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Submitted By:

Daplas, Dimple D.

Galela, Shiena Mae B.

Gutierrez, Rhea P.

Manes, Leona S.

Umapas, Abegail Nicole C.

Vivero, Eumarie Shayne A.



The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the following personalities who had made

a significant contribution and provided invaluable assistance which led to the successful completion of

the study:

To Prof. VOLTAIRE L. PERALES our thesis adviser for his full support, guidance, and for his

painstaking effort to give assistance and suggestion that helps a lot in the preparation of this.

To Prof. RIZALINO D. FLORES III our thesis instructor, for his contributions to the

fulfillment of this study through imparting effective suggestions that allowed us to modify and improve

its structure and contents. Additionally, we deeply acknowledge his expertise in the field and continuous

support in terms of timely assessing and examining the updates along with revisions of this research.

To the Faculty Professor of the College of Criminal Justice for their guidance and support.

To our classmates and friends that gives support and understanding which become our inspiration

to push through this study.

To respondents who unselfishly imported their knowledge on the subject which greatly helped in

the formulation and completion of this study.

And lastly, to ALMIGHTY GOD, for all the knowledge, blessings, and strength he bestowed

upon us.

The Researchers


We wholeheartedly dedicate this craft to those people who are behind the success of this study,

from the beginning up to the last touch of our research.

To our Family for the constant support that provided us the wisdom and strength as they served

as our serotonin that uplifted our spirit necessary for us to accomplish this research.

To our professors that invested their time and expertise to assist and scrutinize us in relation to

the construction and completion of this study.

Lastly, all glory belongs to God as we are filled with gratitude for the guidance, strength,

knowledge, and support that we have received in order to accomplish this research.




DEGREE: Bachelor of Science in Criminology

RESEARCHERS: Daplas, Dimple D.

Galela, Shiena Mae B.
Gutierrez, Rhea P.
Manes, Leona S.
Umapas, Abegail Nicole C.
Vivero, Eumarie Shayne A.



Every year, millions of people all over the world are victims of domestic violence.

Domestic violence can be one of the most difficult situations to talk about and escape from. It

can happen to anyone – women, men, children, spouses and even friends. No one is immune to

domestic violence. The study wants to find out the how the pandemic affects the victims of

domestic violence.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to study the victims of domestic violence during time of pandemic in

Baseco, Manila. In view of this, the researchers will sought to answer the following sub-


1. What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence in terms of age during the time of


2. What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time

of pandemic?

3. How lockdown policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the

time of pandemic?

Method of Research Used

This study utilize Qualitative Research Design, specifically a Case Study Method.

According to several prominent qualitative scholars, Qualitative research is a systematic

subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. It is intended to

deeply explore, understand and interpret social phenomena within its natural setting. Creswell

(2002); Pope & Mays (1995)

By using a qualitative researcher methodology, researchers want to collect richer

information and get more detailed picture of issues, cases or events. It is said that the goal of this

research design is to gain insight; explore the depth, richness, and complexity inherent in the


This method suited the current study because it will help the researchers in describing in-

depth the experience of one person, family, or group in domestic violence in this time of

pandemic. After its analysis and interpretation, the distinguished data will help to the

recommendations for further betterment, development, and understandings.


The following are the findings of the study:

1. Profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time of the pandemic.

According to the interview results, the victims of domestic violence range in age from 18

to 45 years old. The majority of them were cohabiting with their partners but were not married.

They share a home with their partners and their children. The smallest number of family

members they had in their home was four (4), and the largest number was eight (8). Their

partners were the ones who abused them. They are all parents. Two is the greatest number of

children they have, and one is the smallest. Some of them own homes, but the majority of them

are tenants.

They all had jobs with their partners before the pandemic, but when it arrives, their

partners are out of work. Each of them made less than ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000) per

month. This income has a significant impact on their relationship with their husband. Because

their monthly income was insufficient, they argued, which resulted in violence from their

husbands. The victims stated that they sometimes wanted to leave their partners but stayed for

the sake of their children.

2. Possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of


2.1 Violence that the abuser inflict them. Majority of participants all experience

physical and emotional abuse. These physical abuse consist of hitting, punching and slapping the

victim in the face. Verbal abuse that our participants have experience were mostly profanity, they

were called names and were screamed at even when their children is around. These abusers lose

their temper knowing that they don't have enough money to suffice their needs which resulted in

these kinds of violence. It has also been stated by one our victims that she sometimes provokes

her husband in doing the said abuse by nagging and unnecessary confrontations which give rise

to fights and arguments.

In the study about COVID-19 Lockdown and the Increased Violence Against Women:

Understanding Domestic Violence During a Pandemic, In Egypt, females reported a 19%

increase in violence among family members with 11% having been exposed to violence by their

husband and verbal abuse being the most form of violence encountered, at 83.4% (UN Women

2020b). In Palestine, service providers to female violence victims noted a 50% increase in call

for help (UN Women Palestine 2020).

2.2 The abuser was experiencing Mental Illness such as Depression and Anxiety

Disorder due to pandemic pressure. Most of our participants have answered that their partners

have experienced stress that was brought by pandemic and there are two respondents who think

their partner might be suffering from depression due to their current situation. These abusers felt

the pressure that by the end of the day they still have families to feed.

In the study of new University of California, Davis, suggests that extra stress in the

COVID-19 pandemic caused by income loss, and lack of ability to pay for housing and food has

exacerbated the often silent epidemic of intimate partner violence. Research participants in the

study completed an online survey asking about previous disaster experience, perceived stress,

their current situation as it relates to COVID-19, if they experienced intimate partner violence,

and what their personal and household demographics were. In all, 374 people completed the

survey. Respondents, whose average age was 47, were asked about how COVID-19 had affected

them financially and otherwise. Of the respondents, 39 reported having experienced violence in

their relationship, and 74 percent of those people were women. Although only 10 percent of the

sample reported experiencing intimate partner violence, the people that had experienced that

violence reported more stress than the segment of the sample that had not experienced it.

Furthermore, the results show that as perceived stress increased, participants were more likely to

end up as victims of violence

2.3 The abuser shows behavioral problems. 3 Our participants responded that their

abusers are showing behavioral problems such as cursing and stating foul words, some can't

contain their temper which causes them to throw and break stuff as a way to vent themselves and

show their anger. Their partners are committing these acts with or without the influence of


Some people express anger verbally, by shouting. Sometimes this can be aggressive,

involving swearing, threats, or name-calling.Some people react violently and lash out physically,

hitting other people, pushing them, or breaking things. This can be particularly damaging and

frightening for other people. In a survey by the Mental Health Foundation, 32% of people said

they had a close friend or family member who had trouble controlling their anger and 28% of

people said they worry about how angry they sometimes feel. ( Storch, et al. 2012)

2.4 The abuser engaged with any activities cause of stress due to pandemic. Majority

of the participants have answered that most of their abusers are engaged with activities that

causes stress when the pandemic started, although there are few who answered no. To those who

have answered yes, most of their partners' vices consist of drinking alcoholic beverages which is

a way for them to cope with stress.

In a study about alcohol use and misuse during the pandemic, A risk factor for the onset

and maintenance of alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder is trait impulsivity (ie, the tendency

to take risks or act without adequate forethought or reflection). Impulsivity can moderate stress-

induced consumption of alcohol and is also associated with relapse in addicted individuals. Thus,

this period of isolation might lead to a spike in alcohol misuse, relapse, and potentially,

development of alcohol use disorder in at-risk individuals, therefore placing further strain on

addiction and drug and alcohol services, and the health service in general, during and after the

pandemic. (Clay and Parker 2020)

2.5 Possible causes that lead the abuser to hurt any of the family members.

2.6 Financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence.

Both leads to a conclusion that the main reason of the abuse is Financial vulnerability. As

pandemic rises and many went unemployed, people stayed home frightened that they may get the

virus, some even went sick and had to go on isolation giving them many time at home. This

causes financial stress and pressure to citizens making this the root cause of domestic violence.

