Activity 2. Analysis Rizals Alleged Retraction

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Identifying the Arguments

Claimant 1 Argument 1 Evidence/Proofs
Josephine Bracken Josephine was not able to Josephine Bracken sued the
produced the documents and Rizal Family in order to
so she failed to claim some produce the so-called "Jose's
properties of Rizal. Last Will and Testament" and
even wrote Ferdinand
Blumentritt asking help to
claim some properties entitled
to her being the widow of
Rizal. Properties included
Rizal's Library valued at 3,000
pesos and some paintings of
Juan Luna. The library was
under the safekeeping of Jose
Ma. Basa including 1,000
pesos in cash. When Basa
received the demand from
Josephine and her lawyers, he
only asked Josephine's proof
marriage with Jose Rizal, a
marriage certificate issued by
church authorities in Manila or
even a certification from the
British Consul in Manila.

Your Observations:

We think that Josephine bracken was only using the name of Rizal in order for him to take all
the belongings of Rizal, but suddenly she did not get the proof of there marriage.

Claimant 2 Argument 2 Evidence/Proofs

De Viana Description of my life 22nd In 1961, the Jose Rizal
February 1897, Monday. On National Centennial
the 20th of July 896, Dr. Rizal Commission published Rizal’s
left Dapitan for Cuba as a letters to his friends and
doctor in the army. But relatives included among
unfortunately, they (the these letters was one made by
Spanish authorities) brought Josephine Bracken in 1897
him back again and shot him which was a brief description
on the 30th of December of her life.
1896. Before his execution,
he married me at 5 o’clock in
the morning. This is when I
am 20 years old, 1896.

Your Observations:
We observe that the diary of Josephine bracken was a brief description of her life , because in
moment When Rizal’s execution.she even used the surname of Rizal , therefore there is a
retraction happen ,that retraction happens was retracted first by the former Rizal.

Claimant 3 Argument 3 Evidence/Proofs

Fr. Manuel Garcia I declare myself a catholic The Diocesan Prelate may, as
and in this Religion in which I the Superior Ecclesiastical
was born and educated I Authority, make public this
wish to live and die. I retract spontaneous manifestation of
with all my heart whatever in mine in order to repair the
my words, writings, scandal which my acts may
publications and conduct has have caused and so that God
been contrary to my and people may pardon me.
character as son of the
Catholic Church. I believe
and profess whatever she
teaches and I submit to
whatever she demands. I
abominate Masonry, as the
enemy which is of the
Church, and as Society
prohibited by the Church.

Your Observations:
We believed that Fr. Manuel Garcia made that text in order to save those people who are in
the edge of sins. Like what the Diocesan Prelate may, they made this issue public in order to
repair the mistake of a certain person.


A book by Ronald M. Corpuz and Claudio V. Tabotabo ' Reading in the Philippine History "


Claimant 1 Argument 1 Evidence/Proofs
Jose Protasio Rizal Rizal did not retract the is There are doubts of it’s
reason is he was not buried authenticity given that there’s
in a catholic cemetery in no retraction document that
Paco but in the ground. was discovered in 1935 was
not Rizal’s handwriting.

Your Observations:
Our observation although there is a lot of opinion and evidence that show Rizal’s retraction
but they still have not enough prove whether Rizal did or not retract.

Claimant 2 Argument 2 Evidence/Proofs

He found a thick sheaf of Fernandez claimed that the
Rizal’s defense (unofficial letter contained the denial of
defense – ADICIDRES A MI his retraction because Rizal
DEFENSE) Which he had knew that’s The friars we’re
wrtitten stating before his misleading the Filipino people
execution in December (pasiqui & cabalu,2006).

Your Observations:
Based on what we observed, Baron Fernandez was made an argument based on his claim
that he found a letter written by Rizal before his execution, which contained a denial of his
retraction and a statement that the friars were misleading the Filipino people. He cited
Pasique evidence and support his claim.

Claimant 3 Argument 3 Evidence/Proofs

Fr.Vicente Balaguer He and Fr.Vilaclara arrived in Father Balaguer came to
Rizal’s prison cell around term’s that he married Jose
10’‘o clock in the morning on and Josephine, after Jose had
December 29,1896.he Signed the retraction paper,
mentioned in his letter and however, there were no
affidavit that their encounter marriage certificate or public
with Rizal Started with the record shown that could prove
discussion of some articles of that father Balaguer or Pi that
catholic faith. They debated could father’s Balaguer’s
on issues such us the stamens.
supremacy of Faith over
reason and the dogmatic
differences that divided
Catholic’s and protestants.

Your Observations:
Our observation for Father Balaguer is he was a catholic and faithful, he was a pasture that
has a good heart also his perspective over the years that provides a more balanced view of
the issues. Father Balaguer’s was witnessed that Rizal woke up in several time a day.


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