Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing For D2D-Based URLLC

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Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing for D2D-Based

Zheng Chu, Member, IEEE, Wenjuan Yu, Member, IEEE, Pei Xiao, Senior Member, IEEE, Fuhui
Zhou, Member, IEEE, Naofal Al-Dhahir, Fellow, IEEE, Atta ul Quddus, and Rahim Tafazolli, Senior
Member, IEEE

Abstract—A device-to-device (D2D) ultra reliable low latency network resources, i.e., signalling, re-transmission, etc., may
communications (URLLC) network is investigated in this paper. be employed [5]. On the other hand, the existing wireless
Specifically, a D2D transmitter opportunistically accesses the networks have been designed to focus on long-packet trans-
radio resource provided by a cellular network and directly
transmits short packets to its destination. A novel performance mission scenarios to maximize the system throughput/energy
metric is adopted for finite block-length code. We quantify the efficiency, where high reliability and low latency are generally
maximum achievable rate for the D2D network, subject to a challenging to be guaranteed simultaneously. This highlights
probabilistic interference power constraint based on imperfect the need for developing novel architectures and transmission
channel state information (CSI). First, we perform a convexity schemes to satisfy the URLLC requirements which emphasizes
analysis which reveals that the finite block-length rate for the
D2D pair in short-packet transmission is not always concave. To both high-reliability and ultra low-latency.
address this issue, we propose two effective resource allocation According to [6]–[10], the main challenge in URLLC
schemes using the successive convex approximation (SCA)-based applications is to support short packets transmission, which
iterative algorithm. To gain more insights, we exploit the mono- is the generic form of data traffic in mission-critical com-
tonicity of the average finite block-length rate. By capitalizing munications. As a traditional information-theoretical metric,
on this property, an optimal power control policy is proposed,
followed by closed-form expressions and approximations for the Shannon0 s capacity has been widely used to characterize
optimal average power and the maximum achievable average rate the maximal achievable rate. Specifically, ergodic capacity
in the finite block-length regime. Numerical results are provided and outage capacity are typically considered for sufficiently
to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed resource allocation large packet lengths. However, these conventional performance
schemes and validate the accuracy of the derived theoretical metrics are not accurate performance indicators in URLLC
networks. This is due to the fact that the block-length of
Index Terms—Finite block-length codes, URLLC, average channel coding is short due to the low-latency requirement
achievable rate, performance analysis, optimal power allocation. and small packet size. Under this scenario, the impact of
finite block-length and decoding error is more prominent and
cannot be ignored. There has been some recent work to support
I. I NTRODUCTION short packet transmissions. In [11], a novel performance metric
Due to the explosive growth of data traffic in wireless was exploited for the maximum achievable rate, by taking
services, the evolution of the fifth-generation (5G) networks into account a finite packet length and a given packet error
is necessary to secure higher data rates while guaranteeing probability. Ultra high-reliability and stringent low-latency
a highly reliable transmission [1]. In addition, wireless com- requirements can be satisfied by sacrificing the achievable
munication mechanisms are employed in emerging mission- throughput/energy efficiency with a finite transmitted packet
critical applications and services (such as remote surgery, size [11]. Recently, finite packet-length transmission has been
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) deliveries, smarter transporta- introduced in some typical scenarios, i.e., downlink broadcast
tions, and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR)), which necessi- channel, and uplink random access channel [7]. Specifically,
tates ultra low-latency (time delay required for information new theories focusing on the design of wireless protocols
exchange via wireless networks) transmissions [2]. Thus, for finite packet-length transmission have been recently de-
the scenario of ultra reliable low latency communications veloped which have a direct impact on the system design of
(URLLC) has been considered as one of the major use cases URLLC networks [7]. In addition, short packet transmission
in 5G networks. was applied to the relay-enabled URLLC network in [8],
Unlike the human-centric 4G long-term evolution (LTE) [9], where accurate performance modeling and optimization
networks, the URLLC system is required to achieve no less were discussed. These references highlighted the advantage of
than 99.999% reliability (i.e., 10−5 packet error probability) applying relaying in 5G URLLC transmissions in comparison
and no longer than 1 ms latency for a small packet size (e.g., to the direct transmission scenario (without relaying). Very
32 bytes) in 5G [3]. Ultra-high reliability and low-latency recently, a novel access technique, namely, non-orthogonal
are considered to be the most difficult technical challenges in multiple access (NOMA), was introduced and analyzed to
URLLC networks [4], and there is a tradeoff between them. support low-latency communications, by applying the coding
Specifically, the reliability can be improved by introducing rate in the finite block-length regime [12]–[15], to improve the
an increase in latency, which is due to the fact that some fairness and spectral efficiency.
Device-to-device (D2D) communications have recently at- that the finite block-length rate-maximization problem
tracted increasing research attentions as one of the promising can be iteratively solved to determine the optimal re-
techniques in 5G networks, which was standardized by the source allocation.
3GPP release 12 [16], [17]. A generic D2D pair consists of 2) Performance Analysis: To gain more insights, we prove
one D2D transmitter (DT) and one D2D receiver (DR) in close that the average achievable rate in the finite block-length
