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Reading Comprehension

Text 1: Read the text below!

Nabi Muhammad’s Family

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born in
Mecca, Arab, on Monday 12 Rabiul Awal. His mother Aminah, was the daughter of
Wahib Ibn Abdu Manaf. His Father, Abdullah, was the son of Abdul Mutholib.
Abdullah died before Muhammad’s birth. Aminah also died before he was six.
Muhammad lived with his grandfather Abdul Mutholib. After Mutholib died, he
lived with his uncle, Abu Tholib.

When Muhammad was twenty five years old, he married Khadijah. He had
four daughters and two sons. They were Al Qosim, Zaynab, Ruqoyah, Ummu
Kaltsum, and Abdullah. Ibrahim was the son from his marriage with Mariah al
Qibtiyah. Ali, his cousin, lived with him. He is the son of Abu Thalib.

Muhammad became a prophet when he was forty years old.

Answer the question based on the text!

1. Who are the parents of Nabi Muhammad ?

2. Is Abdul Muthalib Nabi Muhammad’s grandfather?

3. Who is Nabi Muhammad’s uncle?

4. Who is the cousin of Nabi Muhammad?

5. Who are the sons and the daughter of Nabi Muhammad?

A. Memorize the words below!

Peace => Damai

Married =>

Text 2: Read the text below!

Seasons in Indonesia
Indonesia has two seasons. They are wet season and dry
season. In wet season, rain comes almost every day. The
weather is cool. While in dry season, the sun shines brightly and
the weather is hot.

B. Memorize the words below!

Has : mempunyai Weather : cuaca

Season : musim Cool : sejuk
Wet season : musim hujan While : sedangkan
Dry season : musim kemarau Sun : matahari
Rain : hujan Shine : bersinar
Almost : hampir Brightly : dengan terang
Come : datang Hot : panas


Take a look at Wati’s family picture below.

There are five members of Wati’s family. They are

Wati’s father, mother, sister, Wati, and her brother.
Wati loves her parents so much.
Wati loves her siblings too.

My Family.
Hello, my name is Wati. I will tell you about my family. I live with my
parents and my siblings. My sister is 3 years older than me. My brother is
two years younger than me. We usually play together and share some
stuffs. We also have a cat. We called our cat “Kitty”. How about your

Some family has so many members.
Not only parents and the children.
There are also grandfather, grandmather, uncles, aunts, and causins.
Look at the family tree below!

B. Exercise. make your family tree below! (Buatlah silsilah keluargamu

dibawah ini!)

Telling Time

A. Reading. Learn about these picture

B. Exercise, complete the sentence in the dialogue

C. Homework, write the time!

It is one o’clock It is _ It is _

It is a half past one It is _ It is _

It is a quarter past eleven It is _ It is _

It is ten minutes past four It is _ It is _


A. Read the story Bellow!

Annisa is a cashier. She works 8 hours a day, from 2.00 to 10:30 p.m. She has a
30 minute break at 7 p.m. She works 5 days a week, from Tuesday to Saturday. Annisa
works 40 hours a week. She has two days off every week.

B. Please circle yes or no!

1. Annisa is a cashier. Yes No

2. She works 8 hours a day. Yes No

3. She works four days a week. Yes No

4. She has a 15 minute break at 7 p.m. Yes No

5. She has Saturday and Sunday off. Yes No

6. She doesn’t work on Monday. Yes No

7. Her work week is 40 hours. Yes No

C. Please correct the mistakes!

a. Annisa is a cleaner.

b. She works 8 hours a week.

c. She starts work in the morning.

d. She works four days a week.

e. She has two 15 minute breaks.

f. She has Saturdays and Sundays off.

g. She doesn’t work on Tuesdays.

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