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1. Can you provide more context on the broader research area and the specific field of study?

In the field of nursing education, our study centers on enhancing the clinical skills of third-year nursing students at St.
Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. We aim to understand how hands-on training in skill laboratories and real-world clinical
experiences influences their overall clinical competency.

2. What motivated you to choose this particular research topic?

The motivation stems from the critical role clinical competency plays in ensuring the preparedness of nursing students for real-
world healthcare settings. Recognizing the importance of skill laboratory and clinical experiences, we aim to explore their impact
on third-year nursing students.

3. How does your research fit into the existing body of literature in your field?

Our study aligns with existing literature on nursing education and clinical competency. While previous research acknowledges
the significance of skill development and clinical exposure, our focus on third-year students at St. Scholastica’s College
Tacloban, Inc., addresses a specific gap in understanding how these factors interact within our educational context.

4. What specific research problem are you addressing in your study?

Our study addresses the research problem of understanding how skill laboratory training and clinical learning experiences
influence the clinical competency of third-year nursing students.

5. What are the main objectives of your study?

The main objectives of our study include assessing the relationship of skill laboratory training and clinical learning experiences
on the clinical competency of third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. We also aim to determine
the relationship between clinical learning experiences and the clinical competency of nursing students and assess the
effectiveness of skill laboratories in preparing nursing students for clinical practice.

6. How did you formulate your research questions, and why are they important?

The formulation of research questions was guided or based on our objectives in order to understand the interplay between skill
laboratory training, clinical learning experiences, and clinical competency. These questions are designed to uncover specific
insights that will contribute to the existing body of knowledge in nursing education.

7. Do your research questions align with the identified gap in the literature?

Our research questions directly address the identified gap by focusing on the unique aspects of skill laboratory training and
clinical experiences among third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. They aim to fill a specific void
in the literature and contribute relevant insights to the field.

8. What is the practical or theoretical significance of your study?

Our study holds both practical and theoretical significance. On a practical level, the findings may inform curriculum
enhancements and educational practices at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. Theoretically, our study contributes to the
broader understanding of how skill development and clinical exposure influence clinical competency in nursing education.

9. How might your research findings contribute to the field or have real-world applications?

The findings have the potential to contribute evidence-based insights that can be applied to nursing education programs,
particularly those with a focus on skill laboratory training and clinical experiences. Educators, administrators, and policymakers
can use our results to make informed decisions that enhance the quality of nursing education.

10. Who stands to benefit from the outcomes of your study?

The primary beneficiaries include nursing educators, administrators, researchers, students, and policymakers at St. Scholastica’s
College Tacloban, Inc. Additionally, the broader nursing education community can benefit from the insights gained, potentially
influencing practices and policies related to skill development and clinical exposure.

11. What is the scope of your study, and why did you choose to focus on this specific scope?

The scope of our study is specifically focused on third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. We have
selected this focus to conduct a detailed examination of skill laboratory training and clinical experiences. It is noteworthy that we
commenced our clinical duties just last semester. Given the timing, our primary goal is to determine whether engaging in
repeated demonstrations (retdems) significantly contributes to our preparedness. Additionally, we aim to assess if firsthand
exposure to real-life clinical experiences enhances our clinical competency.

12. Can you elaborate on the limitations of your study and how you plan to address them?

The scope of our study is specifically focused on third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. Our
study's primary emphasis is on medical ward area only. This decision is due to the potential difficulty in managing extensive data
within our limited timeframe and there are areas within nursing that third-year students haven't had the opportunity to explore.
Hence, it is impractical for us to incorporate other skills labs in this study.

Although our study may not encompass all areas of nursing education, it provides a focused and in-depth analysis of specific
aspects relevant to our training. To enhance the research's overall reliability and applicability, future studies may explore these
omitted areas or involve a broader spectrum of nursing subjects. This acknowledgement of limitations serves as a foundation for
the study's findings and encourages further investigation into the unexplored aspects of nursing education.

13. How might the scope and limitations affect the generalizability of your findings?

Finding out how skill lab and clinical learning experiences affect nursing students' clinical competency at St. Scholastica's
College Tacloban is the main goal of this research. The study will specifically focus on third-year nursing students assigned in
ward area, regular College of Nursing students, and acceptable SSCT students. The population of level three nursing students
enrolled at St. Scholastica's College Tacloban Inc. will be the focus of this study, which will be carried out at the college.

