Iom Human Resource Management

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By PM Owuor
The strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most
valued asset--the people—who individually and collectively contribute to the
achievement of the objectives of the business


Human Resource Management Defined:

• the process involve in managing people in organizations
• It covers all activities dealing with the management of
people in an organization
• the function of management concerned with promoting and
enhancing the development of work effectiveness and
advancement of the human resources in the organization
• consists of the managerial functions of planning,
organizing, directing and controlling of the human
resource of an organization using the personnel operative
functions to accomplish individual and organizational
goals and objectives

Functions of HRM

I - Management Function

• Planning
- The objective is to create a favorable climate for
human resources in the organization
- ascertaining in advance how the task, work, mission,
objective will be achieved
• Organizing
- refers to the arrangement and relationships of jobs and
positions, which are necessary to carry out the personnel
- establishes lines of responsibility, authority and
• Coordinating
- Method of getting people in an organization to work
together harmoniously

II - Operative Functions
• HR Planning
- Study of the labor supply of jobs which are compared
with the demand for employees in those jobs within an
organization to determine future requirements
• Recruitment
- The process of encouraging job applicants from outside
an organization to seek employment in the organization
• Selection
- The process of determining the most qualified job
applicant or employee for a given position in an
• Placement
- The process of making an employee adjusted and
knowledgeable in a new job and work environment
• Compensation
- The pay received by an employee in the form of wages or
salaries, bonuses, commissions
• Maintenance
- covers all activities intended to provide an acceptable
working environment for employees
• Labor Relations
- refer to the relationship existing between the
management of an organization and its employees, refers
to efforts of satisfactory accommodations both employees
and management
• Training and Development
- refer to any method used to improve the attitude,
knowledge, skill or behavior pattern of an employee for
adequate performance of a given job
• Employee performance Rating
- The evaluation of the traits, behavior and
effectiveness of an employee on the job as determined by
established work standards

Human Resource Process

The following are the various HR processes:

1. Human resource planning (Recruitment, Selecting, Hiring,

Training, Induction, Orientation, Evaluation, Promotion
and Layoff).
2. Employee remuneration and Benefits Administration
3. Performance Management.
4. Employee Relations.

Human Resource Planning: Generally, we consider Human Resource

Planning as the process of people forecasting. Right but
incomplete! It also involves the processes of Evaluation,
Promotion and Layoff.

 Recruitment: It aims at attracting applicants that match

a certain Job criteria.
 Selection: The next level of filtration. Aims at short
listing candidates who are the nearest match in terms
qualifications, expertise and potential for a certain
 Hiring: Deciding upon the final candidate who gets the
 Training and Development: Those processes that work on an
employee onboard for his skills and abilities up-

Employee Remuneration and Benefits Administration:

- The process involves deciding upon salaries and wages,
Incentives, Fringe Benefits and Perquisites etc.
- Money is the prime motivator in any job and therefore the
importance of this process.
- Performing employees seek raises, better salaries and

Performance Management:
- It is meant to help the organization train, motivate and
reward workers.
- It is also meant to ensure that the organizational goals
are met with efficiency.
- The process not only includes the employees but can also
be for a department, product, service or customer
process; all towards enhancing or adding value to them.

Nowadays there is an automated performance management system

(PMS) that carries all the information to help managers
evaluate the performance of the employees and assess them
accordingly on their training and development needs.

Employee Relations:
- Employee retention is a nuisance with organizations
especially in industries that are hugely competitive in
- Though there are myriad factors that motivate an
individual to stick to or leave an organization, but
certainly few are under our control.
- Employee relations include Labor Law and Relations,
Working Environment, Employee heath and safety, Employee-
Employee conflict management, Quality of Work Life,
Workers Compensation, Employee Wellness and assistance
programs, Counseling for occupational stress.
- All these are critical to employee retention apart from
the money which is only a hygiene factor.


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