 5) am looking

for an expensive old gold necklace.
form and
PracticeSheet1 in the following
sentences in their correct
6) am looking for a
cheap black leather coat.
A) Arrange the adjectives 7) am looking for a pink cotton summer
for. dress.
am looking
s e n t e n c e with 1
8) am looking
for a beautiful oval brown carpet.
car, white, cheap, Japanese. 9) am looking for a new stone house
am looking for a

teak, dining 10) am looking for a green nylon shirt.
polished, beautiful,
for a
2 am looking

small, old, inexpensive

3) I am looking for
-cottage, B)
second hand, wel maintained
I am looking for a

sports car, 1) In the first sentence the word 'involved' means included
4) or related.
necklace, old, gold, expensive
5) l am looking for a in the second sentence involved' means
implicated used in a negative sense.

black, cheap, coat.

l am looking for a leather, 2)
am looking for a
- S u m m e r , dress,
cotton, pink. The first sentence means, number of employees to be hundred, at the present time.
The second sentence means the employees that are there at present should cast their
beautiful, carpet, brown.
8) Iam looking for a -oval, Vote.
stone, new.
9 lam looking for a - a , house, 3) The concerned doctor means a doctor who is worried. The doctor concerned means

10) I am looking for a - a , shirt, green, nylon. the doctor who is involved.
4) The first sentence denotes the age of the friend. In the second, the friend of long
between the sentences in each par.
B) Give the difference in meaning standing has forgotten his friend.
5) Ih the first sentence, he refuses to have anything with the case, in the second he
It was a very involved question. efuses to be firm in the case.
The person involved has left the country.
6) The first sentence says about the length of the bridges to be twenty-two miles. The
Present employees number one hundred,
2) second tells that there are twenty bridges of two-mile length.
The employees present should vote on this.
/) In the first sentence the pilot agrees to change the direction of flight. In the second, he
The concerned doctor phoned for the ambulance.
3) says that they will certainly make a change, but the subject of change is not clear,
The doctor concerned is not in the hospital.
8) In the first sentence, she never promised to do something. In the second, she promised
A) My friend is old.
never to do it again.
My old friend has forgotten me.
9) In the first sentence,I saw one person, who is poet and statesman both, in the secondI
5 He firmly refuses to deal with the case.
saw two persons, one a poet, another a statesman.
He refuses to deal with the case firmly.
10) The first sentence refers to the arrival of a person, in the second, the person is to
6) There are twenty-two-mile-long bridges.
overcome his difficulties.
There are
twenty-twO-mile-long bridges.
7) The pilot said, "We will make change of course". Comparison of Adjectives
The pilot seid, "We will make a change, of
8) She
course" An Adjective ofquality can be used in three degrees positive, comparative and superlative.
never promised to do it
again. The positive degree indicates an adjective in its simple form. Itis used when no comparisonis
She promised to do it
9) I saw the made:
poet and statesman.
This Is a good book.
Isaw the poet and the statesman.
10) He will come over in a few minutes. Gold is a precious metal
He will come over
the hurdles in no time.
between two thinaeor
In comparative degree
there is always a comparison
NO Sets ICSE English Language Last Stop Rovislon Notes
two persons. thine
than your book. tlger.
My book is better 19) The tiger is most feroclous of all anlmals. End
A Wise enemy is better than a foollsh frlend. Begin: A foolish frlend .
Copper is cheaper
than gold. No other pe
21) Mount Everest is the highest peak of the HImalayas. Begin,
22) No other man was as strong as Bhim. Begin: Bhlm

23) know him qulte as well as you do. Begln: You.

