Case Studies On The Use of Solar Irradiance Forecast For Optimized Operation Strategies of Solar Thermal Power Plants

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1, MARCH 2008

Case Studies on the Use of Solar Irradiance

Forecast for Optimized Operation Strategies
of Solar Thermal Power Plants
Michael Wittmann, Hanne Breitkreuz, Marion Schroedter-Homscheidt, and Markus Eck

Abstract—The Spanish Royal Decree 661/2007 for the regula- normal solar irradiance (DNI) to convert solar energy through
tion of renewable energy allows operators of power plants to par- focusing receivers into heat, which is then used to drive a ther-
ticipate directly on the electricity market instead of reverting to modynamic cycle and thereby produce electricity. In order to
flat-rate prices. The premium tariff option motivates operators of
renewable energy plants to increasingly act like managers of con- reach economic competitiveness, they are constructed in regions
ventional plants, selling electricity at the liberalized market. Just of solar resources of more than 2000 kWh/m per year. Cur-
like a normal market participant, the operator places bids in ad- rent projects under development and construction are situated
vance on the day-ahead market and is obliged to fulfill them. Thus, mainly in Spain and the Southwest United States; additional
there is the need for operators of renewable energy plants to be able markets emerge in North Africa, the Persian Gulf, and China.
to provide predictable and dispatchable energy in the profitable
premium tariff. This legal setting motivates the following analysis
The Spanish legal foundation offers the operators of STPP
on the value of irradiance forecasts for determining optimal oper- two possibilities to sell its electricity production: the tariff and
ation strategies of solar power plants. The scientific background the premium model. The tariff model consists of a fixed price
of this study are ongoing research activities on the use of satel- independent of day and time. To improve competitiveness, the
lite-based nowcasting of solar irradiance using cloud motion vector operator is allowed to feed in the renewable electricity with pri-
techniques and on data assimilation of aerosols into air quality
ority to any other conventional electricity generator.
models as a basis for day-ahead irradiance forecasts. The influence
of a schedule based on imperfect forecasts on the daily revenue for The premium model has been introduced in order to motivate
a solar thermal power plant is assessed. Three typical weather sit- the operators of renewable energy plants to act on the liberalized
uations are analyzed: clear-sky, overcast, and aerosol-charged sit- market like the conventional power plant managers. This means
uations. This paper shows the economic potential of the partici- they have to place their energy bids in a day-ahead market,
pation at the premium tariff with optimized operation strategies announcing the hour of energy production, the energy amount
using direct solar irradiance forecasts based on earth observation
techniques. and the price. Depending on market situation and the bid price,
the market operator Operador del Mercado Ibérico de Energía
Index Terms—Energy meteorology, optimized operation
(OMEL) [2] performs a matching procedure of power purchase
strategy, solar direct irradiance forecast, solar thermal power
plant (STPP). and sale bids. This forces the operators to oblige to their bids,
ensuring the system operator Red Eléctrica de España (REE) [3]
a reliable basis for secure grid operation during the next day. An
operator who does not fulfill the delivery schedule agreed upon
OLAR thermal power plants (STPP) are considered to have
S a significant importance for the transition from conven-
tional to sustainable energy production [1]. STPP use the direct
will be charged an additional fine per each kWh of deviation.
Having chosen the premium model, the operators of renew-
able power plants additionally receive a small premium per
kWh from the Spanish National Energy Commission, in order
to balance out competition disadvantages. This means that for
Manuscript received January 15, 2008; revised May 20, 2008. First published reaching profitability the sum of this premium and the market
September 30, 2008; current version published October 15, 2008. This work
was supported in part by the virtual Institute of Energy Meteorology (vIEM) price obtained minus deviation fines need to exceed the profit
of the German Helmholtz Association and in part by the SKAL-ET project of theoretically gained if the fixed tariff model had been chosen.
the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and It has to be noted that all electricity producers may only feed
Nuclear Safety.
M. Wittmann is with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of in the amount of contracted electricity. The premium model
Technical Thermodynamics, Solar Research, Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70176 apparently contains the potential to increase the yearly revenues
Stuttgart, Germany (e-mail: of a STPP, since on average the electricity prices paid at the
H. Breitkreuz is with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), German Remote
Sensing Data Center (DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, and also with the
day-ahead market plus premium are higher than the fixed tariff.
University of Wuerzburg, Department of Geography, Germany (e-mail: hanne- However, this advantage is reduced by the fines to be paid because of deviations between contracted and fed-in electricity,
M. Schroedter-Homscheidt is with the German Aerospace Center (DLR),
German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
caused by inaccuracies in solar irradiance forecasts. Currently,
(e-mail: there is only one commercial power plant in Spain, the Sevillian
M. Eck is with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Technical STPP PS10 [4] with an installed power of 11 MW , which is
Thermodynamics, Stuttgart, Germany (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
operated in the premium model [5].
at Activities at promoting alternative power supply systems—
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTARS.2008.2001152 like the Spanish legislation described above—are motivated by

