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Determine the average shearing stress of a 5 inches diameter rivet undergoes a shearing
force V = 1850 pounds.
a. 2.421 kg/cm2
b. 6.615 kg/cm2
c. 3.521 kg/cm2
d. 9.456 kg/cm2

2. If the plate has an ultimate shearing strength of 5245 kg/𝑐𝑚2 and the punch can exert a
maximum force of 300 Metric tons, determine the maximum thickness of metal plate in
which a 6.5 cm diameter hole can be punched.
a. 32 mm
b. 28 mm
c. 41 mm
d. 0.787 mm

3. Compute the shear modulus for a steel with Poisson’s ratio of 0.24. Use standard
modulus of elasticity for steel.
a. 85.7 GPa
b. 80.2 GPa
c. 74.4 GPa
d. 83.4 GPa

4. The poison ratio of a steel rod specimen of 15 inches diameter subjected to a tensile force
F of 300 kips is given as 0.28. The modulus of elasticity of the specimen is 3.4× 107 psi.
Determine the dilatation of the steel rod specimen.
a. 2.197× 10−5
b. 3.197× 10−5
c. 4.197× 10−5
d. 1.197× 10−5

5. Determine the stress induced in a steel bar welded between two supports 12 inches long
and 1 5/8 in diameter if the bar is installed at a temperature of 50°F increased to 120°F.
The coefficient of expansion for steel is 6.7× 10−6 /℉.
a. 10,570 psi
b. 14,070 psi
c. 12,060 psi
d. 24,070 psi
6. A steel rod having a cross sectional area of 400 𝑚𝑚2 and a length of 150 m is suspended
vertically from one end. It supports a load of 10 kN at the lower end. If the density of
steel is given as 7850 kg/𝑚3 and E = 205 GPa, find the deformation of the rod due to
a. 5.22 mm
b. 6.23 mm
c. 4.22 mm
d. 7.41 mm

7. A 12 m simply supported beam with 40kN load at the center (EI = 5000 kN-𝑚2 ) has a
maximum deflection of:
a. 288 mm
b. 322 mm
c. 541 mm
d. 102 mm

8. An 8m cantilever beam (EI = 15,000 kN-𝑚2 ) has a triangular load from left end to a
maximum of 14 KN/m at the fixed end. What is the maximum deflection of the beam?
a. 107.5 mm
b. 157.4 mm
c. 105.21 mm
d. 127.4 mm

9. Find the maximum deflection of a 15m cantilever beam (EI=12,000 kN-𝑚2 ) having a
uniform load of 3.5 kN/m from left to right end.
a. 1.249 m
b. 2.831 m
c. 1.846 m
d. 3.314 m

10. What is the effective modulus of a steel with Poisson’s ratio of 0.25?
a. 123.56 GPa
b. 218.18 GPa
c. 92.42 GPa
d. 31.45 GPa

11. A steel bandsaw blade is 0.032 –in thick. Find the value of the bending stress when the
blade is passing around a pulley of 20 – in diameter.
a. 104 ksi
b. 48 ksi
c. 57 ksi
d. 96 ksi
12. A simply supported beam, 10 m long carries a uniform distributed load of 5 kN/m. What
is the maximum moment of the beam due to this load?
a. 62.5 kN-m
b. 32.5 kN-m
c. 105 kN-m
d. 55 kN-m

13. Calculate the elongation of a steel bar supporting a load of 15,000 lbs if its cross-
sectional area is ½ square inch and a length of 10 ft.
a. 1.2 in
b. 0.12 ft
c. 0.304 cm
d. 2.54 mm

14. What is the decrease in height of a steel member if the tensile design load is 31.14 kN.
Assume a safety factor of 5 based on an ultimate strength of 60,000 psi.
a. 0.9872 in.
b. 21.89 mm
c. 0.7566 in.
d. 0.8618 cm

15. What is the approximate load in kN on a 2.5 cm diameter, 3.937 ft long steel shaft if its
maximum elongation exceeds 1 mm.
a. 85
b. 125
c. 103
d. 93