of quality is denoted.
In superlative degree, highest degree Some people have more money than bralns. End money,
Iron Is more useful than copper. End Iron
all books. 25)
My book is the best of
Gold is the most precious of all metals. A fox is not more cunning than he.
Birds do not fly as fast as aeroplanes.
It should be carefully noted that some comparatives have no positive or super 2)
good as Mumbal's seaport.
No other seaport in Indla Is as
they are followed by 'to' instead of 'than'. For example -

egree an 3)
No other fruit is sweeter than the mango
He is inferior to Aditya in intelligence. 5) No other flower Is as beautiful as rose.
6) No other task Is as difficult as thls task.
Zoya is superior to all her friends. 7) Dlamond is the hardest of all substances.
No other sauce Is as good as hunger.
Shubham is senior to all his friends. Amerlca ls rlcher than most other
9 dramatists.
10) Shakespeare ls the greatest of all English
Mudit's work is superior to all his classmates. Bengaluru Is cooler than Hyderabad
Delhi is bigger than most other cltles of Indla,
This event took place prior to Muzzaffar Nagar's riots. 12)
The sword is not as mighty as pen.
Lead is heavier than any other metal
Practice Sheet2 14)
citles are as blg as Chennal
Rewrite the following
sentences according to the instructions given after each sentence 15) Very few Indlan
withou more nutr/tlous
than soya beans,
16) Meat is not In the least
changing their meaning:
Jupiter is the biggest of planets.
17) as Indla.
the world Is as large
18) No other democracy In
1) He is as cunning as fox. Begin: A fox is not No other anlmal ls as feroclous as tiger
2) Aeroplane flies faster than birds. End as good as a
as fast as
aeroplane 20) A foolish frlend is not
3) Mumbai is the best seaport in India. Begin: No other seaport in India, of the Himalayas is as high as Everest.
21) No other peak
4) all other men.
The mango is sweetest of fruits. Use - Sweeter than
22) Bhim was stronger than
better thanI.
5 Rose is the most beautiful of all flowers. Begin: No other flower 23) You do not know him
brain as money,
not have as much
6) This is the most difficult task. Use - more difficult 24) Some people do
not as useful as Iron.
7) Diamond is harder than any other substance. End_ of all substances 25) Copper Is

8) Hunger is the best sauce. Begin: No other.

9) Very few countries are as rich as America. Begin: America is richer than.
10) Shakespeare is greater than any other English dramatist. Use - greatest
11) Hyderabad is not as cool as Bengaluru. Begin: Bengaluru
12) Delhi is one
of the
biggest cities of India. Begin: Delhi is bigger.
13) The pen is mightierthan the sword. Begin: The sword
14) Lead is the heaviest of all metals. Begin: Lead is heavier
15) Chennal is one of biggest cities of India. Begin: Very few Indian cities
16) Soya beans are at least as nutritious as meat. Begin: Meat
17) No other planet is as big as Jupiter. Begin: Jupiter
18) indla is the largest democracy in the world. Begin: No other .

Adjectives, A e Incle
and an are Indefinite Arlc PracticeSheet1 sentences
the errors:

in reality the following
Ardcles a, an, they are before a vowel or a
a cconsonant, so

boy, a man, a
horse. Anis used playing
n e a r well.
Derore a consonant; as a The boy w a s
man. note.
heir, an honest one rupee
Iike vowel; as an hour, an Have you an
2) European.
conditions: He seems to be an
used in the following 3)
The Definite Article 'the' is He killed tiger.

speak of a particular
person, or thing, as the book you Want
antis out ot 5)
The Emden
German ship.

The Gangpi
1) When we
mountain ranges,
grOups of islands as Igave him
a book

The names of rivers, seas, gulfs,

6) by Valmiki.
2) Ramayan was

Sea. 7)
The Himalayas, The Red The llad, The Ramayan: He is very
kind to poor.
Puranas, ana. 8) of Venice.
as The Merchant
Before the names of Books;
3) kind, tne Sun,
tne moon, the Sky 9)

Before the things that are unique ofthelr the eart Hindustan
4) has a silver lining. 10) I read said Shylock.
The darkest cloud
come to the
5) With superlatives 11)

poorshould helped.
be much.
noun The a fool too
adjective used as a Do not play
6) With an
known buildings, ships,
as The Times ofIn 12) the duke of

7) With the names of journals, well Te 13) His brother was

English language.
lam learning
Mahal. 14) dictionary.
but representing their class; as. the
pen is French and English
With the of things, though common
15) Here a

8) names
Word to the wise is sufficient.
of volce that
is dead.
mightier than the sword. 16) vanished
hand and
touch of
O for the
17) reward.
is its o w n
The omission of Indefinite Article (a, an) 18) The virtue

Rich are happy.