the upcoming depletion of the supplies of fossil fuels, leading to 2) Premium Model: The premium model consists of the sum
an increasing dependency of our energy production on renew- of electricity price as negotiated, plus an additional premium.
able energy sources. This leads to new challenges for distributed Both are paid per kWh of fed-in electricity. The premium is
and decentralized systems. One problem is that the availability currently 25.4 -ct/kWh and is independent from time of day.
of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar is not con- The electricity price is negotiated either in bilateral contracts or
tinuous as it is affected by meteorological factors, leading to en- at the electricity market OMEL. In this study, the electricity is
ergy production patterns highly variable in space and time. This considered to be traded at the electricity stock exchange, like
is where the research field of energy meteorology is situated: in it is realized by the Spanish PS10 project. The electricity price
between the triangle of economy, resources, and environment, traded at OMEL varies with time; thus, the entire electricity pay-
where meteorological, as well as physical-technical aspects, are ment is also dependent on time.
considered. Due to the intention of the premium model to treat operator
So far, irradiance information has mostly been available of renewable plants like conventional producers, the model also
as retrospective long time series, used by the solar energy contains some disadvantages. For example, the operators lose
industry for site auditing and facility monitoring. However, their right to feed-in all the electricity they produce, because
for a thorough integration of these highly variable alternative they are only allowed to feed-in when they were able to ar-
power sources into existing conventional power supply systems, range for a contract. Additionally, they are obliged to support
the effectiveness of renewable energy production needs to be the system operator in net stabilization efforts. This can result
raised. For the solar energy sector, this is only possible if reli- in the denial of feed-in rights in spite of a confirmed sales bid,
able short-term predictions of direct and global solar irradiance since the system operator is able to curtail a certain amount of
can be obtained. Only with this information, sensible control the scheduled electricity when it becomes necessary for system
and maintenance of STPP in combination with conventional stabilization. However, the participation on grid services is not
plants can be facilitated. considered in this study.
It is possible to use satellite-based cloud motion vectors for
cloud fields and, therefore, surface irradiance short-term predic- B. Auction-Based Contracts
tions with a forecast horizon of up to approximately 6 h [6]. Such 1) Day-Ahead Market: Each day, marginal costs and
an approach could be used in intraday markets in the future, amounts of energy production for the next day are determined
allowing for forecasts updates during the day. For day-ahead by the Spanish electricity market operator OMEL. For this,
production forecasts, a combination of numerical weather pre- each producer and consumer of electricity states sales and
diction and air quality modeling is more suitable, e.g., such as purchase bids, which are then matched by OMEL in order to
the approach discussed in [7], where both meteorological and balance supply and demand. Sales bids with prices higher than
chemical forecasts are relying on satellite- and ground-based the marginal price are not considered. In order to take part in
data assimilation. this daily auction, every participant at the market has to fix
This paper will analyze a test case based on meteorological his schedule one day prior to feed-in. For fluctuating sources
and chemical forecasts with respect to optimized operation like solar energy, this means that a forecast-based scheduling
strategies of STPP when participating at the premium tariff. In is necessary to identify the reasonable and tradable amounts
reality, the forecast model of electricity prices and the integrated of electricity production and also to define storage operation
storage type have further influence on the optimization of the strategies.
operation strategies. However, in order to assess the impact of The Spanish market also offers the possibility to trade energy
real irradiance forecast here, both are assumed to be ideal. in six intraday markets. If enough assets are assumed, these ad-
Section II of this paper explains the Spanish market models ditional markets are used to adjust the scheduled energy, e.g.,
available to operators of solar power plants. In Section III, the when changes in forecasts occur. In this study, the operation
irradiance forecast models used are described, together with strategy is based on a singular forecast only, which means that
an overview of model performances for the study period. Sec- the operator only participates at the day-ahead market.
tion IV defines the solar thermal power plant models used for the 2) Deviation Fines: Deviation fines need to be paid when
analysis, followed by the description of operation strategies in deviations of scheduled and fed-in electricity amounts occur.
Section V. In Section VI, the results of the case study are given. Under the current Spanish legal foundation, the fines depend on
several aspects, e.g., market participation or grid connection [8].
II. DESCRIPTIONS OF SPANISH MARKET MODELS For this case study, a simplified fine model is used: the deviation
fines are fixed at 10% of the corresponding market price. It has
to be noted that the fines are defined to be symmetric, which
A. Remuneration Models
means that positive deviations are rated the same as negative
1) Fixed-Tariff Model: The Fixed-Tariff model is character- deviations. Independently of deviations, the small premium was
ized by a uniform remuneration which is independent on both paid for every fed-in kWh of electricity.
time of day and day of week. Per fed-in kWh of electricity
26.9375 -ct is being paid. It is important to notice that the III. IRRADIANCE FORECASTS
STPP operator has a guaranteed right to feed-in all electricity In order to calculate direct and global irradiance at surface
whenever it is produced. This model can only be chosen by level, exact information about clouds, aerosols, water vapor, and
power plant with a maximum installed power of 50 MW. ozone is needed. For overcast skies, knowledge of cloud cover

