Narayani Irrigation Management Division

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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Water Resources

Department of Irrigation
Narayani Irrigation Management Division # 5

Draft Report
Canal Operation Plan of NIS Block # 2

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Hemanta Kumar Jha V.S Mishra

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Madan Mohan Jha, Project Manager
of Narayani Irrigation Project, for providing opportunity to accomplish this job and
helping in every bend of the work right from the beginning. Sincere gratitude goes to TA
team Member Er. Baidyanath Koiri and Er. Nabin Yadav SMU Chief and other office
and field staffs along with WUAs executives and members for providing support in many
ways to collect the data in the field. This study could have not been completed without
their support.

Last but not least, the key players to bring this report in present shape; we are obliged to
the farmers and WUA functionaries of block 2 for their sincere assistance in the
completion of field works and availing pertinent information regarding the blocks.
AMIS Agency Managed Irrigation Systems

BSC Branch Secondary Canal

DOI Department of Irrigation

FMIS Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems

GoN Government of Nepal

ISF Irrigation Service Fee

MSC Main Secondary Canal

NIS Narayani Irrigation project

NIMD Narayani Irrigation Management Division

NRs Nepali Rupees

O&M Operation and Maintenance

SSC Sub-secondary Canal

WUA Water User’s Association

Local Term

Dhalpa – Day Labour


Narayani Irrigation Scheme (NIS) is one of the large (37400 ha) gravity flow irrigation
schemes located in the central terai region of Nepal. The command area of this scheme
lies in the three districts of terai: Parsa, Bara and Rautahat. NIS was developed by Indian
government and the headwork of the scheme is built across Narayani River in
Balmikinagar, the border of Nepal and India. The main eastern canal of this scheme is
called Tirhut main canal that supplies water to Don Branch canal in India. The water
enters in Nepal (Janakitol of Parsa District) from this Don Branch canal at the chainage
of 92 km, which is the end point of Don Branch canal. Nepal gets 24.1 m3/sec water from
this Don Branch canal. This scheme was handed over to HMG/Nepal in two phases that
is in 1975 and 1976. HMG/Nepal later developed the command area dividing the scheme
in 15 blocks with the financial support from the World Bank. Though command Area
development work was to be completed in all the blocks before 1991, three of the blocks
13-15 in Rautahat district could not be completed. Since 1991 project is under operation
and irrigating only 28700 ha of land with additional supply of 3.5 cumecs from Tilawe
barrage for block 5 & 6.

As a follow up action of present government's policy of transferring the management of

irrigation systems wholly or partially to users to make the systems more productive and
to improve their sustainability, for larger systems, presently under the management of the
department of Irrigation (DOI), the DOI has developed and tested a process for
organizing users into tiered water user associations (WUAs) and transferring
management responsibilities to those WUAs. At present Narayani Irrigation system is
operated under joint management. With an aim to build the confidence of the users in
irrigation system's performance and enable them to takeover & operate the system
efficiently in future, rehabilitation work in association with users’ organization along
with institutional development activities of newly organized users’ groups are in progress
in 28700 hectares.

In coming fiscal year Narayani Irrigation Management aim to transfer O&M

responsibilities of Block#2 to the user’s organization. so as to assess the further changes
brought by management transfer on system performance, the documentation of
benchmark information on existing status of physical, agricultural, socio-economic and
intuitional status has been highly realized. Consequently this report is outcome of the
Baseline Study Carried Out for Block#2 of Narayani Irrigation System (NIS).

In NIS the process of forming the WUA started in 1994 and 1995. However, they all
became inactive in the lapse of time. The NIS have been rekindling and rejuvenating
these WUAs again for the last couple of years. Formation of WUAs in block 8 is
finished. Three tiers of WUA have been formed. There are 112 tertiary level committee,
7 branch level coordination committee and one block level coordination committee with
15 executives inclusive of two women members and 121 general assembly members
inclusive of four office executives.
During field survey many queries regarding WUA functionality was made. Most of the
farmers knew about the existence of branch and coordination committee but they were
not aware with the tertiary level committee. They admired the existence of WUA and
were found positive about the need of WUA in the system. More than 80% farmers
responded the WUA functional but they did not have any knowledge about their meeting
and minuting.

The field survey predicts that the institutional development activities have to go long to
establish sustainable users’ organization capable to operate the system under joint
management. A number of capability building trainings and demonstration activities are
expected by the farmers and WUAs executives at all level of canals.

The length of main secondary canal is 10.65. Almost all part of the canal length is
unlined, except u/s and d/s of structures where the canal is lined. The shape of the canal
in u/s is so far not disturbed, however the d/s shape is totally deteriorated. The right bank
in tail end is almost disappeared and has come to the level of field. Reshaping is needed
in head reach and middle reach structures where the off take structures lies. The outlet
has to be regulated with gates. Most gates are damaged or stolen and the off take remain
without gates hampering water distribution equitably. Only the frame of the outlet exists
and the gate needs to be installed.

The previous records of Operation and maintenance expenditure of the NIS office
indicated that major part of the annual maintenance expenditure was made on NEC's
structure. For last three years a drastic change has been observed due to launching of
large irrigation system rehabilitation programme funded by World Bank. In these years
most of the canals of the Block#2 have been rehabilitated and a good participation of
users has been availed as well as users’ organization has become effective and efficient.

Despite running in operation and maintenance for last 15 years the efforts made towards
institutional development are very weak in NIS. During the field interview some farmers
informed that they paid water tax only once around 1990. The current rate of ISF is Rs
210 per hectare, which is quite reasonable in present context; however after completion
of ongoing rehabilitation project, it need to be reviewed to meet the future O&M

Before last year farmers were not paying ISF but since last year they are interested to pay
ISF. As a result till date NRs 44000.00 has been collected from last year irrigation.
During survey mixed answer from all the reaches were observed. Tail end farmers not
much willing to pay ISF because they have dissatisfaction over the present water
distribution. Even many of them do not know the water distribution schedule. While
farmers of middle and head reach had positive response regarding ISF. Many of the
farmers were found paying and those who had not paid before were also willing to pay
from this year. This encouragement might be due the improved irrigation service than

Like other parts of Nepal in general and Terai belt in particular, agriculture practices in
the command area follow three distinct crop seasons; monsoon (July to November),
winter (November to February/March) and summer (March-June). Despite of three crop
season, during summer season most of the lands are left barren. Major crop grown during
monsoon is late paddy. Almost 100% of lands are covered with paddy as usual in
Nepalese context Where as wheat as major crop grown during winter followed by pulses
less in coverage. From the field survey it has been observed that paddy is grown in
almost 100% area where as wheat is grown in 60% area and pulse in 25-30% area with
overall cropping intensity of 170%.

Chemical fertilizers are commonly applied in the study area. Application of agro-
chemical is not such common. Application of Manure is almost nil.

Irrigation is considered as regular phenomenon for paddy as long as there is water in the
MSC. The free flood irrigation is quite common in the command of the Block#2. For
paddy minimum of three application of irrigation water is carried out whereas in the case
of wheat, two irrigation is considered sufficient. As far as depth of application is
considered most of the farmers apply 10 cm depth of water.
The principal inputs used for agriculture in the study area are human labour for seedling,
transplanting, harvesting, etc. mechanization for land preparation, thrashing and others as
seeds, agrochemicals, fertilizers and irrigation. While irrigation is supplied by NIS, other
inputs are procured by individual farmers. Due to growing demand of mechanization in
agriculture, use of human labour and draft animal is drastically reduced.
The field visit revealed that the agriculture support service in the study area is quite poor.
The table below clarifies that there is no any agriculture offices to support them by
providing information on modernization of agriculture practices. Farmers are adopting
technology by their own source, relatives, friends and news. Beside this they also get
information from Indian farmers while going to India for agriculture marketing or some
other occasion.

Almost all the farm household are owner cultivator in the study area The land holding
size varies from 0.5 ha to 3.3 ha with an average land holding size of 1.77 ha and
standard deviation of 0.77 ha.

