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Grade Level: 8

Date: February 27 – March 03, 2023

I. OBJECTIVES Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in examining
features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.

B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning Competencies MELC: Analyze intention of words or MELC: Analyze intention of words or MELC: Analyze intention of words or MELC: Analyze intention of words or
expressions used in propaganda expressions used in propaganda expressions used in propaganda expressions used in propaganda
techniques. techniques. techniques. techniques.

At the end of the lesson, the learners will At the end of the lesson, the learners will At the end of the lesson, the learners will At the end of the lesson, the learners will
be able to: be able to: be able to: be able to:
a. Define propaganda techniques. a. Distinguish types of propaganda a. Realize the importance of a. Distinguish the propaganda
(Repetition and Plain Folks) techniques. propaganda techniques. technique used in the
advertisement provided.
b. Distinguish types of propaganda b. Create taglines based on the b. Determine the relationships
techniques provided image. between propaganda techniques b. Complete quizzes about the
by using a concept map; and propaganda techniques; and
c. Realize the importance of c. Apply various propaganda
propaganda techniques; techniques to promote their own c. Apply various propaganda c. Recognize the importance of
products. techniques to promote their own propaganda techniques.

II. CONTENT/SUBJECT English 8 English 8 English 8 English 8

Quarter 3 Week 2 Quarter 3 Week 2 Quarter 3 Week 2 Quarter 3 Week 2
Propaganda Techniques Propaganda Techniques Propaganda Techniques Propaganda Techniques
(EN8RC-IIIG3.1.12) (EN8RC-IIIG3.1.12) (EN8RC-IIIG3.1.12) (EN8RC-IIIG3.1.12)


a. Teacher’s Guide/pages
English TIME Volume No. XXIV. No. 3 English TIME Volume No. XXIV. No. 3 English TIME Volume No. XXIV. No. 3 English TIME Volume No. XXIV. No. 3

b. Learner’s Materials/pages

c. Other Learning Materials


A. Reviewing: Recall of the The teacher will ask the students to recall The teacher ask the students to present The learners will be given time to practice The teacher asks the learners to show a
past lesson the six-propaganda technique. the cut-out picture to the class. Each group the group presentation. finger heart if the statement is correct and
will be given 3 - 5 minutes to present the thumbs down if it’s not.

1. Plain folk is a technique that a

speaker uses to convince an
audience that an idea is good
because it is the same as the idea
of most people like yourself.

2. Card Stacking emphasizes the

negative qualities of the product
without telling the positive effects.

3. Name-calling is a technique to
persuade others to purchase or
follow something because many
people believe in its usefulness.

4. Testimonial is a technique using

statements of celebrities as the
prime reference of the affectivity
and reputation of something.
5. Transfer is a propaganda
technique that is commonly used
in political campaigns.

B. Introducing: Presentation of The teacher will ask the students to The teacher will present a product, and the The teacher explains the rubrics for the The teacher asks the students to name an
the lesson. arrange the jumbled letters to form the students will determine which type of group presentation. advertisement on TV, radio, internet, or
words related to the topic. Use the clues propaganda technique will be most posters/billboards that you have seen or
provided to answer this activity. effective in promoting the product. heard and identify their propaganda
Rubrics: technique used.

Content = 50 %
1. N P O I O N I = your own personal
judgment. Creativity = 30 %
Oral Delivery = 20 %
2. M O N I E T O = associated with Total 100 %
thoughts and feelings.