The economic impacts of this pandemic are being felt throughout the retail, food,

hospitality, service and entertainment industries, with many businesses and productions

completely shutting down (Sainato, 2020) Individuals who have lost their jobs have no more

income, yet they still have bills to pay and families to feed. They are becoming financially

vulnerable in the wake of the pandemic. Financial vulnerability is a feeling of being exposed to

financial insecurity when individuals are unable to cope financially (Van Aardt, Moshoeu,

Risenga, Pohl, & Coetzee, 2009; Mogaji, Emotional Appeals in Advertising Banking Services,

2018). Today, rising numbers of sick people, growing unemployment, increased anxiety and

financial stress, and a scarcity of community resources have set the stage for an exacerbated

domestic violence crisis. Many victims find themselves isolated in violent homes, without access

to resources or friend and family networks. Abusers could experience heightened financial

pressures and stress, increase their consumption of alcohol or drugs, and purchase or hoard guns

as an emergency measure. Experts have characterized an “invisible pandemic” of domestic

violence during the COVID-19 crisis as a “ticking time bomb” or a “perfect storm.” (Bigio,

Jamille 2021)

3. How lockdown policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the

time of pandemic?

3.1 How does the pandemic affects them to experience these kind of violence and

does pandemic gives them a hard time dealing with the abuser? Majority of the participants

have experienced difficulties during the pandemic such as losing their job and having a hard time

without their partners. Their experience during the pandemic affects their relationship with their

partner, spending more time together causes more arguments, misunderstanding and worst is

fighting and hurting each other due to stress and being grumpy all the time because of a lack of

budget for daily needs.


During the initial weeks and months of the COVID-19 crisis, job and income losses have

been particularly severe for everyone. Most the victim particularly says that losing a source of

income is the major problem and reason why they experience domestic abuse. CAGE (2021)

finds that job loss among men raises the chances of perpetration of domestic violence and job

loss among women raises the chances of victimization. They find that men who are eligible for

unemployment benefits are no less likely to commit domestic violence. Major external stressors

for the victim and also the abuser is the pandemic which requires individuals to immediately find

resources for daily necessities that typically turn to in times of stress. Accordingly, individuals

rely heavily on the people closest to them for support in navigating these crises (e.g., Bonanno et

al., 2010). However, reliance on intimate partners has been further heightened during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals across the world were isolated at home from their families for

weeks or months that also a problem because arguments and fights seem to be frequent.

3.2 How they feel on staying at home with their abuser during the pandemic.

Majority of the participants feels distressed staying at home with their abuser during the

pandemic. Their worries mostly concentrated on the welfare of their children, staying in the

relationship because of the children. And also how to handle their relationship with their partner

some get angry, some feel ashamed because of the situation, some were stressed and some do

things to prevent the abuse such as going somewhere or not giving attention to it.

"The quarantine is difficult for all of us. But it is a living nightmare for women who are

trapped with their abusers behind closed doors." This was the statement of Senator Risa

Hontivero as she warned against the possible rise of domestic abuse cases in the country due to

the COVID-19 quarantine. Because of the proximity in the home and added stress due to

economic hardship brought by the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), Filipino women and

children who are living with their abusers become more vulnerable to violence, she added. As

the victims stated, the pandemic affects their situation and makes it worse because of the policy

being enforced. All of them stay in the relationship despite the situation because of the sake of

the children and family. Some go to a friend, some want to go out and some choose to endure

and just cry alone at home. The victim concentrates to protect the children at all costs and

according to Jacobsen (2021), a victim may stay in an abusive relationship or choose to return to

the relationship after domestic violence, because the victim has nowhere else to live, and relies

on the abuser for financial support, or believes the abuse is normal or warranted because of the

victim’s flaws.

3.3 How lockdown policy aggravates the action of their abuser towards them and

what was the impact of the pandemic policies, such as facilities closures, business

shutdowns, and mobility restrictions. Majority of the participants experience deprivation

which is the impact of a pandemic that aggravates the action of their abuser toward them. Their

worries mostly concentrated on more time spent at home, and more violence they experience.

Their statements also focused on losing jobs and sources of income during pandemics that make

them suffer as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions in result are lack

of budget and food for daily life. Some tells that the experience makes even worse because of the

pandemic, it causes a lot of stress not only to the victims but also to the abuser who loses their

jobs and turns them to be grumpy, some drink together with their friends, and some get frustrated

because they cannot provide that ended up in arguing and fighting.


