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Ayala C.

Caracter BEED II-B

Activity 9 Kohlberg Stages of Moral Development


1. Identify the stage of moral development shown in the following:

1. Joy allows her classmates to copy her homework so that they will think she is kind and
will like her to be their friend.

Ans. Interpersonal accord and conformity

2. Ricky does everything to get passing grades because his Mom will take his play station
away if he gets bad grades.

Ans. Obedience and punishment

3. A Civic action group protests the use of pills for family planning, saying that although
the government allows this, it is actually murder because the pills are abortifacient
(causes abortion).

Ans. Social contract

4. Jinky lets Hannah copy during their math test because Hannah agreed to let her copy
during their sibika test.

Ans. Self - interest

5. Karen decides to return the wallet she found in the canteen so that people will praise
her honesty and think she's such a nice girl.

Ans. Interpersonal accord or conformity

6. John decides to return the wallet he found in the canteen because he believes it's the
right thing to do.

Ans. Authority and maintaining social order

7. Lyka wears her ID inside the campus because she likes to follow the school rules and

Ans. Authority and maintaining social order

8. A jeepney driver looks if there's a policeman around before he U-turns in a no U-turn

Ans. Obedience and punishment

9. Liza volunteers to tutor children-at-risk children in her community for free so they
will learn to love school and stay in school.

Ans. Universal ethical principles

10. Little Riel behaves so well to get a star stamp from her teacher.

Ans. Self - interest


1. Read the Moral Dilemma Discussion guide found in

(http:/// ). Try out these guidelines
with a moral dilemma.

Moral Dilemma

A moral dilemma is a situation in which a person is torn between right and wrong and
looks at the very core of a person's principles and values. The choice the person makes
may leave them feeling burdened, guilty, relieved, or questioning their values. A moral
dilemma often forces the individual to decide which option he or she can live with, but
any outcomes are extremely unpleasant no matter what. Moral dilemmas are often used
to help people think through the reasoning for their beliefs and actions,

Examples of moral dilemma:

A husband learns he has a terminal illness and he decides to ask his wife for assistance
in ending the pain before it gets too bad.

2. Research on the views of Eliot Turiel (Domain Theory) and Carol Gilligan (Moral
Reasoning and Gender). Relate them with Kohlberg’s Theory.

Gilligan contributed the literature women’s moral judgment. Jorgensen (2006) mentioned
that Gilligan and Kohlberg criticized each other for their differing views. However they
agree on the contributions of cultures on adolescents’ principles of justice (Austrian,
2008). Both Kohlberg and Gilligan had been criticized by social domain theorists
(Smetana & Turiel, 2003). Social Domain Theorists and Kohlberg differ largely on
awareness of sources of social knowledge and moral principles (Kohlberg, 1984;
bSmetana, 1999; Turiel, 1983). As contrary to other theories, Social Domain Theory is
considered more social-cognitive. Turiel and Killen (1998) considered Social Domain
Theory’s limitation with social dilemmas and adolescent parent relationships a positive
asset of the theoryrcher only tests one effect at a time.


Read a research that is related to Kohlberg’s Theory. Fill out the matrix below.


Did Kohlberg justify his argument? Is his theory bias?

Research Methodology:

1. Type of research - This study is framed within the following types of research:
Descriptive, field and acknowledged.

Descriptive - The research is limited to a descriptive study, data collection on the basis of
a theory has allowed describing the musical recreational activities that teachers applied,
and the results are presented systematically and objectively interpreted.

Bibliographic - The theorecal basis of the research was supported by inquiries to:
literature sources, texts, journals, notes, variousdocuments, as well as computer and
Internet sources.

Field - The research was conducted in selected schools directly, directly related to the
sources of informaon both generally andindividually held. Musical recreaonal
acvies carried out by teachers and students were observed. In this environment
surveyswere applied to teacher sand interviews with managers.

