A1 Essay Plan Template

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Class: ___BL10__ Name: ___Lai Ka Him_________________

EAP I Assignment One – Essay Plan

Read the “Assignment 1 Guidelines” carefully before completing this essay plan.
Essay Topic Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of generative AI
Introduction (write in point form)
 Generative AI = a technology that influences deep learning models to generate
human-like content in response to complex and wide-ranging prompts.

 ChatGPT, the popular chatbot from OpenAI, is estimated to have reached 100
million monthly active users in January 2023, just two months after launch.

 Generative AI has been applied in various industries: Healthcare, finance,

transportation, and entertainment which indicated that generative AI took a major
portion of the daily life among technology users

 Ethical contemplations of using generative AI: Job displacement (replacing Jobs

that require human resources), privacy (leakage of personal information), impact
on social interactions (generative AI users might be inclined to use AI to replace
real-life interactions)
Body Paragraphs
(write ONE topic sentence in each box below; grammar must be correct)
Generative AI promotes the idea of creativity or acts as a source of
ideas, inspiration, and content generation. It helps AI users to
Advantage 1
explore new possibilities and enables users to finish their work with
fresh perspectives.
Generative AI provides data synthesis and objectified insights
Advantage 2 assorted from databases, allowing generative AI users to validate the
credibility of a news outlet or verify the reliability of the information
the lack of control and unpredictability of generative AI is criticized
by the user (lack of the ability to generate intended object
accurately) since the AI system is highly sensitive to small and subtle
Disadvantage 1
nuances in input data, for instance, the exact word choices of a
poem generator or the exact colours produced by an image synthesis
model cannot be predicted.
Reliance on generative AI may appear on learners or students.
Generative AI users will systematically accept information acquired
Disadvantage 2 from AI without much analytic or critical thinking leading them to
have less chance to reflect on their knowledge states and analyse
their own learning progress
Conclusion (write in complete sentences; grammar must be correct)
Your Stance with reasons
 Generative AI should not be supported, with the advancement of technology, the
influence and ability of generative AI is overshadowing human instinct to
contemplate, the biggest trait of humans that distinguishes us from other animals
is thinking and contemplating. With that being said, the application of generative
AI is weakening the creativity and critical-thinking ability of humans as it has
already become a source of ideas. Stakeholders in our society do not have to be
productive. As technology preserves its influence, our materialistic life may be
enhanced, in other ways around, the application of generative AI would be
detrimental to our fulfilment in our mental wellbeing, which is why we shouldn’t
be utilizing generative AI to its fullest extent.

Read Assignment 1 Guidelines (page 3) carefully before you complete the following section.
Academic Source 1
Type of source: Journal Article
(a) James Hutson, Peter Cotroneo
(b) 2023
(c) Praxis and Augmented Creativity: A Case Study in the Use of Generative Artificial
Intelligence (AI) Art in the Digital Art Classroom
(d) The International Journal of Technologies in Learning
(e) Volume 31, Issue 1, 2024
(f) https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-0144/CGP/v31i01/113-132

Academic Source 2
Type of source: Scholarly book
(a) Victoria L. Rubin
(b) 2022
(c) Misinformation and Disinformation: Detecting Fakes with the Eye and AI
(d) Springer
(e) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95656-1
(f) N/A

Academic Source 3
Type of source: Conference Paper
(a) Iikka Hauhio, Anna Kantosalo, Simo Linkola, Hannu Toivonen
(b) 2023
(c) The Spectrum of Unpredictability and its Relation to Creative Autonomy.
(d) International Conference on Computational Creativity
(e) http://hdl.handle.net/10138/570282
(f) N/A
Academic Source 4
Type of source: Conference Paper
(a) Rania Abdelghani, Hélène Sauzéon, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
(b) 2023
(c) Generative AI in the Classroom: Can Students Remain Active Learners?
(d) GAIED Workshop - Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
(e) https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.03192
(f) N/A

Screenshot of the 4 academic sources

Academic Source 1
Academic Source 2

Academic Source 3
Academic Source 4

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