Job loss will tend to lead to the couple spending more time together, increasing

‘exposure’ or opportunities for violence (Dugan et al. 2003). Job loss of men and women leads to

higher domestic violence. Male job loss results in a roughly 30% increase in the chances that a

man perpetrates violence. Female job loss delivers a percentage increase in the chances that a

woman is victimized that is almost twice as large. As the resulting pandemic aggravates the

situation of the victim and the action of their abuser toward them. Because of the pandemic, most

people lost their source of income which results in a lack of necessities, especially food. The

pandemic prolongs their suffering, the longer the pandemic happens the longer they will

experience this kind of situation.

3.4 How does lockdown policy affects their situation as a victim in directing to sk for

help. Majority of participants experience difficulty as a victim during the lockdown policy

implemented. Their difficulties mostly concentrate to protect the children at all costs, they stay in

an abusive relationship or choose to return to the relationship after domestic violence, because

the victim has nowhere else to live, or believes that they will seek help from friends or relatives

they might get the virus or share the virus. Some of them reported it already but after days

become okay but most of them are not aware of an online hotline or were exactly to report the

abuse, and some thought that because of the pandemic they will not be entertained.

The current crisis also makes it more difficult for victims to seek help. We know that

domestic violence is rooted in power and control. Right now, we are all feeling a lack of control

over our lives, and an individual who cannot manage that will take it out on their victim.” (Ray

Jones) The result of the statements of the victims shows that they don't know where exactly to go

whenever this happens and make it even worse because of the policy being implemented that

they thought they cannot go to Police Station or Barangay Desk. Some of the victims choose this

violence to continue and happen because they wanted to save the relationship for the family

according to (2021 Women Against Abuse) many survivors are not sure that leaving would be

the best for their children especially if the children are not being abused directly.

3.5 How lockdown policy affects their condition especially their health. Majority of

the participants experience health problems when the lockdown policy was implemented. Their

problem mostly concentrated on physical health caused by lack of food and violence inflicted on

them and emotional health and mental breakdowns such as anxiety, trauma, and stress brought

by the pandemic.

Due to COVID-19, domestic violence victims face a range of mental and physical health

challenges. Domestic violence is a public health crisis that affects all demographics and could

result in significant morbidity and mortality. (Su et al. 2021) 45% of women survivors of

domestic abuse responding to the Crime Survey of England and Wales 2012/13 reported mental

or emotional problems as an effect of the abuse. Most people experience physical health

problems because of a lack of food that only sustains energy for them to live every day resulting

in them losing weight. Most of them experience emotional and mental health problems that the

pandemic aggravates because they don't have any support or to talk with because most of their

time they are spent at home.


3.6 What was the changes caused by the abuser to them and their family due to

pandemic. Majority of the participants experience changes in their families caused by the abuser

due to pandemics. The changes mostly focused on changes in the relationship. Most feel bad and

no longer happy because there's a great change that can never be fixed and just stay for the

family, one of them is happy because the abuser is in jail now. Most of the challenges of the

pandemic become stabilized because of the experience which serves as a reason to be more brave

and strong.

Families or individuals who have experienced domestic violence are in the process of

healing both physically and emotionally from multiple traumas. These traumas can have various

effects on the mind, body, and spirit. It is natural to experience these and acknowledging the

effects can be an important first step in embarking on a process towards restoration and healing.

(2021 Arizona Coalition To End Sexual and Domestic Violence) Most of them healed over time

and by the choice, become stronger and bolder.


Based on the findings of the data gathered, the researchers conclude the following:

1. Most of the victim’s partners lost their jobs once the pandemic started and even their

income is not sufficient for their family's needs. With that lack of income, it resulted in

arguments, fights, and abuse. They also don't live in their own houses and their family

isn’t usually that big.

2. Since the pandemic started and they have lost their jobs, it bought a lot of stress and

frustration to their partners as they have families to feed by the time they got home. This

results in low income, mainly financial vulnerabilities as the abuser feels pressure from

their family, which causes violence whether it may be physical or verbal as long as it has

an intention to hurt their partner.