and type is most important in determining irradiance values. cludes particle emission, coagulation and growth, transport, wet,
Cloud cover information is also important for distinguishing be- and dry deposition [15].
tween overcast and clear situations. In the clear sky case, how- The complete system yields mass concentrations of all
ever, precise aerosol information is indispensable for providing treated species in three different size modes (nucleation, accu-
accurate irradiance forecasts since up to 20%–30% of additional mulation, and coarse), differentiating among 23 tropospheric
direct irradiance extinction have been reported for cases of high height levels. Primary organic material and elemental carbon,
particle occurrence [9], [10]. That fact that there is a focus of sulfate, ammonium, nitrate, anthropogenic particulate matter,
the solar energy industry on relatively cloud-free regions, such and aerosol liquid water are considered in accumulation and
as the Mediterranean area, explains why clear sky calculations nucleation mode. Anthropogenic aerosols are additionally
are of great relevance for irradiance forecasts. included as coarse mode particles.
Integration of natural coarse mode particles—sea salt and
A. Model Concept dust—is still in preparation. This is a crucial point, especially
A model of aerosol-based forecasts of solar irradiance for en- since, in the Mediterranean area, Saharan-based dust storms can
ergy applications (AFSOL system, see [7]) has been developed occur frequently [16], leading to large extinction of direct irradi-
to match the needs of the solar energy community regarding ir- ance. Consequently, the integration of external dust information
radiance forecasts: not only global, but also direct irradiance in- into the aerosol model has a high priority from the solar energy
formation is available, at high temporal resolution covering Eu- point of view. One approach is the assimilation of satellite-based
rope and the Mediterranean region. A focus has been placed on aerosol information into the EURAD air quality forecast model,
irradiance forecasts in clear sky conditions since these include which is being followed within the German Research Foun-
the most interesting situations for efficient operations of solar dation (DFG) project AERO-SAM (boundary layer AEROsol
energy plants. This means that accurate aerosol forecasts are characterization from space by advanced data assimilation into
of great relevance—a parameter which is often fully neglected a tropospheric chemistry transport model [17]).
or substituted by global climatology values when irradiance at Particle mass concentrations of different aerosol species are
ground level is assessed. usually combined to produce single -values (total mass
All irradiance calculations of the AFSOL system are per- concentration of particles smaller than 10 micron at the surface,
formed with the libRadtran (library for radiative transfer) pro- dedicated for air quality users) as standard output. In the case
gram code [11]. Its main routine, uvspec, calculates direct and study presented, however, separate mass concentration values of
global spectral irradiance at surface level, taking into account at- all substances modeled are used in order to calculate vertically
mospheric multiple scattering and absorption as well as surface integrated aerosol optical thickness values which allow surface
properties. Various solvers are available, allowing to choose ac- irradiance calculations.
cording to the different applications or accuracies needed, e.g., Ground albedo data has been obtained from NASA’s MODIS
between very exact time-consuming calculations or more pa- instrument (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-Radiometer)
rameterized routines applicable for operational services. onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites [18]. Bimonthly compos-
For the case study presented here, aerosol, water vapor and ites of 1-km resolution were aggregated to match the half-degree
cloud information are taken from the EURopean Air Pollu- grid of EURAD.
tion Dispersion (EURAD) model [12], whereas ozone and For information on atmospheric ozone content Total Ozone
ground albedo data has been obtained from satellite based Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) measurements from NASA’s
measurements. Earth Probe Satellite are used [19]. The data is available at http://
The temporal resolution of the direct and global irradiance, at global coverage and with a resolution of
forecasts is one hour, the spatial resolution accounts to a half-de- . For this study, daily mean values of ozone columns are
gree grid across Europe and the Mediterranean African coastal used, since the interdaily variability of ozone is not very high
regions. Each forecast run lasts 72 h. In the case of the day-ahead and because ozone influence is restricted to less than 1% when
market, the timeframe from 24 to 48 h is used for scheduling the dealing with spectrally integrated irradiances [20].
C. ECMWF Irradiance Forecasts
B. Input Data Data from the European Center of Medium-Range Weather
The EURAD model incorporates physical, chemical and dy- Forecasts (ECMWF) was used as a second source of irradi-
namical processes related to emission, transport and deposition ance forecasts. Solar global irradiance forecasts are routinely
of atmospheric substances. archived at the operational archive. However, direct irradiance
The main elements of the system are three sub-models is not available. For process time, minimization the computa-
treating meteorological input (NCAR- MM5 mesoscale model tion of the shortwave transmissivities is performed only every
[13]), emission data [14], and a chemical transport model [12]. 3 h, using the values of temperature, specific humidity, liquid/ice
Information on cloud parameters (cloud top and bottom height, water content and cloud fraction at this time step, and a clima-
cloud liquid water, and cloud fraction) is obtained from the tology for aerosols, as well as for atmospheric carbon dioxide
meteorological part of the EURAD model, as well as total and ozone content.
water vapor. For this study atmospheric fields of the parameter solar sur-
Aerosol processes are accounted for within the additional face radiation downwards (SSRD) were obtained at a model grid
MADE sub-system (modal aerosol dynamic model), which in- of . The radiation values are spectrally integrated