proximity to communicate directly rather than via a cellular regime is a monotonically increasing function in the
base station (BS). D2D communication provides new mobile high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region. By utilizing
service opportunities and potential capability to reduce the this property, an optimal power control policy is then
traffic load in cellular networks [18]. In addition, D2D commu- proposed, which is achieved at the maximum power
nications can be applied to mission-critical applications such limit and maximizes the average achievable rate for the
as providing public safety and disaster monitoring and relief D2D pair for short-packet transmissions. Finally, closed-
services due to the low-cost deployment and low-complexity form expressions and approximations are derived for
configuration of D2D devices [19]–[22]. Furthermore, D2D the optimal average transmit power and the maximum
communications can improve the spectral utilization via en- achievable average rate, respectively.
abling direct communication between the neighbouring mobile The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The D2D
devices without the involvement of BS, which is well suited for network which supports short packets transmission is first
high data rate, delay constrained and quality of service (QoS)- described in Section II, followed by the formulation of the
specific communication [23]. This implies that the latency achievable finite block-length rate-maximization problem. The
between two neighbouring devices can be greatly reduced by optimal resource allocation and performance analysis are in-
transmitting with the D2D proximity link while guaranteeing vestigated in Section III and Section IV, respectively. Numer-
the data rate. In [24], a D2D network was designed to satisfy ical results are presented in Section V, and we conclude this
stringent delay requirements and high reliability, which is paper in Section VI.
suitable for factory automation configurations. The presented
results revealed that the introduction of D2D pairs or groups II. S YSTEM M ODEL
helps to support stringent URLLC requirements. The above- In this section, we investigate a classic D2D cellular system
mentioned works only focus on the conventional performance which consists of a D2D pair, a cellular user (CU) and a
metric for long packets to support stringent URLLC require- cellular BS. In this model, the DT opportunistically accesses
ments, which is not accurate for short packet transmission. and reuses the frequency resources of the cellular network,
Moreover, there are only few papers in the existing literature and reliably transmits mission-critical short packets to the DR.
which exploit the performance metric of D2D networks in Moreover, the interference power at the cellular BS will be
support of URLLC services, which motivates this paper. limited to guarantee the QoS in the cellular network. The
In this paper, we study a generic D2D cellular network, in discrete-time block-fading channel model is considered in this
which the D2D transmitter reuses the cellular link to directly paper, which means that the channel gains remain fixed within
send short packets to its destination. Since short packets are one coherence interval and vary independently at the following
essential for low-latency mission-critical communications, we interval.1 The complex channel coefficient between the DT and
adopt the maximum achievable rate in the finite block-length DR is denoted by hd [i] where i indicates the i-th interval, and
regime as a suitable performance metric [11]. Our aim in this hc [i] represents the channel coefficient between the DT and
paper is to maximize the achievable rate of the D2D pair the cellular BS. Specifically, it is assumed that hd [i] and hc [i]
for low-latency communications, subject to a received-power are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) zero mean
outage constraint at the cellular BS and the imperfect channel circularly symmetric complex Gaussian (ZMCSCG) random
state information (CSI) between the D2D user and the cellular variables, i.e., CN (0, 1). Furthermore, we assume that the D2D
BS. The probabilistic received-power constraint implies that pair has perfect CSI of hd [i], whereas only imperfect CSI of
the QoS of the cellular network can be guaranteed while only hc [i] is available between the DT and the cellular BS. This
imperfect channel knowledge may be available in a practical may happen when the two D2D users are relatively close to
environment, when the D2D users are relatively close to each each other and far away from the cellular BS. Thus, the actual
other and far away from the cellular BS. We summarize the channel coefficient hc [i] is given by
contributions of this paper as follows: hc [i] = ĥc [i] + ∆hc [i], (1)
1) Optimal Resource Allocation: The convexity analysis is where ĥc [i] is the minimum mean square error (MMSE)
first presented which reveals that the achievable rate in estimate of hc [i] and ∆hc [i] denotes the estimation error. It is
short-packet transmission is not always concave/convex. assumed that ∆hc [i] ∼ CN (0, σe2 ) and the channel estimate
This makes the rate-maximization problem for the D2D ĥc [i] is ZMCSCG distributed with variance 1 − σe2 . Note that
pair in the finite block-length regime intractable and perfect CSI is obtained when σe2 = 0.
difficult to solve. In order to circumvent this issue, we Furthermore, it is noted that for short-packet transmissions,
resolve the instantaneous achievable rate maximization finite error probability is inevitable [7]. We assume that 
problem via convex optimization reformulations. Ac- 1 Channel coherence time is larger than the frame duration including control
cordingly, the successive convex approximation (SCA) signaling and data transmission. Hence, the channel code of finite block-length
method is adopted to linearize the objective function so can be transmitted within one coherence duration [25].
denotes the block error probability, i.e., 0 <  < 1, m of gd , ĝc , and ∆gc are respectively given as
represents the finite block-length, and γ denotes SNR. Then, 1 − ĝc 1 − ∆gc
f (gd ) = e−gd , f (ĝc ) = e 1−σe2 , f (∆gc ) = 2 e σe2 .
the instantaneous achievable rate at the DR with finite block- 1 − σe2 σe
length codes in the i-th time interval is approximately given (5)
by [11] Then, we perform optimal power control over time to maxi-
R̂i ≈ log2 1 + γ|hd [i]|2

