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503, ANDHRA PRADESH, 522006




A computer science student, seeking an opportunity to ensure personal as-well-as professional growth and contribute
to the success of the company. I believe that the skills that I have attained from the dynamic environment and
competitive university life define me, and I am looking forward to implementing and polishing them in any
opportunity that I receive.


Year Degree Institute CGPA

2017 10th Grade(CBSE) Sri Venkateswara Balakuteer 8.4

2019 12th Grade (MPC) Narayana Junior College 8.38

2019-2023 (Present) B Tech in computer science GITAM University, Bangalore 7.88 (Avg. (Sem. 1-4))
engineering (CSE)


Main Project | Hyperspectral image classification using Spinal Net

• Technologies used: Python(PyTorch environment), Deep Learning
• Duration: Four months (December 2020 – March 2021)
• Presented a novel method for Hyperspectral image classification using PCA, SFS techniques for feature
extraction and feature selection.

• These features were further applied to a Deep Residual Neural Network (SpinalNet) for classification. It
performed so well with 80% testing samples and 20% training samples.

• Written a Journal on this project and submitted to the Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Current
status of Journal is under review.

Mini guided Projects

• Classification with Python: Have done all the classification algorithms. Loaded the dataset using Pandas
library, and applied the algorithms, and found the best one for the specific dataset by accuracy evaluation

• Bayesian CNN Classification: Tensorflow and Tensorflow-Probability implementation of Bayesian

convolutional neural networks for classification of MNIST dataset.

• Recommendation Engine with Python: Worked with MovieLens dataset and built a model to recommend
movies to the end users. This dataset consists of: 100,000 ratings (1-5) from 943 users on 1682 movies
Demographic information of the users (age, gender, occupation, etc.).
• The Sparks Foundation | Data Science and Business Analytics Intern [June 2021]

1. Prediction using Supervised ML: Predicted the Percentage of the students based on the number of
study hours. This is a simple Linear Regression task as it involves just two variables.

2. Prediction using Unsupervised ML: From the given ‘Iris’ dataset, predicted the optimum number of
clusters and represented it visually.

3. Exploratory Data Analysis-Terrorism: Performed ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on dataset ‘Global

Terrorism’. As a security/defense analyst, found out the hot zone of terrorism.

• Stige | Data Analytics Intern [Present[July 2021 – August 2021]]

Following are the ongoing topics with live projects:

1. Exploratory Data Analysis
2. Predictive Analytics
3. Data Engineering
4. Data Visualization
5. Experimentation and uplift testing
6. Feature Engineering

• Google Analytics for Beginners issued by GOOGLE ANALYTICS ACADEMY.

• Machine Learning with python issued by Coursera authorized by IBM with a digital badge.

• Deep Learning with Tensorflow issued by Coursera authorized by IBM with a digital badge.
• Technical Support Fundamentals issued by Coursera authorized by GOOGLE.
• Introduction to Artificial Intelligence issued by Coursera authorized by IBM.

The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

issued by Coursera authorized by GOOGLE. SKILLS


• Intermediate: Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.

• Beginner: R, SQL, Computer vision, Data Science, DBMS.
• IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft learn, Qwikilabs, AWS re:Skill, Google
Colab, Jupyter, Visual Studio Code, Oracle SQL, MS Office, R Studio.

• Teamwork, Flexibility, Self-Management, Problem Solving, Leadership, Decision Making. VOLUNTEERING

• Campus ambassador at Coding Ninjas. Internshala Student Partner (ISP22).
• Community Member at GDG Bangalore. Azure developer community member.
• Community member at AWS re:Skill.
• Student Coordinator at GITAM CAREER GUIDANCE CELL (GCGC)


President of WISE (Women Initiative Social Entrepreneurs) at GITAM E-CLUB

• Leading a team of 5 members.

• This division primarily promotes the idea of entrepreneurship among women, especially in economically
backward communities.

• This is done through collective goal-orientation groups, Self-Help groups, cooperatives, etc.

• This is introduced to acquire necessary skills through the learning and development of these women.

LANGUAGES: English, Telugu INTERESTS: Volunteering, Graphic designing

NATIONALITY: INDIAN HOBBIES: Programming, Writing, Listening Music

I hereby declare that all the above mentioned information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


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