16. A copper column of annular cross section has an outer diameter of 15 ft and is subjected
to a force of 45 kips. The allowable compressive stress is 300 lbf/ft2. What should be the
wall thickness?
a. 3
b. 3.52
c. 4.59
d. 5.03

17. A tensile stress of 8 ksi and a shear stress of 4 ksi are induced in a brittle material whose
working strength in straight tension is 10000 psi. What is the maximum tensile stress?
a. 6000 psi
b. 4590 psi
c. 9656 psi
d. 5048 psi
18. A hoist with a 120-hp engine is capable of lifting a 17,000 load to a height of 25 ft in 30
seconds. Calculate the efficiency of this machine.
a. 21.48%
b. 23.44%
c. 35.42%
d. 40.23%

19. A steel railroad rails 10 m long are laid with clearance of 3 mm at a temperature of 15°C.
Calculate at what temperature will the rails just touch if there were no initial clearance?
a. 40.64°C
b. 23.45°C
c. 34.56°C
d. 45.43°C

20. A steel bar, initially free of stress, is held between rigid supports. Calculate the stress in
the bar if the temperature drops 110°F.
a. 147.85 MPa
b. 213.57 MPa
c. 54,350 psi
d. 25.54 ksi

21. During inspection, gaps of 0.012 ft were pound between the ends of the rails of the
railroad track laid at a temperature of 15°F. During possible expansion the rails must be
prevented from buckling. Compute the resulting stress at 110 deg F if the original length
of the rails is 35 ft.
a. 7350 psi
b. 7720 psi
c. 8205 psi
d. 8228 psi

22. A short cylindrical cast-iron post supports a compressive load of 15 tons. Compressive
stress is equal to 85 ksi and the factor of safety of 12. Compute the post diameter if the
slenderness ratio is to be neglected and it is also assumed that there is no buckling.
a. 59 mm
b. 77 mm
c. 4.54 inch
d. 7.45 inch
23. What load P which cause a total deformation of 0.036 inch of a steel rack which has a
cross-sectional area of 4 sq. inches and a length of 6 ft.
a. 55 kips
b. 40 kips
c. 60 kips
d. 50 kips

24. A hollow iron pipe to be designed as a column has an outside diameter of 240 mm and is
subjected to a force of 80 kN. Find the pipe thickness if the compressive stress is limited
to 16 Mpa.
a. 5.85 mm
b. 7.85 mm
c. 6.85 mm
d. 8.85 mm

25. The ratio of the moment of inertia of the cross-section of the beam to the section modulus
a. Equal to the radius of gyration
b. Equal to the area of the cross-section
c. Measure of a distance
d. Dependent on modulus of elasticity of beam measure
26. The differential of the shear equation is which of the following:
a. Bending moment of the beam
b. Tensile strength of the beam
c. Slope of the elastic curve
d. Load of the beam

27. Could be defined as simply push and pull is known as:

a. Work
b. Force
c. Inertia
d. Power

28. The changes in shape or geometry of the body due to action of a force on it is called
deformation or
a. Shearing stress
b. Stresses
c. Compressive stress
d. Strain
29. Ability to resist deformation under stress is called:
a.) Plasticity
b.) All of these
c.) Stiffness
d.) Toughness

30. The property of a material that relates the lateral strain to longitudinal strain is called:
a. Stress
b. Strain
c. Poisson’s ratio
d. Endurance limit

31. The single force which produces the same effect upon a body as two or more forces
acting together is called:
a. Resultant force
b. Coplanar forces
c. Couple
d. Non coplanar force

32. The ability of metal to resist being crushed is called

a. Shearing strength
b. Compressive stress
c. Torsional strength
d. Tensile strength

33. Finding the resultant of two or more forces is called:

a. Co-planar
b. Non-coplanar forces
c. Couple
d. Composition of forces

34. In general, the design stress and factor of safety are related as follows
a. Design stress = ultimate stress times factor of safety
b. Design stress = ultimate stress divided by factor of safety
c. Factor of safety = design stress divided ultimate stress
d. Ultimate stress = factor of safety divided by design stress
35. Stresses that are independent to loads are known as:
a. Working stresses
b. Operating stresses
c. Residual stresses
d. Shear stresses