A majority of farm house hold (33.3%) were having the land ranging from 1.2 to 1.6 ha
followed by the land size of 2.4 to 2.8 ha. The land holding patter reflects normal
distribution among the small and large land owner.

Farm size operated in the study area ranges between 0.5 ha to 3 ha with an average farm
size of 1.8 ha. And one third of farmers are operating 1.2 to 1.6 ha.

In the study area it is found that tenancy pattern is rare because none of the farmers are
neither land less nor excess land to rent out.

Overall 45% of male and 38% of female altogether 83% farmers are involved in
agriculture where as involvement in government service, wage earning and others
business is altogether 7% only. Remaining are students.
Salient Features

Name of the System : Narayani Irrigation System

Location : Parsa, Bara and Rautahat District
Source River : Gandak, Border of Nepal and India
Command Area : 37400 ha.
Entry Point in Nepal : Janaki Tol in Parsa
Total Discharge of NEC : 24.1 m3/ sec
Construction Period : First phase: 1972-1981, Block 1-6 (16000ha)
Second phase: 1978-1986, Block 7-12 (12700 ha)
Joint Management : Since 1991
Present Office : Narayani Irrigation Management Division No. 5

Name of the Block : Block 2

Location : Parsa District
Name of the Block Canal : MSC-2
Command Area : 2996 ha
Design discharge : 3.4 m3/ sec
No. of Branch Canal : 15
Length of MSC : 10.65 km.
Length of branch canals : 29.54 km.
No. of Branch Committee : 7
No. of Toli Committee : 105
Table of Contents of Canal Operation Plan

Chapter-1 Introduction
1.1 General Background
1.2 Background of the Existing Problems
1.3 Objective of Canal Operation
1.4 Scope of Canal Operation Plan

Chapter-2 Physical System

2.1 Background of the Project
2.2 Inventory of Canal Structures
2.2.1 Main Canal
2.2.2 Branch Canal
2.2.3 Secondary Canal
2.2.4 Tertiary Canal
2.3 Climatic Resources
2.3.1 Climate
2.3.2 Rainfall
2.3.3 Temperature
2.3.4 Relative Humidity
2.3.5 Evaporation
2.3.5 Sunshine Hours
2.3.6 Wind Speed
2.4 Land Resources
2.4.1 Land and SoilTypes
2.4.2 Percolation Losses
2.5 Cropping Pattern
2.6 Operational Status

Chapter-3 Irrigation Plan

3.1 Water Resources

3.2 Proposed Cropping Pattern
3.3 Soil Saturation Requirement
3.4 Land Soaking and Land Preparation Requirement
3.4 Conveyance Capacity and Irrigation Efficiency
3.5 Diversion Requirement
3.6 Water Balance
3.7 Water Allocation, Distribution and Scheduling
3.8 WUA Policy of Water Distribution

Chapter-4 Organization for Canal Operation Plan Management

4.1 Existing Organization

4.2 Procedures of Canal Operation and Communication
4.3 Proposed Personnel and Skill Required
4.4 Proposed Organization and Staff Scheduling

Chapter-5 Monitoring and Evaluation of Canal Operation


1.1 Background

Agriculture plays pre-dominant role in Nepalese economy. Till 1984-1985, Nepal used to
export cereals but in recent years, imports have risen significantly. Because of this, Nepal
has always kept development of agriculture sector on top priority. For higher agricultural
production, importance of irrigation is extensively realized. Irrigation is being practiced
in Nepal since long time. Initially the irrigation systems are developed and managed by
beneficiaries’ farmers themselves. The government started irrigation development in
1923 with initiating construction of Chandra Nahar Irrigation System in Saptari district of
Eastern Development region. Currently 1.16 million hectares of land under irrigation that
is about 41% of total cultivated area of the country. Out of the total irrigated area about
28% falls under government built and managed and rest lies under farmer built and
managed. The government-managed systems are popularly called as Agency Managed
Irrigation Systems (AMIS) where as farmer built and managed irrigation systems are
called Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS).

Narayani Irrigation Scheme (NIS) is one of the large (37400 ha) agency built gravity flow
irrigation schemes located in the central terai region of Nepal. The command area of this
scheme lies in the three districts of terai: Parsa, Bara and Rautahat. NIS was developed
by Indian government and the headwork of the scheme is built across Narayani River in
Balmikinagar, the border of Nepal and India. The main eastern canal of this scheme is
called Tirhut main canal that supplies water to Don Branch canal in India. The water
enters in Nepal (Janakitol of Parsa District) from this Don Branch canal at the chainage
of 92 km, which is the end point of Don Branch canal. Nepal gets 24.1 m3/sec water from
this Don Branch canal. This scheme was handed over to HMG/Nepal in two phases that
is in 1975 and 1976. HMG/Nepal later developed the command area dividing the scheme
in 15 blocks with the financial support from the World Bank. Though command Area
development work was to be completed in all the blocks before 1991, three of the blocks
13-15 in Rautahat district could not be completed. Since 1991 project is under operation
and irrigating only 28700 ha of land with additional supply of 3.5 cumecs from Tilawe
barrage for block 5 & 6 which is quite less than the expected one.

As a follow up action of present agricultural development strategy to increase agricultural

production by raising unit yields and expanding higher cropped area from available
irrigable area, at present, rehabilitation work in association with users’ organization is in
progress in 28700 hectares. This work is being executed with a view to optimize the use
of limited water resources. Institutional Development works are also being carried out to
strengthen the newly organized users’ groups. Along with these activities, the necessity
to improve the agricultural productivity of existing irrigated land is highly realized. A
major thrust in these efforts is to improve irrigation water management practices. In order

to do so, some knowledge about resource being managed is required. This implies that
water must be measured at strategic locations within the systems to improve water
management practices, and reduce conflicts among users through equitable distribution of
available resources

At present NIS intends to seek consulting services of reputed firm, to measure the
discharge and calibrate the flow control structures or canal structures at H/R of Nepal
Eastern canal (NEC), H/R and C/R of Block 1&2 as well as Tilawe barrage along with
eastern and western off-taking canals to improve water management practices, reduce
conflicts among users through equitable distribution of available resources.

1.2 Background of the Existing problem

The main objective of the operation of an irrigation system is to provide the reliable and
equitable distribution of the available water resources to all farmers served by the system.
Operation is a relatively simple method of booking and accounting in theory. In practice
the operation is complicated by a never-ending series of problems based on an
insufficient supply of water, the farmer’s real need for additional water and the ability of
the system to perform as required by farmers. It reflects that both manager and user must
have adequate knowledge of the water resource being used for effective and efficient
operation of the irrigation system because this objective of operation cannot be achieved
through trial and error methods, as is the current practice. As a consequence of which a
need of consulting service for calibration of canal structures is highly realized.

Though the system was being operated under O & M phase since 1991 at present the
system is being operated under large irrigation system development programme funded
by World Bank focusing the rehabilitation and restoration works of irrigation
infrastructures along with strengthening capacity of water users' association to operate the
system jointly in future. This intervention has been initiated for last three years. During
this phase a number of rehabilitation and restoration activities have been accomplished in
main, branch and secondary level canals in participation of users' association.

Most of the canals are heavily silted resulting in poor conveyance along with poor
performance of hydraulic structures has reduced the overall efficiency of the canals. In
addition to this the present operational schedule could not be implemented effectively due
to lack of water discharge measuring device and skill & knowledge of discharge
measurement. These issues have made the water distribution challenging.

1.3 Objective of Canal Operation Plan

The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the flow
control structures. The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

 To measure the discharge through Head Regulators (HR) and Cross regulators of
Block-1 & 2 along with H/R of NEC and Tilawe barrage at different depth of flow.
 To prepare calibration chart of water delivery through above mentioned flow
control structures of different canals.

1.4 Scope of Canal Operation Plan

 To review the reports and drawings of the control structures as built in;

 To identify the locations of measuring structures (points) in Main, and Branch.

