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Instruments on strategies for promoting gender equality through support to value chain

and food security in northern Nigeria in the context of fragility and conflict
Focus Group Discussion: Women, Youth and Men
Roles, Practices, and Participation:
1. What agricultural commodity value chains are prevalent among women within conflict-
affected areas in Katsina state?
2. Are there specific agricultural commodities production that are more affected by the
conflict than others?
3. What are the components in the value chain women are involved?
4. Are the components in the chain women are involved profitable?
5. How to make the value chains more profitable?
6. How are women tapping economic opportunities?
7. Can you describe the roles ((i.e., in land preparation, planting, weeding, pest
management, harvesting, marketing) of men and women in the production of the
mentioned agricultural commodities within conflict-affected areas in Katsina state?
8. Have these roles shifted or been affected by the ongoing conflict?
9. How are the vulnerable women voice are listened to: PLDs, IDPs
Access to Resources and Control Over Benefits:
10. Do women and men have equal access to and control over resources such as land, credit,
and technology for value chain participation within conflict-affected areas?
11. Are there any specific barriers or challenges faced by women in accessing and controlling
resources or participating in value chain activities due to the conflict in Katsina state?
Management of Farms and Income:
12. What are the main sources of income for women in relation to value chain activities in
this conflict-affected area?
13. How does the conflict impact the economic well-being of women and men involved in
agricultural production?
Marketing and Information Access:
14. How are marketing opportunities and access to information related to value chains
distributed between women?
15. Is there gender-based barriers to accessing markets or obtaining market information?
Coping Mechanisms and Resilience:
16. What coping mechanisms do women in this area use to navigate the challenges posed by
the conflict and value chain participation?
17. What can be done to build resilience and strengthen the economic participation of both
women and in these value chains?
18. What are the social norms affecting women’s empowerment and harnessing their
contribution to food security, nutrition, income, transformation of rural economy, climate
Support and Interventions:
19. What challenges facing women in Katsina?
20. What actions can be undertaken to help address these matters;
short term?
medium term?
21. What actions are needed to enhance the capacity of communities to support great
empowerment of women: voice, influence for their economic empowerment?
22. How can state authorities champion the changes of social norms?
23. How can state leaders demonstrate leadership in fostering social engineering
24. Are there specific policies or support programs in place to address gender inclusivity
participation in value chains? Please explain
25. What future strategies or plans does your organization have to further address gender
inclusivity in value chains in these areas?
26. What is the state willing to do to change the situation of women: access to land, access to
financial services, access to market, access to leadership in state committees, access to
mechanization, access to technology, participation of women in security committees,
participation of women in conflict prevention and resolution committee, women in
agriculture committee, women in land committee, women in infrastructure committee,
women in water committee, women in food security committee
27. What measures can be taken to improve the gender inclusivity and resilience of value
chains in these areas?

Key Informant Interviews (Government ministry, Officials, and CSOs)