from 200 to 4000 nm. Each forecast starts at midnight and runs TABLE I
All irradiation parameters at ECMWF are accumulated since
the begin of forecast (in J/m ). In order to produce instant three
hourly mean values for each time step given, irradiation values
for each time step have to be isolated and normalized to the
time interval. These three hourly values are interpolated to ob-
tain hourly mean values of irradiance. As a linear interpolation
leads to underestimations for high sun elevations and to over-
estimations for low sun, an interpolation method using the ratio
of forecasted global irradiance against modeled clear sky irra-
diance (clear-sky index) for the same situation [21] is imple- TABLE II
An additional model [22] is needed to separate the direct and
diffuse components since the ECMWF only offers global irra-
diance values. Depending on solar elevation and the ratio of
forecasted global irradiance to modeled clear sky global irra-
diance, this allows for the determination of direct normal irra-
diance which is the parameter needed for managing concen-
trating solar thermal plants. It has to be noted that there are
slight distortions in the diurnal cycle of ECMWF global irradi-
ance, caused by the fact that irradiance data needs to be interpo-
lated from three-hourly values where no additional information
on sub-hourly variability is available. These deviations tend to and direct irradiance forecasts of the AFSOL system are more
multiply when being transferred to direct irradiance, leading to accurate than the operational ECMWF forecasts and its derived
a slightly compressed daily curve of the ECMWF-derived direct direct irradiance.
irradiance values. If all cloud situations—including both partially and totally
Ground measurements of direct and global irradiance were overcast moments—are included into the analysis, the forecast
used in order to assess the accuracy of both the ECMWF and variability significantly increases, especially for direct irradi-
AFSOL forecast data. The ground data was measured by Solar ance values (see Table II): here, AFSOL and ECMWF show
Millennium AG at 37.21 N and 3.07 E (near Guadix, southern RMSE values of 47 and 42%, respectively, while bias values
Spain) with a rotating shadowband pyranometer, allowing for remain approximately the same as without cloud situations.
the determination of both global and diffuse solar irradiance. This means that according to the results of our study period
For the analysis presented, 1-min measurements were averaged the ECMWF data is more suitable when forecasting irradiance
to produce hourly values. for partly cloudy and overcast situations.