 To measure the discharge at minimum four different depths of flow at each location,

 To prepare the calibration chart for different flow conditions as far as practicable;

 To calibrate the gates, where there are appropriate measuring locations in canal


2.1 Background of the Project

The block 2 was built in the first phase of construction. The command area of block 2 is
2996 ha, 8% of NIS with a design discharge of 3.57m3/sec. There are 6 Branch canal
(BSC), 8 secondary canal (SSC) and 118 Tertiary. This canal is fed by NEC with gated
head regulator. The total farmers benefited by this block are 6878 with land population
ratio of 0.44. Presently most of the canals of block # 2 are rehabilitated in association of
WUA. A good participation has been observed in maintaining the system. But the
resource collection and mobilization for regular maintenance and operation of the system
after management transfer to users is still challenging because of not sufficient laws, by
laws and commitment among users etc. The study area is accessible by road and it takes
around 6-8 hours drive from Kathmandu.

2.1.1 Objectives of the Project

The overall objective of this study is to establish the baseline data on various aspects in
the Block#2 of Narayani Irrigation System (NIS). The specific objectives of the study are
as follows:

 To find the benchmark status of Block#2 in terms of selected physical,

agricultural, socio-economic and institutional parameters.
 To point out corrective measures into project implementation design,
 if any needed.
 To generate baseline indicators against which the impacts of various
Interventions can be assessed in future.

2.1.2 Scope of Project

The scope of work is limited to the Base line study of Block # 2. The outcome of this
study will be focused on establishment of benchmark data in different aspects as listed

Physical Aspect: This aspect will cover the study of

 Existence and performance of main secondary canal, sub secondary canals and lower
level canal networks and their concerned control structures.
 Water allocation and distribution procedure at main, secondary and distribution level.
 Water availability and extent of water accessibility to tail end users.
 Operation and maintenance practice followed at different level of canals

Agricultural aspect: This aspect will cover study of following parameters.

 Cropping pattern, Varieties and cropping intensities.

 Cultural practices, Agricultural technology and Farm Mechanization.
 Input use, Extension services and Agricultural marketing.

Economical aspect will cover study of following parameters.

 Size of land holding, Land distribution pattern and proportion of the rented land
 Cost of cultivation, Sale ratio of products and Net farm incomes.
 Non-farm income generation activities and proportion to the total income.

Institutional aspect will cover following parameters.

 Behavior of WUA in compliance to norms and rules established.

 Activities carried out for use of irrigation facilities.
 Decision-making process including conflict resolution.
 Extent of cooperation of WUA in resource mobilization.
 Communication pattern in WUA.
 Extent of responsibilities sharing between WUA and the farmers.

2.2 Inventory of Canal Structures

2.2.1 Main Canal

The length of main secondary canal is 10.65. The water is diverted in block 2 of
NIS with the help of cross regulator and head regulator from NEC. The various
details and their rating of main secondary canal and other secondary canal of
block 2 follows hereafter;

Inventory of Physical Infrastructures of canal
Canal: MSC Block 2
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 4
2 0+063 LD Syphon 4
3 0+070.20 Offtake 4
4 0+071.8 Slab Culvert 3
5 0+093 LD Syphon 4
6 0+121 Outlet 2
7 0+172.40 Regulating structure 3
8 0+662 Outlet 1
9 0+662 Outlet 1
10 0+898.6 Drop Structure 2
11 1+508 Offtake 4
12 1+510.40 Regulating structure 3
13 1+720 LD Syphon 4
14 1+746 Offtake 1
15 1+751 Check Structure 3
16 1+820 Outlet 1
17 1+907 Regulating structure 3
18 1+907 Slab Culvert+Drop 4
19 2+320 LD Syphon 4
20 2+606 Outlet 1
21 2+606 Outlet 1
22 2+634 Outlet 1
23 2+636 Regulating structure 2
24 3+354 Offtake 2
25 3+360 VRB 4
26 3+429 Offtake 4
27 3+439 Outlet 1
28 3+439 Outlet 1
29 3+456 Check Structure 2
30 3+460 Regulating structure 3
31 3+975 Outlet 1
32 3+977 Regulating structure 3
33 4+377 Outlet 1
34 4+390 Outlet 1
35 4+512 Outlet 1
36 4+552 Regulating structure 3
37 4+652 Drop Structure 3
38 5+269 Outlet 2
39 5+274 Regulating structure 3
40 5+678 LD Syphon 4
41 5+838 Culvert 4
42 5+900 Culvert 4
43 5+933 Outlet 4
44 5+935 Regulating structure 4

45 6+274 Outlet 1
46 6+276 Regulating structure 1
47 6+643 VRB 3
48 6+773 Outlet 1
49 7+075 Culvert
50 7+154 LD Syphon 4
51 7+193 Offtake 2
52 7+195 Regulating structure 1
53 7+895 Outlet 1
54 8+021 Offtake 2
55 8+022 Regulating structure 4
56 8+036 Parshal flume 4
57 8+268 Culvert 3
58 8+679 Culvert 4
59 8+707 Outlet 1
60 8+710 Regulating structure 4
61 9+164 Outlet 1
62 9+164 Outlet 1
63 9+223 Regulating structure 4
64 9+658 Outlet 1
65 9+661 Outlet 1
66 9+661 Outlet 1
67 9+662 Culvert 4
68 10+162 Outlet 1
69 10+162 Outlet 1
70 10+163 Regulating structure 4
71 10+649 Outlet 1
72 10+649 Outlet 1
73 10+515 Culvert 4
74 10+649 Regulating structure 3

2.2.2 Branch Canal

Canal: BSC-1
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 4
2 0+019 Parshall Flume 4
3 0+312 B1-R1 3
4 0+497 Foot Bridge 4
5 0+808 Offtake 4
6 0+810 Regulating structure 4
7 0+825 LD syphon 4
8 1+220 Aqueduct 4
9 1+234 Culvert 4
10 1+537 B1-R2 2
11 1+539 Check Structure 3
12 1+761 Culvert 3

13 1+969 LD syphon 4
14 2+048 Culvert 3
15 2+085 LD syphon 4
16 2+214 B1-R3 and B1-L1 4
17 2+215 Check Structure 3
18 2+608 Culvert 4
19 2+716 Culvert 3
20 2+894 LD syphon 4
21 3+140 B1-R4 4
22 3+141 Check Structure 3

Canal: BSC-2
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 4
2 0+026 Parshall Flume 4
3 0+055 B2-L1 4
4 0+095 LD syphon 4
5 0+137 B2-R1 4
6 0+139 Regulating structure 3
7 0+383 Culvert 3
8 0+733 B2-L2 & B2-R2 4
9 0+734 Regulating structure 3
10 1+189 Culvert 3
11 1+312 B2-L3 & B2-R3 4
12 1+358 Regulating structure 3
13 1+625 B2-L4 & B2-R4 3
14 1+627 Regulating structure 3

Canal: BSC-3
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+047 Parshall Flume 3
3 0+198 LD syphon 4
4 0+352 LD syphon 4
5 0+743 Offtake 3
6 0+793 Regulating structure 3
7 0+984 B3-R1 4
8 1+036 Culvert 3
9 1+223 LD syphon 4
10 1+413 Culvert 4
11 1+750 B3-L1 & B3-R2 4
12 1+753 Regulating structure 3
13 1+295 Offtake 3
14 2+197 Regulating structure 3
15 2+430 LD syphon 4
16 2+467 Culvert 4
17 2+545 B3-L2 & B3-R3 4
18 2+694 Regulating structure 3

19 2+903 Culvert 3
20 3+262 LD syphon 4
21 3+278 Culvert 4
22 3+368 B3-L3 & B3-R4 4
23 3+465 Regulating structure 3
24 3+782 Culvert 4
25 3+937 B3-L4 & B3-R5 4
26 3+940 TS 1