36. The area of the shear diagram of a beam between any two points on the beam is equal to
a. Change in shear between the two points
b. Average moment between the two points
c. Total shear beyond the two points
d. Change in moment between the two points

37. The last point at which a material may be stretched a still return to its undeformed
condition upon release of the stress.
a. Rupture limit
b. Elastic limit
c. Proportional limit
d. Ultimate limit

38. The deformation that results from a stress and is expressed in terms of the amount of
deformation per inch.
a. Elongation
b. Strain
c. Poisson’s ratio
d. Elasticity

39. The internal resistance a material offers to being deformed and is measured in terms of
applied load.
a. Strain
b. Elasticity
c. Stress
d. Resilience

40. The maximum stress induced in a material when subjected to alternating or repeated
loading without causing failure
a. Ultimate strength
b. Yield strength
c. Endurance strength
d. Rupture strength
41. The maximum stress to which a material may be subjected before failure occurs is called:
a. Rupture strength
b. Ultimate strength
c. Yield strength
d. Proportional strength

42. The total deformation measured in the direction of the line of stress.
a. Strain
b. Elasticity
c. Elongation
d. Concentration

43. The total resistance that a material offers to an applied load is called
a. Friction torque
b. Stress
c. Rigidity
d. Compressive force

44. The ability of metal to withstand forces thus following a number of twist.
a. Shear strength
b. Bearing strength
c. Endurance strength
d. Deformation

45. In general, the design stress and factor of safety are related as follows
a. Design stress = ultimate stress times factor of safety
b. Design stress = ultimate stress divided by factor of safety
c. Factor of safety = design stress divided ultimate stress
d. Ultimate stress = factor of safety divided by design stress

46. Stresses that are independent to loads are known as:

a. Working stresses
b. Operating stresses
c. Residual stresses
d. Shear stresses

47. The ratio of unit lateral deformation to unit longitudinal deformation is called:
a. Poisson’s ratio
b. Willan’s line
c. Modulus of elasticity
d. Deformation
48. The three-moment equation may be used to analyze a
a. Tapered column
b. Continuous beam
c. Endurance limit
d. Tensile stress

49. Poisson’s ratio is the ratio of

a. Shear strain to compressive strain
b. Elastic limit to compressive strain
c. Lateral strain to longitudinal strain
d. Elastic limit to proportional limit

50. A link in a mechanism is made from a round bar having a diameter of 10.0 mm. It is
subjected to a tensile force that varies from 3500 to 500 N in a cyclical fashion as the
mechanism runs. Find the stress ratio, R.
a. 0.421
b. 0.143
c. 0.258
d. 0.521

51. A strut in a space frame has a rectangular cross section of 10.0 mm by 30.0 mm. the load
varies from a tensile force of 20.0kN to a compressive force of 9.0kN. Find the
alternating stress.
a. 46.7 MPa
b. 41.2 MPa
c. 23.2 MPa
d. 32.8 MPa

52. A part of a latch for a car door is made from a circular rod having a diameter of 3.0 mm.
With each actuation, it sees a tensile force that varies from 780 to 360 N. Find the stress
ratio, R
a. 0.225
b. 0.421
c. 0.462
d. 0.925
53. In a structure subjected to fatigue loading, the minimum and maximum stresses
developed in a cycle are 200MPa and 400MPa respectively. Find the value of amplitude
a. 1/3
b. ½
c. ¼
d. 1
54. A machine component is subjected to fluctuating stress that varies from 40 to
100N/𝑚𝑚2 . The corrected endurance limit stress for the machine component is 270
N/𝑚𝑚2 . The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of material are 600 Mpa and 450
Mpa respectively. Determine the value of factor of safety using Soderberg line theory.
a. 3.1
b. 5.1
c. 4.2
d. 3.75

