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Name: Annisa Alhamarini

Class: 3B (English Education)

Student’s ID: A1B021047
Story: Rose Tinted glasses

 Task 1 Grammar in Written Discourse

No. Sentence Subject Verb Agreement Types

Singular Plural
1 She wasn’t sure She Wasn’t  She= person
wheter ‘pack’ al pronoun,
….. wasn’t=Ver
2 They were like l They Were  She= person
arge grey…. al pronoun,
would= Ver
3 They would pro They Would  They= perso
bably think… nal pronoun,
would= Ver
4 The sugar pot w The sug Was  The sugar
as the oldest thin ar pot pot= person
g in the house… al pronoun,
was= Verb 2
5 She’d deal with t She Would  She= person
he pixies… al pronoun,
were= Verb
6 She still rememb She Remem  She= person
ered when a few bered al pronoun,
years ago Remembere
d= Verb 2
7 When mum and Her you Praised  Mum and
dad only praised nger br dad= person
his imagination other T al pronoun,
…. om praised=Ver
8 When children tr Childre Tried  Children= p
ied to comprehe n ersonal pron
nd the wondrous oun, tried=
…. Verb 2
9 Her younger bro Her Giggled  Her younger
ther Tom giggle younger brother Tom
d….. brother = personal p
Tom ronoun,
giggled= Ve
rb 2
10 They scratched t They Scratch  They= perso
he delicate china ed nal pronoun,
pot…. Scratched=
Verb 2
11 Wisps of sunligh Wisps o Surroun  Wisps of su
t surrounded the f sunlig ded nlight= pers
dragon… ht onal pronou
n, surrounde
d= Verb 2
12 They had known They Known  They= perso
each other for so nal pronoun,
long…. known= Ver
13 She could chang She Could  she= person
e the world fore al pronoun,
ver…. could= Verb
14 Most magical be Magical Beings  Magical= pe
ings kept to the rsonal prono
mselves un, beings=
Verb -ing
15 She posted , “to She Posted  She= person
o much catnip!” al pronoun,
… posted= Ver
16 They set off tow They Set  They= perso
ard Jim’s house.. nal pronoun,
set= Verb 2
17 One of them bu One of Bumpe  They= perso
mped into Becca them d nal pronoun,
… walked= Ve
rb 2
18 They saw a grou They Saw  They= perso
p of children…. nal pronoun,
saw= Verb 2
19 Becca breathed i Becca Breathe  Becca= pers
n deeply to colle d onal pronou
ct…. n, breathed=
Verb 2
20 As they walked t They Walked  One of them
hrough the park = personal p
… ronoun, bum
ped= Verb 2
21 Adam nodded a Adam Nodded  Adam= pers
nd held out his h onal pronou
and…. n, nodded=
Verb 2

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