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UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT M.Phil Entrance Examination -May 2019 English Language and Literature Time: 2 hours Maximum: 100 marks 1. Answer any two of the following questions in four to five pages: (2x15=30 marks} 1, Discuss the impact of colonialism in the evolution of English Language. 2. Why is the Seventeenth Century considered a crucial turning point in the history of English prose? 3. Discuss the salient features of Elizabethan drama in the larger context of a flourishing theatre culture during the time. 4, From the rich imagery and rhythmic quality of Alfred Lord Tennyson to Christina Rossetti’s lyrical purity and powerful exploration of loss and faith, the Victorian period heralded a new wave of poetry that was influenced by its Romantic predecessors, yet was distinctly different. Comment. 5; itis Often argued that “.:it was in the Nineteenth Century that gender- consciousness and feminist attitudes first came to the forefront of the literary imagination, changing forever how the warks of female authors would be written and regarded” , Discuss. 6. How does postcolonial theory critically engage with the formations of literary canon in our cultural histories? 7. Discuss the impact of transcendentalism on American thought and sensibility. 8. Critiéally comment on the importance of slave narratives in American literary 9. How Has the Chomskyan revolution effected a paradigm shift in the history of linguistics? 10, Discuss the major challenges faced by English language teachers in the Indian class rooms. Li.Autobiography has emerged as a significant genre in articulating the complex consciousness of the marginalized across the world. Comment 12. Evaluate the significance of any one of the following in terms of its impact on the understanding and analysis of literature/culture: : Formalism, New Historicism, Reader-Response Theory, Structuralism, Postcolonial Studies, Queer Studies, Dalit Aesthetics, Eco-Criticism, Tamil Poetics, Theory of Rasa lI. Write short notes on any four of the following: (4x5=20marks) 1. Epic Theatre, 2. Elizabethan sonnet, 3.Early Indian English poetry, 4, Imagism in Modernist poetry, 5.Caste and Gender in Dalit writing, 6, The Harlem Renaissance, 7. Domestication and Foreignization in Translation, 8, Forensic linguistics, 9. Indigenous Writing, 10.Universal Grammar, 11 Hybridity, 12,Deep Ecology s ii Fillin the blanks with appropriate words or ahrases: (2x20=40 marks) 1 i the name of the first English tragedy movement in English poetry. 2. D. G, Rossetti was the leader of the - Chronicles, 3, Many of Shakespeare’s history plays draw their plots from ~ 4. The name of the epic poem written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is ~ 5. ass published the first UK book edition of T.S.Eliot’s poem The Wasteland. 6. The speech 'We should all Be Feminists’ was originally 2 TED Talk given by the Nigerian weiter ~ 7 The Secrit History of Compassion is the first novel in English written by the well- known Malayalam writer 8, Mahaswetha Devi's story Draupadi has been translated into English by- ig the name of the indian English poet who translated Kannada Bhakti poetry into English 10. A tfansiation of a work into another language by the original author of the work is known as 11. Boz was the pen name adopted by the nineteenth century English novelist: 12, The first Black woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature is: 13. Areopagitica, considered to be history s most influential and impassioned aiilosophical defence oF the principle of the FEAT TO Freedom OF SBEECH ANG expression ‘was written by 14, Edward Said transformed the meaning of such a way that it no longer refers to a disinterested field of study but an expression of power relations between the West and the East. 15. Preface to the Lyrical Ballads was published in. 16. wrote the Introduction to the first English edition of Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali. 17. is the Japanese author who won the Franz Katka prize. 18, Towards an Aesthetic of Dalit Literature is written by the Marathi Dalit writer. learning is a combination of face-to-face teaching interactions (also known as computer-assisted language learning), achieved through a Virtual learning environment (VLE). 20 are two words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. IV. Choose the correct answer from the choices given: (10x1=10 marks) 1. The Nobel Prize winner in literature in 2018 was 2) Bob Dylan b) Kazuo Ishiguro ¢} Ngugi Wa Thiong’o d) None of the above. 2.Who among the following is the author of the essay ‘What is an Author”? a] Stanley Fish ) Roland Barthes c) Michel Foucault d) Wolfgang Iser 3. The title-of William Faulkner's novel The Sound and The Fury is taken from a) Shakespeare's Mecbeth b) Milton's Paradise Lost b) Ben Jonson's Volpone ¢) None of the above. 4. Who among the following is associated with the famous four-book series called Neapolitan Novels? a) Margaret Atwood b) Paul Auster c) Vikram Seth d) Elena Ferrante 5. The term Scopophilia is assaciated with a) Helene Cixous b) Jonathan Dollimore ©) Laura Mulvey d) Bell Hooks | 6) coined the term Bunburyism which later came to have connotations of assuming false identity while committing licentious acts. a) George Bernard Shaw | —S—«#b) P.B. Sheeley / ¢) Charles Dickens 4) Oscar wilde ‘ ES is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving information a) Lecture method b) Group discussion <) Constructivist teaching d) The Silent Method 8 LeRoi Jones was the earlier name of a) Ed Bullins bb) Amiri Baraka : ¢} Langston Hughes dj} None of the above. 8. The pseudonym adopted by Syivia Plath in her only novel Bell Jar was a) Mary Ann Evans bo) Victoria Lucas 5 cyurrer Belt d) Harper Lee 10, made-the film adaptation of Eugene Oneil’s dramatic trilogy Mourning Becormas Electra into a Malayalam film a) Lenin Rajendran b) Padmarajan ¢} Sreebala Menon d) Shyamaprasad

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