Subject:: Dr. Sukanya Chattopadhyay

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सं.सं या/Ref.

No /आवेदन सं या/Application No/ 202311053895 िदनांक/Date of Dispatch/Email: 21-12-2023

सेवा मे,/To
Dr. Priyank Purohit,
Dr. Priyank Purohit Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun
Email :,

िवषय: एक व अिधिनयम, 1970 क धारा 12 व 13 तथा एक व िनयम, 2003 के अधीन परी ण रपोट
Subject: Examination report under sections 12 & 13 of the Patents Act, 1970 and the Patents Rules, 2003.
1. उपयु आवेदन के संदभ मे परी ण रपोट ( अथात, एक व िनयम, 2003 (यथा संशोिधत) के िनयम 24-ख(3) म िविनिद आपि य का
पथम कथन ) इसके साथ संल न है यह रपोट परी ण हे तु अनुरोध िदनांक 16-10-2023 के उ र मे जारी क गयी है परी ण रपोट का
उ र दािखल करने क अंितम ितिथ (अथात, इस रपोट म लगाई गयी सभी आव यकताओं के अनुपालन क अविध) आवेदक को आपि य का
पथम कथन जारी होने क ितिथ से छः माह है
Please find enclosed herewith an Examination Report ( i.e. a first statement of objections as specified in Rule
24-B(3) of The Patents Rules, 2003 (as amended) ) in respect of above-mentioned application. This report is
issued with reference to a request for examination dated 16-10-2023.The last date for filing a response to the
Examination Report (i.e. a period to comply with all the requirements raised in this examination report) is six
months from the date on which the first statement of objections is issued to the Applicant.

2. यिद रपोट के अंतगत लगाई गयी आव यकताओं का अनुपालन एक व िनयम, 2003 (यथा संशोिधत) के िनयम 24 ख(5) म िविनिद
अविध के भीतर अंदर अनुपालन नह िकया गया तो एक व अिधिनयम 1970 क धारा 21(1) के अधीन वतमान आवेदन को प र य माना
The instant application shall be deemed to have been abandoned under Section 21(1) of The Patents Act,
1970, unless all the requirements raised in this report are complied with in the period as specified in Rule 24-B
(5) of The Patents Rules, 2003 (as amended).

3. आपका यान एक व िनयम, 2003 के िनयम 24 ख(6) के पावधान क ओर भी आमंितत िकया जाता है
Your attention is also invited to the provisions of Rule 24-B (6) of the Patents Rules 2003.

4. आपको सलाह दी जाती है िक शीघ िनपटान हे तु अपना उ र शीघ प तुत कर

You are advised to file the reply at the earliest for early disposal.

Dr. Sukanya Chattopadhyay

िनयंतक पेट ट/ Controller of Patents
संल न/Enclosed: अपरो अनुसार/As above

िट पणी: यह इले टोिनक प से उ प न रपोट है

NOTE: This is an electronically generated report.
सभी पताचार िनयंतक एक व को उपरोि लिखत पते पर भे जा जाये
All communications should be sent to the Controller of Patents at the above mentioned address.

परी ण रपोट /Examination Report

आवेदन सं या /Application Number 202311053895
दािखल करने क ितिथ /Date of Filing 11-08-2023
पूिव ा िदनांक /Date of Priority --
पीसीटी अंतरा ीय आवेदन क सं या व िदनांक / PCT International Application No. &
Graphic Era Hill University,
आवेदक /Applicant
परी ण हे तु अनुरोध क सं या व िदनांक /Request for Examination No. & Date E2023104153116-10-2023
पकाशन क ितिथ /Date of Publication 08-09-2023
इस परी ण रपोट के चार भाग ह, अथात रपोट का सारांश, िव तृत तकनीक रपोट, औपचा रक आव यकताएँ तथा रकॉड मे द तावेज़ /
This examination report consists of four parts, namely summary of the report, detailed
technical report, formal requirements and documents on record.

