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Q1: While many other companys using guide handbook or pdf file to introduce

organization history, missions, values as well as departments. Both of this can storage
many informations and datas. Why your company decide to use video clip for
representing information in day 1? It’s take HR department time to make video clip with
full information and take time to represent while you have already sent them before
onboarding day?
A1: We decide to use video clip base on some reasons:
 First of all, knowing about organization history, missions, values as well as
departments was very important to connecting firm missions and aims with
employees. And we decide to use video clip on day 1 to easily attract them to our
represent, people tend to have strong impression with content have picture, voice,
sound, etc,…
 Morever, if we just send guide handbook or pdf file to them, we can’t make sure
that if they read it or not. So we present in day 1 to ensure that they will know our
firm information and finally
 And finnally we recruit five newbies Gen Z and we know that they’re a dynamic
and creative generation, also, they are attracted with digital gadgets and using
many time per day to using social media so if we use video to present information
but know make that video according to current trends, it will make the company's
new employees pay more attention.
Q2: If we have the onboarding programs from the previous recruitment, what is the
evaluation criteria to know that if that programs still relevant and effective over time? Or
we need to change the programs to be more suitable for this new employees
A2: Ensuring that your onboarding program remains relevant and effective over time
requires a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation to changing
organizational needs and industry trends.
There are some evaluation criteria: Regular programs evaluation by receive feedback or
make the survey from the provious newbies and relevant peoples or receive opinion from
HR manager, and employees in the design and evaluation of our onboarding program.
Their insights and knowdledge from professional one can help us a lot.
Also, we need to update the newest methods as well as content. HR department need to
inform about best practices in onboarding and employee development by attend HR class,
workshop, meeting, update from internet or reference onboarding programs from other
Q3: Your HR department plans there are only first day and 1 subsequent day. Do you
think it too short or the onboarding program is rushed?
There are some considerations to take into account the limited timeline. This condensed
schedule may be efficient in terms of minimizing disruption to regular operations, it still
ensure that new employees receive support and information.
It's important to consider the complexity of the role and the amount of information and
training required. We want to ensure that new employees feel valued and prepared to
contribute from day one.
Therefore, while a condensed onboarding program may have benefits, it's important to
balance between efficiency and effectiveness to ensure that new employees receive the
support and resources they need to thrive in their new roles.
Morever, we still have 2 weeks to help them familiarize with workplace environment as
well as receive any concerns from them so we decide to give them enough company’s
information for 2 days

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