14. How did you determine the population for your study?

The population for our study consists of third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. And the total
number of respondents will be 140 based on the Slovin’s formula.

15. What considerations went into selecting your sample, and is it representative of the population?

First of all, we made sure that the population falls under the inclusion criteria or the scope of our study. Using the slovin's
formula, we calculated our sample with a 5% margin of error, thus we come up with a 140-sample size, that will be the
representative of that entire population.

16. Can you justify the size of your sample in relation to the scope of your study?

We carefully selected the size of our study group, taking into account what we wanted to achieve. We aimed for balance by
ensuring groups were large enough to produce meaningful results while maintaining a realistic assessment of time and resources.
We focused on her third year nursing student at St. Scholastica's College Tacloban, Inc.

The chosen scale allowed us to conduct detailed statistical analyzes and obtain diverse perspectives within a given field.
Although our group is not representative of all nursing students everywhere, we can provide a good understanding of the factors
that influence clinical competency in this specific situation.

17. Why did you choose a specific research design for your study?

We opted for a descriptive and correlational research design because it allows for a detailed exploration of the relationships
between skill laboratory training, clinical learning experiences, and clinical competency. This design aligns with the study's
objective of assessing and describing the relationship of skill laboratory and clinical learning experiences on the clinical
competency of nursing students through a quantitative inquiry.

18. What ethical considerations did you take into account in designing your study?

Ethical considerations were paramount in our study design. We will obtain informed consent from participants, ensured
confidentiality, and prioritized the well-being of participants throughout the research process.

19. How did you ensure the confidentiality and informed consent of your participants?

Confidentiality was maintained by assigning unique identifiers to participants, ensuring that individual responses cannot be
traced back. Informed consent will be obtained through a clear and detailed consent process, providing participants with
information about the study purpose, procedures, and their rights. Participants will be informed that their participation is
voluntary, and they can withdraw at any time without consequences.

20. What led you to choose this particular research topic? What is the background of your study?

Nursing education is an essential component in preparing healthcare professionals. One of the essential requirements for nursing
students is for them to practice different skills laboratory on the different nursing procedures and have them a clinical learning
experience on an actual hospital setting. Both components are crucial for building the clinical competence of nursing students.
The relationship of skill laboratory and clinical learning experience on the clinical competency among nursing students is a topic
that has been explored in various studies. However, the degree to which each of these components contributes to the clinical
competency of nursing students and their relative effectiveness in preparing students for the nursing profession remain topics of
ongoing research and discussion. Here in SSCT, while there is a significant investment in skill laboratory training and clinical
experiences, there is limited research investigating how these components collectively contribute to the clinical competency of
third-year nursing students. That is why we aim to address that because understanding this relationship is crucial not only for
academic purposes but also for the continuous improvement of the nursing program at our institution.

21. How do you justify the significance of your research?

Our research is significant as it addresses a noticeable gap in the literature regarding the specific impact of skill laboratory
training and clinical learning experiences on the clinical competency of third-year nursing students. Understanding the dynamics
between skill laboratory training, clinical experiences, and clinical competency is pivotal for the ongoing improvement of
nursing education. The insights gained from this research can inform best practices, curriculum development, and educational
strategies. The practical significance lies in the potential to enhance the quality of nursing education, ensuring that students are
not only well-equipped with theoretical knowledge but also possess the practical skills necessary for effective clinical practice.
This, in turn, could improve patient outcomes and overall healthcare delivery.

22. Why did you choose a quantitative approach for your study?

The primary aim of our study is to investigate the relationship of skill laboratory and clinical learning experiences on the clinical
competency among third-year nursing students. Given the need to quantify these relationships and identify patterns, a
quantitative approach is well-suited to address the specific research questions. By employing a quantitative approach, we aim to
gather data from a representative sample of third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. This not only
enhances the generalizability of the results to the broader student population but also provides a more comprehensive
understanding of the phenomena under investigation. A quantitative approach enables us to compare the clinical competency
levels of subgroups based on varying levels of exposure to skill laboratory training and clinical learning experiences.

23. How did you ensure the reliability and validity of your data?

The research design employed in this study was descriptive and correlational research design. To ensure the reliability and
validity of our findings, we prioritized a representative sample of the population of interest—third-year nursing students at St.
Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. The Slovin's formula was used in calculating the sample size needed for our study. By
taking into account the total population size (N) and the desired margin of error (e), we arrived at a sample size that ensures
statistical reliability. Prior to the main survey administration, we conducted a pilot test with a small subset of the target
population. Feedback from the pilot test participants was invaluable in refining the survey instrument, ensuring clarity, and
enhancing the reliability of the data.

