Puan S

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Puan S. Subashini.

Chief People Officer
A-Look Group of Companies
IOI Boulevard, BV-07-F05,
Jalan Kenari 5, Bandar Puchong
Jaya, 47170 Puchong, Selangor

Response to Show Cause Letter Regarding Alleged Misconduct and Defamation

Dear Puan Subashini,

I am writing in response to the show cause letter dated 21st February 2024 that I received from your
office regarding the allegations of misconduct and defamation against me. I appreciate the opportunity
to address these serious concerns and provide clarification on the matter.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize my commitment to upholding the highest standards of
professionalism and ethical conduct in the workplace. I take these allegations very seriously and
assure you that I have always acted in accordance with the principles outlined in the Malaysia
Employment Act and Defamation Act.

Regarding of the allegations, I would like to request specific details and evidence pertaining to the
incidents in question. I received a show cause letter without any evidence against me. Hence, I take
this incident very seriously as it was issued based on “gossip”or hearsay. It is true that I was there on
16th February 2024, assisting you on the payroll system and accidentally saw sensitive information of
Managing Director’s salary.

However, the alleged claims against me stating that I confided in my colleagues of the sensitive
information is purely fallacious and inappropriate. I categorically deny any involvement in the alleged
misconduct as described in the show cause letter. It is essential to note that I have always conducted
myself in full compliance with the policies and regulations set forth by our organization and the laws
of Malaysia.

I would like to address on the second allegations and I want to make it unequivocally clear that I have
never engaged in any form of hacking, or attempted to log in to an unauthorized account of payroll.
This is a major case of false accusations and wrongdoing without any supporting documentation
linking me to the incident. I have meticulously reviewed the accusations, and I can assure you that
they are entirely without merit. I am committed to defending my reputation and integrity against these
unfounded claims.

I also believe that false defamation against me stating that I wanted to know the Senior Management’s
remuneration package is highly insensitive and impractical. It is imperative that such serious
accusations are not taken lightly and are addressed with the gravity they deserve.

Furthermore, I must express my distress on the occasions where I was treated and looked at
differently, following after I receive the letter. I was previously approachable by coworkers but now
got avoided and became a topic for gossip. The contentment that allowed me to casually knock on my
boss's door before entering for discussions, but now I have to wait outside until all confidential
documents has been kept, then invite me to enter.
This is the outcome for the allegations against me and all these events happened just within 3 days. It
have impacted me deeply including the times during payroll. I feel incredibly bothered that my
reputation has been tarnished, it has struck at the integrity ore of my integrity and professionalism.

It is pertinent to emphasize that false accusations of misconduct can have severe consequences, not
only for my professional reputation but also for the morale and trust within our organization. Puan
Suba, I strongly urge you to perform a thorough and impartial investigation to ensure the dismissal of
these baseless allegations and restore my good standing within the company.

As stated from Employment Act 1955 under section 99,

Any person who commits any offence under, or contravenes any provision of, this Act, or any
regulations, order, or other subsidiary legislation whatsoever made thereunder, in respect of which no
penalty is provided, shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit.

And Defamation Act 1957 under section 8,

In an action for libel or slander in respect of words containing two or more distinct charges against
the plaintiff, a defence of justification shall not fail by reason only that the truth of every charge is not
proved if the words not proved to be true do not materially injure the plaintiff’s reputation having
regard to the truth of the remaining charges.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to resolving this issue in a fair and
transparent manner.


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