5 Social Science

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SAIL Township, Ranchi

CLASS: – V Question Bank - 1 SUBJECT:- Social Science
1. Define:
a) homestead b) pollutants c) rainwater harvesting d) philosopher
e) sepoy f) revolutionary g) tablet h) organic

2. Answer in detail:
a) Why are the Prairies called the ‘Wheat Basket of the World’?
b) What should we do to save our environment?
c) What causes noise pollution? How does noise pollution harm us?
d) How are newspapers and magazines useful to us?
e) How did the British exploit the farmers?
f) What was the contribution of Subhas Chandra Bose to our national movement?
g) What is drought? Suggest some measures to prevent droughts.
h) Who was Sushruta? What were his achievements?

3. Answer in short:
a) Why do we need an efficient system of transport?
b) Write any two differences between the Moderates and Radicals.
c) Why was Martin Luther King Jr. awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
d) What is Compost? How is it produced?
e) How can you contribute in the Save Soil awareness programme which was also introduced in our
f) What is water pollution? List 2 diseases caused due to water pollution?
g) What are cyclones? Which states in India are prone to cyclones?
h) What are bio-degradable waste? Give two examples.
i) Which factor sparked the first war of Independence?

4. Name them:
a) Grasslands are mainly found in this heat zone - ______________
b) This agency is responsible for waste management in Ranchi - ______________
c) The longest train route in the World - ______________
d) Forest man of India - ______________
e) First president of the Indian National Congress - ______________
f) A sports person from Jharkhand - ______________

5. Fill in the blanks:

a) An ______________ is a mass of snow, ice and rocks that slides down a mountain slope very fast.
b) The _______________ is an instrument that is used to record earthquake tremors.
c) _____________ invented the television.
d) _____________ led the revolt against the British at Jhansi.
e) The ______________ (colour) dustbin is used to dispose off biodegradable waste material.
6. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the given statements:
a) Furnace is an enclosed place in which heat is produced.
b) Any sound louder than 60 decibels is harmful.
c) Bisons graze in the Prairies of North America.
d) Biodegradable waste materials rot easily and mix with the soil.
e) Sushruta is called the ‘Father of plastic surgery’.
f) The rule of the East India Company ended in 1848.
g) Bipin Chandra Pal was a popular leader of the Moderate group.
h) Japan has the largest railway network in the world.
i) The Indian National Congress met every year in different cities.
j) The Himalayan region experiences frequent earthquakes.

7. Write the year when the following events took place:

a) Civil Disobedience movement
b) Simon Commission
c) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
d) Quit India Movement
e) Partition of Bengal

8. Complete the series:

a) Mithali Raj : ______________ : : Saina Nehwal : Badminton
b)Veer Savarkar : Bhagat Singh : : Dadabhai Naoroji : _____________
c) Raja Rammohan Roy : _____________ : : A.P.J Abdul Kalam : C.V. Raman
d) Wright Brothers :_____________: : Guglielmo Marconi : Radio
e) Jane Austen : Pride and Prejudice : : Rabindranath Tagore : ______________

9. Identify and name the personalities with their slogans :

a) “The true teachers are those who help us think for ourselves”.
b) “Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it”.
c) “Give me blood and I will give you freedom”.
d) There is no God higher than truth”.
SAIL Township, Ranchi
CLASS: – V Question Bank - 2 SUBJECT:- Social Science
1. Define:
a) Silos b) Pollutants c) Furnace
d) Philosopher e) Surgeon f) Sati
g) Sepoy h) boycott i) expressways
2. Answer in detail:
a) In the prairies, machines have almost replaced manual labour. Explain.
b) Differentiate between open dumping and landfills.
c) Why is Dhyan Chand famous?
d) What helped the British to suppress the first war of Independence?
e) How did modern education lead to the rise of nationalism in India?
f) Why did Gandhiji withdraw the Non-cooperation movement?
g) What is recycling? What are its benefits?
h) How are newspapers and magazines useful to us?
3. Answer in short:
a) What are natural disasters? Give examples.
b) What are grasslands? Name two animals found in Prairies.
c) List three causes of noise pollution.
d) Which is one of the new R’s of waste management? Explain its meaning.
e) Who was Jamshetji Tata? Which city is named after him?
f) Who was Sushruta? Write any one achievement of Sushruta.
4. Answer in one sentence:
a) Name the minerals found in Prairies.
b) Give two causes of air pollution.
c) Who is popularly known as the Grand Old Man of India?
d) What is Richter scale?
e) How is flood helpful to farmers?
f) Where and with how many delegates was the first session of Indian National Congress held?
g) Name two moderate leaders.
h) What is a Tablet?
i) Which two seas does the Suez Canal join?
j) Which cleaner fuel has been introduced in Ranchi’s auto-rickshaws?
k) Which two elements were discovered by Marie Curie?
l) What was the other name of the First War of Independence?
5. Name them:
a) He invented telephone -______________
b) Gandhiji’s two principles -______________ , ______________
c) Longest river in North America -______________
d) A disease caused by drinking polluted water -______________
e) A furnace used for burning waste -______________
f) Maximum damage during earthquake is caused near -______________
g) First Asian to win Nobel prize for literature -______________
h) He led the Azad Hind Fauj - _______________
i) It means ‘of one’s own country’ -______________
j) The railway which runs from Moscow to Vladivostok -______________
6. Fill in the blanks:
a) Most of the grasslands are in the __________ zone.
b) __________ pressure, pollution and deforestation are some factors that disturb the delicate balance
of our environment.
c) __________is a funnel shaped storm.
d) __________wrote ‘Sense and Sensibility’.
e) The Revolt of 1857 was led by __________ at Awadh.
f) __________ was led by Subhas Chandra Bose.

7. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:

a) Wheat is cultivated in the western part of Prairies.
b) Quit India Movement was also called as Swadeshi Movement.
c) Prairies lie between Canada and Alaska.
d) Both air and noise pollution is caused by vehicles.
e) All waste materials can be recycled.
f) In India floods are common in Southern Plateau.
g) The birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan is celebrated as Doctors Day.
h) The extremists were in favour of strikes and boycotts.
i) U.S.A. has worlds largest railway network.
j) The largest wheat producing state in India -
8. Match column A with column B.
Column – A Column – B
a) Sunderlal Bahuguna i) Prairies
b) Radium ii) air pollution
c) Bipin Chandra Pal iii) Satyagraha
d) Veer Savarkar iv) revolutionary
e) James Watt v) X-ray
f) Mahatma Gandhi vi) an environmentalist
g) Abraham Lincoln vii) Radical
h) Forest fires viii) Steam engine
i) Milkha Singh ix) ended slavery
j) Bison x) Sports person
9. Complete the timeline:( Write only the years)

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