Roles, Practices, and Participation:
1. What agricultural commodity value chains are prevalent among women and men within
conflict-affected areas in Katsina state?
2. Are there specific agricultural commodities production that are more affected by the
conflict than others?
3. Can you describe the roles (i.e., in land preparation, planting, weeding, pest management,
harvesting, marketing) of men and women in the production of the mentioned agricultural
commodities within conflict-affected areas in Katsina state?
4. Have these roles shifted or been affected by the ongoing conflict?
Access to Resources and Control Over Benefits:
5. Do women and men have equal access to and control over resources such as land, credit,
and technology for value chain participation within conflict-affected areas?
6. Are there any specific barriers or challenges faced by women and men in accessing and
controlling resources or participating in value chain activities?
Management of Farms and Income:
7. What are the main sources of income for women and men in relation to value chain
activities in this conflict-affected area?
8. How does the conflict impact the economic well-being of women and men involved in
value chains?
Marketing and Information Access:
9. How are marketing opportunities and access to information related to value chains
distributed between women and men?
10. Is there gender-based barriers to accessing markets or obtaining market information?
Coping Mechanisms and Resilience:
11. What coping mechanisms do women and men in this area use to navigate the challenges
posed by the conflict and value chain participation?
12. What can be done to build resilience and strengthen the economic participation of both
women and men in these value chains?
Support and Interventions:
13. What challenges facing women in Katsina?
14. What actions can be undertaken to help address these matters;
short term?
medium term?
15. What actions are needed to enhance the capacity of communities to support great
empowerment of women: voice, influence for their economic empowerment?
16. How can state authorities champion the changes of social norms?
17. How can state leaders demonstrate leadership in fostering social engineering
18. Are there specific policies or support programs in place to address gender inclusivity
participation in value chains? Please explain
19. What future strategies or plans does your organization have to further address gender
inclusivity in value chains in these areas?
20. What is the state willing to do to change the situation of women: access to land, access to
financial services, access to market, access to leadership in state committees, access to
mechanization, access to technology, participation of women in security committees,
participation of women in conflict prevention and resolution committee, women in
agriculture committee, women in land committee, women in infrastructure committee,
women in water committee, women in food security committee
21. What measures can be taken to improve the gender inclusivity and resilience of value
chains in these areas?

KII Farmers Group or organizations

Roles, Practices, and Participation:
1. What agricultural commodity value chains are prevalent among women and men within
conflict-affected areas in Katsina state?
2. Are there specific agricultural commodities that are more affected by the conflict than
3. Can you describe the roles ((i.e., in land preparation, planting, weeding, pest
management, harvesting, marketing) of men and women in the production of the
mentioned agricultural commodities within conflict-affected areas in Katsina state?
4. Have these roles shifted or been affected by the ongoing conflict?
Access to Resources and Control Over Benefits:
5. Do women and men have equal access to and control over resources such as land, credit,
and technology for value chain participation within conflict-affected areas?
6. Are there any specific barriers or challenges faced by women and men in accessing and
controlling resources or participating in value chain activities?
Leadership and Participation:
7. Is membership in your organization/association gender-exclusive? Are there other social
stratifies, including ethnic group, age, religion, other? Can you provide summary of
membership of men and women in your association?
8. What are the requirements for membership? Are they different for women and for men?
9. Can you describe women’s and men’s representation and engagement in main leadership
bodies (i.e., Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee membership etc.) in your
10. How does your organization promote leadership and participation of women and men in
the agricultural sector, especially within value chains?
Management of Farms and Income:
11. What are the main sources of income for women and men in relation to value chain
activities in this conflict-affected area?
12. How does the conflict impact the economic well-being of women and men involved in
value chains?
Marketing and Information Access:
13. How are marketing opportunities and access to information related to value chains
distributed between women and men?
14. Is there gender-based barriers to accessing markets or obtaining market information?
Coping Mechanisms and Resilience:
15. What coping mechanisms do women and men in this area use to navigate the challenges
posed by the conflict and value chain participation?
16. What can be done to build resilience and strengthen the economic participation of both
women and men in these value chains?
Support and Interventions:
17. Are there any interventions or support programs in place to address gender inclusivity in
value chains in this conflict-affected area?
18. How effective have these interventions been in promoting gender equity and economic
opportunities for women and men?
19. What measures can be taken to improve the gender inclusivity and resilience of value
chains in these areas?

KII Media organizations

1. Can you provide an overview of your media organization's engagement in covering issues
related to conflict-affected areas and agriculture commodity production with a focus on
gender dynamics?
2. Can you share examples of specific stories or narratives your media organization covered
that have shed light on the challenges and opportunities for women's economic
participation in agricultural commodity production in conflict-affected areas?
3. From your media coverage experience, what gender-specific challenges do women face
in accessing and participating in agricultural commodity production within conflict-
affected areas? Can you identify any opportunities or solutions that have been reported or
discussed in your media coverage?
4. Does your media organization collaborate with other stakeholders, such as development
partners, government agencies, or local organizations, to address gender fragility in value
5. What are your organization's plans or strategies for future reporting on gender fragility in
value chains in conflict-affected areas?
6. In your opinion, what can be done to improve the media's role in addressing gender
fragility in value chains in conflict-affected areas?