mize the average achievable rate for the D2D pair, which is
s   −1 given as
1 1 Q ()  
Pd gd

− 1− , (2) R = max (1 − )E log2 1 +
m (1 + γ|hd [i]|2 )2 ln 2 Pd N B
where Q−1 (x) is the inverse of the Gaussian Q-function with v  0 
R∞ t2
Q(x) = x √12π e− 2 dt. We model the transmission process Q−1 () u
− u1  1 − 
1 
as a service process. Note that the transmissions may fail ln 2 t m
2  , (6a)
with a probability . If the transmitted message cannot be 1 + PNd0gBd
decoded correctly, we claim that the effective service rate is s.t. Pr{Pd (ĝc + ∆gc ) ≥ Ith } ≤ %, (6b)
zero. Hence, the effective service rate (in bits per m block-
length) is given by [26]2 where Pd is the transmit power at the DT, which depends upon
 the channel condition of the link between D2D pair as well as
0, with probability ,
R̄i = (3) the link between the DT and the cellular BS. E{·} indicates
mR̂i , with probability 1 − .
the expectation over the joint PDF of gd and gc . B and N0
Thus, the achievable normalized average rate at the DR with are the channel bandwidth and the single-sided noise power
finite block-length codes is written as spectral density. Furthermore, Ith is the interference power
R̄i threshold. The constraint (6b) is defined as the interference
R = (1 − )E = (1 − )E[R̂i ]. (4)
m outage probability constraint imposed at the cellular BS with
Remark 1: In ultra reliability and low latency scenarios, imperfect CSI to guarantee that this interference does not
we expect that the users transmit short packets to achieve exceed a threshold, which is probabilistically constrained by
low latency. Under such a scenario, finite block-length rate a given outage parameter %. Constraint (6b) is the functional
becomes a more accurate performance metric for the D2D requirement for D2D transmission on the cellular frequency
network. Hence, we adopt finite block-length rate to measure band. Problem (6) is a packet delivery mechanism for event-
the low-latency feature, which is typical for event-driven driven packets in URLLC, and the block error probability
packets in URLLC [25]. This shows that we have taken the is employed to measure the reliability of URLLC [25]. For
latency requirement of the D2D network into consideration. example, the VR/AR system provides high-quality multimedia
On the other hand, ultra high reliability is considered in terms content which is delivered to the specific devices over the air
of successful packet decoding probability, which may be as and enables new business verticals in media and entertainment.
high as (1 − ) where  is the block error probability. From This scenario not only requires ultra reliable and low latency
the definition of finite block-length coding rate given in (2), it transmissions, but also high data rates to guarantee the quality
can be seen that the impacts of the finite block-length m and of service (QoS) of the device. In addition, the remote live
the block error probability  have been taken into account. production is another 5G use case that requires the high-quality
Specifically, when m decreases, a larger penalty is placed signal transmission without sacrificing the ultra reliability and
on the instantaneous achievable rate. This demonstrates the low latency requirements. In order to solve the formulated
tradeoff between the achievable finite block-length rate and problem (6), we first analyze the interference constraint (6b)
low-latency requirements. under the condition of IPthd ≥ ĝc , as
Pr{Pd (ĝc + ∆gc ) ≥ Ith } ≤ % ⇒ Pr ∆gc ≥ − ĝc ≤ %
A. Problem Formulation Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
⇒ f (gd )dgd f (ĝc )dĝc f (∆gc )d∆gc ≤ %
In this subsection, we formulate the average achievable rate 0 0
Pd −ĝc
maximization problem for the D2D pair, subject to an outage Z ∞ Z ∞ I
− P th 1ĝc
+σ − ĝc
probability constraint on the received power at the cellular BS ⇒ e−gd e 2
d σe
ee 1−σe2 dĝc dgd ≤ %. (7)
0 0 1 − σe
and the CSI imperfectness of hc [i]. In this paper, we assume
Apparently, it is challenging to derive a closed-form power
that the interference caused by the DT due to spectrum sharing
allocation which maximizes the average achievable rate while
may exceed the peak limit, but only for a very small percentage
satisfying the interference outage constraint (7). However,
of time. First, we make the definitions gd = |hd |2 , ĝc = |hc |2 ,
one sufficient instantaneous power constraint can be obtained
and ∆gc = |∆hc |2 .3 The probability density functions (PDFs)
which guarantees that the interference constraint (7) will be
2 The transmission failure with probability  can be affected by finite block
always satisfied, which has been derived in [27]. In order to
length and the CSI imperfection. When the decoding error occurs, the DR
obtain the optimal power allocation satisfying the interference
can adopt a simple automatic repeat request (ARQ) mechanism which will
transmit a negative acknowledgement (NACK) requesting the re-transmission.
3 Here, the time index i is omitted for simplicity.
outage constraint (7), we consider the following upper-bound 3) f0 (b) is a convex function for f1−1 (c) ≤ b ≤ f2−1 (c) if
Z ∞ Z ∞ I
− th + ĝc 1 − ĝc c ≤ d,
e−gd e Pd σe2 σe2 2
e 1−σe2 dĝc dgd
0 0 1 − σe where d = f1 (b0 ) = f2 (b0 ), and b0 = 1.1481 is the solution
Z ∞ Z ∞
1 − ĝc of the equation f1 (b) = f2 (b) satisfying b0 ≥ 0.
≤ e−gd % 2
e 1−σe2 dĝc dgd . 3
0 0 1 − σe (1 + b) log2 (1 + b) (b + 1)[b(b + 2)] 2
Hence, the following sufficient interference power constraint f1 (b) = , f2 (b) = .
(3b2 + 6b + 1)
b(b + 2)
I Proof: Please refer to Appendix A.
− th + ĝc Ith ĝc
e Pd σe2 σe2 ≤ %, ⇒ − 2
+ 2 ≤ ln %, From the analysis in Lemma 1, one can see that f0 (b) is
Pd σ e σe
not always concave/convex, which means that the optimization
Ith ĝc Ith
⇒ ≥ 2 − ln %, ⇒ Pd ≤ . (8) problem (10) cannot be directly solved using convex opti-
Pd σe2 σe ĝc − σe2 ln % mization techniques. However, the optimization problem (10)
If the proposed power allocation satisfies the constraint in (8), belongs to the class of difference of convex (DC) programming
then it is guaranteed that the outage constraint (7) is also met problems, since its objective function (10a) can be written
[27]. Note that (8) is a sufficient condition of (7). In other as the difference of two concave functions and the constraint
words, the solution which satisfies the constraint (8) definitely (10b) is linear. Thus, a first-order Taylor approximation will be
guarantees the constraint (7). Thus, we substitute (8) into (6b), used to convexify the non-convex objective function to refor-