STPP consist of a conventional power block and a solar
For this study, the location of Guadix in southern Spain
(37.21 N, 3.07 E) for July 2003 has been analyzed. During the receiver system which replaces the conventional steam gener-
following analysis, all daytime moments of the 72-hour-fore- ator. The various types of receiving systems can be grouped
casts are considered. If only clear sky situations are exam- into linear and point focusing receivers. The two main linear
ined—the cases that are most interesting for plant operation focusing receivers systems are given by the parabolic trough
strategies—the AFSOL global irradiance forecast overesti- system and Fresnel absorbers. Usually a downstream steam
mates the ground-based measurements by approx. % (or cycle is used to produce electricity.
29 W/m ), whereas the ECMWF global irradiance forecast Up to date the state-of-the-art technology used by a vast ma-
underestimates by about % (see Table I). The variability jority of the projected and constructed STPP is the parabolic
of forecast accuracy (root mean square error RMSE) is much trough system. In Fig. 1, the schematic configuration of the
larger for the ECMWF global irradiance (12.4%) than for the Andasol-1 project is shown. Andasol-1 is located in the high
AFSOL forecast (5.2%).
plateau of Guadix (Province Granada) and owned by Solar Mil-
As for the direct irradiance component, here again the
lennium and ACS/Cobra group. The solar field collects the di-
AFSOL forecast overestimates the ground measurements by
%, while the ECMWF-based forecast underestimates rect solar radiation and heats up a cold heat transfer fluid (HTF).
by a mean %. According to the fact that inaccuracies The energy is transferred by the HTF to the steam cycle in order
in global irradiance forecast generally increase when only to produce electricity. The integrated storage can be used to bal-
the direct component is considered, the variabilities for direct ance solar irradiation dips due to cloud movement or to prolong
irradiance forecast increase to 17.4% (AFSOL) and 28.6% the time of electricity production into the night. Each day, the
(ECMWF). This means that for clear sky situations both global electricity produced is sold to the electricity market.

Fig. 1. Schematic configuration of Andasol-1 power plant [23].

B. Power Plant Model

The solar plant Andasol-I, which is planned to be connected
to the Spanish national grid in July 2008, is used as the refer-
ence plant for this study. At the moment the Andasol-I power
plant project is the only one which has a significant storage ca-
pacity, allowing for the transfer of significant amounts of solar
energy towards periods with high stock prices. The power block
consists of a 49.9-MW turbine with live steam parameters of
100 bar and 370 C [23]. In this configuration, the design gross
efficiency of the power block reaches 38%.
During the simulations, it is assumed that live steam param-
eters and superheating temperature are held constant, as well as
the feed-water temperature. The energy flow to the power block
needs to exceed a threshold of 20% in order to provide sufficient
mass flow for turbine operation. The part load behavior of the
turbines has been taken into account and auxiliary power was
Fig. 2. Ground measurements of DNI at a clear day (2003-07-16) and a day
with high aerosol concentration (2003-07-25) over local time, i.e., UTC .

C. Solar Field Model

Even though the Andasol-1 solar field is equipped with
A. Boundaries: Electricity Stock Market Model SKAL-ET collectors, the public available efficiency models of
LS-2 collector [24] have been used in this study. The collector
For this case study, different time periods in July 2003 have surface is set to 510 000 m . The mean temperature of the
been analyzed, using real prices that were auctioned at the ac- ambient was held constant at 25 C and for the absorbers at
cording Spanish stock market. These prices were traded in a 300 C. The average optical efficiency was set to 73.2%.
day-ahead market with a temporal resolution of 1 h.
For real operations of the power plant, the schedule for the D. Thermal Energy Storage Model
next day is based on forecast of both electricity price and mete- In this paper, the thermal energy storage is assumed to be
orological conditions. However, to analyze the economic poten- ideal. This means it neither loses energy nor exergy. However,
tial of solar irradiance forecasts, a perfect forecast of electricity in reality thermal energy storage systems suffer from a loss of
prices is assumed. energy by heat transfer to the ambient air. An indirect storage,

as realized in the Andasol-1 project, has also exergetic losses (2)