19) king last week.
and Abstract Noun born to the
1) Before Proper 20) A heir was

Mr Narendra Modi is a candidate

from Gujrat. studied in
United States.
i) 21) He
sweetest fruit.
1)Crime never pays. 22) Grape is the bush.
is mortal. two in the
used in its widest sense; as Man hand is worth
Before a common The bird in
2 23
is the best policy.
Before uncountable nouns; as Sand is used in making glass. The honesty
3) 24)
of diseases, names of regular meals fever, dysentery, breakfast, l
The silver is cheaper
4) Before names
25) have s e e n in thy
that sages
are charms
O s o l i t u d e ! Where
dinner. 26)
The Devil, The P dream.
of things single in kind-Hell, heaven, god (EXceptions

Life is not a empty

5) Before names 27)
flower is it is.
Before singular in form but plural in kind, Advice, furniture, scenery, business, ca 28) What kind of a
6) nouns
mines in South
There are the gold
29) friend in anger.
Repetition of Articles said he to his
"Go to the hell"
1) When two or more connected nouns refer to the same person, the article is used
the first only; but when two or more connected nouns refer to different persons or thing well.
Insert 'a' before
the article is used before each; Change an to 'a'.

i) The Principal and Secretary was present. Change an to 'a.

i) The Principal and the Secretary were present. German.

Insert 'a before
Insert 'a' before tiger.
In the first sentence, one person holds both the posts, in the second, Principal and Secretd Change 'a' to 'the'.
are two persons.
7) Insert 'the before
Insert 'the' before poor.
2) Article "the is Used
delore eadn noun the 8)
adjective to express different qualues Merchant of Venice
same person or thing. Cancel 'the" before
The learned, Insert 'the' before
'Hindustan Times'
i) the eloquent and the 10)
patriotic leader is no more.
ii) Napoleon was a general, a statesman and an orator.

'a' to
the' VERB
Change Duke.
12) the'


13) Insert the'before English

Agreement of the Verbs with the subject.
14) Insert 'a'before English

Note: Some of the following rules willook lke repetitions as they have already been given,
15) 'a'
Insert and the' discussing the rules of 'Noun: number', yet it will serve as revision.
16) 'a'before

17) before virtue Plural verb: A fool and his money are
1) Two or more singular subjects joined by 'and' take a

18) Insert the'before rich

sOon parted.
Singular: Rice and egg
19 and
2) When two subjects joined by 'and' express one idea the verb is in
Cancel 'a States.
20 'the'before
cury is my favourite dish.
Neither of
21) before

3) Each, everyone, either, neither, many a must be followed by a Singular verb:

Insert the'
22) in place
of the. these dresses is worth buying.
Insert 'a' with the
either ...or, neither.. nor, the verb agrees
23 Cancel the'
before honesty. 4) When two subjects are joined by or,
24) before silver.
second subject near the verb:
Cancel the"
25) before
charms. i) Neither he nor we want to go there.
Insert the i) Neither Ramesh nor his helpers are to be
'an'in place
of 'a'
il) Neither you nor I am working hard.
7) before flower. unit:
Cancel 'a' the class it names is considereda
28) 5 A Collective Noun takes a singular verb when
the' before gold mines. of the accused.
Jury is against the acquittal
before hell. in form always carry a Plural verb: cattle, folk, police,
Cancel the"'
6) The following nouns, though Singular
Village folk have to work very hard.
form but singular in meaning take
a singular verb:
following nouns which are plural
7) The

) Physics is not an easy subject.

i) Statistics needs hard work.

ii) No news is good news

iv) Summons of court is to be obeyed.