2. Research Methods For the research work conducted the following methods are used:

Method inductive - deductive

A synthetic analytical process was applied to study particular aspects of online banking,
establishing a general theoretical basis. In this method the survey, interview and direct
observation of the activities developed by teachers, were of fundamental importance, as
allowed properly gather informatoon.
Deductive method - Inductive

Start from the general to the particular, that is, by applying the general theory of
Recreation tosupport research and analyze musical recreational activities implemented


Lawrence Kohlberg's hypothesis guarantees that our advancement of good thinking

occurs in six phases, the stages are organized by three levels. Level 1 the Preconventional
profound quality the main phase of good turn of events and last until the age of 9. Were
youngsters don'thave an individual code of ethical quality and they settle on choices
dependent on the principles of grown-ups and outcomes of keeping or disrupting
guidelines level 1 are made out of 2 phases, stage 1 acquiescence and discipline direction
stage 2 independence and trade. Level 2 ordinary ethical quality the second phase of
good turn of events and described by an acknowledgment of social guidelines concerning
right base, in this level, stages 3 and 4 happen. Stage 3 great relational connections, stage
4 keeping everything under control. Level 3 Postconventional Morality the third and last
phase of good turn of events and is described by people comprehension of all-inclusive
moral standards, in this level stage 5 and 6 happen. Stage 5 Social Contract and
Individual Rights. Stage 6 Universal Principles. 2 Carol Giligan one of Kohlberg's
understudies accept that Kohlberg's hypothesis was one-sided against females in light of
the fact that asindicated by her females were bound to lean toward stage three jobs or
standards in which female as per Giligan will follow relationship direction while Males
will favor stage 4 keep administers and keep up cultural standards (Justice Orientation)
of profound quality as per Giligan stage ought to be equivalent to arrange four, in which
Kohlberg oppose this idea.


1. Kohlberg supported his hypothesis by giving individuals theoretical good quandaries,

in which the ethical stages happen. One of his well known good situations was about
Heinz and his significant other Clara who was debilitated and has hazardous disease at
that point kohlberg's utilization this ethical quandaries to inquire as to whether they
would take the medications that can keep Heinz spouse alive. He will talk with
individuals beginning from when they were a kid to juvenile to a youthful grown-up
until they will get more established grown-up, in expecting to discover design in their
reacting as they matured.

2. In decision about Giligan contention, an examination was led called THE

Characterizing ISSUES TEST (DIT) and affirmed that ladies on normal has higher good
judgment advancement scores than men now this test can really discredit some of Tune
Giligan's analysis of Kohlberg's hypothesis that it was one-sided against men, also as
more outcomes have accumulated and inferred that the advanced education level of an
individual is the higher the higher your ethical judgment improvement score will be and
individuals who carry out violations mean to score lower.

Source: Brian Collin (July 23, 2017). Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral

Development hhps//

How are the findings of this research useful to teachers?

The findings of this research useful to teachers because Kohlberg's six stage model of
moral development is an excellent tool for understanding students at different stages of
moral understanding. By understanding this theory of moral development, teachers can
help to guide the moral characters of their students and help them to become the best
that they can be.


5-Minute a Non-Stop Writing Begins.. NOW!

From this module of Kohlberg’s Stages of moral Development, I realized that Kohlberg
have six stages of morality.

In Stage one (obedience and punishment driven), individuals focus on the direct
consequences of their actions on themselves.

The Stage two - Conventional morality is characterized by an acceptance of society's

conventions concerning right and wrong. At this level an individual obeys rules and
follows society's norms even when there are no consequences for obedience or

While in Stage three (interpersonal accord and conformity driven), the self enters society
by filling social roles .

Here in Stage five (social contract driven), the world is viewed as holding different
opinions, rights and values. Such perspectives should be mutually respected as unique to
each person or community. Laws are regarded as social contracts rather than rigid

The last stage, Stage six (universal ethical principles driven), moral reasoning is based on
abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles. Laws are valid only insofar as they
are grounded in justice, and a commitment to justice carries with it an obligation to
disobey unjust laws.

As a future educator, I will teach my students on how to distinguish right or wrong

situation base on moral principles and ethics because this will serve as their guide in the

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