भाग -1: रपोट का सारांश

क. सं.
अिधिनयम के तहत आव यकताओं पर िव तृत िट पिणयां
/Sl. दाव क सं या /Claim Numbers िट पणी /Remarks
/Requirements under the Act
दावे /Claims: 1-10 हाँ /Yes
नवीनता /Novelty
दावे /Claims: नह /No
धारा 2(1)(ञ) के तहत दावे /Claims: NONE हाँ /Yes
1. आिव कार /Invention u/s आिव कारी कदम / Inventive step
2(1)(j) दावे /Claims: 1-10 नह /No
औ ोिगक उपयोिगता /Industrial दावे /Claims: 1-4, 7, 8, 10 हाँ /Yes
Applicability दावे /Claims: 5-6, 9 नह /No
धारा 3 के अधीन पेटट-अयो यता (यिद हाँ, खंड 3(क-त) /Non- हाँ /Yes
दावे /Claims: 5-6, 9
2. patentability u/s 3 i
(if yes, specify section3(a-p)) दावे /Claims: नह /No
धारा 10(4) के अधीन पकटन क द ता (हाँ/नह िनिद
3. कर)/Sufficiency of disclosure u/s 10 (4) yes
(Specify Yes/No)
प ता/ संि ता /Clarity / दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
Conciseness दावे /Claims: 1, 3, 8 नह /No
[धारा 10(5) व 10(4) (ग)] दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
4. के अधीन दावे /Claims प रभािषकता /Definitive
[u/s 10(5) & 10(4) (c)] दावे /Claims: 2, 3 नह /No
दावे /Claims: हाँ /Yes
ेत /Scope
दावे /Claims: 5-7, 9-10 नह /No
अ य आव यकता (एँ ) /Other requirement(s):
5. It appears that a typographical error has occurred in the claim 9, line 1, and should be corrected in the
prescribed manner, Section 78(2) of the Act.

भाग –II िव तृत तकनीक रपोट


क. उ रत द तावेज क सूची /A.List of documents cited:

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(क) पेटट सािह य / (a). Patent Literature :

उ रत द तावेज़ का
पासंिगक िववरण (पृ व
उ रत द तावेज़ के
क. सं. पकाशन अनु छे द सं या) / अिभकिथत आिव कार के
द तावेज़ का िववरण /Details पासंिगक दावे /
/ ितिथ(िदन/माह/वष) / Relevant दावे /Claims of
of documents Relevant claims of Publication date description (page alleged invention
cited document
and paragraph no.)
of cited document
D1: CN102715388A;
(JIANGNAN The whole
1 10/10/2012 1-10
UNIVERSITY), 10 document
October 2012

(ख) गैर-पेटट सािह य /(b).Non-patent literature

उ रत द तावेज़ का
पासंिगक िववरण
(पृ व अनु छे द अिभकिथत अिभकिथत
क. सं. सं या) /Relevant आिव कार के दावे आिव कार के दावे
/ द तावेज़ का िववरण /Details of documents description /Relevant /Claims of
/Publication (page and claims of cited alleged
paragraph no.) document invention
of cited
D2: D. Qureshi ET AL, “”Carrageenan:
A Wonder Polymer from Marine Algae
for Potential Drug Delivery
The whole
1 Applications”, Current Pharmaceutical 01/01/2019 1-10
Design, vol. 25(11), 2019, pages: 1172-
1186. DOI:
D3: S. Noreen ET AL, “Optimization of
Novel Naproxen-Loaded
Chitosan/Carrageenan Nanocarrier-
Based Gel for Topical Delivery: Ex The whole
2 11/06/2021 1-10
Vivo, Histopathological, and In Vivo document
Evaluation”, Pharmaceuticals, vol.
14(6), Published: 11 June 2021, DOI:

ख. अिधिनयम के तहत आव यकताओं पर िव तृत िट पिणयां /B. Detailed observations on the requirements under the

(1).आिव कारी कदम / INVENTIVE STEP:

(I) ऊपर उ रत द तावेज़(ज ) के संदभ D1-D3 मे प अ यापन(न ) को यान मे रखते हए, िन निलिखत कारण से दावा(व ) (1-10) मे
आिव कारी कदम क कमी है
Claim(s) (1-10) lack(s) inventive step, being obvious in view of teaching (s) of cited document(s) above under
reference D1-D3 for the following reasons:
Reference is made to the following documents-