and problem (6) can be reformulated as mulate problem (10) into a convex one [28]. Its basic mathe-
Pd gd matical manipulation at the approximated value x(n) with the
R = max (1 − )E log2 1 +
Pd N B n-th iteration is given by f (x) ≤ f (x(n) ) + 5f (x(n) )(x −
v  0
u  x(n) ). The resulting problem can be solved using standard
Q−1 () u
convex optimization solvers iteratively [29]. In the following,
− u1  1 − 
1 
ln 2 t m
2  , we introduce two transformation schemes to linearize the non-
1 + PNd0gBd convex objective function (10a) such that the original problem
Ith can be reformulated into a convex optimization framework
s.t. Pd ≤ . (9) and finally tackled via the SCA method or the interior-point
ĝc − σe2 ln(%)
In order to solve the problem (9), we first analyze the convexity
of the instantaneous achievable rate in the following section,
and then solve it via iterative SCA. A. Scheme 1
In this subsection, we employ the first-order Taylor approx-
III. O PTIMAL R ESOURCE A LLOCATION imation to convexify the second term of (10a), i.e.,
p p
b(b+2) b(n)(b(n)+2)
In this section, we exploit the convexity of the instantaneous c ≈c
achievable rate in problem (9) for a given finite block-length b+1 b(n)+1
and a block error probability. By removing the expectation + p (b−b(n)),
(1+b(n)) b(n)(b(n)+2)
notation, we focus on the instantaneous achievable rate max-
imization problem which can be written as where b(n) is the updated value of the variable b at the n-th
b(b + 2) iteration. Hence, problem (10) can be reformulated as
max R̂ = log2 (1 + b) − c (10a) p
b(n)(b(n) + 2)
b≥0 b+1 max log2 (1 + b) − c
Ith gd b≥0 b(n) + 1
s.t. b ≤ , (10b) c
[ĝc − σe2 ln(%)]N0 B − p (b − b(n))
Q () (1 + b(n))2 b(n)(b(n) + 2)
where b = PNd0gBd , c = √ m ln 2
. Note that problem (10) is
Ith gd
intractable due to the unknown properties of its objective s.t. b ≤ . (12)
function (10a). Hence, in the following, we first provide the [ĝc − σe2 ln(%)]N0 B
convexity analysis of the achievable rate in the finite block- After applying the first-order Taylor approximation, the trans-
length regime, which can help us to design effective and low- formed problem (12) at the n-th iteration is a concave problem
complexity resource allocation algorithms. which can be easily solved. Specifically, for a given b(n), we
First, let us define f0 (b) as solve problem (12) by using the interior-point method [29],
p and then update b(n + 1) = b(n) until convergence. The
b(b + 2) procedure is summarized in Algorithm 1. We note that the
f0 (b) = log2 (1 + b) − c . (11)
b+1 obtained optimal solution at each iteration is guaranteed to be
Then, the following lemma is proposed to characterize the a feasible solution for the next iteration. Thus, the iteratively
convexity of problem (10). updated finite block-length achievable rate obtained in the
Lemma 1: The convexity of the achievable rate in the finite (n + 1)-th iteration is larger than or equal to that in the n-
block-length regime, i.e., f0 (b), is analyzed as follows: th iteration. In other words, Algorithm 1 generates a non-
1) f0 (b) is a concave function for b > f1−1 (c) if c > d, decreasing sequence of objective values. Moreover, problem
2) f0 (b) is a concave function for b > f2−1 (c) if c ≤ d, (12) is bounded due to its interference power constraint.
Hence, Algorithm 1 converges to a locally optimum solution )E{R̂i }, where the term E{R̂i } is simplified and expanded
[30], [31]. as follows:
 v
u !
Algorithm 1: Algorithm to solve problem (10) Q () u1 1
R̂ = E log2 (1 + ρgd ) − t 1− 2
ln 2 m (1 + ρgd )
1) Initialization: b(0) is a feasible solution for problem
(10). (15)
2) Solve problem (12) with a given b(n) to obtain b at n-th where ρ = is the transmit SNR. The following is required
N0 B
iteration. to characterize the monotonicity of (15).
3) Update b(n) = b. Lemma 2: For the AWGN channel, its achievable rate
4) n := n + 1. monotonically increases with the transmit SNR ρ̄, under the
5) Until convergence following assumptions, m ≥ 102 ,  ≥ 10−6 , and ρ̄ ≥ −10
dB4 .
Proof: Please refer to Appendix B.
Note that Lemma 2 proves the monotonicity for the AWGN
B. Scheme 2 channel without the consideration of fading. For a fading
channel, in the following we will argue that the average finite
In this subsection, we propose an approximation scheme to block-length rate R̂ is a monotonically increasing function
solve problem (10) in the √ high interference threshold region. when the transmit SNR is large. Firstly, the average finite
Particularly, we apply 1 − a ≈ 1 − 21 a, for |a| < 1, block-length rate R̂ can be approximated at high SNRs as
to approximate the objective function in problem (10) and follows:
reformulate the problem as follows Q−1 () p
c R̂(ρ) ≈ E[log(1 + ρgd ) − 1/m]. (16)
max R̂ ≈ log2 (1 + b) + −c ln(2)
b≥0 2(1 + b)2 By taking the first-derivative of (16), it can be easily verified
Ith gd that the average finite block-length rate R̂ is a monotonically
s.t. b ≤ . (13)
[ĝc − σe2 ln(%)]N0 B increasing function with ρ in the high SNR region. Since the
After applying the approximation step, problem (13) is still transmit power Pd is equal to ρ multiplied by the constant
non-concave because of its objective function. To tackle this noise power, we conclude that the achievable finite block-
problem, we consider the first-order Taylor approximation to length rate R̂ monotonically increases with Pd , for sufficiently
reformulate the problem, which is given by large values of ρ. To relax the condition of high SNR, we
c c plot Fig. 1 which shows that although the monotonicity is
max log2 (1 + b) + − (b − b(n))
b≥0 2(1 + b(n))2 (1 + b(n))3 proved for the high SNR region, it holds true for SNR level
Ith gd as small as −6 dB. Based on the above analysis and Fig. 1,
s.t. b ≤ . (14)
[ĝc − σe2 ln(%)]N0 B the optimal power allocation Pd∗ should be achieved at the
The reformulated problem (14) at the n-th iteration can be maximum power limit such that the maximum value of the
easily proved to be a concave problem. Hence, it can be average finite block-length rate is achieved. Thus, we have
iteratively solved using the procedure similar to Algorithm Ith
1, which is omitted here. These two proposed schemes are Pd∗ = . (17)
ĝc − σe2 ln(%)
solved iteratively by employing Algorithm 1 and the standard By substituting (17) into the objective function in (9), we
interior-point methods, thus, it follows that the computational have
complexity of the SCA approach is on the order of O(N ),
Ith gd
where N is the maximum iteration time [32, Lecture 6]. R = (1 − )E log2 1 +
N0 B(ĝc − σe ln(%))