due to heat exchange from the solar field HTF to the storage
fluid during charging and discharging. The storage capacity of is the electricity production fed in by the STPP. The terms
Andasol-1 is 1010 MWh [25] which corresponds to about represent thermal energy in the storage. Function describes
7.5 h at design electricity production. the upper limit of the charging rate which is restricted by the
Another assumption towards a perfect storage model is that current available amount of solar radiation. The solar radiation
the charging rate is not restricted by any technical component, also influences the maximum discharge rate because of the
i.e., the entire current energy offer from the solar field can be maximal possible heat load of the power block. Both energy
charged into the storage. However, the restriction of the storage fluxes from the solar field and storage may not exceed the design
capacity needs to be considered when reaching maximum heat load. Certain requirements for the adopted optimizer are
storage load. The discharge rate is limited by the ability of needed, e.g., the use of steady-state models and ideal storage.
the power block to convert thermal energy into electricity. Re- Additionally, no energy consumption due to start-up procedures
garding 49.9 MW of electric power with an efficiency of 38% is considered.
this maximum discharge rate is calculated to be 131.3 MW . The solar field needs to be defocused when the thermal solar
field power can neither be converted in the power block nor
charged to the storage. In this case, any additional energy pro-
duced will be lost.
A. Day-Ahead Scheduling B. Operation
1) Reference Operation Strategy: The reference operation Each day the operator will try to implement the schedule
strategy prioritizes the direct solar operation. This means that agreed upon with the OMEL at every hour. Primarily, the en-
during the production of heat the solar field feeds directly into ergy produced in the solar field is used. If the field energy pro-
the power block in order to produce electricity. The surplus duction is insufficient compared to the schedule, the storage is
of heat which cannot be converted in the power block is used used to balance out the missing from the field. A surplus of en-
to charge the storage. When the heat production of the solar ergy will be charged into the storage. In case of a completely
field drops below the design heat consumption of the power charged storage and an energy surplus, the solar field will partly
block, storage energy will be used to compensate the lack of be defocused and, thus, dump the energy surplus.
energy. After sunset, the storage energy will be used to prolong
the electricity production into the night until the storage is de- VI. RESULTS
pleted and the whole daily irradiation is completely converted
Three sample periods in July 2003 were chosen, according
into electricity.
to three different meteorological situations dominating the lo-
The solar field will be defocused when the thermal solar field
cation analyzed. The first period deals with the influence of Sa-
power exceeds the sum of maximum charging rate, which is due
haran dust storms on irradiance. These events frequently occur
to storage capacity limitation and design heat rate of the power
in the Mediterranean area [16], leading to increased scattering
through high aerosol load and thereby reducing direct and to a
2) Optimized Operation Strategy: The aim of the optimized
lesser extent also global irradiance. The second study analyses
operation strategy is to maximize the daily revenue at the elec-
the performance of solar power plant operation strategies using
tricity stock exchange by selling the electricity preferably at
irradiance forecasts on clear sky days, the third approach anal-
high price times rather than at low price times. The thermal heat
ogously for partly cloudy days.
storage is used to adapt the electricity production to the elec-
The ground measurements are also used to assess the im-
tricity price characteristics by shifting the collected energy in
pact of having “ideal” forecasts for plant management: treating
the solar field towards the high price periods. This means that the
ground truthing data as forecast data allows for the determina-
resulting schedule is basically defined by the daily price course.
tion of the theoretical optimum of the chosen plant operation
However, an adequate storage capacity is necessary in order to
strategy. This gives information on the possible range of eco-
get the flexibility needed for shifting the energy over the time
nomic enhancement which can be gained by improving the fore-
cast data with data assimilation techniques and earth observation
In order to set up the optimized operation strategy, an op-
timization problem needs to be solved. For this, a problem
Forecast validation is also performed with regard to persis-
adopted solver was developed. The objective function to be
tence, i.e., by treating ground measurements of the day before
maximized (1) is the daily revenue
as forecast data for the following day.
(1) A. Analysis on Impact of High Aerosol Load
The influence of Saharan dust storms on direct irradiance is
with limitations assessed by comparing a cloud-free day (July 16th, 2003) and
a clear day with high dust particle load (July 25th, 2003). The
corresponding ground measurements (see Fig. 1) clearly repre-
sent the extinction processes due to the high atmospheric aerosol
load, resulting in a decrease of DNI of approx. 12%.


Fig. 3. Energy flows of July 16th (—) and July 25th (- - -) over local time. The
DNI source (a) can produce a maximum solar field power Q shown in (b).
Due to defocusing, a part Q is converted in the power block (c) to produce
the electricity (d).