) His whereabouts is not known.
take Plural Verb:
The following Plural nouns have no Singular form and
8) billiards, alms, ashes, annals,
thanks, remainsS,
Breeches, trousers, socks, mumps, measles,

proceeds, tidings, etc.

considered as a whole, the Singular Verb
denotes a quality or quantity
When a Plural Noun
is not a bad salary.
is used: Ten thousand rupees the noun for which it Iis
the verb must agree with
When the subject is a relative pronoun, in the debate.
have to participate
the beat speakers that

Used: Vidushi is one of

PracticeSheet1 sentences supply a verb in agreement with its subject.

In each of the follovwing
divided in their opinion.
1) The jury.
in favour ofconviction.
2) The jury immoral.
3 To deceive.
down with fever,
one of the ship's crew
4) That night every blamed for theft.
his brothers
Neither Ram nor
5) stolen the watch.
6) One ofthose

19/ EX
Ost Slep Rev
7) The work
Language Last Step Revision
pressure. more than he could bear.
ICSE English

8) monarch of all I survey.

9) The two
hooligans sure to be caught.
10) The accountant and the foundmissing.
11) The accountant and cashier
12) The news
cashier found missing.
13) The famous magician and too unwell to perform.
A) SImple Present Tense
conjurer tense is used:
The simple present present.
14) Full many a gem in the desert_ unseen.
period and to express
the immediate

1) To indicate the present

15) Each of the suspected men arrested.
There goes the
16) The Three Musketeers written by Alexander Dumas. Here c o m e s our

speak at once.
17) Hundred rupees too much for this small pot. ii) I want to

iv) It is very cold.

18) The cow as well as the horse grass. situation:
2) To express a
19) Neither his mother nor his sister alive.
The sun sets in the west.

20) Telephone invented by Addison.

i) My house
faces east.
the plan.
21) There many objections to 3) To express general truths:
22) Life a thorn crown wear it The soul is
future action:
23) All_ fair in love and war. 4) To express a
The school reopens
on 1st July
very important.
24) Knowing rules of grammar. clauses:
5) In
25) Seeingbelieving. If you work hard, you
will pass.
in introducing

6 In factual writings, it to boil.

Solutions 22) is of water and bring the film.
15) is/was Pour three cups Shahjahan in
the role of
1) were 8) am
23) is Amitabh
Bachchan plays
16) was
2) is 9) are
24) is Shakespeare says.
17) is
3) is 10) were
25) is
Continuous Tense
18) eats
B) The Present
11) was
4) was is used:
19 was/is continuous
12) is The present at the time
of speaking:
5) were is happening
20) was something that
6) has/had
13) was/is 1) For
21) are lam not feeling
14) i present

7) was5 2 To emphasise

as a clerk.
He is working
Planned future
3) friend on Sunday.
meet my
l am going to

To indicate
Her work is
My health actions:
denote frequent
5) To
wasting time.
He is always others'
You are always searching

C)Present PerfectTense used:

Tense is
Perfect continues.

The Present of which for their

situations the result instructions
To refer to past should follow
1) felt that

I have always
asSep Rev

Last Step
ICSE English

i) Ihave worked hard to win the prize.

ii) She has looked after the child for five years. lately.
_ (not eat) enough
2) To express an action that has just been completed: Ifeel slckbecause hour now.
(speak) for

I have just come back from Delh. 17) The Minister

-(rain) for two days
to me.

18) (not listen)

i) The sun has set. children

because the
19) I feel (wear) glasses.
3) In news broadcasts: you.
20) How long-
The government has decided to pass the bill.
(use) my computer.

21) You forward to his visit

for months.
- ( r e a c h ) here earlier.
4) For repeated actions or habitual actions 22) We. (look)
same mistakes. at 6:30. You
should have homework.

have often wondered why she commits the 23) The film begins (not finish) my
(be) sorrythat
24)1 (snow) for
three days now.