3. The pandemic aggravates the abuse experienced by the victim because of having more

time in isolation from their partner. Victims have a lot in common when it comes to their

children, they are thinking about what is best for the well-being of their children and they

wanted to have a complete family that's why they still choose to be with their partner

despite the abuse hoping they might change.


The following are the recommendation of the researchers based on the data and


1. The researchers recommend the continuation of using social media as a platform to

spread awareness to people regarding cases of Domestic Violence and also to use it as a

medium between the Agency and the victim.

2. The researchers recommend that health and social service providers develop safeguards

to strengthen their documentation of abuse and family violence histories in both

individual and group records, regardless of whether the abuse is reported to authorities.

3. Collaborative strategies among caseworkers, police, and prosecutors, are recommended

to improve the victim's compliance with treatment as well as the certainty of the use of

sanctions in addressing domestic violence.


4. The researchers also recommend that home visitation programs in the community should

be imposed to determine the family situation in every household to prevent domestic


5. People, especially those who are females, those who are married and/or live with their

partners that are experiencing domestic violence are encouraged to be more vocal in

communicating with others. In doing so, researchers suggest sharing your concerns with a

trusted friend, family member, or neighbor to lessen the burden they carried.

6. Researchers recommend conducting a council for those families who had relationship

conflicts and issues so that they could fix their problems.


Table of Contents

Preliminaries Page

Approval Sheet ………………………………………… i

Title Page ………………………………………………. ii

Acknowledgment ………………………………………… iii

Dedication ………………………………………………. iv

Abstract with Keywords … … ... … … … … … … … … … … … v

Table of Contents … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. xix

List of Tables … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. xxi

List of Appendices … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. xxii

Chapter 1

Background of the Study … … … … … … … … … … … … … ... .. 1

Statement of the Problem …………………………………… 7

Assumptions … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 7

Significance of the Study … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 7

Scope and Limitations …………………………………………… 9

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literatures ……………………………… 11

Thematic Review … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. 11

Consequences of COVID‐19 on Domestic Violence … … … … … … … 11

Policing Domestic Violence … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 13


Victims of Domestic Violence … … … … … … … … … … … … 15

Cross-cultural perspectives … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 16

Perspective and correlates to Domestic Violence … … … … … … … 19

Synthesis ……………………………………………………. 19

Theoretical Framework ………………………………………… 21

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………… 23

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………… 28

Chapter 3

Methodology … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 32

Research Design ……………………………………………. 32

Research Instrument … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …. 33

Chapter 4

Results and Discussions ……………………………………… 34

Chapter 5

Summary … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 80

Conclusion …………………………………………………. 81

Recommendation …………………………………………… 82

References … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 83

Appendices …………………………………………………… 87

Curriculum Vitae … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 158


List of Tables

Sub-Problem 2 Page

Table 2.1 ……………………………………………… 37

Table 2.2 ……………………………………………… 42

Table 2.3 ……………………………………………… 45

Table 2.4 ……………………………………………… 47

Table 2.5 ……………………………………………… 49

Table 2.6 ……………………………………………… 52

Sub-Problem 3

Table 3.1 ……………………………………………… 54

Table 3.2 ……………………………………………… 60

Table 3.3 ……………………………………………… 63

Table 3.4 ……………………………………………… 69

Table 3.5 ……………………………………………… 73

Table 3.6 ……………………………………………… 76


List of Appendices

Appendix A …………………………………………………… 88

Appendix B …………………………………………………… 95

Appendix C …………………………………………………… 98

Appendix D …………………………………………………… 101

Appendix E …………………………………………………… 103

Appendix F …………………………………………………… 106




Background of the Study

Every year, millions of people all over the world are victims of domestic violence.

Domestic violence can be one of the most difficult situations to talk about and escape from. It

can happen to anyone – women, men, children, spouses and even friends. No one is immune to

domestic violence.