55. A machine component is subjected to fluctuating stress that varies from 40 to

100N/𝑚𝑚2 . The corrected endurance limit stress for the machine component is 270
N/𝑚𝑚2 . The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of material are 600 Mpa and 450
Mpa respectively. Determine the value of factor of safety using Goodman line theory.
a. 4.02
b. 4.39
c. 6.25
d. 5.21

56. A machine component is subjected to fluctuating stress that varies from 40 to

100N/𝑚𝑚2 . The corrected endurance limit stress for the machine component is 270
N/𝑚𝑚2 . The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of material are 600 Mpa and 450
Mpa respectively. Determine the value of factor of safety using Gerber line theory.
a. 5.82
b. 4.52
c. 4.92
d. 5.41

57. There is a 120mm wide uniform plate for safe continuous operation. The plate is to be
subjected to a tensile load that ha maximum value of 250kN and a minimum value of 100
kN. The endurance limit stress is 225 Mpa and yield strength of material is 300 Mpa.
Determine the thickness of plate, if the factor of safety based on yield point may be taken
as 1.5
a. 18 mm
b. 12 mm
c. 21 mm
d. 10 mm
58. A ductile material having an endurance limit of 196 N/𝑚𝑚2 and the yield point at 294
N/𝑚𝑚2 is stressed under variable load. The maximum and minimum stress are 147
N/𝑚𝑚2 and 49 N/𝑚𝑚2 . The fatigue stress concentration factor is 1.32. The available
factor of safety for this loading is.
a. 3.0
b. 1.5
c. 1.33
d. 4.0

59. A forged steel link with uniform diameter of 30 mm at the center is subjected to an axial
force that varies from 40kN in compression to 160kN in tension. The ultimate (𝑆𝑢 ), yield
and corrected endurance strengths of steep material are 600MPa, 420MPa and 240MPa
respectively. The factor of safety against fatigue endurance as per Soderberg’s criterion is
a. 1.26
b. 1.37
c. 1.45
d. 2.00

60. A bar is subjected to fluctuating tensile load from 20kN to 100kN. The material has yield
strength of 240MPa and endurance limit in reversed bending is 160MPa. According to
the Soderberg principle, the area of cross-section in 𝑚𝑚2 of the bar for a factor of safety
of 2 is
a. 400
b. 600
c. 750
d. 1000

61. A machine component is subjected to fluctuating stress that varies from 40 to

100N/𝑚𝑚2 . The corrected endurance limit stress for the machine component is 270
N/𝑚𝑚2 . The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of material are 600 Mpa and 450
Mpa respectively. What will be the factor of safety using Goodman criteria and against
static failure, respectively?
a. 4.39 and 4.5
b. 6.58 and 6.75
c. 2.42 and 2.92
d. 3.51 and 3.6
62. Bending stress in a machine part fluctuates between a tensile stress of 280 Mpa and
compressive stress of 140 Mpa. If a factor of safety of 1.75 is used, what should be the
minimum ultimate tensile strength to carry this fluctuation according to Gerber’s
a. 603.5 MPa
b. 943.6 MPa
c. 452.9 MPa
d. 754.8 MPa

63. A steel rod 30 mm & 800 mm long has an allowance elongation not to exceed 1.5 mm,
find the allowable load in kN.
a. 274
b. 219
c. 332
d. 112

64. Compute the induced/compressive stress in kPa, of a steel solid shafting of 50 mm

diameter and 800 mm in length that is subjected to an increase of temperature by 80°C.
a. 163,551.43 kPa
b. 173,551.43 kPa
c. 183,551.43 kPa
d. 193,551.43 kPa

65. Compute for the load in kN on a 3 cm diameter, 100 cm long steel rod if its maximum
elongation exceeds 0.12 cm.
a. 121
b. 175
c. 163
d. 101

66. Compute for the polar section modulus of a SAE 1060 shafting having a diameter of 3
inches. Use a factor of safety of 2 and design stress at 800 psi.
a. 5.30 𝑖𝑛3
b. 4.30 𝑖𝑛3
c. 3.30 𝑖𝑛3
d. 2.30 𝑖𝑛3