D) Present Perfect Continuous 25) It

20) Have, been
1) Linking the past with the present:
Solutions 12) Donee wearing
teaching in the school for ten years.
Thave been 1) Begin 13) See, is going Have been
is going 21)
2) Drawing conclusions: 2) Seems, 14) Have attended
22) Have been
been crying.
YOur eyes are red. It is clear
that you have
) 3) See 15) Have heard
She is not well now.
hard these days. 4) See Have not been
i) She has been working very 16) 23) Reached
have been working ven
Ram College. I
ii) Thave got admission in Lady Sri 5) s eating
24) Am, have not

hard for it. 6) Bite 17) Has been

s speaking been snowing
25) Has
8) Am going Has been raining
PracticeSheet1(For Present Tense) form of the tense from the 9) Is listening
Fill in the blanks with the Present
Tense (using the appropriate 19) Have not been
10) Are working
words given in brackets). 11) Has taken

Examples (go) every day. THE PAST TENSE

(go) to school now. He-
He. Tense
Ans: He is going to school now. He goes every day. A) The Simple Past
Past is used: which
OCcurred in the past
The Simple actions and

actions, events,
i) The sun (have) set. To indicate past
Ans: The sun has set. and are now

whole day. She is tired. It rained yesterday.

ii) She (drive) i)
whole day. She is tired. When dld you
Ans: She has been driving i)
dress in Paris.
ii) Tbought this
(begin) from 15th May. To denote past

1) Our holidays, 2) childhood.

Mumbai during my
(seem) that it_ (go) to rain. I lived in German.
2009 he studied
2) t
message as
soon asI (see) him.
i) Throughout

3) I shall give him your actions

(see) may not be the whole truth. 3) To indicate regular
What you played
4) On Sundays,

(be) believing. i)
5) Seeing - conversations:

seldom. (bite 4) In polite would lend me

that book.
6) Barking dogs Wonder if you
(be) better than nothing.
7) Something subordinate
(go) to Agra. 5) In whereabouts.
Iwish I knew his
8) (listen) carefully. It's a good habit.
9) She
10) The farmers.
(work) in the field. B) The Past ContinuOus Tense is used:
The past the past:
(take) leave of her senses. development of the action in
11) She has. gradual absence.

cannot be undone. 1) To suggest a

m o r e worried
because of my son's
(do) w a s becoming
more and
What is
12) (see) Mr Mehra. He 1)

(g0) on leave.
YOu c a n n o t .
13) the cooking classeS.
14) 1 terrible neWS of disaster.

23 B
2) Actions in progress in the past
could not come.
so we
i) were studying last night
we tu

i) It was raining in cats and dogs.

3) To indicate repeated actions: PerfectTense
his past:
talking to five y e a r s

always playing and to an father

e was Reference
met his
1) in 2005. I had
4) With a time, adverbial: He met

At 9 o'clock, I was making notes.
2) In would
hard, I in the
post office.
worked clerk.
IfI had as a

going to two
) At 12 o'clock, he was
and was

To supervisor
3) as a
lost herjob
Continuous e
Practice Sheet 2 (For Simple Pastand PastContinuous
S h e had

in the blanks using Simple Past or Past

ense Tense the

Fi Continuous meeting
Perfect he had
D) The Past Time and

1) They (play) football yesterday. 1) Minister


2) He -
(work) all weekend. world leaders.
whole day.
3) He (go) to the market. 2) Drawing conclusion:

she h a d

for the

classes. fresh
4) He (go) to his coaching She
the project
(play) cricket all
3) Repeated actions:

5) ou.
s u b o r d i n a t e


Physics all night. annoyed

6) (study) He was

(ring) while I (study) in the

Continuous Tense
w h o l e month.
7) The phone verb given
(ring). Past Perfect of the
bell. and
bath when the
8) She (take) PastPerfect
c o n t i n u o u s

Practice Sheet3with the past perfect
dinner. perfect
were having or past
when we
9) Someone- blanks
examinations. Fill in the
10) Priyam -
(work) for his problem when his friend
Mathematics' brackets. turn.
(Concentrate) on
his wrong
11) Mudit (take) the
Ifelt that I_ friend