r v

1 Q () u u 1 
− 1−  2 , (18)
1 + N0 B(ĝIcth gd 

−σ 2 ln(%))

In the previous section, we solved the instantaneous achiev- and the optimal average transmit power is given by
able rate maximization problem (10) approximately via the ∗ ∗ Ith
P̄d = E[Pd ] = E . (19)
iterative SCA method. To further investigate problem (9), in ĝc − σe2 ln(%)
this section we first analyze the monotonicity of the average To proceed, in the following theorem, we derive the average
achievable finite block-length rate in the high SNR region. achievable rate and the optimal average power allocation in
Then, based on the theoretical analysis, we propose an optimal closed-form.
power control at high SNRs, followed by the closed-form ex- Theorem 1: A closed-form approximation can be derived
pressions and approximations for the average optimal transmit for the maximum average achievable rate, i.e., R in (18),
power and the average achievable rate. which is given in (20) on the top of the next page, where
N Bσe2 ln(%) Pn xk
First, we analyze the monotonicity of the objective function η1 = NI0thB , η2 = 0 Ith , en (x) = k=0 k! , β =
in problem (9). Note that the average achievable rate R at the
DR with finite block-length codes is rewritten as R = (1 − 4 The assumptions here are reasonable for URLLC applications.
TABLE I: Notations
Parameters Notation Typical Values
Average rate (m = 100)
High SNR case (m = 100)
Channel estimation error variance σe2 10−2
6 Average rate (m = 1000) Interference outage probability % 10−2
High SNR case (m = 1000)
Block error probability  10−2
Interference threshold Ith 10 dBW
Block-length m 500
Achievable rate (bps/Hz)

error probability . Moreover, the optimal power allocation can

3 improve the average finite block-length rate. This is because
the transmit power is optimized to satisfy the upper bound
2 of the interference power constraint. Thus, the average finite
block-length rate can be maximized with the optimal power
allocation in the high SNR region. The block length m can
improve the average rate, which represents the low latency
-5 0 5 10 15 20 feature.
ρ (dB)

Fig. 1: Comparison between high SNR finite block-length rate and
achievable finite block-length rate. In this section, numerical results are presented to validate
the proposed iterative SCA schemes and the accuracy of
q the theoretical analysis will be numerically confirmed by
1 −1
mQ () log2 (), and E1 (·) is the exponential integral comparing with Monte Carlo simulations. The summary of
function [33]. In addition, the optimal average transmit power the simulation parameter configuration is presented in Table I
P̄d∗ for the DR can be derived in closed-form unless otherwise specified.
Ith − σ1−σ
e ln(%)

σe2 ln(%)
 First, we evaluate the proposed SCA-based resource al-
∗ 2
P̄d = e e E
1 − . (21) location schemes given in Section III. Fig. 2 shows the
1 − σe2 1 − σe2
convergence of Algorithm 1 for Scheme 1 and Scheme 2.
Proof: Please refer to Appendix C.
It is observed that the proposed resource allocation schemes
Theorem 1 presents the closed-form expression for the maxi- can converge to the same optimal value of the finite block-
mum average achievable rate and the optimal average power length achievable
of the D2D pair. Then, we provide the asymptotic analysis for √ rate. This confirms the accuracy of the
approximation 1 − x ≈ 1− 21 x and the effectiveness of these
the maximum achievable average rate at high SNRs. Firstly, two schemes. In addition, the interference threshold Ith and
it can be easily shown that in the high SNR regime, the block-length value m can produce a positive effect to the
 