Canal: BSC-4
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+037 B4-L1 4
3 0+108 Escape (spiilway) 4
4 0+346 FS 4
5 0+445 Regulating structure 3
6 0+800 CD 4
7 1+125 CD 4
8 1+153 B4-L2 4
9 1+161 Culvert 4
10 1+300 Bridge 4
11 1+472 Culvert 4
12 1+598 Offtake 3
13 1+610 CD 4
14 1+610 Lined Canal 4
15 1+779 B4-R1 3
16 1+780 Check Structure 3
17 1+968 Culvert 4
18 1+968 Offtake and B4-R2 3
19 1+987 Regulating structure 3
20 2+426 Check Structure 3
21 2+580 Culvert 4
22 2+841 B4-L3 4
23 2+843 Regulating structure 3
24 3+252 Culvert 4
25 3+326 L (FS) 3
26 3+750 Culvert 4
27 3+750 B4-L4 & B4-R3 4
28 3+830 B4-L5 3
29 3+875 Check Structure 3
30 4+487 B4-L6 4
31 4+853 B4-L7 4
32 4+853 Check Structure 3
33 5+348 B4-L8 4
34 5+468 Check Structure 4
35 5+721 B4-R4 4
36 5+825 CD 4
37 5+901 B4-L9 4

38 5+901 Check Structure 3
39 6+111 CD 4
40 6+125 Culvert 4
41 4+420 B4-L10/B4-R5 4
42 6+422 Check Structure 3
43 6+780 CD 4
44 7+015 Culvert 4
45 7+015 B4-R6 4
46 7+150 Culvert 4
47 7+482 B4-L11/B4-R7 4
48 7+482 TS 1

Canal: BSC-5
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+049.85 B5 - L1/B5 - R1 4
3 0+050.75 Check Structure 3
4 0+183.25 Culvert 4
5 0+581.70 B5 - L2 4
6 0+586 B5 - L3 4
7 0+588 Check Structure 3
8 0+761 Culvert 4
9 1+079 B5 - R2 4
10 1+156 B5 - R3 4
11 1+158 Check Structure 3
12 1+334 CD 4
13 1+340 Culvert 4
14 1+603 Check Structure 3
15 2+068 B5 - R4 4
16 2+088 Check Structure 3
17 2+224 CD 4
18 2+529 B5 - R5 4
19 2+549 B5 - L4 4
20 2+551 Check Structure 3
21 3+019 B5 - R6 4
22 3+019 Check Structure 3

Canal: BSC-6
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+015 Parshal flume 4
3 0+169 B6 - R1/B6 - L1 4
4 0+169 Chek Structure 3
5 0+380 Culvert 4
6 0+868 B6 - L2 4
7 0+869 Chek Structure 3
8 1+400 CD 4
9 1+442 B6 -R2/B6 - L3 4

10 1+442 Chek Structure 3
11 1+598 Culvert 4
12 1+700 CD 4
13 1+735 CD 4
14 1+738 Culvert 4
15 1+973 CD 4
16 2+051 CD 4
17 2+244 B6 - R3 4
18 2+565 CD 4
19 2+679 B6 -R4/B6 - L4 4
20 2+682 Chek Structure 3
21 3+220 B6 - R5 4
22 3+222 Chek Structure 3

Canal: BSC-1A
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+007 B1A - L1 4
3 0+025 CD 4
4 0+316 B1A - R1 4
5 0+738 TS 1

2.2.3 Secondary Canal

Canal: SSC-1
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+024 Culvert 4
3 0+144 CD 4
4 0+357 Culvert 4
5 0+567 S1 - L1 4
6 0+775 TS (S1 - R1) (S1 - L2) 4
7 0+775 TS 1

Canal: SSC-2
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+022 S2 - L1/S3 - R1 4
3 0+025 CD 4
4 0+750 S2 - L2 4
5 0+750 TS 1

Canal: SSC-3
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+113 CD 4
3 0+188 Culvert 4
4 0+300 TS 4
5 0+300 TS 1

Canal: SSC-4
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+065 S4 - L1 4
3 0+115 Culvert 4
4 0+670 S4 - R1/S4 - L2 4
5 0+670 TS 1

Canal: SSC-5
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+220 Culvert 4
3 0+303 CD 4
4 0+320 S5 - R1 4
5 0+322 Regulating structure 4
6 0+652 Culvert 4
7 0+680 S5 - L1/S5 - R2 4
8 0+680 TS 1

Canal: SSC-6
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+056 S6 - L1 4
3 0+058 Regulating structure 4
4 0+267 Culvert 4
5 0+353 CD 4
6 0+364 Culvert 4
7 0+633 CD 4
8 0+636 Culvert 4
9 0+765 S6 - R1 4
10 0+767 Regulating structure 4
11 0+991 S6 - L2/S6 - L3 4
12 0+991.5 TS 1

Canal: SSC-7
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+044 S7 - R1 4
3 0+047 Culvert 4

4 0+810 S7 - R2 4
5 1+150 TS 1

Canal: SSC-8
S.No. Chainage Structures Condition Rating
1 0+000 H/R 3
2 0+045 S8 - L1 4
3 0+770 S8 - L2 4
4 0+941 TS 1

2.2.4 Tertiary Canal

Most of the tertiary canals, among 118, in due course of time have become defunct
resulting in water scarcity to tail end users and no inventories are available.

2.3 Climatic Resources

2.3.1 Climate

The climate in the study area is humid sub-tropical with distinct two seasons namely wet
(rainy) season from June to September and dry season from October to May

2.3.2 Rainfall

The area lies in the monsoon rainfall belt, as does the rest of Nepal. The monsoon starts
in the month of June and lasts till September. The heaviest downpour in the command
area occurs during the month of July. Duration and amount of rainfall vary from year to
year. So, as the monsoon end, the rainfall decreases tremendously with exception of few
light winter rains. The rainfall and river runoff are concentrated into the wet season by
82% and 80% respectively of the annual total. Rainfall recorded at Pawanipur is
considered for the calculation of water requirement in the project area. Estimated
monthly basin rainfall is as given in table below.

Unit: mm
Month Rain rain
mm mm
January 5 4
February 12 9.6
March 11 8.8
April 26 20.8
May 122 97.6

June 224 179.2
July 409 327.2
August 352 281.6
September 147 117.6
October 84 67.2
November 2 1.6
December 5 4
Total 1399 1119.2

2.3.3 Temperature

The nine year data for Max. and Min. Temperature of Pawanipur are listed below.

2.3.4 Relative Humidity

The average relative humidity is about 70% ranging from50% in the dry season to about
80% in the wet season. The lowest relative humidity occurs in April. The nine year data
for Max. and Min. humidity of Pawanipur are listed below.

Table For Maximum And Minimum Temperature And Humidity:-


MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)

8:45 17:45
Jan 22.4 9.2 93.3 91.6
Feb 26.1 11.7 87.4 82.0
Mar 31.9 16.2 74.4 63.6
Apr 34.8 19.0 63.3 57.3
May 35.8 22.5 68.6 59.5
Jun 36.6 25.9 72.3 62.5
Jul 32.8 26.0 84.0 83.6
Aug 32.4 25.8 86.6 86.2
Sep 33.4 25.8 82.7 83.9
Oct 31.1 21.5 82.9 86.0
Nov 28.4 DNA 82.8 85.7
Dec 26.1 10.2 81.2 80.0

MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 22.7 9.1 91.8 85.1
Feb 27.9 14.5 90.5 80.9
Mar 31.7 13.7 68.1 57.9
Apr 34.4 19.8 64.5 58.1
May 34.3 24.2 71.4 69.6
Jun 34.0 25.7 84.5 84.7
Jul 32.7 26.7 88.5 89.4
Aug 33.2 26.3 88.7 89.9
Sep 31.8 24.6 90.9 93.4
Oct 32.2 21.2 89.1 93.3
Nov 28.2 15.5 91.2 93.5


MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)

8:45 17:45
Jan 21.4 7.9 94.6 79.7
Feb 23.9 12.3 89.4 77.4
Mar 29.3 14.3 75.3 62.5
Apr 35.5 21.6 64.1 57.5
May 37.0 24.2 64.3 55.5
Jun 33.7 25.4 79.4 71.7
Jul 31.3 25.6 87.7 85.4
Aug 32.5 25.9 87.8 83.9
Sep 31.7 24.8 84.7 82.9
Oct 31.3 22.2 84.3 83.2
Nov 29.7 15.2 80.4 72.6
Dec 24.4 10.1 89.2 75.7


MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 22.6 9.2 90.3 74.5
Feb 24.2 9.0 83.6 66.0
Mar 31.0 16.4 74.5 55.6
Apr 35.8 20.7 60.3 49.1
May 35.0 23.6 67.9 62.0
Jun 33.5 25.4 81.5 73.1
Jul 32.4 26.2 84.3 80.8
Aug 32.4 26.0 85.8 85.1
Sep 32.9 25.0 81.0 82.8
Oct 32.4 20.9 78.9 80.2
Nov 29.9 15.2 81.1 79.7
Dec 23.9 13.2 89.5 95.3

MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 21.6 10.8 89.6 96.4
Feb 26.8 10.2 84.0 79.1
Mar 32.4 14.1 69.5 67.6
Apr 37.5 20.7 64.2 60.3
May 35.2 23.4 81.5 86.4
Jun 36.5 26.2 83.9 90.2
Jul 34.2 26.9 82.2 77.0
Aug 32.1 26.2 88.6 85.9
Sep 33.8 25.3 82.3 87.1
Oct 31.7 20.6 83.6 86.9
Nov 28.6 14.8 82.2 84.0
Dec 24.4 10.4 88.7 89.3

MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 16.4 9.4 95.2 92.6
Feb 25.5 10.1 86.3 75.5
Mar 33.1 16.4 74.9 61.1
Apr 38.0 20.9 61.0 43.5
May 36.3 24.2 70.3 56.8
Jun 36.5 26.4 75.6 63.9
Jul 33.1 26.8 84.2 77.5
Aug 33.1 26.6 85.8 86.1
Sep 32.4 25.5 88.7 89.2
Oct 31.3 21.7 84.3 92.5
Nov 28.8 16.1 85.0 91.7
Dec 25.1 9.4 83.9 89.8

MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 19.3 8.5 92.6 85.0
Feb 25.3 10.9 86.5 79.3
Mar 30.6 14.7 72.9 63.1
Apr 34.9 19.9 59.9 48.3
May 33.8 23.6 69.9 66.7
Jun 33.9 25.5 77.1 73.4
Jul 32.6 26.5 84.7 78.0
Aug 32.7 26.3 82.7 81.3
Sep 32.3 25.6 84.1 83.9
Oct 32.2 21.7 83.7 84.6
Nov 28.2 15.9 82.6 81.8

Dec 21.2 11.7 90.7 86.4

MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 20.7 9.1 90.1 83.5
Feb 25.0 9.8 85.1 72.9
Mar 30.5 13.3 67.2 62.3
Apr 36.3 20.1 57.4 42.4
May 38.3 24.3 57.1 49.5
Jun 36.5 26.2 75.2 64.7
Jul 33.6 25.9 81.8 78.4
Aug 33.3 26.6 83.2 81.1
Sep 32.6 25.6 85.9 85.7
Oct 32.0 19.4 80.8 83.8
Nov 28.9 12.4 79.0 77.6
Dec 20.6 10.7 92.5 87.2

MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 19.5 7.4 91.5 80.9
Feb 26.0 11.8 87.6 70.9
Mar 31.2 15.6 73.8 62.0
Apr 35.2 19.8 55.7 43.5
May 35.2 24.1 68.5 59.6
Jun 33.7 26.7 81.1 76.6
Jul 33.7 27.3 82.1 76.9
Aug 33.2 26.5 80.6 78.1
Sep 33.5 25.7 82.3 81.2

Oct 30.3 22.1 83.9 88.0
Nov 28.7 14.1 84.0 79.7
Dec 23.6 11.2 88.3 81.0

MONTH Tmax(øC) Tmin(øC) RH(%) RH(%)
8:45 17:45
Jan 18.9 10.2 95.1 87.7
Feb 21.9 11.0 93.1 80.0
Mar 30.3 14.0 72.5 59.0
Apr 37.7 18.0 44.4 35.5
May 36.6 23.6 63.9 46.8
Jun 35.3 26.6 78.6 71.3
Jul 33.7 27.1 82.1 77.1
Aug 32.4 26.4 84.7 83.1
Sep 32.0 25.4 84.1 81.9
Oct 30.8 21.2 83.4 83.4
Nov 28.7 15.6 81.1 80.8
Dec 20.4 11.6 93.8 87.0

2.3.5 Evaporation

The evaporation usually varies from day to day under the influence of air temperature,
relative humidity, wind speed, rainfall and the green politics. The monthly average
evaporation ranges from 1.8 mm/day in January to 7.1 mm/day in May and the monthly
average is 4.3 mm/day.

2.3.6 Sunshine hours

The daily sunshine hours considered for calculation of crop water requirement is as
Unit: hrs.

2.3.7 Wind Speed

The mean wind speed considered for calculation of crop water requirement is as follows:
Unit Km/hr
2004 1.1 1.4 1.8 4.0 3.8 3.7 4.1 3.2 1.8 1.2 0.4 0.4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005 1.3 1.3 2.6 3.2 4.4 5.1 4.2 2.7 2.5 1.5 0.9 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2006 1.2 1.6 1.7 3.2 4.0 2.9 3.4 1.0 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 14 0 0 0 0
2007 0.0 0.3 0.2 1.5 1.1 2.0 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2008 0.1 0.4 0.8 1.4 1.4 3.6 3.1 2.4 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2009 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2010 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2012 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2.4 Land Resources

2.4.1 Land and Soil Types

The Command area of Project is located in Terai Plane covering three districts Parsa,
Bara and Rauthat of Central development region of Nepal. The command area stretches
along Nepal India Boarder for about 81 km. The soil is classified in four categories
namely Loam, Silty Loam, Silty clay Loam and Sandy Loam. Water holding capacity of
these soils are as given below.
S.N Type of Soil Water Holding Capacity
1 Loam 8% to 12%
2 Silty Loam 7% to 35%
3 Silty Clay Loam 7% to 25%
4 Sandy Loam 5% to 9%
Source: Feasibility Study on Bagmati Command Area Development Project, March 1992

2.4.2 Percolation Rate

Percolation rate given by the FAO is adopted for the calculation of water requirement.
Value taken is 2.5 mm/day for monsoon paddy and 3.5 mm/day for spring paddy.

2.5 Cropping Pattern

Monsoon Paddy, Wheat, Pulses, Maize, Spring Paddy, Oilseed and Sugarcane are major
crops grown in the command area followed by vegetables and spring paddy is least
preferred. The overall cropping intensity is around 150% (Informal survey). Cropping
Pattern commonly followed is classified as follows:

1 Paddy Wheat Spring Paddy, Vegetable

2 Paddy Pulses -------
3 Paddy Mustard Maize,
4 Paddy Vegetable --------
5 Sugarcane Sugarcane Sugarcane

2.6 Operational Status

The block 2 was built in the first phase of construction. The command area of block 2 is
2996 ha, 8% of NIS with a design discharge of 3.57m3/sec. This canal is fed by NEC with
gated head regulator. The total farmers benefited by this block are 6878 with land
population ratio of 0.44. Presently most of the canals of block # 2 are rehabilitated in
association of WUA. A good participation has been observed in maintaining the system.

But the resource collection and mobilization for regular maintenance and operation of the
system after management transfer to users is still challenging because of not sufficient
laws, by laws and commitment among users etc. The study area is accessible by road and
it takes around 6-8 hours drive from Kathmandu.

The large-scale irrigation system rehabilitation program has been launched for the last
two years in whole NIS. In this program, most of the canal reshaping work has been
completed and other maintenance work of the structures have been taking place targeting
three years to complete from now on. The WUA has been formed and registered in all
blocks. Most of the tertiary has been destroyed and needs repair and maintaining.