1) the time
(call). the market to buy fruits. He-
(go) by
( n o t see) the

(go) to in the

12) Shubham -

nowhere when I_ (call). Esha said

that she
(fill) in the
blanks given
the firm.
(be) 3)

13) He -

(read) from Bible. 4)

Milan said
as an
school as a

(See a magician. that s h e _ since she

14) She She told

(return)from my classes, 5)
lots of it.
(make) he after looting

15) When 6) She (go)

the bank
for two years. (be) already

in Lucknow (already,
16) I (live)
(not, play) fair. 7) came, robbers time.
When the
police long
17) She- him for a
in his work. 8) (suspect)
(be) not sincere
home. week.
9) The police entered
his work for a
18) He Mandolin. (rain) heavily
when she
(not, do)
(like) to play 10) It
19) 1
- Shubham

(write four great tragedies. The teacherwas

20) Shakespeare 11) (work) very hard.
(become) immortal because of his great art. 12) Previously she_ (go) back.
21) He me whyI- decision.
He asked (take) the
that (leave.
Solutions 9) Knocked 16) Lived 14) I realised the station, the train months.
for two
1) Were playing I reached my project
10) Was working
17) Did not play 15) When
(work) on

At that time,
2) Was working 18) Was 16) letter
before he
11) Was concentrating, (write) the
Was g o i n g / w e n t
17) he came.

3) called 19) Liked work when

(finish) my (fulfil) my mission.
4) Went
12) Went 20) Wrote 18) the plants
in the garden.
thatI -(water)
5) Were playing
21) Became 19) I w a s happy because
13) Was, called clothes
wet were

20) Her
6) Was s t u d y i n g

studying 14) Was reading
7) rang
15) Was returning, saw
Was taking,
Solutions 15) Had left Perfect Continuous
Perfect and Future
9) Had been
1) Had taken
16) Had been PracticeSheet 4(For Future her mind by
this evening.
about life.
2) Had gone WO
17) Had writterwo 1) Iexpect sneP.

10) Had been raining longer young,

March this
in town.

3) Had not seen

Had not been
18) Had finished 2)
When you are no

dance for five years
by relative

11) (meet) every

4) Had filled 19) Had fulfilled 3) She

leaves for
Paris, she-
doing Before she 2014.
5) Had been working 20) Had been 4) contract by April
6) Had been making 12) Had been working Wale 5)
(sign) the
meetings of this

13) Had gone 6) Iwill-

(go) for (start)
7) Had, already gone he already there,
back home, reach

get the time you

14) Had taken time we
(start) by
8) Had already left 7) By the that the exams.
are s o late 2014.
8) You the end of
(retire) by of this year,
9) My brother student
by the end
for five years
THE FUTURE TENSE (teach) this
10) 1

A) The Simple Future Tense is used as, Will have

been going
1) Topredict what we think will happen;, SolutionsS 6)
lin Mars. have changed Will have
One day our people will live 1) Will 7)
Will have
8) Will have
We will get the prize. 2) retired
learning Will have
Will have been 9)
2) To indicate an promise; as,
offer or 3) been teaching9
from Will have met 10) Will have
If you succeed, you will get gift 4)
a me.
have signed
I shall do what you say. 5) Will

3) To indicate an instant decision; as, All

Practice Sheet 5 (For the
of the word given
in brackets.

appropriate form
will have a party. blanks with
On my birthday, we
Fill in the
Carter, 1 (2). (hear)
will use a heater. (give) my report to Mrs
It is freezing, we
while I (1)- store room.
In the evening direction of her
(come) from the rat. I don't (5)
in other ways also. loud thumping (3) asked. "Probably
express the future a

