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Aleksandar Bojanic

Half Yearly Report

Year 7, May 2021

A. The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In
addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to
new situations.
B. The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the
processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
C. The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level
of competence in the processes and skills.
D. The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in
the processes and skills.
E. The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited
competence in some of the processes and skills.


1. Life Skills courses assess a student’s skills without directly comparing one student’s progress against that of another.
Therefore, Life Skills Reports do not provide information about the student’s grade, marks, or rank.
2. The Pastoral Care Report reflects on your child’s general progress, well-being and involvement in school life. It also
records the co-curricular, extracurricular, sporting and mission activities in which he/she participated during the reporting
period. Mandated school events are not included.
3. Task weightings indicate how much an assessment task counts towards the final mark for the year e.g. a task weighted at
40% will contribute a mark out of 40 towards the final mark. Weightings are as per the Assessment Booklet.
4. Learner Profiles inform you about the positive learning habits and dispositions demonstrated by your child in each
course. Teachers observe students throughout the reporting period for evidence of each element.

● Speaks and listens respectfully: the student relates positively to teachers and peers and considers others’
perspectives. They display politeness and patience.

● Maintains an organised approach to learning: the student maintains course notes; brings necessary equipment;
arrives prepared and ready to learn; effectively organises computer files.

● Completes set work: the student completes class work, homework and assessments by due dates.

● Works collaboratively in groups: the student contributes positively to class discussions; provides constructive
feedback to peers; makes a fair and equal contribution to group activities or projects.

● Displays focus and self-control: the student remains on task; avoids distraction and avoids distracting others;
controls frustration; controls impulsive behaviour.

● Applies feedback about learning: the student accepts written and verbal feedback from teachers and peers, and
they try to apply that feedback in further attempts.

● Strives for deeper understanding: the student willingly attempts tasks, with support, that are beyond their current
level of ability. They persevere when tasks are challenging.
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Biblical Studies
Mr D Johnson

Course Outline
This course develops students' skills in interpreting and responding to biblical texts. In Semester 1 students studied the Gospel of
Mark, which is a record of Jesus' life and teachings climaxing in his death and resurrection. They explored who Jesus is and why he
came into the world. The skills task assessed students' ability to find passages in the Bible, extract information from the text and
recount biblical events.

Overall Grade: B

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Skills Task 30% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

CS Lewis Program
Miss C Smith

Course Outline
The CS Lewis Program is a withdrawal class designed to develop critical, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills in higher ability
learners. In Term One, students worked in teams to design, construct, and run an escape room, focusing particularly on developing
an effective mission and creating several diverse and complex locks. Throughout Term Two, students have been working on a
forensics challenge, developing an understanding of how forensic scientists work and using their skills to draw on real evidence to
form a conclusion and solve the crime. Lastly, students have spent the entire semester working on a university style research project,
learning how to choose a topic, design an investigation, gather data and read critically with the aim of presenting their findings in the
form of a mini thesis.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Escape Room Challenge 30% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Consistently
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Mrs E Fuller

Course Outline
In first semester, students explored two aspects of English: how to study a novel and film; and how to argue meaningfully. Students
were introduced to the fantasy genre. They learned how to identify genre characteristics and find evidence for character traits and
themes. Skills work involved composing TEAL paragraphs and creating their own fantasy narratives. Students have studied rhetorical
appeals and learned to use rhetorical devices to support their arguments. They learned the importance of structure for their

Overall Grade: B

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Writing 25% C
TEEAL Paragraphs - In Class 25% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Consistently
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Mrs T Ayoub

Course Outline
This semester, students have explored landscapes and landforms, explaining the processes that create and shape mountain
environments. Students have also been discussing the factors that influence people's perceptions of liveability and enhance their

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

In-class Research 35% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Usually
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Mrs H Ross

Course Outline
Students use mathematical terminology, algebraic notation, diagrams, text and tables to communicate mathematical ideas, and link
concepts and processes within and between mathematical contexts. They apply their mathematical knowledge, skills and
understanding in analysing real-life situations and in systematically exploring and solving problems using technology where
appropriate. This semester students have studied whole numbers, angles, geometry, integers, fractions and percentages.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Portfolio 1 20% B
Common Test 25% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Consistently
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Miss B Morphett

Course Outline
This semester in Music, students have studied the topics of the Concepts of Music and Art Music. Students were introduced to the
fundamental building blocks of music and developed a basic ability to read musical notation, applying this knowledge to a variety of
listening, performing and composing activities. In Term 1, students were assessed on creating a piece of music using a pentatonic
scale, and in Term 2 students completed a listening assessment in which they answered questions based on a piece of art music and
its score.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Composing 30% B
Listening 20% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Mr T Manuel

Course Outline
This semester in PDH, students have studied the topics of Changes and Challenges and Me and My World. Students examined the
many challenges that come with starting high school, going through puberty, and identified appropriate management strategies. In
PE, students have participated in a unit titled Back to Basics, aimed at developing fundamental movement skills across a range of
small sided games. This has included coaching sessions run by Tennis Australia.

