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ENGL 210 Team Charter

Team Members: Farah Saba (Team Manager), Mohamed Bakri, Siddhant Rao, Marilyn Bou Jauode, Mohamed Elrayeh

Date Submitted: 3rd February, 2024

Broad Team Goals:

- Being open minded to new ideas and having open and clear communication between each other to come to
effective and proper decisions as a team.
- Reflect on previous assignments and improve the issues for the future and acknowledge the positives.
- Creating a positive work environment where we give constructive criticism rather than bringing people down.

Measurable Team Goals:

- Submit all assignments on time.

- Meet twice a week.
- Improve the quality of presentations by minimizing the use of text.
- Maintain timely and regular progress reports after every project.
- Meet or exceed the evaluation criteria of all assignments.
- Acknowledge or respond to messages sent to the Team 3 group chat in 24 hours.

Personal Goals:

Farah Saba:
- Improve writing skills (be more precise with the idea I want to get across and avoid grammar
- Expand vocabulary (broaden my vocabulary to not restrain myself with specific words by reading,
researching synonyms for overused words…)
Marilyn Bou Jaoude:
- Improve my presentation skills and become a more confident public speaker.
- Improve my writing ability while also keeping it focused, concise, and impactful.
- Become more adaptive and take on roles that I once thought would be outside my comfort zone.
Mohamed Bakri:
- Improve my comprehension of and ability to compose technical and professional pieces (Research
papers, posters, etc.)
- Improve my time management skills.
Mohamed Elrayeh:
- Improve my communication in a professional setting.
- Improve my public speaking and presentation skills and the quality of the work presented.
- Improve my time management skills for my professional and personal lives.
Siddhant Rao:
- Improve my public speaking and presentation skills by the end of the semester.
- Improve my ability to use language and tone appropriately based on the audience (mainly at
different levels of professional settings)
- Improve my time management skills even if I have multiple commitments.

Individual Commitment:

Farah Saba:
- I am committed to meet with the team after English class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as
Saturday evenings.
- I am committed to submit assignments on time based on what the deadline was decided by the
- I am committed to participate and voice my opinion, as well as being open minded and listening to
what my team members have to say.
Marilyn Bou Jaoude:
- I am committed to meet with my team on all the scheduled dates.
- I am willing to help team members that find it hard to do their assigned task.
- I am committed to communicating effectively with my team members and give each one of them the
benefit of a doubt when in conflict.
Mohamed Bakri:
- I am committed to attending all scheduled team meetings and actively participating in them.
- I am committed to completing tasks assigned to me properly and in a timely manner.
Mohamed Elrayeh:
- I am committed to being on time whenever possible regarding meetings and actively participating.
- I am committed to covering for others’ work if they are unable to complete it for a valid reason.
Siddhant Rao:
- I am willing to put in the extra amount of work and effort to help reduce the burden on any of my
team members if they have other important commitments.
- I am committed to listening to every team member's opinion in meetings and considering their
points even if I have disagreements.

Other Concerns

Farah Saba: I am concerned about missing messages the team sends on the group due to my other
commitments during the day taking up too much time.
Marilyn Bou Jaoude: I am concerned about not participating as much as I should because of my
commitment to other tasks and failing to meet deadlines because of it.
Mohamed Bakri: I am concerned about the potential of my other commitments to impact my contributions
to the team.
Mohamed Elrayeh: I am concerned about having work piling up and eventually affecting my performance
in other courses.
Siddhant Rao: I am concerned about my occasional procrastination, so I would appreciate it if we could set
early deadlines for me so that I do not hold the team back.

Conflict Resolution
Work issue:
Points of conflict will be brought up for discussion in team meetings, where the team manager moderates the
discussion, and then a vote will be held to try and come to an agreement. If this is not achieved, the issue will be
brought up with the instructor, where both sides present their arguments and come to a decision.

Personal issue:
The person with a problem should go to the team manager to talk about it and then the team manager should meet
with them privately to talk it out and try to come to an agreement. If the person has an issue with the team manager,
they should be able to talk to them privately. If a resolution is not reached, the instructor should be involved where
the conflict is explained to come to the appropriate resolution.

Missed Deadlines
In the case of a missed deadline, the team manager will reach out and organize an emergency meeting to assess the
situation. The team manager will then communicate with members on an individual basis to offer support and ask for
a detailed report on the circumstances that led to the missed deadline. If the team manager was the cause of the
delay, the team should communicate with them and try to come to a conclusion. If all attempts at resolving the
situation fail, and a member is responsible for repeat violations of deadlines, the instructor will be informed about
the situation.

Unacceptable Work
If a team member’s work does not meet the team standards, other team members should be able to freely
communicate their concerns to the team manager. The team manager should then talk to the person privately to get
an idea of why the work was submitted the way it was and to place a 24-hour revised deadline for the work and try
to fix it based on the criticism presented. If the team member has any issues while working on the assignment with
how to do their job properly, they should let the team manager know so that other team members can assist in
achieving the quality of work required. If the team member is not cooperating the instructor should be notified.

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