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Breath and Awareness,

What it can do for you, What it has done for me ...

My background,

my own recent history, has told me that anything is possible. If

one simply chooses a goal, breathe it in and then drop it. Yes if
you do it, then everything is possible.
Some of you are familiar with my recent history, others are
not. To make a long story, short. The August 28 in 2007, I was
on a shaumbra-meeting on Unity in Oslo, where I at the
beginning, went straight to the floor, however, fully conscious,
with a powerful stroke with the size of an egg, and all the way to
the brain stem. In December, they took a full brain scan, and
they could only diagnose a few remnants of blood cells in the
brain tissue.
After just 4 months!

The same night that this happened when I was on the

monitoring (was there for three days, it would not stop bleeding
completely.) I decided that I should at “Guriset”(our own
Shaumbra Hotel in Norway) on Quantum leap celebration (18
sept.), Even if it would be with oxygen mask and in a
Next day when I woke up it really stroke me; here I was, in a
fucking bed in the monitoring room at the Ullevoll Hospital with
a nurse sitting at the foot end 24/7, because I still hovered
between life and death. And no one could quite say how it
went, because they had no clue. I was not allowed to eat, not to
drink, I got to suck on a cotton wool pad with water, while I tried
to tell them that this was going to go very well.
I mean, I had decided that I should to “Guriset”. I had however a
bit difficult to talk, since the right side of my face, just like half of
my body, in a way not entirely wanted to obey me.
I was what they usually called totally paralyzed in the whole
right part of my body. I knew that this was nonsense;
I in a way just had some “contact problems” with the right side
of the body. And I knew that it was enough that it was one cell
remaining in the brain that could contact the right side, so this
was just a matter of time, and I did not have that much time. It
was not long before quantum leap, and than it was just one
thing to do. What?
I started to Breath. Each and every free moment when I didn’t
sleep, and/or Lise was there, I laid with my eyes closed and
breathed. I thought about nothing and everything; just let my
thoughts flow, without fully addressing something other than
that I first and foremost wanted to be at “Guriset”. What so ever
the cost.
That day I scared the shit out of Lise, because I… without
thinking about it, I asked her to go out for a few hours, because
I had a journey to heed on, it stroke me. I just had to… The only
thing I did was to assure her that if she took a trip, I would also
be back in a few hours. To her this sounded as if I was going to
die, and it didn’t accrued to me at all, because I didn’t offered it
a thought, so why would she. I was just and only focusing on
myself and my needs then and there.
She came back after a few hours and she had to wait a little
before she came to back in. But, I was certainly back (I chose
life). I still can’t remember anything from there and than… I
went on a way out of the time. I cannot remember where I was,
but I knew I both lay in my bed and that I did not. I was just in
my breath.
After that everything went so much better, I become stabilized I
could start to eat and drink, but I was not allowed to smoke…
I was not allowed to be rolled out to get myself a smoke, but life
was about to return, I wanted to smoke. A great moment, then
even the doctors believed that this was going the right way.
I had known it from the first moment, but they did not know what
I was trying to tell them all the time,(I couldn’t speak) and they
had no basis to understanding what I certainly knew, that this
was about much much more than that I should die from this. I
had simply not offered it a thought before they started to telling
me how lucky I had been, and that I the next day will be
transferred to the neurologist department. Yes, yes, good night,
sleep well, I thought, I meant it, I wanted it, but I said
nothing. They had not understood it yet, and I could not tell.
I did not feel “the power”, what I had was a complete feeling of
peace, and I fell asleep with a smile, in half of my face anyway,
the rest were only anchored in my the heart,

To make a long story short, it happened a lot in between this,
something I have to leave for now, and if I skip 14 days…

…you should have seen the face of some of those who had
been on Unity (we have a meeting every second Tuesday),
when I come walking in the door of the next meeting walking on
my own two legs, a little shaky with the effort. But I think hell
either, it was worth it. I mean… their face, it was absolutely
priceless 
The doctors told me that I did just as much progress in a day,
than others did in a month, they scratched out everywhere,
while they tried to find out how this was possible and I tried to
explain to them that the only thing that happened was that ...
I breathed consciously 3-4 hours each day after I choose to live,
which was all 
I had to watch the TV for the news, Lise’s visit, lot’s of visits by
Lise, and by others. No one mentioned, none forgotten. I had
revised the way, my I am, I did after 6 days, when I began to
walk, (I did not feel my leg, but I knew is was there) had to use
something to lean on to in the beginning, because I had no
feeling in my right leg. Or the right the part of me by the way,
but my face was starting to look normal again. I had no feelings,
except if I took the shower on the hottest I could, but then and
there I decided that not only would I be on Guriset, I would
dance with Lise there, if nothing else. So certainly quantum
leaps for me dance, joy, celebrate life…

Another story is, we never got to Guriset, because the doctor

asked me not to be more than an hour away from the hospital, if
anything unforeseen should happen, I could leave, but at my
own risk. But we stayed home, I found out that it had not been
somewhat cool to go on Guriset if I had begun to worry about it,
so I took the cover at home instead; those nights. I had to be at
Hospital at daytime.

And now, here I sit, the only complaints I have is some nerve
pain that does not quite want to let go, most have, ... and I do
know/feel/think ... that what I can thank for all of this is just a
breath away, the conscious breath, my divine self and my
conscious self I know that before you come so far, we are
talking only about one thing, it is to become conscious of, what
one at any time choose as its future here and now.
It is only through our own conscious choice, that we can create
what we want, and really… ”the sky is no limit" and that these
two ingredients breath (life), and consciousness (I Am), is all it
takes to to create change in any person's life, and any situation.
So, this was my quantum leap experience , I chose life…

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