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Changes and Challenges Speech 25% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Consistently
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Ms S Vale

Course Outline
During Term 1 students learned skills in working safely in a laboratory and using the scientific method to design fair tests to
investigate a question. In the Forces topic students investigated different types of forces. They also learned about balanced and
unbalanced forces and used their understanding to predict changes in motion. During Term 2 students have been learning about the
particle theory of matter and how it can used to explain the properties of matter in different states. Students have extended this
understanding to investigate the unique properties and chemical structure of water and adapt the particle model to explain these

Overall Grade: A

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Topic Test 20% B

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Usually
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Mrs C Ioannidis

Course Outline
Students participated in speaking, listening, reading and writing activities to develop their competency in Spanish. They have
acquired vocabulary to exchange information about food, animals, weather, flags and nationalities. They learned the basic language
used for to greetings and sharing information about themselves on topics such as birthdays, families, likes and dislikes. Students also
learned basic verb conjugations and other grammatical features such as the masculine and feminine forms of nouns and adjectives.
They consolidated their learning through games, singing and using ICT, as well as completing a formal assessment task that involved
the research of a Spanish-speaking country.

Overall Grade: B

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Research 30% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Usually
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Consistently
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Mr A Ralston

Course Outline
Students worked collaboratively to design, build and test a bottle rocket. They completed a unit called Keep Our World Clean,
researching the issues of rubbish at school and around the world. Students documented their research in a portfolio, designed a
news report, brochure and poster. Practical opportunities saw students complete the production of either a metal desk bin, or a
fabric carry bag. In Term 2, students completed a Digital Technologies unit in which they learned about digital systems and how they

Overall Grade: B

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Design Portfolio 1 20% C
Practical Project 1 30% A

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Usually
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Usually
Displays focus and self-control Usually
Applies feedback about learning Consistently
Strives for deeper understanding Consistently
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Visual Arts
Miss E Fenton

Course Outline
This semester, students have been introduced to ceramic conventions and studied the work of a range of clay practitioners over time
and place. Students also researched examples of clay vessels and designed a marine themed clay vessel that is being constructed and
decorated with underglaze colours. Informed by the structural frame, students have learned how to both analyse unseen artwork
examples and describe visual features in artworks. Students applied their understanding by completing a visual analysis test of
unseen artwork examples.

Overall Grade: C

Assessment Tasks Weight Grade

Visual Analysis 15% D
Ceramic Vessels 35% D

Grade Distribution

Learner Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Speaks and listens respectfully Consistently
Maintains an organised approach to learning Consistently
Completes set work Consistently
Works collaboratively in groups Consistently
Displays focus and self-control Consistently
Applies feedback about learning Usually
Strives for deeper understanding Usually
Aleksandar Bojanic
Year 7, May 2021

Pastoral Care
Mr D Hall

Aleksandar is a friendly and outgoing student with a positive attitude toward school. He is an eager student who is willing to try new
challenges such as joining, Tournament of the Minds team competition. His academic goal for Semester 1 was to improve his
performance in Mathematics. Aleksandar's reflections reveal that to accomplish this goal, he has implemented strategies such as
practicing past questions and setting a study routine. He struggles with procrastination and needs to stay focused on his study plan.
While he is still working on this goal the results in his other subjects, especially Technology, demonstrate his study plan is working.
Aleksander's other goal was to achieve a healthy lifestyle through eating healthy and exercising regularly. He is encouraged to
continue following a home study plan and modifying it where necessary.

Build knowledge and Collaborate and Show respect and Serve and lead for the Make wise and
think creatively communicate compassion benefit of others courageous choices

Student Profile
1: Consistently 2: Usually 3: Often 4: Occasionally 5: Rarely
Arrives punctually to school Consistently
Wears the school uniform well Consistently
Meets general school expectations Consistently
Relates positively with peers Consistently
Contributes positively in Wellbeing Tutor Periods Consistently

Aleksandar has not participated in any co-curricular activities this semester
High School Athletics Carnival , High School Cross Country
HS Tournament of Minds

Days Absent: 0
Mr K. McMullen (Principal)

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