1 finite block-length achievable rate, while the larger channel
1 −  2  → 1. (22) estimation errors σe2 can lead to a degradation of the finite
 
Ith gd
1+ N0 B(ĝc −σe2 ln(%))
block-length achievable rate.
Accordingly, the maximum achievable average rate obtained at In Fig. 3, it is observed that the finite block-length achiev-
high SNRs, denoted by Rh , can be approximated as follows: able rate increases with the interference threshold Ith with
     m = 20 or m = 6000 for the URLLC context. Both
Ith gd
Rh ≈ (1 − ) E log2 1 + − β . proposed SCA-based iterative schemes converge to the same
N0 B(ĝc − σe2 ln(%)) performance in terms of the finite block-length achievable
rate, which validates the proposed Algorithm 1. Moreover,
Following similar proof steps as in Theorem 1, a closed-form in order to validate the proposed resource allocation schemes,
expression can be derived for (23), which is omitted here. we compare our proposed schemes with the optimal solutions
The gap between them depends on the values of the error obtained from Monte Carlo simulations. It can be observed that
probability and the block-length. This phenomenon will be the Monte Carlo simulation has a slightly better performance
clearly shown in Section V, which confirms the above analysis than the proposed SCA-based iterative schemes in terms of
and indicates that the gap between the achievable finite block- the finite block-length achievable rate. This is owing to the
length rate and ergodic capacity can be reduced by carefully fact that Monte Carlo simulations can guarantee a globally
selecting the parameter values. optimal solution for the average achievable rate maximiza-
Remark 2: In the high SNR region, the average finite block- tion problem, whereas our proposed schemes consider the
length rate is expressed as the difference between the ergodic instantaneous achievable rate maximization with some ap-
q term, i.e.,oβ in (23), due to the fact
capacity and the npenalty proximations, leading to sub-optimal solutions. However, the
that the term E β 1 − (1+ρg 2 will approach β as the performance difference between the proposed schemes and the
SNR ρ increases. In addition, Fig. 1 demonstrates that the Monte Carlo simulations is not significant, which confirms the
average finite block-length rate versus SNR ρ, and as indicated accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
by the figure, the average rate in the high SNR case can Fig. 4 plots the instantaneous achievable rate versus the
achieve the same performance when ρ ≥ 0 dB at a given block finite block-length m, obtained using the proposed resource
( " 2 ln(%)
σe2 ln(%)
Ith − 1−σ
R ≈ (1 − ) −e 2
e E
1 − + e−η2 E1 [−η2 ]
Ith ln 2 − N0 B ln 2(1 − σe2 ) 1 − σe2

− (1−σ22 )η   
η1 η2 e e 1 η2
−β 1 − (1 − σe2 ) + − E1 −

2 2 (1 − σe2 )η1

η1 (1 − σe2 ) (1−σe2 )η1 −1
− η1 (1−σ
   1 η2 2 ek−1 
1 η2 (1−σ 2 )
−1 X 2
−e2 −η2 −1 e E1 (−η2 ) + e (1−σe2 )η1 (20)
(1 − σe2 )
k 1+


η1 (1−σe

9 6
I th = 5 dBW, ǫ = 0.01


Achievable rate (bps/Hz)

Achievable rate (bps/Hz)

Scheme 1 (I th = 5dBW, m = 20, σ 2e = 0.01)
4.5 I th = 0 dBW, ǫ = 0.01 I = 5 dBW, ǫ = 0.1
Scheme 2 (I th = 5dBW, m = 20, σ 2e = 0.01)
4 Scheme 1 (I th = 10dBW, m = 20, σ 2e = 0.01)

Scheme 2 (I th = 10dBW, m = 20, σ 2e = 0.01)

Scheme 1 (I th = 5dBW, m = 5000, σ 2e = 0.01) 4
Scheme 2 (I th = 5dBW, m = 5000, σ 2e = 0.01)

Scheme 1 (I th = 10dBW, m = 5000, σ 2e = 0.01)

Scheme 2 (I th = 10dBW, m = 5000, σ 2e = 0.01)
Scheme 1 (I th = 10dBW, m = 20, σ e2 = 0.001)

1 Scheme 2 (I th = 10dBW, m = 20, σ 2e = 0.001) I th = 0 dBW, ǫ = 0.1

Scheme 1 (I th = 10dBW, m = 5000, σ 2e = 0.001)
Scheme 2 (I th = 10dBW, m = 5000, σ 2e = 0.001) 3
0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Finite blocklength m (symbols)
Iteration number

Fig. 4: The achievable rate versus block-length m.

Fig. 2: Convergence of Algorithm 1.

terms of the achievable finite block-length rate, which validates

Scheme1 (m = 20)
the proposed approximation schemes. In addition, a larger
Scheme2 (m = 20)
8.5 Simulation (m = 20)
Scheme1 (m = 6000)
8 interference threshold increases the achievable finite block-
Scheme2 (m = 6000)
Simulation (m = 6000) 7.9
length rate, while a larger block error probability leads to a

7.9 8 8.1 smaller achievable finite block-length rate. Interestingly, it can

7.5 be observed that in Fig. 6, similar trends and arguments hold
Achievable rate (bps/Hz)

for the average achievable rate performance as in the closed-
form expressions derived in Section IV. Further details will
6.5 be given in the following discussions.

