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Aleksandar Bojanic

Half Yearly Report

Year 9, May 2023

A. The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In
addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to
new situations.
B. The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the
processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
C. The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level
of competence in the processes and skills.
D. The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in
the processes and skills.
E. The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited
competence in some of the processes and skills.


1. Life Skills courses assess a student’s skills without directly comparing one student’s progress against that of another.
Therefore, Life Skills Reports do not provide information about the student’s grade, marks, or rank.
2. The Pastoral Care Report reflects on your child’s general progress, well-being and involvement in school life. It also
records the co-curricular, extracurricular, sporting and mission activities in which he/she participated during the reporting
period. Mandated school events are not included.
3. Task weightings indicate how much an assessment task counts towards the final mark for the year e.g. a task weighted at
40% will contribute a mark out of 40 towards the final mark. Weightings are as per the Assessment Booklet.
4. Learner Profiles inform you about the positive learning habits and dispositions demonstrated by your child in each
course. Teachers observe students throughout the reporting period for evidence of each element.

● Speaks and listens respectfully: the student relates positively to teachers and peers and considers others’
perspectives. They display politeness and patience.

● Maintains an organised approach to learning: the student maintains course notes; brings necessary equipment;
arrives prepared and ready to learn; effectively organises computer files.

● Completes set work: the student completes class work, homework and assessments by due dates.

● Works collaboratively in groups: the student contributes positively to class discussions; provides constructive
feedback to peers; makes a fair and equal contribution to group activities or projects.

● Displays focus and self-control: the student remains on task; avoids distraction and avoids distracting others;
controls frustration; controls impulsive behaviour.

● Applies feedback about learning: the student accepts written and verbal feedback from teachers and peers, and
they try to apply that feedback in further attempts.

● Strives for deeper understanding: the student willingly attempts tasks, with support, that are beyond their current
level of ability. They persevere when tasks are challenging.
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Biblical Studies
Mrs A Wiltshire

Course Outline
This course develops students' skills in interpreting and responding to biblical texts. In Semester 1 students explored the life of
Samuel and the origin of kingship in Israel as recorded in the Old Testament books of 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. The skills task
assessed how well students can find texts in the Bible and extract relevant information, skills that will be used in the rest of the

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Skills Task 30% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Usually
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Often
Works collaboratively in groups Usually
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Usually
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

CS Lewis Program
Mr A Allard

Course Outline
The CS Lewis Program is a withdrawal class designed to develop critical, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills in higher ability
learners. In Term One, students completed 'Design Thinking,' an interdisciplinary challenge where they worked on a number of tasks
relating to a selected design area. Tasks included designing, reflecting and prototyping. In Term Two, students explored the
'Psychology' unit, investigating current ideas around knowledge formation and learning habits. Additionally students have begun
work on their 'Individual Research Project', an extended project based on student interest and designed to develop key skills around
research, data collection and project management.

Overall Grade: B

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Design Thinking Challenge 50% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Usually
Maintains an organised approach to learning Usually
Completes set work Usually
Works collaboratively in groups Usually
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Usually
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Mr P Ross

Course Outline
This semester, students have worked independently and collaboratively to identify and research issues encountered when making
consumer and financial decisions. Students have also endeavoured to produce effective research and communicate in a variety of
forms. Students have also investigated how entrepreneurial attributes contribute to business success and examined the
considerations involved when planning a hypothetical business.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Research Task 30% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Mrs L Neggo

Course Outline
Year 9 have studied crime fiction and societies. Students have explored the elements of the genre of crime fiction and how to convey
them in their own narrative writing. They have explored the function of relationships and power in society with a focus on how they
are conveyed through characters.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Narrative Writing 25% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Mr P Ross

Course Outline
This semester, students have been studying human wellbeing and environmental management and change. Students have been
developing an understanding of the functioning of environments and the scale of human-induced environmental change challenging
sustainability. Students have also examined the nature of, and differences in, human wellbeing and development that exists within
and between countries.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Fieldwork & Assessment Task 30% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Usually
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Mathematics 5.3
Ms P Doyle

Course Outline
In Stage 5.3 Mathematics, students use deductive reasoning in problem solving and in presenting arguments and formal proofs. They
interpret and apply formal definitions and generalisations and connect and apply mathematical ideas within and across topics. They
demonstrate fluency in selecting, combining, and applying relevant knowledge, skills and understanding in the solution of familiar
and unfamiliar problems. This semester students have studied Working with Numbers, Products and Factors, Investigating Data,
Geometry Equations, Trigonometry, and Indices. They also completed an in-class assessment task related to Working with Numbers
and Algebra.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Term 1 Test 20% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Often
Completes set work Usually
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Consistently
Applies feedback about learning Usually
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Mr N Robinson

Course Outline
This semester in PDH, students completed a unit on Parties, Peers and Problems, in which they analysed a variety of risks associated
with parties and protective strategies to maintain their personal safety.
In PE, students participated in a group work unit to compose and perform a dance routine for the year group. Students have also
participated in a variety of games focusing on attacking and defensive strategies.

Overall Grade: C

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Group Dance Performance 30% C

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Usually
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Usually
Works collaboratively in groups Usually
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Usually
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Physical Activity and Sports Studies

Mr T Manuel

Course Outline
This semester in PASS, students have completed a unit on Event Management, in which they investigated the structures and formats
of different sporting events, and the skills and roles required to effectively run them. More recently, students have begun a unit on
Sport and Physical Activity in Australia, focusing on the role of sport in shaping Australia's identity and reputation. The practical
component of PASS involved students being assessed on the sport of Lacrosse. This involved three assessable components including;
skills, application and game play.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Practical Assessment - Lacrosse 30% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Miss E Pham

Course Outline
This semester, Year 9 students have learned how the nervous and endocrine systems respond to stimuli to maintain homeostasis in
the body. They have examined changes in our understanding of the cause, treatment and prevention of diseases and the role of the
immune system. Students have also investigated the role of vaccination in creating herd immunity. In the Energy Transfers topic, they
have examined how heat, light and sound transfer. They have undertaken a range of practical investigations, with a particular focus
on the interactions of light with the environment.

Overall Grade: B

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Research Task 30% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 9, May 2023

Pastoral Care
Mrs B Barnes

Aleksander is a friendly and engaged member of our Pastoral Care class. This semester, he has continued his participation in the C.S.
Lewis program, where he has been able to extend himself. He has also represented the school with diligence in MISA sports.
Aleksander's goals this semester have included improving his English results. He is commended for this goal, and encouraged to
continue to seek out ways to broaden and deepen his wide reading. His commitment to training 4-6 times a week shows his ability to
commit wholeheartedly and work hard. We look forward to continuing with Aleksander in his Year 9 journey into Semester 2.

Build knowledge and Collaborate and Show respect and Serve and lead for the Make wise and
think creatively communicate compassion benefit of others courageous choices

Student Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Arrives punctually to school Consistently
Wears appropriate dress attire Consistently
Meets general school expectations Consistently
Relates positively with peers Consistently
Contributes positively in Pastoral Care Consistently

MISA Basketball, Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
HS Athletics Carnival, HS Swimming Carnival, HS Cross Country
HS helpers to Primary Swim Carnival

Days Absent: 2
Mr K. McMullen (Principal)

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