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Model Answers

(a) (i) The name of an organism that can be used to make ethanol biofuel from
sugars is:

● Yeast / Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Saccharomyces / S. cerevisiae /

other microorganisms that can respire sugars to give ethanol; [1 mark]

(a) (ii) The process that this organism uses to make ethanol biofuel from
sugars is:

Any two from the following:

● Anaerobic; [1 mark]
● Respiration; [1 mark]

Allow fermentation; [1 mark]

[Total: 3 marks]

Some other fungi and yeast are capable of carrying out fermentation to make
ethanol from sugars. you are not required to know the names of any of these
(b) It would be better to burn the remains of the sugar cane instead of burning
a fossil fuel because:

Any two from the following:

● Fossil fuels are non-renewable; [1 mark]

● (Sugar cane) is renewable / sustainable;[1 mark]
● Combustion (burning) of fossil fuel releases carbon dioxide (into the
atmosphere);[1 mark]
● Burning plants releases no net carbon dioxide / is carbon neutral; [1

[Total: 2 marks]

(a) The name of the process taking place in Fig. 1 is:

● (Asexual) reproduction; [1 mark]

Reject any mention of sexual reproduction.

[Total: 1 mark]
This question covers core knowledge but is taken from an extended paper 4
(b) (i) The formula that can be used to calculate the actual width of the
bacterium is:

● (Actual width = ) image size ÷ magnification; [1 mark]

(b) (ii) Converting 0.0008 mm to μm can be done as follows:

● (0.0008 x 1 000) = 0.8 (μm); [1 mark]

[Total: 2 marks]

(c) (i) The name of the disease that can be treated with insulin injections is:
● (Type 1 or 2) diabetes; [1 mark]

(c) (ii) A description of using bacteria in genetic engineering to produce human

proteins would include:

Any five from the following:

● (The human) gene / DNA that codes for (human) protein...; [1 mark]
● identified / isolated; [1 mark]
● (The) DNA/gene is cut (out) / removed using restriction enzymes; [1
● (This will) form complementary/sticky ends; [1 mark]
● A plasmid (from bacteria) is cut using the same restriction enzyme; [1
● The (human) gene/DNA is inserted into the plasmid / a recombinant
plasmid is formed; [1 mark]
● (DNA) ligase is used to join the (human) gene with the plasmid; [1 mark]
● (The recombinant) plasmids are inserted into bacteria; [1 mark]
● These bacteria (with recombinant plasmids)
replicate/reproduce/multiply; [1 mark]
● (The) transformed bacteria can be identified / purified (and grown in
large fermenters); [1 mark]

Procedures must be in the correct sequence to obtain marks.

[Total: 6 marks]
(d) (i) Steam is used to clean fermenters because:

Any two from the following:

● (It) kills microorganisms/bacteria/pathogens; [1 mark]

● (Steam will) prevent contamination (by other bacteria/microorganisms);
[1 mark]
● Steam does not contaminate the product/medicines (with other
chemicals); [1 mark]
● It can reach all the crevices/spaces/corners/parts of the fermenter; [1

(d) (ii) Conditions inside a fermenter that are measured and controlled include
the following:

Any three from the following:

● pH; [1 mark]
● Temperature; [1 mark]
● Oxygen (levels/concentration); [1 mark]
● Carbon dioxide (levels/concentration); [1 mark]
● (Named example of) nutrients, e.g. glucose; [1 mark]
● Waste (products); [1 mark]
● Turbidity (of liquid in fermenter); [1 mark]

Accept references to gas pressure / rate of stirring / amount of product in


(d) (iii) Products other than insulin that are made using fermenters include:

Any one from the following:

● Penicillin; [1 mark]
● Mycoprotein; [1 mark]
● Lactase enzymes; [1 mark]
● Ethanol; [1 mark]

[Total: 6 marks]

Fermenters are crucial for the commercial production of the useful products
that are created by microorganisms, it is important that conditions are kept at
an optimum to ensure that the maximum amount of product is produced.
(e) The advantages of GM crops includes:

Any four from the following:

● (Crops are more) disease resistant; [1 mark]

● (Plants produce) large(r) / fast(er) yield; [1 mark]
● (Crops are more) drought resistant; [1 mark]
● (Plants are more) resistant to high salt levels (in soil); [1 mark]
● (Plants are more) resistant to frost; [1 mark]
● The nutritional content (of the plants) can be
improved/enhanced/enriched; [1 mark]
● (Crops are more) resistant to pests/insects; [1 mark]
● (Plants are more) resistant to herbicides (used to kill weeds); [1 mark]
● (The modified plants) can be used to create/produce vaccines; [1 mark]
● It benefits the environment ( in requiring less pesticides / water /
fertilisers); [1 mark]
● More desirable products are produced / an increased income is
generated (for farmers); [1 mark]
● A named benefit to humans, e.g. relief from food shortages / preventing
vitamin A deficiency; [1 mark]
Accept references to modified plant growth, e.g. short stems / adaptations to
more extreme environments / rapid improvements to crops / improvements
using characteristics not present in the natural population.

[Total: 4 marks]

This is a popular exam question so familiarise yourself with the advantages

(and disadvantages) of GM organisms.
(a) (i) The type of respiration in yeast that produces ethanol is...

● Anaerobic (respiration); [1 mark]

(a) (ii) The name of the substance in apple juice that is converted to ethanol by
yeast is...

● Glucose/sugar; [1 mark]

[Total: 2 marks]
(b) (i) The term enzyme can be defined as...

● A protein; [1 mark]
● (A protein) that functions as a (biological) catalyst; [1 mark]

(b) (ii) The name of the gas produced by the yeast in Fig. 1 is...

● Carbon dioxide; [1 mark]

(b) (iii) The increase in the rate of reaction from 20 °C to 25 °C in Fig. 2 is...

● 12 (bubbles per minute); [1 mark]

(b) (iv)

● 35 (°C); [1 mark]

[Total: 5 marks]

Enzymes are proteins, meaning that they are long chains of amino acids joined
together in a specific sequence. The role of enzymes is to regulate the rate at
which chemical reactions occur inside living cells, hence they are known as
biological catalysts.

Carbon dioxide is the gas produced by anaerobic respiration in yeast cells.

(c) Slices B and C did not turn brown after 30 minutes because...

● For slice B the pH was too low / not optimum for enzyme function /
enzyme stopped working at this pH; [1 mark]
● For slice C the temperature was too low/cold / not optimum; [1 mark]

[Total: 2 marks]
(d) Pectinase is used when making apple juice because...

Any three of the following:

● It increases the quantity/volume of juice produced; [1 mark]

● It speeds up the (production) process/reaction / allows more juice to be
produced in a shorter time; [1 mark]
● It breaks down pectin (in plant cell walls); [1 mark]
● (This) allows the cell walls of plant cells to be broken down; [1 mark]
● It makes clear(er) juice; [1 mark]

[Total: 3 marks]

(e) Precautions workers should take to ensure that good food hygiene is
maintained in the apple juice factory include...

Any three of the following:

● Protective clothing / named example of protective clothing / wearing

clothing that is not worn anywhere else (other than in the factory); [1
● (Hand)washing with soap / not coughing/sneezing in food preparation
areas / workers staying at home when they have an infection/illness; [1
● Keeping food/apples in a clean environment / covering food/apples (e.g.
to prevent insects from landing on them); [1 mark]
● Cleaning factory/equipment/clothing (between uses); [1 mark]
● Disposing of waste food/apples quickly / keeping waste/food separate
from food production area; [1 mark]

[Total: 3 marks]

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