Besides this there are also other problems in proper operation of canal which are,

Regular O&M is missing;

Some structures are having major defects and some are having minor;
Some reaches of the canal face scouring and some reaches face silting;

Narayani Irrigation Management Division No. 5

Present operational Condition of Block - 2

S.No. Canal Gross Irrigated Discharge No of Length No of No of No of

Name command Land (liter/sec) household of tertiary destroyed maintenance
area (Ha) (Ha) canal canal tertiary of tertiary
canals in canals
1 MSC 3804 2996 3574 2724 10.64 28 10 18
2 BSC- 476 375 441 341 3.14 13 7 6
3 BSC- 227 179 222 162 1.62 9 5 4
4 BSC- 462 364 443 331 3.94 17 8 9
5 BSC- 920 725 858 659 7.48 27 15 12
6 BSC- 405 319 375 290 3.01 13 6 5
7 BSC- 398 314 375 285 3.22 11 6 5
8 SSC - 706 - 641 6.25 27 57 61
Total 3804 2996 3574 2724 39.30 118 57 61


3.1 Water Resources

The major source of the system is DON canal, which is fed by Narayani River at a
distance of 98 km from the head of NEC. As agreed by Indian side, NEC was to be
supplied with a discharge of 850 cusecs but in practice only 75% of targeted discharge is
supplied. This has induced scarcity of irrigation water in the command of NIS making
users unconfident about system performance.

3.2 Proposed Cropping Pattern

The cropping pattern for which system was designed is quite different from the cropping
pattern followed recently. Earlier six year rotation was proposed i.e. five year sugarcane
in total area and one year wheat and paddy in total area where as coverage area of paddy
was proposed 80% of Project area. At present the cropping pattern is entirely changed
and sugar cane farming is quite reduced and replaced by paddy, wheat, maize, oilseeds,
pulses and vegetables. Taking into account the present dominant cropping pattern a
composite cropping pattern is prepared for the command area of 2996 ha under block
numbers 2 of Narayani Irrigation System. The cropping pattern proposed for above
mentioned area is as presented below.

Table 1: Proposed cropping pattern.

Date of Total
Date of sowing Date of harvesting
Crops transplanting area
Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final (ha)
Total Area =2996 ha
Paddy 1 21/7 30/7 21/8 30/8 24/11 7/12 389.48
Paddy 2 7/7 15/7 7/8 15/8 15/11 21/11 2396.8
Spring Paddy 1/3 10/3 16/3 30/3 16/6 30/6 299.6
Wheat 21/11 30/11 30/3 7/4 1048.6
Maize 7/3 15/3 7/6 15/6 599.2
Oilseed 7/110 15/11 21/2 28/2 149.8
Lentil (Pulses) 9/12 16/12 24/3 31/3 599.2
Sugarcane 15/1 31/3 15/1 31/3 209.72
Winter Vegetable 21/10 30/10 21/2 30/2 149.8
Potato 15/10 24/10 24/2 30/2 149.8
Total 5992 ha
The future cropping intensity after the project comes out to be 200%

3.3 Soil Saturation Requirement

During field study actual field data on soil saturation could not be observed so theoretical
approach based on the soil types has been adopted for calculating soil saturation
Equation used:

Sn = (Sc-(Mc*Bd) * Drz

Where: Sc = Soil saturation capacity in %

Mc= Soil residual moisture in %
Bd= Bulk density
Drz= Depth of root zone for rice field, it is equal to 300 mm

The Mc can be calculated for each cropping season as follows:

Wet season (preceded by dry months), Mc= Pwp

Dry Season (Preceded by rainy months), Mc= (Fc + Pwp)/2

Where Pwp = Soil permanent wilting point in%

Fc = Soil field capacity

Another equation for calculating total moisture available in soil or the amount required to
replenish the soil to attain saturation level can also be used but in practice availability of
water in soil varies with season and the saturation requirement differs depending on the
residual moisture content and the dry pore space in the soil. Theoretically the plant can
extract water up to wilting point but practically it is not allowed because the plants get
stressed. Also the water at saturation level is more than water at field capacity. So in this
report the equation given below for calculating total available water while soil is at field
capacity is not used for evaluating saturation requirement.

Available Water in Soil (AW) = Drz*(Fc-Pwp)/100 (for 1 cm Drz, Aw = 0.1(Fc- Pwp)


Where, AW = Available Water in cm

Drz = Depth of the root zone in cm or inch (Drz is lesser of the
normal effective rooting depth of the plant and the depth of soil).
Fc = field capacity in % by volume.
Pwp = permanent wilting point in % by volume.

Considering the equal contribution of all different four types of soil assumed in the
command area, the value of saturation requirement for dry season crop especially spring
paddy calculated is 46 mm and for monsoon as well as early paddy is 80 mm as shown in
table below.

3.4 Land Soaking and Land Preparation Requirement

For transplanting of paddy, Land soaking and Land preparation requirement such as ploughing,
harrowing and supplying of water should be carried out in paddy fields to soften the soil. The
necessary water to meet this requirement is called puddling requirement and depends on soil depth,
soil porosity and residual soil moisture. In addition to this 60 mm of standing water depth is
required for crop development. The total depth of water required for land soaking and land
preparation requirement is evaluated considering crop development irrigation at 15 days interval as

Table 2: Calculation for Saturation Requirement for different textured soil in the command area

Soil Texture Field Permanent Available Bulk Depth of Soil residual Mc Saturation Soil saturation requirement,
capacity wilting point Water = 0.1 density root zone in % capacity (total Sn (mm)
Fc % Pwp % (Fc-Pwp) gm/cc Drz in mm pore space) in
mm/cm %

Dry Wet
season Season Dry season Wet Season
Loam 31 14 1.7 1.4 300 22.5 14 47 46.50 82.20
40 20 2 1.3 300 30 20 51 36.00 75.00
Silty Loam
36 18 1.8 1.35 300 27 18 49 37.65 74.10
Silty clay loam
21 9 1.2 1.5 300 15 9 43 61.50 88.50
Sandy loam
Average 1.68 46 80

Soil saturation requirement = 80 mm wet season crop
Soil saturation requirement = 46 mm dry season crop
Standing water depth = 60 mm
Percolation rate (2.5 mm/day) = 25 mm wet season crop
Percolation rate (3.5 mm/day) = 35 mm dry season crop
Evaporation (4.3 mm/day) = 43 mm
Land preparation and land soaking requirement = 208 mm wet season crop
Land preparation and land soaking requirement = 184 mm dry season crop

3.4 Conveyance Capacity Irrigation Efficiency

The overall irrigation efficiency is attributable to the farm application efficiency,

canal conveyance and operation efficiencies, which vary depending on soil texture,
type of canal, regulating structures and water management practices followed. All
these efficiencies however, could not be measured. The efficiencies given by the FAO
training manual for medium canal length farmer managed irrigation system is adopted
for calculation.

Irrigation Efficiency
Conveyance efficiency (Main Canal=95%, Dist Canal=95%) 90.25%
Distribution Efficiency (Tertiary Canal =90%) 90%
Application Efficiency 60%
Overall Irrigation Efficiency 49%

3.5 Diversion Requirement

The irrigation water requirement in diversion computed during design phase is listed
in table below.
Table 3: Diversion requirement in liters per second per hectare.

15 days diversion requirement

S. N. Months Remarks
1-15 days 15-30 days
1 January 0.28 0.32
2 February 0.51 0.56
3 March 0.58 0.82
4 April 0.98 0.86
5 May 0.75 0.59
6 June 0.27 0.35
7 July 0.71 0.55
8 August 0.76 1.04
9 September 0.61 0.83
10 October 0.92 0.97
11 November 0.57 0.83
12 December 0.26 0.28

3.6 Water Balance
The water balance table as shown in annex predicts that the available discharge is
only 70% of the design discharge and less than 50% actual requirement during paddy
transplantation and flowering stag whereas in other months the discharge available is
more than enough and there is sufficient opportunity for extension of crop area. Since
maize and pulses are rain fed crops, irrigation requirement is considered only for
initial germination for 30 days. Rest of their growing period is considered to be
sufficient on the moisture present in the soil. With this consideration it has been
observed that there is still high potential of the system to increase the cropped area in
winter and spring season.