Next, we evaluate the average achievable rate performance
to confirm the accuracy of the proposed closed-form expres-
sions given in Section IV. Fig. 5 shows the finite block-length
7.9 7.95 8 8.05 rate versus the interference threshold Ith . It is observed from
this figure that the average achievable rate versus the inter-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ference power threshold Ith , with two different block-length
I th (dBW)
values, namely, m = 20 and m = 2000. From this figure,
Fig. 3: The achievable rate versus the interference power threshold it is clear that the analytical result provided by the closed-
Ith . form expression of the average achievable rate R matches
with the Monte Carlo simulation results for a relatively large
interference power threshold, i.e., Ith ≥ 0 dBW. In addition,
allocation schemes in Section III. As one can see from this fig- there is a negligible difference between the theoretical and
ure, both proposed schemes first monotonically increase with numerical results in the low interference tolerance region
the block-length m and become flat in the large block-length because
√ of the slight inaccuracy of the approximation step,
region. Moreover, both of them have the same performance in i.e., 1 − x ≈ 1− 12 x. In addition, the average achievable rate
4 2.4
R Closed-form
R Simulation
3.5 High SNR Closed-form 2.2
High SNR Simulation 2
Ergodic Capacity Closed-form I th = 5 dBW, σe = 0.01
3 Ergodic Capacity Simulation
m = 2000
2.5 I th = 5 dBW, σe = 0.1
Achievable rate (bps/Hz)

Achievable rate (bps/Hz)



1 I th = 0 dBW, σ2e = 0.01

m = 20 0.8

0 0.6 Rn , ǫ = 0.01
I th = 0 dBW, σ2e = 0.1 Rn , ǫ = 0.1
Ergodic capacity
-0.5 0.4
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
I th (dBW) Finite blocklength m (symbols)

Fig. 5: The average finite block rate versus the interference power Fig. 6: The average achievable rate versus block-length m.
threshold Ith .


at high SNRs, i.e., Rh , approaches R in the high interference

power region. This is due to the fact that the average finite
block-length rate has a slightly increasing trend with a larger 6

block length m and the achievable finite block-length rate.

Average optimal power (dBW)

Specifically, it depends on the term
 
r 1 Q−1 () v
 u 1

E u 1−  2 , 0
 m ln 2
1 + N0 B(ĝIcth gd
 
Simulation (σ 2e = 0.01, I th = 0 dBW)

−σe2 ln(%))
-2 Closed-form (σ 2e = 0.01, I th = 0 dBW)
nq o Simulation (σ 2e = 0.1, Ith = 0 dBW)
1 Q ()
which approaches E m ln 2 with a larger m and Ith -4 Closed-form (σ 2e = 0.1, Ith = 0 dBW)
Simulation (σ 2e = 0.01, I th = -5 dBW)
such that Rh achieves a performance very close to the average Closed-form (σ 2e = 0.01, I th = -5 dBW)
finite block-length rate R in the high interference threshold Simulation (σ 2e = 0.1, Ith = -5 dBW)
Closed-form (σ 2e = 0.1, Ith = -5 dBW)
regime. -8
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Then, we evaluate the average achievable rate versus the Outage probability of Interference

block-length m in Fig. 6. It can be observed that the average

achievable rate R first monotonically increases with the block- Fig. 7: The average optimal power allocation versus interference
outage probability threshold % with finite block-length value
length m and then stays flat in the large block-length regime. m = 500.
This is due to the fact that the achievable average rate with fi-
nite block-length codes is basically an expression calculated by
incurring a penalty on ergodic capacity, in which the penalty is Fig. 7 shows the performance of the optimal average power
inversely proportional to m. Hence, when m becomes larger, versus the interference outage probability %. From this figure,
the penalty added to the achievable rate in the finite block- it can be observed that the derived closed-form expression
length regime gradually reduces. Meanwhile, Fig. 6 shows that of the average optimal power P̄d∗ matches with the Monte
the traditional ergodic capacity is flat with the block-length m. Carlo simulation results, which confirms the accuracy of our
This is due to the fact that the ergodic capacity is defined for derivations. Furthermore, Fig. 7 shows that a larger value of %
arbitrarily small packet error probability and sufficiently large leads to a higher average power allocation which is required
packet lengths, which implies that it is independent of the to support the D2D transmission. In this case, the interference
finite block-length m. In addition, the interference tolerance power at the cellular BS may exceed the interference threshold
has a positive effect on the average achievable rate, which is Ith with a higher probability. In addition, we can observe that
easy to understand since a larger interference tolerance power a larger interference tolerance leads to a larger average optimal
results in a larger transmit power limit and thus contributes power, whereas the channel error estimation variance has an
to a higher average achievable rate. Moreover, Fig. 6 also adverse effect on the average optimal power allocation.
indicates that a larger channel estimation error variance σe2
and a larger block error probability  will lead to a smaller
average achievable rate. This indicates that accurate channel
estimation can greatly benefit the achievable rate performance In this paper, we investigated opportunistic spectrum sharing
in the finite block-length regime. for a D2D based URLLC system. A novel performance
metric for finite block-length codes was adopted to for- f2−1 (c) ≥ b ≥ f1−1 (c). If b belongs to case 1), then it
mulate an achievable rate maximization problem subject to satisfies (27) and f0 (b) is concave. On the other hand, if
the outage probability constraint of the interference power b belongs to case 2), then c ≥ f2 (b), ∂ ∂b f0 (b)
2 ≥ 0 and
and the imperfect CSI. To facilitate the design of effec- hence f0 (b) is convex.
tive resource allocation algorithms, convexity analysis was
first presented which showed that the objective function is
B. Proof of Lemma 2
not always concave/convex. Then, the original problem was
transformed using some approximations and then solved by Let us focus on the AWGN channel with a transmit SNR ρ̄,
applying the iterative SCA-based schemes. In addition, we and we take the first derivative of the instantaneous achievable
analyzed the monotonicity property of the average rate in the rate R̂, given by
" r  − 21 #
finite block-length regime for the AWGN channel, and we ∂ R̂ 1 1 −1 1 1
also argue that the property is true for the fading channel. = 1− Q () 1− .
∂ ρ̄ (1+ ρ̄) ln 2 m (1+ ρ̄)2 (1+ ρ̄)2
Based on this property, an optimal power control policy was (28)
proposed, followed by derivations of closed-form expressions
The remaining part is to show that (28) is greater than
and approximations for the optimal average transmit power
zero under some practical assumptions. Specifically, for
and the maximum achievable average rate. Numerical results 1
m ≥ 102 and  ≥ 10−6 , we have m− 2 ≤ 10−1 and
confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed resource allocation
Q−1 () ≤ Q−1 (10−6 ).5 In addition, we define g(ρ̄) =
schemes and validated the accuracy of the theoretical closed- q  − 12
1 −1 1 1
form expressions. m Q () 1 − (1+ρ̄)2 (1+ρ̄)2 , which is easily shown to
be a monotonically decreasing function with ρ̄ and g(ρ̄) < 1
A PPENDIX when ρ̄ is not extremely low, e.g., ρ̄ ≥ −10 dB. We completed
A. Proof of Lemma 1 the proof of Lemma 2.
First, it is required that the finite block-length achievable
rate should be non-negative, i.e., f0 (b) ≥ 0 such that the C. Proof of Theorem 1
following inequality can be obtained
First, we rewrite the average achievable rate R as
(1 + b) log2 (1 + b) 
c ≤ f1 (b) = p . (24)
b(b + 2)    
Ith gd
Next, we find the second-order derivative to check the con- R = (1 − ) E log2 1 +