Page 2 of 6

D1: CN102715388A; (JIANGNAN UNIVERSITY), 10 October 2012

D2: D. Qureshi ET AL, “”Carrageenan: A Wonder Polymer from Marine Algae for Potential Drug Delivery
Applications”, Current Pharmaceutical Design, vol. 25(11), 2019, pages: 1172-1186.
DOI: 10.2174/1381612825666190425190754
D3: S. Noreen ET AL, “Optimization of Novel Naproxen-Loaded Chitosan/Carrageenan Nanocarrier-Based Gel
for Topical Delivery: Ex Vivo, Histopathological, and In Vivo Evaluation”, Pharmaceuticals, vol. 14(6), Published:
11 June 2021, DOI: 10.3390/ph14060557.
The present application relates to a preparatiopnal method of carrageenan-based nano-fluorescent gel. The
methodological approach comprising: solubilizing carrageenan in hot distilled water; subsequent addition of
ethanol, a de-solvation agent, triggers a reduction in particle size, resulting in the formation of the nanogel. The
nanogel's distinct fluorescence properties contribute to its potential use in diagnostic imaging technology.
The subject matter of present claims 1-10 lacks inventive step with respect to prior art documents as mentioned
above because of the following reasons-
Document D1 discloses a preparation method of konjac glucomannan and the composite colloid of kappa-
carrageenan that degrades, its characterization step is: (i) uses 'beta '-mannase that konjaku powder is hanged
down the limit enzymolysis,, make the konjac glucomannan degradation products of different viscosities through
controlled condition; (ii) at room temperature quantitative degraded konjac glucomannan is dissolved in the water
and high-speed stirred 2h constantly, leave standstill 1h then and make its abundant swelling. Konjac
glucomannan solution is put into 70 ℃ of-90 ℃ of water-baths, add kappa-carrageenan according to
proportioning and total gum concentration, constantly stirring fully combines both, takes out behind the 10-60 min,
and at room temperature gel 8-24h measures its gel strength.
Document D2 discloses the physicochemical and structural properties of carrageenan, its current applications as
drug delivery vehicles, and a final section approaching its future potential in the development of targeted drug
delivery systems.
Document D3 discloses naproxen-loaded CS/CRG polymeric nanoparticulate-based gel system using a
polyelectrolyte complexation technique. Naproxen-loaded chitosan/carrageenan nanoparticles were incorporated
into Ca-940 gel and evaluated for transdermal delivery of naproxen by ex vivo permeation and in vivo anti-
inflammatory studies.
In view of disclosures D1 and with combined view of D2 & D3 it is very obvious to person skilled in the art to
synthesis carrageenan nanogel of instant application or the process as claimed in claims 1 to 10. The uses of
reagent and reaction conditions are very well known for a person skilled in the art. Therefore, the process
claimed do not involve inventive step.

(2).औ ोिगक उपयोिगता /INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY:

(I) िन निलिखत कारण से दावा(व ) 5-6, 9 मे औ ोिगक उपयोिगता क कमी है /Claim(s) '5-6, 9' lack(s) industrial applicability for
the following reasons:
Claims 5-6 and 9 are related to method of treatment which have no relevance to industry.

(3).पेटट अयो यता /NON PATENTABILITY:

(I) िन निलिखत कारण से धारा 3 के खंड (i )के पावधान के तहत दावा(वे) (5-6, 9) सांिविधक प से पेटट यो य नह ह /
Claim(s) (5-6, 9) are statutorily non-patentable under the provision of clause ( i ) of Section 3 for the following
Claims 5-6 and 9 are related to method of treatment claims and hence not allowable under Section 3 (i) of
The Patents Act.
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(I) िविनदश पूणतयाः व िवशे षकर आिव कार तथा इसके संचालन तथा िविध के िन पादन के संबंध मे िववरण नह देते ह
The complete specification does not fully and particularly describe the invention and its operation and the method
by which it is to be performed in respect of:
Several claims relates to a fluorescent probes for treating or preventing diseases or as diagnostic agents. Claims
does not indicate how the technical features are measured which are used for calculating the claimed
fluorescence properties nor is such information present in the originally filed description.

(II) आिव कार का शीषक /Title of Invention:

Title of the invention mentioned in form-1/-18 is inconsistent from the title of the invention mentioned in form-2,
this discrepancy should be rectified u/s 78(2) of the Act.

(III) आिव कार मे उपयोग क गयी जैिवक सामगी के सोत व भौगोिलक उ म क सूचना.
Information of source and geographical origin of biological material used in the invention:
Biological materials are used in the specification. Source and origin should be mentioned. In the case of the
material being resourced from India, necessary permission should be obtained from NBA as per the Biodiversity

(5). ेत /SCOPE:
(I) दावा(वे) 5-7, 9-10 आिव कार के उस ेत िजस के िलए संर ण का दावा िकया गया है उसे िन निलिखत कारण से प रभािषत नह करता(ते)
Claim(s) 5-7, 9-10 does/do not define the scope of invention for which the protection is claimed for the following
The subject matter of Claims 5-7 and 9-10 is related to application claims which is not allowed in the language of
claims u/s 10(4)(c) of the Act as the scope of such claim lacking technical details related to invention are not

(6). प ता एवं संि ता /CLARITY AND CONCISENESS:

(I) दावा(वे) 1, 3, 8 के संबंध मे प प से परीभािषत नह ह.
Claim(s) 1, 3, 8 are not clearly worded in respect of:
1. Claims are not clear in respect of the expression. The term "effective amounts", used in claim 3 is vague
and unclear and leaves the reader in doubt as to the meaning of the technical features to which they refer,
thereby rendering the definition of the subject-matter of said claim unclear.
2. Although claims 1 and 8 have been drafted as separate independent claims, they appear to relate effectively
to the same subject-matter and to differ from each other only with regard to the definition of the subject-
matter for which protection is sought and/or in respect of the terminology used for the features of that
subject-matter. The aforementioned claims therefore lack conciseness and as such do not meet the
requirements of Section 10(5) of the Act.

