Bài tập dạng Verb ngày 01

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Bài tập dạng Verb

Ngày 01
1. Hewlett-Packard has declared that it is planning to discontinue ------- its handheld
(A) made
(B) make
(C) to make
(D) making
2. The president has already instructed our branch manager in New York -------
annual sales figures by the end of December.
(A) reporting
(B) reported
(C) to report
(D) reports
3. -------harvesting techniques has helped farmers earn more profits.
(A) improving
(B) improvement
(C) improved
(D) improves
4. They look forward to ------- out more about the architectural plan of the building.
(A) find
(B) found
(C) finding
(D) be found
5. Mrs. Wilkinson is very helpful in ------- books in the library that encompass the
period of the Renaissance.
(A) locating
(B) to locate
(C) located
(D) will locate
6. Staff members were advised that it was important ------- all projects before the end
of the fiscal year.
(A) complete
(B) completing
(C) completed
(D) to complete
7. The company’s travel budget has ------- substantially
(A) reduced
(B) reduce
(C) been reduced
(D) reducing
8. The accounting manager has ------- all budget reports
(B) reviewed
(C) been reviewed
(D) reviews
9. The proposal has ------- by my secretary
(A) revised
(B) revising
(C) revise
(D) been revised
10. The company will ------- its staff by 20 percent
(A) be reduced
(B) reducing
(C) reduce
(D) reduction
11. The contents of this proposal can ------- by the manager
(A) be revised
(B) revise
(C) revision
(D) revised
12. Attendance records should ------- to the personnel department
(A) submission
(B) submit
(C) submitting
(D) be submitted
13. The parts could not ------- to the factory by next week
(A) be shipped
(B) shipping
(C) ship
(D) shipment
14. The manager will ------- the new safety guidelines
(A) distribute
(B) distributing
(C) distributed
(D) distribution
15. First, we ------- the forms. After that, we sign and email them.
(A) print
(B) are printing
(C) have printed
(D) have been printing
16. I am sorry. I ------- to call you all week, but we have been so busy at work
(A) mean
(B) am meaning
(C) have meant
(D) have been meaning
17. I ------- my suitcases already. You can put them in the car now.
(A) pack
(B) am packing
(C) have packed
(D) have been packing
18. I always ------- to wish my boss a happy birthday.
(A) forget
(B) am forgetting
(C) have forgotten
(D) have been forgetting
19. Since June, Jake ------- rather than driving to the fitness center. He has more time
now that he is retired.
(A) walking
(B) is walking
(C) has walked
(D) has been walking
20. My co-workers and I ------- at this restaurant once before
(A) eat
(B) is eating
(C) have eaten
(D) have been eating
21. My boss ------- to Australia next month to open a new business.
(A) travels
(B) is traveling
(C) has traveled
(D) has been traveling
22. I only ------- to work on Monday. The rest of the week I work from home
(A) go
(B) am going
(C) have gone
(D) have been going
23. Mr. Pitt has demonstrated his ability to handled many difficult problems when ----
--- with a challenge.
(A) faces
(B) facing
(C) face
(D) faced
24. All commuters ------- the main highway to get to the center if the city faces delays
of up to an hour today because of on-going construction.
(A) use
(B) used
(C) using
(D) will use
25. The outcome of our meeting today with the board of directors will ------- the
course of action we will take this year.
(A) determine
(B) determines
(C) determining
(D) determination
26. Ms. Taylor has called the managers to ------- her in the main conference room to
discuss next year’s budget.
(A) Met
(B) Meet
(C) Have met
(D) Will meet
27. A rain shower ------- by cold winds is expected to reach our region by this
(A) accompany
(B) accompanied
(C) accompanying
(D) will accompany
28. Due to the heavy damage the storm has caused in some rural areas, it is predicted
that the cost of fruits and vegetables will be ------- this summer.
(A) Increase
(B) Increases
(C) To increase
(D) Increasing
29. Attendance records should ------- to the personnel department
(A) submission
(B) submit
(C) submitting
(D) be submitted
31. The parts could not ------- to the factory by next week
(A) be shipped
(B) shipping
(C) ship
(D) shipment
32. The manager will ------- the new safety guidelines
(A) distribute
(B) distributing
(C) distributed
(D) distribution
33. For the past decades, Henley Vivian ------- to be a talented and motivated
(A) is proving
(B) proving
(C) prove
(D) has proven
34. For the payment ------- last week, the necessary state and federal taxes must be
paid by the recipient.
(A) was remitted
(B) remitted
(C) remitting
(D) to remit
35. Ms. Morgan recruited the individuals that the company ------- for the next three
(A) will employ
(B) to employ
(C) has been employed
(D) employ
36. Should the customer believe that the proposed color scheme is not ------- , the
interior designer can make adjustments.
(A) attract
(B) attractive
(C) attracted
(D) attractively
37. The donations received from the fundraiser ------- among the charity’s three
locations equally.
(A) have divided
(B) is being divided
(C) are dividing
(D) will be divided
38. The lecturer ------- on the country’s struggle for independence when he gives his
(A) has focused
(B) is focused
(C) will focuse
(D) focused
39. The crew members ------- the main section of the building by the time the waste
removal trucks arrive at 3:30.
(A) demolish
(B) will have demolished
(C) demolished
(D) had demolished
40. With the help of one of the IT technicians, the missing accounting files have been
------- .
(A) recover
(B) recovers
(C) recovering
(D) recovered
41. The maintenance team’s repair requests should be ------- in groups according to
the urgency.
(A) organizing
(B) organize
(C) organized
(D) organizes
42. With the help of one of the IT technicians, the missing accounting files have been
------- .
(A) recover
(B) recovers
(C) recovering
(D) recovered

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