KII Development Partners

1. Are you familiar with the key agricultural commodity value chain in the conflict-affected
areas where your organization operates in Katsina states?
2. How do these value chains contribute to the economic well-being of the affected
population, especially women?
3. In your experience, are women in conflict-affected areas in Katsina state able to access
necessary resources such as credit, land, and technology to participate in value chains?
4. From your observation, what gender-specific challenges do women face in accessing and
participating in value chains in conflict-affected areas in Katsina state?
5. What strategies or initiatives has your organization implemented to promote gender
inclusivity in these value chains in conflict-affected areas?
6. What future strategies or plans does your organization have to further address gender
inclusivity in value chains in these areas?
7. In your opinion, what measures can be taken by development partners to enhance the
gender inclusivity and resilience of value chains in conflict-affected areas in Katsina

KII People with Disabilities

Section 1: Roles, Practices, and Participation of Women and Men with Disabilities
1. What agricultural commodity value chains are prevalent among women and men with
disabilities in Katsina state?
2. Can you describe the roles ((i.e., in land preparation, planting, weeding, pest
management, harvesting, marketing) of men and women with disabilities in the
production of the mentioned agricultural commodities within conflict-affected areas in
Katsina state?
3. Have there been any changes in the roles and practices of women and men with
disabilities in agriculture commodity production due to the conflict?
Section 2: Access to Resources and Control Over Benefits
4. How do women and men with disabilities in this area access resources such as land,
seeds, credit, and agricultural inputs?
5. What challenges or barriers do women and men with disabilities face in obtaining and
controlling these resources compared to others?
Section 3: Management of Farms and Income
6. How are farms and agricultural businesses managed in this conflict-affected area by
people with disabilities?
7. Do women and men with disabilities have equal opportunities and decision-making
power in managing their farms and businesses?
8. Are there any specific programs or initiatives aimed at improving the income and
livelihoods of people with disabilities in the value chain? If so, please describe.
Section 4: Marketing and Information Access
9. How do women and men with disabilities engage in marketing their agricultural products
or value-added products?
10. Are there differences in access to markets and market information for people with
disabilities compared to others?
Section 5: Support Intervention
11. Are there any initiatives or projects that have been introduced to enhance the
participation of people with disabilities in agricultural value chain development?
12. What measures can be taken to improve the participation of women and men with
disabilities in the agriculture value chain development?

KII Agriculture processors/Traders/Marketers

Section 1: Roles, Practices, and Participation of Women and Men
1. In your experience, how have traditional gender roles influenced the participation of
women and men within agriculture processing and trading businesses?
2. Have there been any noticeable changes in the roles and practices of women and men in
the agriculture value chain due to the ongoing conflict in Katsinaa state? Please describe.
3. How many employees/members do your organization have: number by sex, and at
different levels (general, management, top management)?
4. Can you describe the roles of women and men in the different process of
production/marketing, and challenges encountered. i.e., Who operates what in terms of
machinery and infrastructure; who has most valued skills.
5. Are there differentials in remuneration for female and male staff/members with similar
qualifications and skills
6. Has the company/association faced gender-related challenges? If so, how have these been
Section 2: Access to Resources and Control Over Benefits
7. How do women and men in this area access resources such as raw materials, financial
services, and infrastructure needed for processing and trading in the value chain?
8. What challenges or barriers do women face in obtaining and controlling these resources
compared to men, particularly in the agriculture processing and trading sector?
9. Do social protection policies exist (i.e., child care, sick leave), and if so, are they equally
accessible to female and male staff?
Section 3: Management of establishment and Income/ Marketing and Information Access
10. Are there any differences in the decision-making power and management responsibilities
between women and men within your establishment?
11. Are there disparities in access to markets and market information for women and men,
and how does this impact the agriculture processing and trading sector?
12. What measures can be taken to improve the participation and profitability of women in
the agriculture processing and trading businesses?

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