67. Compute the allowable load in kN on a 20 mm x 120 cm long steel rod with a maximum
elongation must not exceed 1 mm.
a. 35
b. 54
c. 69
d. 21
68. Determine the load in kW on a 25 mm diameter x 1200 mm long steel shaft if its
maximum elongation exceeds 1 mm.
a. 85
b. 125
c. 103
d. 234

69. The total weight of steel plates ¾ ‘’ x 3’ x 20’ is:

a. 3838 lbs
b. 1698 lbs
c. 1840 lbs
d. 2215 lbs

70. An iron rod 4 m long and 0.5 𝑐𝑚2 in cross section stretches 1 mm when a mass of 225 kg
hangs on it. Compute the modulus of elasticity of the iron.
a. 276.58 GPa
b. 176.58 GPa
c. 186.58 GPa
d. 156.58 GPa

71. A 20 m rod is stretches to a strain of 0.001. Determine the deflection of the rod.
a. 20 mm
b. 25 mm
c. 33 mm
d. 35 mm

72. A rail having a coefficient of linear expansion of 11.6 x 10−6 /𝐶 increases its length when
heated from 70°F to 113°F. Determine the strain.
a. 5.04× 10−4
b. 2.04× 10−4
c. 3.04× 10−4
d. 2.77× 10−4

73. What temperature will the rails just touch if steel railroad is 10 m long are laid with
clearance of 3 mm at initial temperature of 15°C? Use k = 11.7× 10−6 /𝐶.
a. 20.64°𝐶
b. 30.64°𝐶
c. 40.64°𝐶
d. 50.64°𝐶
74. A 100 in long aluminum bar is subjected to tensile stress of 25,000 psi. Find the
elongation (E = 10 x 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖)
a. 0.25 in
b. 0.225 in
c. 0.125 in
d. 0.025 in

75. What load P which cause a total deformation of 0.036 inch of a steel rack which has a
cross-section area of 4 sq. inches and a length of 5 feet.
a. 55,000 lbs
b. 60,000 lbs
c. 72,000 lbs
d. 50,000 lbs

76. A copper column of annular cross section has an outer diameter 𝑑2 of 15 ft and is
subjected to a force of 45 kips. The allowable compressive stress is 300 lb/𝑓𝑡 2 . What
should be the wall thickness?
a. 3
b. 4.59
c. 3.52
d. 5.03

77. A steel rod 75 inches long tested with a load of 3000 lb is suspended from the other end.
If the rod stretches 0.025 inches and the cross-sectional area of 0.25 𝑖𝑛2 , find the
modulus of elasticity of the steel.
a. 46× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖
b. 36× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖
c. 16× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖
d. 31× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖

78. What is the effective modulus of a steel with Poisson’s ratio of 0.25?
a. 218.8 GPa
b. 50 GPa
c. 800 GPa
d. 318.8 GPa
79. A square bar of aluminum 50 mm on a side and 250 mm long is loaded by axial tensile
force at the ends. Experimentally, it is found that the strain in the direction of the load is
0.001. Determine the volume of the bar when the loading is acting. Consider a Poisson’s
ratio of 0.33.
a. 1.25× 105 𝑚𝑚3
b. 3.25× 105 𝑚𝑚3
c. 5.25× 105 𝑚𝑚3
d. 6.25× 105 𝑚𝑚3

80. Young modulus of a material is 200 GPa. What is its rigidity modulus if Poisson’s ratio
of the material is 0.3?
a. 96.9× 103 𝑀𝑃𝑎
b. 26.9× 103 𝑀𝑃𝑎
c. 56.9× 103 𝑀𝑃𝑎
d. 76.9× 103 𝑀𝑃𝑎

81. A tie bar of rectangular section 150 mm broad by 25 mm thick is subjected to a pull of
300 kN applied at 5 mm off the center of the thickness of the section. Calculate the
maximum stress induced at the outer skin.
a. 167 MPa
b. 121 MPa
c. 176 MPa
d. 151 MPa

