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Dear Professor,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to request for an excuse
from class on October 19-29, 2023 due to my participation in the campaign election. As you
may already know, I am running for Sangguniang Kabataan aspirant and these are crucial days
leading up to the election.
As the official candidate for this position, I am required to attend various campaign events and
meetings in order to communicate my platform and engage with potential voters. Unfortunately,
this means that I may miss some classes during this time.
I understand the importance of attending class and completing coursework, which is why I am
reaching out to request your understanding and permission for my absence. I will do my best to
stay on top of assignments and make up any missed work.
Thank you for your consideration and understanding in this matter. Please let me know if there
are any further details or arrangements that I need to make.


(Student name)

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