3. M I N O F A R I O T N = knowledge,
facts and data.

Skin care products

4. P D R O U T C = item or output
5. F C A T A L U = truth and proven. dan-tubuh-dalam-wadah-tanpa-label-

C. Developing mastery: The teacher will discuss the meaning and The teacher gives learners time to discuss The teacher uses draws to determine the I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
Discussion of the lesson techniques of Propaganda. their group presentation. order of group presentations. Each group
will only have 5 minutes to present.
1. What propaganda technique is intended
Plain Folks- This is the technique that a Direction: Create your own product and
speaker uses to convince an audience advertisement using the given propaganda to damage the image of the competitor by
that an idea is good because it is the techniques.
using names that evoke fear or hatred such
same as the idea of most people like
as, “racist, dictator, and communist”?
yourself. Politicians also use it to look and
speak like plain folk or ordinary people. Group 1 = Testimonials A. card stacking
Group 2 = Bandwagon B. glittering generalities
Examples: Group 3 = Name calling C. name-calling
A politician who wears worn-out pants and Group 4 = Plain Folks D. plain folks
eats in carinderia to identify with the
common people; A fast-food restaurant Group 5 = Emotional Appeal
shows ordinary people enjoying their food. 2. It is a propaganda technique which
invoke fear in those exposed
Repetition- repeating a word/jingle over to the propaganda, resulting in the
Content = 50 %
and over so that it gets stuck in the head formation of a negative opinion.
or taken as true by the audience or Creativity = 30 %
customer. It is also an idea, word, phrase,
Oral Delivery = 20 %
or position that is repeated in an attempt A. Bandwagon
to elicit an almost automatic response Total 100 %
B. Card stacking
from the audience or to reinforce an
audience’s opinion or attitude. C. Name Calling
Keep it simple and say it often enough so D. Testimonial
people will remember it and believe it.
Attempts to persuade a reader with a
repeated message. 3. What is the purpose of a bandwagon?
a. To advertise the product, services, or
Example: idea

Product name is repeated at least four b. To encourage us to buy their product

times. c. To convince us to follow the majority's
d. To purchase the product

4. The type of propaganda that keeps on

praising the product or service without
factual basis.
a. card stacking
b. bandwagon
c. emotional appeal
d. testimonials

5. What particular technique is used which

is intended to make consumers accept or
approve something without looking closely
at evidences?
A. advertisement
B. commercial
C. announcement
D. propaganda

6. What propaganda technique is used in

the statement,
“Things go better with Coke”?
A. card stacking
B. emotional appeal
C. name-calling
D. plain folks

7. “A superstar mother talks about her

experience of using the diaper that she
prefers for her baby and the advantages of
using it.” What propaganda
technique is used in the situation?
A. loaded words
B. simplification
C. testimonial
D. transfer

8. “In a school election, a voter is confused

on who he is going to vote for
school president, but because most of his
classmates and friends love “Candidate X”,
he decided to go along with the choice of
the majority.” What propaganda is used in
the situation?
A. bandwagon
B. loaded words
C. name-calling
D. simplification

9. What do you think is the right thing for

you to do if you see a propaganda
of a slimming tablet with a promo sale of
buy 1 take 1 and sold at a very
cheap price and you really want to lose
A. Not buy the product until I can prove that
it is effective.
B. Immediately buy the product for its very
good offer.
C. Buy the product because of its
convincing promotion.
D. Conduct a thorough research on the
product especially for possible
negative side effects of the product before
buying it.

10. It is a technique using statements of

celebrities as the prime reference of the
affectivity and reputation of something.
a. Testimonial
b. Transfer
c. Emotional Appeal
d. Bandwagon

11. It a technique that uses repeating a

word/jingle over and over so that it gets
stuck in the head.
a. Testimonial
b. Repetition
c. Transfer
d. Plain Folks

12. The technique used in advertisement

that look and speak like an ordinary
a. Testimonial
b. Repetition
c. Transfer
d. Plain Folks

D. Deepening: Expansion of As a student, why do you think it's Students will be given time to consult with The teacher gives the score and remarks II.
the lesson. necessary to study the various their teacher about their group for each group presentation.
Directions: Read the paragraphs below
propaganda techniques? What effect do presentation.
then answer the questions that follow.
you believe propaganda has had on your

(1) Juan is upset with his classmate,

Pedro, because the latter keeps on buying
things that his friends have.
(2) Juan also does not like Pedro
posting a video of himself dancing on
Mobile Jam just like what his friends are
(3) Juan calls Pedro gullible because
he immediately believes what he reads on
social media.
(4) Pedro recently applied egg white all
over his skin after reading
a post of a famous blogger that says that
the substance will protect people against
COVID-19 if they will use it like a lotion.
(5) The blogger apparently claims that
the egg white has so many good properties
without any unpleasant side effects.

1. Why is Juan upset with Pedro?

a. Pedro is reading a famous blogger’s
b. Juan does not have an expensive mobile
c. Pedro keeps on buying what his friends
are also buying.
d. Posting yourself dancing on Mobile Jam
is a shameful thing to do.