N0 B(ĝc − σe ln(%))
vexity of f0 (b), which yields

| {z }
∂ 2 f0 (b) 1 c[2b2 + 2b + (1 + b)2 ] C
=− + , (25)

2 2 3
∂b (1 + b) (1 + b)3 [b(b + 2)] 2  
c(3b2 + 6b + 1) − (b + 1)[b(b + 2)] 2 v
 u 1 

= . (26)

3 −β E u 1 − 2   , (29)
(b + 1)3 [b(b + 2)] 2 t 
Ith gd
1 + N0 B(ĝc −σ2 ln(%))

 
 
If f0 (b) is concave, it means that ∂ ∂b f0 (b)
≤ 0. In other e 
2 | {z }
words, c(3b + 6b + 1) − (b + 1)[b(b + 2)] 2 ≤ 0, which can q D
be written as 1 −1
where β = m Q () log2 (). Next, we derive the closed-
(b + 1)[b(b + 2)] 2 form expression for the first term C, which is given by
c ≤ f2 (b) = . (27)
(3b2 + 6b + 1) Z ∞ − 1−ĝσc2 Z ∞  
e e 1 Ith gd
From (24) and (27), we notice that both f1 (b) and f2 (b) are C= 2
ln 1+ 2 ln(%))
e−gd dgd dĝc
monotonically increasing functions in terms of b ≥ 0. Also, 0 1−σ e 0 ln 2 N 0 B(ĝ c −σ e
it can be easily verified that f1 (b) ≥ f2 (b) for 0 ≤ b ≤ b0 Z ∞ − 1−ĝσc2 N B(ĝ −σ2 ln(%)) 
N0 B(ĝc −σe2 ln(%))

1 e e 0 c e
and f1 (b) ≤ f2 (b) for b ≥ b0 , where b0 = 1.1481 satisfying = e Ith
E 1 dĝc .
ln 2 0 1−σe2 Ith
f1 (b) = f2 (b). Hence, by denoting d = f1 (b0 ) = f2 (b0 ), the (30)
concavity of f0 (b) can be analyzed as follows: N0 B
Let us denote x = η1 ĝc − η2 , where η1 = and η2 =
• If c > d, i.e., c > f1 (b0 ) = f2 (b0 ), this means that b0 ≤ Ith
N0 Bσe2 ln(%)
f2−1 (c) ≤ f1−1 (c). From (24), we note that b ≥ f1−1 (c) is Ith . Hence,
we have
required to guarantee a non-negative finite block-length − (1−σ22 )η
Z ∞  
e e 1 1− (1−σ12 )η x
achievable rate. Therefore this condition implies that b ≥ C= e e 1 E1 (x)dx
η1 (1 − σe ) ln 2 −η2
f1−1 (c) ≥ f2−1 (c), which satisfies (27) and confirms that " 2 ln(%)
f0 (b) is concave. σe2 ln(%)
Ith − 1−σ 2
• If c ≤ d, i.e., c ≤ f1 (b0 ) = f2 (b0 ), this means
= −e e E
1 −
[Ith − N0 B(1 − σe2 )] ln 2 1 − σe2
that b0 ≥ f2−1 (c) ≥ f1−1 (c). From (24), we note that
+ e−η2 E1 [−η2 ] .

b ≥ f1−1 (c) is required to guarantee the feasibility of (31)
the calculated finite block-length rate. Therefore there 5 Q−1 (x) monotonically decreases in terms of x.
are two possible cases: 1) b ≥ f2−1 (c) ≥ f1−1 (c), 2)
Then, we focus on the derivation of closed-form expression given in (21), and its proof is omitted here for simplicity.
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