24. What is my paper about?

Our study focuses on determining the relationship of skill laboratory and clinical learning experiences on the clinical
competency among third-year nursing students in SSCT.

25. What or who was the subject of my study? (Who are your respondents?)

The subjects of our study were third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc.

The study included third-year nursing students who met specific criteria, such as being bonafide students of SSCT, regular
student of the college of nursing, and must be third year nursing students who were assigned in the ward area

26. What shall be my projected findings or outcome?

Our main objective or what we ought to find out is if skill lab and clinical learning experience have a significant relationship on
the clinical competency of nursing students. Does participating in skill labs help us improve and be competent enough during our
clinical duty? if one person participates in skills lab does it mean they will automatically be good too during clinical duty? and
will skills lab and clinical learning experience effective in improving both knowledge and skills as well as the attitude of a
student nurse to be a better and competent nurse.

27. How did you formulate your SOP?

We formulated our statement of the problem through the means of addressing and describing the hypothesis, which is composed
of two parts. First is the introductory statement that reiterates the goal of our study. Then, the general problem was broken down
into specific problems containing the research questions.

28. What is the limitation of your study?

Our study does not include the other levels such as level I, II, and IV. The study focuses only on the third-year nursing students.
The researchers decided to only focus on procedures common in the ward area, that 3 rd year nursing students was able to perform.
This is due to the fact that there are other areas or procedures that was not yet experienced by the nursing students during their 1 st
semester duty.

29. Is there an existing research gap?

Upon conducting an extensive literature review, it becomes apparent that while there is a body of research examining the
relationship between skill laboratory training, clinical learning experiences, and clinical competency among nursing students,
there is a notable research gap specific to the context of third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc.
Existing studies often lack a focused investigation into the nuances of this relationship within the unique educational
environment of our institution. Therefore, our research aims to fill this gap by providing a detailed examination of the impact of
skill laboratory and clinical learning experiences on clinical competency among third-year nursing students at our institution,
contributing to the broader understanding of nursing education within our specific context.

30. Discuss the population and sample of your study

The population for this study consists of all third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. These students
collectively represent the target group for our investigation into the relationship of skill laboratory training and clinical learning
experiences on clinical competency. The population includes male and female students in their third year of the nursing program,
with diverse backgrounds and varying levels of prior clinical experience. The respondents must be bonafide students of SSCT,
regular student of the college of nursing, and a third-year nursing student who were assigned in the ward area. Stratified random
sampling was used to ensure that each third-year nursing student at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc., had an equal chance
of being selected. The sample size was determined using Slovin's formula to ensure statistical reliability. With a sample size of
140, we aimed to achieve sufficient power to detect meaningful associations between variables.
31. How did you choose the sample of your study?

The population for this study consists of third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. The respondents
must be bonafide students of SSCT, regular student of the college of nursing, and a third-year nursing student assigned in the
ward area. The researchers use the Slovin’s formula to determine the sample size to ensure statistical reliability. Stratified
random sampling was used to ensure that each third-year nursing student at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc., had an equal
chance of being selected.

32. What instrument did you use?

The researchers will also get the average grades in skill laboratory and compare it to their RLE grades during their clinical duty.

33. What is your statement of the problem?

Our study seeks to ask the following question:

First, we ought to know the profile of our respondents in terms of sex. By examining the demographics of our participants, we
can better understand the characteristics of the nursing student population involved in our study. Second, what is the skill
laboratory grades/ratings of the level 3 students and is there a relationship between the skill laboratory and clinical learning
experience, and clinical competency of the students.

34. What are your variables?

The dependent variable in our study is the clinical competency among third-year nursing students, this is the main factor we are
studying. The independent variables of our study are the skill laboratory and clinical learning experience, since these are the
conditions or factors that we are trying to observe to understand their effect on the dependent variable.

35. How will you make sure that your respondents will not be harmed by your study?

We ensure that the respondents who participate in our surveys have the willingness to do so, and we guarantee that their response
and identity will remain confidential.

36. What is the formula called to compute the sample size?

Slovin's Formula

37. How many percent is your margin of error?

The margin of error for our study is 0.05, or 5%. This means that we allow for a potential deviation of 5% from the observed
sample results when estimating population parameters.