In order to assess the impact on electricity production, the

reference operation strategy was chosen. In Table III, the en-
ergy flows are shown. It can be summarized that, although the
dust event reduces the amount of solar resource, no significant
reduction of electricity production is observed. This is due to
the specific layout of the solar field and storage, which leads to
defocusing and a subsequent loss of about a quarter of the max-
imal energy production of the field on July 16th.
The maximal time period of electricity production of a clear
sky day can be calculated by the sum of the hours of insolation
plus the hours of storage capacity. The resulting maximal full
load hours per day correspond to a certain upper limit of en-
ergy as can be converted by the power block. In the assessed
two days, this upper limit is approximately 2700 MWh of con-
vertible energy. Any insolation above that has to be dumped by
the solar field. On July 25th, higher insolation leads to a fully (0 0)
Fig. 4. Measured irradiation x , AFSOL forecast (—) and ECMWF fore-
cast (- - -) for July 27th and 28th (a). Deviations of forecast models are shown
charged storage at noon and afterwards to a dumping of energy in (b).
[see Fig. 3(c)]. On July 16th, the aerosol charge reduces the
maximal field energy to amount corresponding approximately
with the convertible energy. Thus, at the end of both days the sky days without significant aerosol charge (July 27–28, 2003)
aerosol charge has no significant influence on the electricity pro- randomly chosen from the test period. The forecast models
duction of the simulated power plant. used to schedule the plant operation are the AFSOL system,
Nevertheless, it can be derived that an aerosol event like ECMWF-based direct irradiance forecasts, and persistence
on July 25th can have a significant influence on the energy assumptions. Ground measurements determine the actual irra-
production when certain boundary conditions are changed. diation. In Fig. 4, forecasts and measured irradiance values are
For example, on spring or fall days when the insolation level given.
is lower, no defocusing will occur, and, therefore, no energy Generally, the ECMWF-based DNI forecast systematically
will be dumped. Second, the integrated storage could be of underestimates the ground measurements (solid line) during
higher capacity than at the reference plant used here, which those two days, while the AFSOL forecast and persistence
also results in no limitation of energy yield. This latter case is models are close to the ground truthing data. In Table IV,
also considered in Table III, where the impact of the aerosol the impact of the forecast models on the daily real revenue is
event on a STPP with sufficient storage capacity is shown to shown, i.e., revenue minus deviation fines.
lead to a loss of electricity production of 24% as compared to On consecutive clear sky days, the AFSOL system and per-
an aerosol free day. sistence assumptions provide high quality input for the fore-
cast-based operation strategy: both reach at least 99.6% of the
B. Analysis on Clear Sky Days Without Dust revenue based on idealized “perfect” forecasts. From July 27th
The yearly revenue of the STPP is gained primarily during to 28th, the persistence model shows the same optimality as the
summer on clear sky days. In this section, the potentials of AFSOL model, due to the similarity of solar irradiance condi-
different forecast models are assessed for two consecutive clear tions on both days. It has to be noted that the performance of


be seen in the ground measurement data. This is because days

with cloud movement and cloud formation are challenging to
all forecast models, especially on partially cloudy and not fully
overcast situations: it means that not only the general occurrence
of clouds within a certain region needs to be forecasted, but also
the exact location, speed and direction of single cloud structures
moving across the study location. Thus, the quality is naturally
decreased in comparison to clear sky days. Measured deviations
reach values of 823 W/m , showing no characteristic direction
of deviations [Fig. 5(b)].
In Table V, the revenues for both operation strategies and
four forecast models including the “perfect” model are shown.
It can be seen that the performance of the ECMWF-based fore-
cast is much better than the optimality of the AFSOL system
for the time period analyzed. The measured irradiation has a
significant dip around noon for every three days. Using persis-
tence premises as basis for the schedule profits from the pe-
riod-specific similarity and, therefore, achieves good results, as
presented in Table V.
The general performance is also largely influenced by the di-
urnal electricity price curve, as shown in Fig. 5(c). This is be-
cause the market rules require the operators to decide on the
Fig. 5. Measured irradiation ( x ), AFSOL forecast (—) and ECMWF fore- electricity feed-in one day in advance, which directly connects
cast (- - -) for July 19th–21st (a) over local time. Deviations of forecast models the planned schedule to the forecasted irradiation. If forecast de-
are shown in (b). The corresponding electricity price of the Spanish day-ahead
trading market is illustrated in (c).
viations then turn out to be negative, i.e., more solar irradiation
is measured than expected, the surplus will be stored into the
storage system. Positive deviations, i.e., more solar irradiation
the persistence assumption strongly depends on the stability of is forecasted than measured, are balanced by the use of storage
weather situations and will reduce significantly when changes, energy whenever available. Imbalances of schedule and metered
due to aerosols or clouds, occur. As can be observed in Fig. 4, electricity are fined proportional to the actual electricity prices.
the ECMWF-based forecast diverges strongly from the actual The ECMWF-based forecast has negative deviations during
irradiation. This leads to a low utilization of revenue potentials the morning of the first two days, i.e., more irradiance is avail-
for the power plant operator. able than forecasted. Thus beside compliance of the energy con-
tracts, which are based on the forecast, the surplus of energy will
C. Analysis on Cloudy Days be used to charge the storage. During the high positive deviation
The demand on forecast models and definition of the opera- at noon this energy is used to produce electricity at the actual
tion strategy rises strongly on days with great transients in the high prices, thus fines are reduced and electricity is sold during
solar irradiation. Thus for the third part of the study three cloudy the high price period. In contrast, the AFSOL model completely
days in July 2003 (19th–21st) were identified. Both measured overestimates the first day with high deviations. This leads to a
solar irradiation and the two forecast models assessed are shown strong short position on the market over the entire day which
in Fig. 5(a). cannot be compensated by the storage. Thus, high fines have to
It can be seen that the ECMWF-based DNI forecast is al- be paid during the first day’s high price period. On the second
ways lower than the AFSOL forecast. However, none of the day the model underestimates most of the time. This means only
models is able to capture the high variability in DNI which can small amounts of electricity delivery are contracted, leading to