3.7 Water Allocation, Distribution and Scheduling

Since the system is getting sufficient water during winter and spring season,
continuous operation method can be adopted where as during paddy transplantation
and flowering stage discharge available is less than half of the requirement so
rotational distribution method is essential. Though the discharge available is enough
for crop maintenance but quite less than the design capacity of canal during winter
and spring season, so if the canal is operated continuously the level of the canal is to
be raised frequently by operating cross regulators which exert extra stress to
operational staff. Hence, looking the large size of the system and availability of
discharge rotational system is recommended round the year.

3.7.1 Water Distribution Method

In practice two methods are used, one is simultaneous method of water distribution
whereby there is a simultaneous (continuous) supply of water in areas served by a
farm ditch or a canal and another method is rotational distribution whereby there is
rotational supply of water in areas served by a farm ditch or canal. In this project
considering the low dry weather flow and high requirement during land soaking and
land preparation, a combination of simultaneous and rotational distribution is

3.7.2 Introduction of Rotational Irrigation System

Gates at all the control structures control water distribution in almost all the
government managed irrigation systems of Nepal. These systems however have been
giving the following problems to the project and farmers concerned:

 The upstream farmers take as much water as they can get irrespective of their
needs. As a result, a lot of water taken to their fields is wasted to drains. Water
usage and demand are therefore much higher than required to satisfy actual
crop needs.

 Due to U/S farmers' abuse of water, the water never reaches to the downstream
canals and accordingly the equitable water distribution to the farmers cannot
be maintained in many cases.

 During dry weather or peak requirement period, either flow available or flow
required (less than 50% of design capacity) is likely to be limited and difficult
to run at desired level and flow rate throughout the system.

Considering all these problems specifically third one, introduction of rotational

irrigation system has been recommended in this system as in other various systems.

3.7.3 Water Delivery Schedule

Based on the cropping pattern proposed the date of initial water release and cut-off is
as proposed below.
Table 4: Water Delivery Schedule for different crops.
S. No. Crops Initial Date of Water Release Date of Water cut-off
1 Paddy-1 July, 21st Nov, 21st
1 Paddy-2 July, 7th Nov, 7th
2 Spring Paddy Mar, 1st June, 15th
3 Wheat Nov, 21st Mar, 21st
4 Maize Mar, 7th May, 1st
5 Lentil Dec, 9th Mar, 15th
6 Oilseed Nov, 7th Feb, 7th
7 Winter Vegetables & Potato Oct, 15th Feb, 15th
8 Sugarcane Jan,15th Nov.15th
Source: Field Survey

3.8 WUA Policy of Water Distribution

Three tiers of WUA have been formed. They are Water Users group (Tertiary), Water
Users group (MSC and BSC) and Water Users Committee (Block).
- To conduct meeting/discussion with branch committee on regular basis, however,
with tertiary committee as & when required basis. The meeting mainly focuses on
the resource mobilization for O & M, conflict resolution, collection of water charge
and other activities.
- To coordinate with the entire branch & tertiary committees and make good
relationship among them
- To conduct meeting on regular basis in order to resolve problem;
- To operate branch & tertiary canals in time and make timely O & M plan of the
- To arrange entire process & land for new construction of canal or water course to
fulfill the demand of the farmers
- To make Yearly Water Distribution Schedule and distribution of water accordingly

- To recommend for exemption of water charge for the lands that were deprived from
irrigation facility
- To send the list of conflicts/problems to the related offices, which are not resolved
by the WUGs
- To conduct the work related to the O & M of the canals on the basis of equality
- To make relationship with the irrigation office and other stakeholders.


4.1 Existing Organization

In the past there was no involvement of users in maintenance of the system, as a result
almost all the tertiary canals became defunct and all the canal above also became
inefficient because budget allocated for O&M were usually invested in maintenance
of structures at NEC level.
With launching of large irrigation system improvement programme funded by World
Bank and continuous effort of NIMD staff in revitalizing the previously organized
defunct organization, a drastic change has been observed in cost sharing of
maintenance activities. At present users is sharing 25% of rehabilitation cost of
irrigation systems at block level. Even during emergency maintenance users collect
money to maintain their respective canals and willing to take the operational
management of the system after complete rehabilitation of their blocks.

4.2 Procedures of canal operation and communication

4.2.1 Operation

The purpose of irrigation system is to provide irrigation facilities to the beneficiaries

as a whole in equitable manner irrespective of spatial differences. Such efficient
irrigation service can be rendered by the operating staff by way of delivering the right
amount of water at the specific time and location. This requires proper timing, control
on water release, long term operating plans flexible enough to allow rescheduling of
releases and deliveries to meet changes in conditions such as weather, cropping
pattern and water availability in the river. In the lack of such considerations, many
systems even the most sophisticated systems with best facilities are not operated
properly. This reflects that successful operation largely depends on the system
operators as well as the operating procedures adopted. Hence to optimize the output of
the systems operation planning and procedures are as discussed below. Preparation of Irrigation Water Delivery Schedules

Following steps should be carried out before finalizing the water delivery schedules.

 At least two months before the start of cropping season, project in charge should co-
ordinate with the water users association' main body and other relevant agencies
involved in agricultural development sector to finalize the cropping pattern and
calendar for the irrigation system.

 Based on the cropping pattern and calendar a tentative programme of water delivery
for all the branches and distributaries should be prepared in coordination with project
staffs responsible for operation and maintenance.

 Further irrigation requirement at each off take points should be calculated and final
irrigation schedules should be prepared as mentioned in previous sections.

 The final operation plan should be circulated to all the operators, Water Users
Association and the agencies involved in agricultural production. Operation of Major canal Structures

Barrage, Head Regulator and under sluice

The control and delivery of irrigation water from Head Regulator will be the
responsibility of Head Work Division in charge. He will be authorized to make all the
necessary adjustments in river diversion to provide equal distribution of water
according to the irrigation schedules. Additional guidelines are as follows:

 All the gates of Barrage, Head Regulator and Under Sluice should be provided with
locking device.

 Few days before start of operation the head regulator should be kept totally closed and
the water ponded u/s of barrage keeping the water level as designed by adjusting the
barrage and under sluice gates.

 At the start of irrigation season, initially 20% of the capacity of water should be
released through head regulator for canal priming purposes. Once the water reach to
the end of canal the check structures should be lowered down to raise the water level.
At the same time flow should be gradually increased in main canal. This action will
keep the canal safe from sudden damage because of leakage through rat holes and any
other hidden cracks.

 Release of water should be done slowly until the water level reaches the controlled
water level at the check structures d/s of branch canals.

 Once the water level reach the desired level, the flow will be diverted to distributaries,
secondary and tertiary canal accordingly as scheduled.

 When the release through head regulator is in accordance with the irrigation delivery
schedules, the control gates will be regulated at the end of irrigation interval as per

 During the dry season or low flow period, the head works division in charge should
regularly monitor the flow condition and make the adjustment accordingly. Any
change in release made should be informed to all the gate operators in the system for
proper adjustment to comply with the releases made.

 Any re-regulation of the head regulator that is deemed necessary by field personnel
(gate operators/Overseers/Engineers/WUA) on account of change in local conditions
such as decrease in the river flow, increase or decrease in water demand and
emergency repair works in the conveyance system, should be made first clear to H/W
division chief through the office of O/M division foe necessary adjustments.

 During low floods, while the system is in operation the under sluice gate should be
kept closed and river sluice i.e. middle gates should be opened to flush the flood to
avoid the deposition in middle of the river and turbulences u/s of the head regulator
resulting in massive silt entry in the main canals. If the under sluice will be operated
silt entry will be high because of high current in flow.

 During high flood with heavy silt content the river sluice along with other barrage
gates and under sluice should be opened and head regulator should be kept closed
fully. Such closure will be emergency closure. Even while flushing sediment and
debris through under sluice head regulator should be kept closed. Cross Regulators and Head Regulators in lower Level Canals

 While the main canals are being initially primed, the branch canals should remain
closed until the flow level attains to the designed level.

 Once the water level rises to desired level, 20 % of discharge only should be released
in branch canals and the cross regulators in branch canal should be operated as
described in the case of main canals. And the same process for priming should be
adopted in other lower level canals.