82. A steel rod 75 inches long with cross sectional area of ¼ sq. inches is held vertically firm
at one end while a load of 2500 lb is suspended from the other end. If the rod stretches
0.025 inch, find the modulus of elasticity of the steel.
a. 52× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖
b. 42× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖
c. 22× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖
d. 30× 106 𝑝𝑠𝑖

83. What force P is required to punch a half-inch hole on a 0.25 in thick plate if the ultimate
shearing stress of the plate is 44,000 psi?
a. 25,000 lb
b. 15,000 lb
c. 20,000 lb
d. 17,279 lb
84. A thrust washer has an inside diameter of ½ and an outside diameter of 3 in. For an
allowable bearing pressure of 90 psi, how much axial load can it sustain?
a. 618.5 lbs
b. 218.5 lbs
c. 518.5 lbs
d. 418.5 lbs

85. What load P which cause a total deformation of 0.036 inch of a steel rack which has
cross-sectional area of 4 sq. inches and a length of 6ft.
a. 55,000 lb
b. 40,000 lb
c. 60,000 lb
d. 30,000 lb

86. Compute the load in Newton that must be applied to a 25 mm round steel bar 2.5 m long
(E = 207 GPa) to stretch the bar 1.3 mm?
a. 40,000 N
b. 52,000 N
c. 52,840 N
d. 70,000 N

87. A simple beam, 48 in long, with a static load of 6000 pounds at the center is made of
C1020 structural steel. Determine the dimensions based on the yield strength with 𝑆𝑦 =
48 𝑘𝑠𝑖 & factor of safety based on ultimate strength = 2 (Note: h =2b)
a. b = 1 5/8 and h = 3 5/16 in
b. b = 1 3/8 and h = 3 5/16 in
c. b = 1 2/8 and h = 3 5/16 in
d. b = 1 1/8 and h = 3 5/16 in

88. The modulus of elasticity is a measure of

a. Accuracy
b. Quality
c. Stiffness
d. Rigidity

89. The modulus of elasticity for most materials in compression is usually taken as that in
a. Tension
b. Bearing
c. Torsion
d. Yield
90. The ratio of moment and stress is called
a. Contraction
b. Proportional Constant
c. Section modulus
d. Strain

91. In a part at uniform temperature and not acted upon by an external load, any internal
stress that exists is called:
a. Control stress
b. Form stress
c. Residual stress
d. Superposed stress

92. A type of failure due to instability is known as

a. Slenderness ratio
b. Buckingham
c. Buckling
d. Stability

93. The ratio if the length of the column and the radius of gyration of the cross-sectional area
about a centroidal axis is called
a. Contact ratio
b. Constant ratio
c. Power factor
d. Slenderness ratio

94. Formula that applies to a very slender column is called

a. Column formula
b. Euler’s formula
c. Moment formula
d. Slender formula

95. Under theories of failure for static loading of ductile material, the design stress is the
a. Endurance strength / factor of safety
b. Factor of safety / yield stress
c. Yield stress / factor of safety
d. Ultimate stress / factor of safety

96. A kind of stress that is caused by forces acting along or parallel to the area stress is called
a. Bearing stress
b. Shearing stress
c. Tangential stress
d. Tensile stress
97. The highest ordinate in the stress-strain diagram or curve is called
a. Elastic limit
b. Rapture strength
c. Ultimate strength
d. Yield point

98. The modulus of elasticity in shear is commonly called

a. Bulk modulus
b. Deformation
c. Modulus of rigidity
d. Young modulus

99. The stress beyond which the material will not return to its original shape when unloaded,
but will retain a permanent deformation is termed as
a. Elastic limit
b. Proportional limit
c. Yield point
d. Yield strength

100. A simple beam, 48 in long, with a static load of 6000 pounds at the center is made
of C1020 structural steel. Determine the dimensions based on the yield strength with
𝑆𝑦 = 48 𝑘𝑠𝑖 & factor of safety based on ultimate strength = 2 (Note: h =2b)

a) b = 1 5/8 and h = 3 5/16 in

b. b = 1 3/8 and h = 3 5/16 in
c. b = 1 2/8 and h = 3 5/16 in
d. b = 1 1/8 and h = 3 5/16 in

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