low revenue during the day. To summarize, although the mean weather conditions. The case study demonstrates the need of in-
absolute deviation of the AFSOL and ECMWF model systems terdisciplinary work on this topic and encourages further inves-
are rather similar, the hour of occurrence in conjunction with the tigations of forecast-based operation strategies of solar thermal
direction of the deviations and the diurnal market price structure power plants on a broader data basis. The need of highly accu-
leads to a clear difference in the daily revenue for the assessed rate solar irradiance forecasts is demonstrated, motivating fur-
three cloudy days. ther research on integration of satellite and ground based mea-
surements to improve forecasting capabilities in numerical and
chemical weather prediction. Data assimilation of near real time
VII. CONCLUSION observations is crucial for both the day-ahead and the intraday
In order to participate at the premium model in Spain, opera- markets. Also, real storage characteristics and price forecast
tors of solar thermal power plants need to change to a forecast- models are being implemented in future studies in order to in-
based operation. However, the economic potential promised by crease the detail of assessment.
the premium model is reduced by imperfect forecasts. Thus, a
certain forecast quality for direct solar irradiation must be pro- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
vided by the models in order to achieve profitability.
This case study assesses the impact of aerosol charged, clear The authors would like to thank the Solar Millennium AG
sky, and cloudy days at the Andasol-I location in Spain. On July for providing ground measurement data of solar irradiance.
25th, 2003, a Saharan dust outbreak was observed which re- They would also thank the Rhenish Institute for Environ-
sulted in high aerosol loads reducing the direct solar radiation mental Research of the University of Cologne for providing
to 78.3% compared to a normal situation on July 16th. This re- the particle forecasts from the EURAD model used in this
duction had only a minor effect on the electricity production of study and E. Lorenz from the Energy and Semiconductor Re-
the STPP due to limitations of the storage capacity and the high search Department of the University of Oldenburg for routines
daily direct solar energy. Nevertheless, it was found that sim- and help with the ECMWF data interpolation procedures.
ilar aerosol charges will have a direct impact on the electricity They would also like to thank the developers of libRadtran
production during fall/spring days and for systems with larger ( for their radiative transfer tools
storage sizes. which were used for all irradiance calculations, as well as the
July 27th and 28th are two very similar clear sky days. The two anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions and
assessment of reference and optimized operations and different comments.
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sumptions achieve almost perfect optimality. However, it has to
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Michael Wittmann was born in Weiden, Germany,

in 1976. He received the M.Eng. degree in environ-
mental engineering with a focus on renewable energy
technologies from the University of Applied Sciences
of Amberg, Germany, in 2004, and the M.Sc. (Hons.)
degree in power systems engineering from the Tech-
nical University of Clausthal, Germany, in 2006. He
is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the Univer-
sity of Stuttgart, Germany.
He is currently a Scientist with the Institute
of Technical Thermodynamics of the German
Aerospace Center (DLR), Stuttgart. The objective of his work in investigating
operational strategies of solar thermal power plants with integrated storage
systems is to optimize revenues of the daily plant operations under varying
meteorological and market conditions.

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