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This chapter summarises how primary students grasp history through hands on activities.

History is content from the past which integrates the study of politic, society, culture, and the
economy. The concepts explored in history contain evidence, continuity and change, cause
and effect, significance, perspectives, empathy and contestability. Students can then
understand the concepts of citizenship, chronology, terms, analysis, perspectives,
communication, and explanation.

The tables summarise the individual year levels and the necessary steps to teaching history
and connect to the student’s personal lives. For example, in foundation year it focuses on
personal events and experiences from the past. Its then furthered in year 1 were the difference
and similarities compared to people in their lives. Activities like sequencing days of the week
or months can let students gain an understanding of the term chronology. Stories, songs,
nursery rhymes, objects, and artefacts can aid in language skills and open students up to new
cultures. The concepts of new/old, now/then and change are important for foundation level to
learn and build questioning and analysis skills.

Analysing and questioning the past, present, and future allows students to think critically.
Asking ‘what if?’ questions and understanding different perspectives is key when teaching
history to primary students. The textbook explains that relating the subject to things the
students find interesting such as food, school, or clothing can benefit their learning. The
chapter provides examples of how visual, oral, storytelling, fiction, timelines, and play can all
be utilized to teach history and the approaches that has proven beneficial for children. Guided
play with props and prompt such as clothing through eras, or communication/phones through
the eras can encourage students to use their imagination whilst grasping historical concepts.
Timelines were explained to be used for historical and personal chronological displays.
Reinforcing and consolidating the conventions of a timeline and the concept of chronology.

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