Note: We can downstairs? I (open) the

(be) that noise
What (4) downstairs and ().
I think we are going to win the match.
(hear) anything."
She replied. I (6) (look) very dusty
) (be) Mr Cater (9).
South Africa. door. There (8). (shut)him up
We are planning to go to store room
Mrs Carter (1)
(want) to know why Carter
disgruntled; he (10) -
walking stick and Mrs
store r o o m for a
for hours. He (12)- (go) into the
B) The Future Continuous Tense action over a period of future time;as (see) the door open, (14)
(bolt) it.
tense is used to indicate an
1) Future continuous
his time next week I shall be staying
in Nepal.
Solutlons 11) Had shut
for him.
When he leaves the building, police will be waiting 1) Was giving 6) Ran
events especially related to travel
tourism 12) Had gone
2) This tense is used to refer to planned 2) Heard
7) Opened
end of this month. 13) Seeing
She will be reaching America by the
3) Coming
8) Was
14) Had bolted
action which is the result of a routine. 9) Looking
3) This tense is also used to indicate an 4) ls
is on my way home from work. 10) Wanted
| will be passing your house tomorrow. It 5) Hear

C) Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous Tense Practice Sheet 6 (For All Tenses)
form of the word given in brackets.
which is going to happen before a particular Une
1) If you are referring to something Fill in the blanks with the appropriate
in future, Future Perfect Tense can be used; as, (be) not
(pine) for what
1) We look before and after and
Perhaps by the time we reach the house, he would have gone
2) I told him not to (brag) of his wealth.
want to indicate the duration of an event at a specific time in future, you
2) If you be (drunk) hot.
use the Future Perfect Continuous Tense; as, 3) Tea should
(want) me to help them
4) They-
By April 2014, you will have been workingfor this organisation for fifteen yea
(keep) on crying all morning
5) The baby
(be) longer in summer than in winter
6) The days
I C S EEnglish Language Lao
(beat) about
7) Don't thesplt
(not cry) over (accompany) us.
8) brackets.
Practice Sheet 8 the appropriate form of the word
given in
9 Ouryesterdays
(go)before_ (sleep
blanks with
10) Miles Fill in the road.
an empty dream. down that
(be) not (go) to the mountain,
11) Life (can) not_ 1)
(see) him_
(start) raining suddenly.
12) If Mohammad_

to him.
2) (play) in the
the mountain 3) The children-
for the lastten

down the tree. with us

(cut) (work) back.
13) The gardener. idiot. 4) She wrist watch
(be) a tale- (tell) by an want) her
5) Raman

14) Life_ for a long
(waste) tme, now (be) time Waste me. 6) They
(know) me
(groan) all day.
15). 7) The patient_

(leave) for Delhi (have, start).

Solutlons 8) (sleep) by
that time.
7) beat 13) Is cutting 9) Neetu
1) Pine, is the ground,
the circus
8) Do not cry 14) Is, told 10) When we

2) Brag
9) Accompany 15) Wasted, 6) Have known
3) Drunk Solutions
4) Wanted 10) To go, sleep doth/does 1) Saw, walking 7) Has been
8) Will leave
5) Kept 1) s 2) Started

make Were playing/are

9) Will be sleeping
6) Are 12) Can, go, 3) 10) Had, started
Has been working
5) Wants
Practice Sheet 7 (Tenses)
gilven in the brackets:
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb

1) My family has (move) to Lucknow,

2) The child (grow) up in the care of his grandmother.

3) Iwant the books (bring) to me

4) Thave asked you (cut) your nalls.
5) He is the (good) cadet ofthis squad.
6) She -(help) me to cook the food today.
7) The bush was, (prune) by me yesterday.
8) His eyes (shine) with the joy of a father's pride.
9) Days (pass) but he did not come.
10) They will (break) journey at Allahabad.
11) He has (hold) on to precious Iife
for the last three days.
12) | am. (surprise) that the two have become friends.
13) The children are (throw) stones at the dog.
4) We (turn) to God for help.
15) Julius Ceaser was (murder) by his friends.
1) Moved 6) Is helping
2) Is growing 7) Pruned 12) Surprised
3) To be brought / 8) Shone 13) Throwing
brought 9) Passed 14) Turn
4) To cut 10) Break 15) Murdered
5) Best 1) Held

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