The choice of a 5% margin of error is a common practice in many research studies. It strikes a balance between precision and
practicality. A smaller margin of error would require a larger sample size, which could be more time-consuming and costly to
obtain. On the other hand, a larger margin of error may reduce precision and the reliability of the study's findings.

By setting our margin of error at 5%, we aim to achieve a reasonable level of precision while considering practical constraints. It
allows us to obtain meaningful results without unnecessarily inflating the sample size or compromising the accuracy of our

38. How is your theory or concept relevant to your study?

We've chosen 5 theories to give a strong framework with our study. These, theories we've included were thoroughly studied to
see if it aligns with our study. One example of the theory that we have included Albert Banduras Social Learning Theory, in
which it highlights observational learning and the process of skill acquisition. Comparing this to our skills laboratory and clinical
assignments, this theory applies in which we also learn through observation aside from just studying alone. With this, we've seen
that this theory is one of the frameworks/foundation we need to further support what we're studying.

39. What is the research problem? What phenomenon are you trying to explain/understand?
The research problem is about determining the relationship of skill laboratory training and clinical learning experiences on the
clinical competency of third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc. The study seeks to understand how
the integration of skill laboratory exercises and real-world clinical experiences influences the development of clinical
competency in nursing students.

39. What is your end goal?

Our main goal is to find out if taking part in skill laboratory sessions and clinical learning experiences significantly influences the
clinical competency of nursing students. We want to know if being involved in skill labs helps students improve and become
more competent during their actual clinical duties. Our focus is on understanding whether students who actively participate in
skill laboratories are more likely to show better performance and proficiency when they are in real clinical settings. Essentially,
we aim to determine if there's a relationship between participating in skill labs and being more effective in the practical aspects
of nursing.

40. What is the scope of your study?

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of skills laboratory and clinical learning experience on the clinical
competency among third year nursing students of St. Scholastica’s College of Tacloban, Inc. The respondents of this study are
the third-year nursing students of SSCT.

41. What is the relevance of your study?

The relevance of our study lies in its potential to significantly impact various aspects within the nursing field. As nursing
administrators, the insights gained from understanding the influence of skill laboratory and clinical learning experiences on third-
year nursing students' clinical competency empower us to allocate resources efficiently and refine curriculum development. This
knowledge not only enhances the preparation of incoming nurses but also contributes to improved patient care, safety, and the
ability to meet the evolving demands of the healthcare sector. Additionally, nursing educators, institutions, and students benefit
by gaining a deeper understanding of how these learning opportunities directly shape clinical competency, guiding future
improvements in nursing education and practice. The study's broader implications extend to influencing policies, people services,
and serving as a valuable foundation for future researchers to explore additional facets of nursing education.

42. Based on your RRL, how would you describe your two variables on your own words?

In our study, we're focusing on how well third-year nursing students perform in real clinical situations, and that's our main factor
of interest, known as the dependent variable. We're looking at two things that might influence this: the skill laboratory, where
students practice clinical tasks in a simulated environment, and the clinical learning experience, which involves hands-on
practice in real healthcare settings. These two—skill laboratory and clinical learning experience—are what we're observing to see
how they impact the students' clinical competency.

43. What are the Statistical Tools used?

The gathered data was subjected to different statistical treatments in order to answer the research questions. The data gathered
were categorized and tabulated to facilitate the analysis. For research objective 1, on the on the demographic profile of the
respondent in terms of sex; the frequency and percentage were used.

For research objective 2, on the skill laboratory grades/ratings of the Level 3 students; the mean and standard deviation were

44. How did you formulate your hypothesis? What is your null hypothesis?

We formulated our hypothesis by stating that there isn't a noticeable and meaningful impact on the clinical competency of third-
year nursing students at St. Scholastica's College Tacloban, Inc., stemming from their participation in skill laboratory sessions
and clinical learning experiences. This is our starting assumption, known as the null hypothesis, implying that any differences
observed in the clinical competency of students aren't directly linked to their involvement in skill labs or clinical experiences.
This hypothesis serves as the foundation for our study, allowing us to conduct statistical tests to determine whether these
educational components have a statistically significant influence on clinical competency.
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant effect of skills laboratory and clinical learning experience on the clinical competency
among 3rd year nursing students at St. Scholastica's College Tacloban, Inc.

45. What are the challenging experiences you faced in completing your proposal and how did your group overcome it?

Overthinking and doubting ourselves that we cannot make it because of lack of knowledge and participation, but we overcome it
by trusting ourselves that we can make it help other members of their task, and we do group study.