 All the gates will be regulated at the end of the normal irrigation interval as
scheduled, except in the cases of emergency or when there is a need for re-regulation
of the gates to meet the changes in water needs or local conditions described above

 During the irrigation season, the water level in the canal should be maintained as
close as possible to the control water surface elevation in order that distribution of the
required amount of water to the different of-takes can easily be made. But care should
be taken while maintaining the water level. In no case water should overtop any gates,
if not there will be high possibility of tapering the gates resulting inefficient operation
of gates.

 At the end of season, the regulators of canals should not be closed abruptly. Closure
of all head regulators should be done slowly such that the water level in canal should
not drop more than 0.3 m per day. This should be done in order to avoid slumping of
the inside slope of the canals usually caused by sudden draw down of water in the

 The responsibility of water distribution below the secondary turnout gate should be
given to users’ organization of the concerned secondary units.

4.3 Proposed Personnel and Skill Required

Most schemes under DOI management will have technical maintenance staff whose
responsibilities will include carrying out inspections, planning, budgeting and
implementing the work, administering works carrying out by contract and
maintenance gangs and supervising and organizing the mechanical plant. These staff
will be supported by a number of skilled and unskilled personnel, who will form the
maintenance gangs.

A maintenance division would generally have the following personnel:

 Unskilled labourers;
 Skilled labourers/craftsman;
 Foremen;
 Overseers;
 Machine operators;
 Mechanics;
 Assistant engineers;
 Senior engineers (s).
Unskilled Labourers

The basic maintenance unit is a gang consisting of 8 to 20 skilled and unskilled

labourers under the supervision of a Foreman. The number of unskilled labourers
required for a maintenance task varies widely, since it depends on the type of work to
be done, labour/machinery substitution policy of the irrigation scheme, working
conditions etc.

Skilled Labourers/Craftsmen

Skilled labourers/ craftsmen are needed for jobs such as pipe laying, masonry work
etc. They are often contracted on a piece work basis. Since skilled people are not
always available in the rural areas, some may be employed as part of the permanent
staff, provided work is available for them throughout the year.


The Foreman is usually one of the workers and is often elected by the group, either
because of natural leadership or on traditional grounds. Essentially, his function is to
enforce discipline and to ensure that productivity targets are achieved. For most
activities, no special training is required; he need not be literate and his rate of pay is

only marginally higher than that of an unskilled labourer. He typically supervises a
group of 8 to 20 labourers.


When maintenance is undertaken by labour, the overseer has the function of

controlling the work of 5 to 10 gangs. The more specialized the task the smaller the
group of gangs that can be managed. Where labour intensive methods of construction
are used the gangs and their foremen may be provided by small contractors.

Overseers will also carry out survey and setting out work and be responsible for
measuring quantities, monitoring contract progress and for issuing stores.

Machine Operators

Much of the equipment used in maintenance work (draglines, hydraulic excavators,

motorgraders, trucks, loaders) is expensive. Operators must therefore be fully
qualified. Productivity of machinery varies widely, depending on the skills of the
operator. Furthermore, the working life of a piece of equipment will rely largely on its
proper handling and routine maintenance by the operator.

Typically, one operator is required for each machine. However, if the machines are
not in simultaneous or daily use, one operator can be assigned to 2 to 3 machines.
Where it is necessary to complete maintenance within a short period of time, 2 or 3
turns are established to keep the machine working the maximum possible number of
hours per day.


Qualified mechanics are needed to carry out routine servicing as well as major repairs
for plant and equipment. They are usually part of the staff of the maintenance

The manpower requirements very widely, depending on the functions of the

workshop. Often, the workshop will only carry out servicing and basic repairs and
major repairs and overhauls are sent to specialized workshops. In such cases, a group
of 2 to 3 mechanics with an equal number of helpers or apprentices can handle a
machine plant of 20 to 30 units.


The achievement of a good standard of maintenance depends greatly on the assistant

engineer. He is responsible for periodic inspections of canals, structures and drains,
the preparation and estimation of work to be done and the supervision of the actual

work at the site. He is also responsible for the daily organization and management of
the maintenance work. He reports directly to the Senior Engineer.

Senior Engineer

The Senior Engineer is responsible for the overall organization and management of
both operation and maintenance. He would report directly to the Scheme Manager. On
the larger projects, on small projects, an experienced assistant engineer may be
responsible for operation and maintenance.

4.4 Proposed Organization and Staff Scheduling

Besides Government Organization, WUA has been assigned for Canal Management
Operation. A list of Proposed Staff is listed below,

Staff Scheduling for Division Office

WUA Member Schedule for Narayani Irrigation System, Block no: 2

Narayani Irrigation System, Block no : 2

General Assembly President - 1 no.

General assembly member - 116 Vice-president - 1 no.
Coordination committee Member -7 Secretary - 1 no.
Water Users
Women Member -2 Treasurer - 1 no.
Dalit Member -1 Coordination Women Member - 1 no.
Aadivasi/ Janajati -1 Committee Branch Committee Member - 1 no.
Dalit Member - 1 no.
Aadivasi/ Janajati - 1 no


Branch Committee Branch Committee Branch Committee Branch Committee Branch Committee Branch Committee Branch Committee
President -1 President -1 President -1 President -1 President -1 President -1 President -1
Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1
Treasurer -1 Treasurer -1 Treasurer -1 Treasurer -1 Treasurer -1 Treasurer -1 Treasurer -1
Branch Representative Branch Representative Branch Representative Branch Representative Branch Representative Branch Representative Branch Representative
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Women Member - 1 Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Women Member -2
Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1
Aadivasi/Janajati - 1 Aadivasi/Janajati - 1 Aadivasi/Janajati - 1 Aadivasi/Janajati - 1 Aadivasi/Janajati - 1 Aadivasi/Janajati - 1 Aadivasi/Janajati - 1

Toli Committee Toli Committee Toli Committee Toli Committee Toli Committee Toli Committee Toli Committee
22 12 9 15 24 13 10
President -1
President -1 President -1 President -1 President -1 President -1 Secretary -1 President -1
Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1 Secretary -1 G.A.Member - 1 Secretary -1
G.A.Member -1 G.A.Member -1 G.A.Member -1 G.A.Member -1 G.A.Member - 1 Branch Rep -1 G.A.Member -1
Branch Rep -1 Branch Rep -1 Branch Rep - 1 Branch Rep - 1 Branch Rep - 1 Women Member -2 Branch Rep -1
Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Women Member -2 Dalit Member -1 Women Member -2
Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Dalit Member -1 Aadivasi/ janajati - 1 Dalit Member -1
Aadivasi/ janajati - 1 Aadivasi/ janajati - 1 Aadivasi/ janajati - 1 Aadivasi/ janajati - 1 Aadivasi/ janajati - 1 Aadivasi/ janajati - 1


Monitoring of canal operation describes the process and activities that need to take
place for smooth and proper functioning of the canal. Monitoring refers to the regular
inspection of the operation of canal and collect the relevant data from the field. The
data collected may be the discharge flowing in the canal section, silt deposit in the
canal, structures and inventories in the canal which are in function or out of function.
The hydrilla and weed condition in the canal needs to be monitored as it can be the
major cause of loss in the canal efficiency. Seepage and water logging should be
monitored from time to time. Canal operation can also be disturbed by silting and
erosion of the bank hence routine monitor of the canal should be done.

Following activities should be carried out during monitoring activity,

- Silting and erosion problem if any in the different section of the canal.
- Weed and Plant growth in the canal.
- Conditions of bank of the canal.
- Canal breach problem if any.
- Condition of the cross-drainage structures, regulating structures, etc in
the canal.
- Flow in the canal should be recorded at definite interval of time.
- Survey of canal cross-section at the end of each crop season.

Evaluation of the canal operation means determination of the significance of the canal
operation under specific set of standards. It determines the deflection of the running
project from the design considerations. The data collected after monitoring process is
evaluated. Evaluation needs to be done to determine the quality of work.

The data collected is used to determine whether the canal is running at the design
capacity or not. The proper functioning of the different canal structures is evaluated.
The canal operation should give the cropping intensity of 200% as calculated. Thus,
the proper recommendation should be done after evaluation.


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