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<IoT - Enabled Egg Incubator & Birds Brooder with Sensors

Integration >

Design Document

Version 1.0

Group Id: <F230272A75 (Bs170405754)>

Supervisor Name :< Waqar Ahmad>

Revision History

Date Version Description Author

Current date Designs document is used to
1.0 give an application BS170405754
18-01-2024 development team overall
guidance to the architecture
of the application project.

Design document contains:

1) ERD
2) Sequence diagram

3) Architecture design

4) Class diagram

5) Database designs

6) Interface designs

7) Test Cases
Table of Contents

1. Introduction.
1.2.Intended approach.
2. Background.
3. Literature review.
4. Proposed project design.
4.1.Functional and Nonfunctional requirements.
4.2.Block diagrams.
4.3.Communication links.
4.4.Components of user interface and circuit design.
4.5.Project flow.
5. Project breakdown.
6. Milestone achieved.
6.1.Completion of review of literature.
6.2.Selection of functionalities of project.
6.3.Selection of hardware components.
6.4.Selection of software platform and design.
7. References.
1. Introduction.
We proposed the development of an advance and efficient Egg Incubator and Bird
Brooder System. This project aims to provide a solution for hatcheries, poultry form
and enthusiasts who require to precise temperature and humidity controlled during
Egg Incubation with egg rotation mechanism and a nurturing environment for newly
hatched bird. We proposed the development of an IoT- enable bird’s incubator with a
comprehensive sensor suite, including light, temperature humidity and egg rotator for
real time monitoring. This Incubator will provide a controlled and monitored
environment for avian breeding, enabling bird enthusiast, breeder and researcher to
maintain optimal condition for hatching and nurturing birds egg.

2. Background.

p oultry found in south Asia are of many different species, farmers raise the poultry to consume
eggs and meat. Egg shave many nutrition factors such as vitamin, fat protein an dminerals. The
process of egg incubation is to develop the eggs embryo until hatching is achieved. Most of there
search development is based on microcontroller to develop a smart egg incubator which can control
thehumidity, temperature, egg turning and
ventilation.Air quality: The adequate oxygen level should bemaintained in the incubator during the
incubation process. To do so the air in and air out exhaust fansshould be used to regulate the oxygen
level in the incubator. This is controlled by the proposed method using the
controller.2 Egg turning: The most essential part in the incubation isthe egg turning, in the 1st week
the embryo has nocirculation system hence egg rotation is critical, this helps proper development of
additional embryo in cmembrane which in turn helps the chick to pep out without any problem. Eggs
must be turned every 2 hrsin the 24 hrs duration for proper development of chick.T he egg rotating
also helps to transfer the yolk nutrients to embryo through the sub embryonic fluid.
3. Literature review.

Poultry found in south Asia are of many different species, farmers raise the poultry to consume
eggs and meat. Eggshave many nutrition factors such as vitamin, fat protein an dminerals. The
process of egg incubation is to develop the eggs embryo until hatching is achieved. Most of there
search development is based on microcontroller to develop a smart egg incubator which can control
thehumidity, temperature, egg turning and ventilation.
Air quality: The adequate oxygen level should be maintained in the incubator during the
incubation process. To do so the air in and air out exhaust fans hould be used to regulate the oxygen
level in the incubator. This is controlled by the proposed method using the
controller.2 Egg turning: The most essential part in the incubation isthe egg turning, in the 1st week
the embryo has no circulation system hence egg rotation is critical, this helps proper development of
additional embryo nicmembrane which in turn helps the chick to pep out without any problem. Eggs
must be turned every 2 hrs in the 24 hrs duration for proper development of chick. The egg rotating
also helps to transfer the yolk nutrientsto embryo through the sub embryonic fluid.
4. Proposed project design.
<In this section, you should have to state the complete functional and nonfunctional
requirements of your system. You have to provide the complete block/module
diagrams, modular interconnection details (diagrams), proposed circuit components,
software design and complete project flow.>

5. Project breakdown.
<In this section, you have to provide here the complete breakdown of your project
through several phases including the research and analysis, modular design
implementation, integration, testing and debugging & finalization of your project.
You have to use Microsoft Project chart to explain your complete project division.>

6. Milestone achieved.
The materials used in the incubator are locally available materials at a very low cost. The
incubatorhatching test was conducted for three temperature valuesT1, T2 and T3. The test confirmed
that temperature T2 isthe best temperature to get better yield. The incubator combines both hatcher
and brooder in the same chamber. The incubator at the start takes around 12 minutes to achieve the
set temperature, i.e., T2 (from 21°C to 37.5°C).The power consumption at the time was around 62
wattsand running time after attaining the set temperature was around 22 watts. The test was also
carried out using the Kalman filter for better results. The entire unit can be controlled anywhere with
the help of Blynk app from the smartphone. The incubator is designed to be adopted by villages for
small scale poultry farming and can be used foregg embryo investigation and laboratory works.

7. References.
 Aldair, A.A., Rashid, A.T. and Mokayef, M. (2018) ‘Design andimplementation of intelligent
control system for egg incubator based on IoT technology’,
 2018 4th International Conferenceon Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering (ICEESE)
 ,DOI: 10.1109/iceese.2018.8703539.Boleli, I.C., Morita, V.S., Matos, J.B., Thimotheo, M.I.
andAlmeida, V.R. (2016) ‘Poultry egg incubation: integratingand optimizing production efficiency’,
 Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science
 , Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.1–16.Deeming, D.C. (1989) ‘Characteristics of unturned eggs:critical period, retarded
embryonic growth and pooralbumen utilization’,
 Poultry Science
 , Vol. 30, pp.239–249,DOI: 10.1080/00071668908417144.Gutierrez, S., Contreras, G., Ponce, H.,
Cardona, M., Amadi, H.and Enriquez-Zarate, J. (2019) ‘Development of hen eggssmart incubator for
hatching system based on internetof things’,
 2019 IEEE 39th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXIX)
 , DOI: 10.1109/concapanxxxix47272.2019.8976987.Huang, T. and Sun, L. (2015) ‘Design and implementationof
the infant incubator intelligent control system based oninternet of things’,
 The Open Automation and ControlSystems Journal
 , Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.2223–2229, DOI: 10.2174/1874444301507012223.Islam, N., Uddin, M.N., Arfi, A.M.,
Ul Alam, S. and Uddin, M.M.(2019) ‘Design and implementation of IoT based perspicacious
egg incubator system’,
 9th Annual InformationTechnology, Electromechanical Engineering
and Microelectronics Conference (IEMECON)
 , DOI: 10.1109/IEMECONX.2019.8877043

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