2. Which sentences in the paragraph

illustrate an example of a bandwagon?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 4 and 5

3. What kind of propaganda technique is

used in Sentence 4?
a. transfer
b. name-calling
c. bandwagon
d. testimonial

4. Which of the following is an example of

card stacking?
a. The egg white has so many good
properties without negative effects.
b. Pedro keeps on buying things that his
friends have.
c. The substance will protect people
against COVID-19.
d. Juan calls Pedro

5. What word in the third sentence is used

as name-calling?
a. Juan
b. Pedro
c. gullible
d. social media

6. Which of the following is a lesson that

you can learn from the story?
a. Do not believe what you see or read on
social media right away.
b. Avoid posting dance videos if you are
not good at dancing.
c. An egg white is meant to be cooked, not
applied to one’s skin.
d. It is not good to call your classmate

7. Which of the following propaganda

techniques is NOT used in the paragraphs
a. bandwagon
b. name-calling
c. testimonial
d. plain folks

8. If you were Juan, how would you tell

Pedro about your observations without
offending or hurting his feelings?
a. Shout at Pedro, so he will wake up from
his madness.
b. Talk to Pedro with
understanding and tolerance.
c. Post a comment about Pedro’s crazy
actions online.
d. Warn Pedro that Mobile Jam is a
dangerous phone app.

9. How did the propaganda techniques

affect Pedro in the story?
a. It made Pedro crazy.
b. It influenced his beliefs and actions.
c. It made Juan upset with his classmate.
d. It makes us realize the importance of

10. What do you think is the importance of

understanding these propaganda
a. It enables us to be thoughtful and careful
about what we read, see, or hear.
b. It increases our knowledge about the
universe and the world we live in.
c. It gives us practical training to become a
lawyer in the future.
d. It makes us smarter than other people.

E. Applying: Development of The teacher will present trivia about The teacher instructs the learners to make After making your own product and III. ESSAY
the skills/integrating personal propaganda techniques. their own taglines using the presented advertisement, what did you realize?
In not less than 5 sentences, explain the
experiences image.
importance of knowing and understanding
the different propaganda techniques.
Content - 50%
Organization - 30% Grammar - 20%
Total - 100%

F. Summarizing: The teacher will randomly call learners to The teacher will randomly call learners to The teacher reinstates the eight IV. List down all the propaganda
Generalization recall the two propaganda techniques recall the eight propaganda techniques propaganda techniques with the techniques.
discussed. discussed. corresponding keywords.

G. Evaluating: Identify whether the given images are Directions: Create a concept map about the The teacher will provide students time to
Reflection/Assessment Plain folks or Repetition. Write your propaganda techniques. rationalize their answers.
Match the description in Column A with the
answer in the space provided.
correct propaganda technique in Column
1. buying a product because everyone
else uses it
2. feeling comfortable with a
product because it is intended for simple
sa=i& people like you
3. just showing the good characteristics of
a product.
6244638000&source=images&cd=vfe&ve 5. using a product because it is associated
d=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCMjvsqfjq_0CFQAAA with another
idea, tradition, or belief that you already
____________________________2. 6. buying a product being endorsed by a
famous person.


A. Bandwagon B. Testimonials
70846696369184_n.htm/coca-cola.htm? C. Transfer
_nc_cat=100&ccb=1- D. Card stacking
54hjyztxhbmy4FjPovH16U_FUHmm8fXpT E. Plain folks




V. ASSIGNMENT Directions: (Group Activity) Prepare for tomorrow’s group presentation. Review for the long quiz. Read in advance the lesson 3.
Cut out a picture of an advertisement from
an old newspaper or a magazine and
paste it on a sheet of paper. Below the
picture, write or identify the propaganda
technique used. The following format is
provided for you.

No. of learners who earned Section Section Section Section

80% in the evaluation.
No. of learners who require
remediation, indicate if none.
No. of learners who catched
up after remediation

Annotation Annotation Annotation Annotation

Prepared by:

Rhica B. General
Teacher I
Noted by:

Mr. Roberto C. Ferrer

Master Teacher I


Jumbled Letters! 1. A 1. Finger heart
1. Opinion 2. E 2. Thumbs up
2. Emotion 3. D 3. Thumbs up
3. Information 4. C 4. Finger heart
4. Product 5. B 5. Finger heart
5. Factual Long quiz
Assessment 1. C
1. Plain folks 2. C
2. Repetition 3. C
3. Plain folks 4. A
4. Repetition 5. D
5. Repetition 6. B
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. D
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. A
(Students’ answers may vary.)
1. Testimonials
2. Bandwagon
3. Name calling
4. Transfer
5. Card stacking
6. Emotional appeal
7. Plain folks
8. Repetition

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