46. What is the importance of your study?

This study holds importance as it aims to determine the relationship of skill laboratory and clinical learning experiences on the
clinical competency of third-year nursing students in St. Scholastica's College tacloban, Inc. Understanding this relationship is
crucial for enhancing nursing education, ensuring students are adequately prepared for real-world healthcare settings, and
ultimately improving patient care through competent nursing professionals. Also, This will help the school to propose projects to
help the students in the betterment of practical application.

47. Who are the possible beneficiaries of your study’s results?

The possible beneficiaries of the study's results include nursing administrators, nursing educators, nursing institutions, nursing
research endeavors, nursing students, policies related to nursing education, and people services. The study's findings can also
benefit future researchers by serving as a foundation for identifying potential research gaps and areas that require further

48. In your study, describe your population and explain why you chose them?

In the current study on the relationship of skill laboratory and clinical learning experience on the clinical competency of nursing
students, the researchers chose 140 randomly selected level 3 respondents. The researchers likely chose level 3 nursing students
as their population because this group is likely to have a substantial foundation of theoretical knowledge and clinical exposure.
By selecting this specific respondents, the study aims to assess the impact of skill laboratory and clinical learning experiences on
the clinical competency of students who are at an advanced stage in their nursing education. This choice allows for a more
focused examination of the potential correlation between these educational components and the development of practical skills
essential for clinical competence. The randomness in selection helps ensure a representative sample from the level 3 population.

49. What method and technique did you use?

The study on "Relationship of Skill Laboratory and Clinical Learning Experience on the Clinical Competency of Third-Year
Nursing Students" employs a quantitative research approach, specifically utilizing a descriptive and correlational research design.
The population consists of third-year nursing students at St. Scholastica's College Tacloban Inc.

The researchers used Slovin's formula to determine the sample size, selecting 140 nursing students through stratified random
sampling to ensure representation from each section of the third-year nursing program.

The researchers will reference the checklist for each third-year respondents’ which consist of their final ratings or grades in their
skills laboratory and clinical performance, anonymously. The grades will be gathered by submitting a request on the registrar
office in order for the researchers to have access to the grades from each current third-year student. These grades or ratings are
greatly needed in order for the researchers to establish important data on the correlational status between skills laboratory and
clinical performance.

The gathered data was subjected to different statistical treatments in order to answer the research questions. The data gathered
were categorized and tabulated to facilitate the analysis.

For research objective 1, on the on the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of sex; the frequency and percentage were

For research objective 2, on the skill laboratory grades/ratings of the Level 3 students; the mean and standard deviation were
50. How do you plan to gather your data?

The data gathering for our study will be carried out through a structured process. The researchers will get the grades of the
respondents both in their skill laboratory and clinical duty in order to analyze if there is a correlation between the two variables.
After the collection of data, different statistical treatments will be use to analyze the data.

51. What theories of theoretical framework is your study based on?

Our study investigating "Relationship of Skill Laboratory and Clinical Learning Experience on the Clinical Competency Among
Third-Year Nursing Students of St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban, Inc.” draws support from the following theories:

a. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory: Bandura's theory highlights the significance of observational learning and
modeling in acquiring skills. In nursing, students often learn by observing experienced practitioners during clinical rotations,
gaining not only technical skills but also the interpersonal skills crucial for patient care.

b. David Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory: Kolb's theory underscores learning through hands-on experiences, which is
pertinent in exploring the effectiveness of clinical learning. Nursing students actively engage in real-world experiences during
their clinical training, applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

c. Patricia Benner's Novice to Expert Model. This model outlines the progression from novice to expert in a field like nursing.
It could be relevant when assessing the impact of skill laboratory and clinical experiences on clinical competency. The Novice to
Expert Model helps nursing students and educators recognize the ongoing developmental process from novice to expert. It
emphasizes that clinical competence is not solely based on theoretical knowledge but also on the accumulation of practical
experience and the ability to apply knowledge in real clinical situations.

d. Albert Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory. This theory is crucial in understanding how students' belief in their ability to
perform clinical tasks influences their motivation and performance. Skill labs and clinical experiences help students build
confidence in their capabilities.

e. Constructivist Learning Theory: This perspective views learning as an active process where individuals construct
understanding. Applied to nursing, it suggests that students construct clinical competency through active participation in skill
laboratories. In these settings, students connect theory with practice, fostering a deeper understanding of skills in a real-world

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