Page 4 of 6

(7).प रभािषकता /DEFINITIVENESS:

(I) दावा(वे)2, 3 िन निलिखत कारण से आिव कार को पया प से परीभािषत नह करता(ते) ह
Claim(s) 2, 3 do not sufficiently define the invention for the reasons as follows:
Claims 2 and 3 are indefinite since the pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, are not defined properly in the
claim. This wording makes unclear what the exact scope of the claims is. The specification is not adequately
enabled to show how to make salts of the compounds of the alleged invention. Appropriate Correction is

(8).रा ीय जैव िविवधता अिधिनयम (एनबीए) का अनुमोदन आव यक है /National Biodiversity Act(NBA) Approval
Required :
(I) Attention of the applicant is invited towards Section 6 of the Biodiversity Act 2002 which mandates that if
biological material obtained from India is used in the application for Patent, then permission and other information
for making application for patent should be obtained from the National Biodiversity Authority and details should
be furnished in the application Form 1 column 9 (iii). Relevant application form (Form 3,Rule 18) for such
permission is available in the website of National Biodiversity Authority.

(9).अ य आव यकताएँ /OTHERS REQUIREMENTS:

While making any amendments to complete specifications subsequent to this report a marked/highlighted copy
should be provided to show and understand how the amendments are carried in the original claims/specification.
Further, the support for the subject matter added should be submitted by pointing out the corresponding page(s)
and paragraph(s)/line(s) in the complete specifications and the subject matter of the amendments should be in
compliance with Section 59 of the Patents Act and Rule 14 of the Patents Rules.

भाग – III: औपचा रक आव यकताएँ /PART-III: FORMAL REQUIREMENTS

आपि यां /Objections िट पणी /Remarks

Date and Signature Date and signature should be mentioned on all the Forms filed for the Patent application
of Applicant (forms are not undersigned/ digitally signed).

Statement & Under The latest status of foreign filing particulars should be communicated to this office at the
Taking (Form 3 earliest. Applicant should keep controller informed of updated foreign filing particulars as
Details) per section 8(1)(a) and (b) of the Act and Rule 12 of Patent Rules.

Power of Attorney
It appears that the alleged invention has two applicants and at present the applicant has
(Whether GPA,
provided the power of attorney with one applicant only, hence requested to provide the
SPA, Stamped,
power of attorney with respect to the second applicant to the office at the earliest.
requisite fee etc.)
Registered Agent as
per Patent Agent Signature should be validated.

Page 5 of 6

Attention of the applicant is invited towards Section 6 of Biodiversity Act, 2002 which
mandates that if biological material procured from India is used in an application for patent,
permission and other information for making application for patent should be obtained from
Permission from the National Biodiversity Authority, Relevant application form (Form 3, Rule 18) for such
NBA permission is available in website of National Biodiversity Authority. Also, Form 1 should
be completed w.r.t column 12(iii), and Source and geographical origin of the biological
materials used should be given in the specification in accordance with Section
10(4)(d)(ii)(D) of the Act.

1. The numbering of pages of the complete specification should be serially numbered

Format of
started from the cover page and mentioned at the bottom of each page.
Specification (rule
2. The Complete specification should be duly signed and dated by the applicant or his
agent at the end of claims.

Drawings should be prepared in accordance with the instructions contained in rule 15(6)
Format of Drawings
of the Patent Rules.

Fresh form-5 shall be filed with application no. duly mentioned u/r 13(6) of the Patents
Other Deficiencies

भाग-IV: रकॉड मे द तावेज़ /PART-IV: DOCUMENTS ON RECORD

िन निलिखत द तावेज़ के आधार पर यह परी ण रपोट तैयार क गयी है

The examination report has been prepared based on the following documents:
कायसूची ितिथ
कायसूची सं या /Docket
/ Docket पिवि सं या िववरण /Entry Number Description
11 Aug 2023 93194 1-New Application For Patent With Provisional /Complete Specification
11 Aug 2023 93194 FORM 28
11 Aug 2023 93194 12-Request For Early Publication - Form 9
16 Oct 2023 130042

परी क का नाम /Name of the Examiner: Dr. Manoj Balan

परी क थान /Examiner Location: Delhi

िनयंतक का नाम /Name of the Controller: Dr. Sukanya Chattopadhyay

Controller's Email:
िनयंतक थान /Controller Location: Delhi

िट पणी: परी ण रपोट का उ र दािखल करने क अंितम ितिथ / Note: Last date for filing response to the Examination Report:

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