Domestic violence which is already an epidemic across the world, spikes when

households were placed under the increased strains that come from security, money worries, and

cramped and confined living conditions according to WHO. Before pandemic, it was estimated

that one in three women will experience violence during their lifetimes, a human rights violation

that also bears an economic cost of US$1.5 trillion. Many of these women are now trapped at

home with their abusers and are at increased risk of other forms of violence as overloaded

healthcare systems and disrupted justice services struggle to respond. Women especially

essential and informal workers, such as doctors, nurses and street vendors are at heightened risk

of violence as they navigate deserted urban or rural public spaces and transportation services

under lockdown. More domestic violence helplines and shelters across the world are reporting

rising calls for help. In several countries, domestic violence reports and emergency calls have

surged upwards of 25 percent of social distancing measures were enacted. Such numbers are also

likely to reflect only the worst cases. In Argentina, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the United

Kingdom, and the United States, government authorities, women's rights activities and ,civil

society partners have flagged increasing reports of domestic violence during the crisis, and

heightened demand for emergency shelter.

Over a quarter of women aged 15-49 years who have been in a relationship have been

subjected to physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner at least once in their

lifetime (since age 15). The prevalence estimates of lifetime intimate partner violence range from

20% in the Western Pacific, 22% in high-income countries and Europe, and 25% in the WHO

Regions of the Americas to 33% in the WHO African region, 31% in the WHO Eastern

Mediterranean region, and 33% in the WHO South-East Asia region.

Globally as many as 38% of all murders of women are committed by intimate partners. In

addition to intimate partner violence, globally 6% of women report having been sexually

assaulted by someone other than a partner, although data for non-partner sexual violence are

more limited. Intimate partner and sexual violence are mostly perpetrated by men against


Lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic impacts have

increased the exposure of women to abusive partners and known risk factors, while limiting their

access to services. Situations of humanitarian crises and displacement may exacerbate existing

violence, such as by intimate partners, as well as non-partner sexual violence, and may also lead

to new forms of violence against women. A Philippine National Demographic and Health survey

said in 2017 that one in four Filipino women aged 15-49 has experienced physical, emotional or

sexual abuse by their partner or husband. Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte told reporters that

around 602 women, or an average of eight per day, were maltreated or raped across the country

from March 17 to May 23. She said Quezon City’s women and children’s desk now receives at

least 12 complaints of domestic abuse per week. Before the pandemic began, the number was

around five. A woman, who only wished to be identified as Amanda, decided to leave her

husband after he began physically abusing her. She said her husband’s moods went from bad to

worse after he lost his job due to mass retrenchment. Like Amanda, many Filipino women stay in

abusive relationships because of social stigma against separated women.

Many also remain because they think they will not be financially independent to support

their children’s needs and education. Coronavirus has not only taken away lives but has also

unleashed abusive husbands to harm their wives with acrimonious words and hurting hands. Few

women like Amanda have the courage to file legal suits. Most would rather keep quiet about

their abusive relationship and go with the flow, or hope things change for the better. The study

aims to find out the factors that affects the rate of domestic violence during the pandemic

lockdown. The researchers wants to find out either the increased time spent at home is the cause

of increasing reported cases or underreporting is the cause of the decreasing reported cases of

domestic violence.

The Philippine Center for Women’s Resources reported that more than 16 million

Filipino women were “economically insecure.” The report also showed that poorer women were

more vulnerable to abuse because they could not defend themselves. And now that coronavirus is

spreading like the angel of death, many Filipino women have no choice but to stay at home and

face the reality of abuse or leave an abusive relationship that cripples the mind and the soul.

"Women and children who experience abuse are trapped inside their homes with their

abusers, and have nowhere to go. Most of these women are not able to seek help because they

fear being overheard by their abusive partners or are stopped from leaving home," said the

Commission in Human Rights in a statement on April 5. Data from the PCW obtained by

Rappler shows that 804 incidents of gender-based violence and violence against women and

children were reported from March 15 to April 30 – the period when Luzon and other parts of the

country were on lockdown. The number was taken by PCW from the Philippine National Police's

Women Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC).

The study wants to find out the possibility of increasing the rate is it because of the

increased time spent at home of people. On the other hand, since we are under the pandemic

victims can't go out to send report of the case happened.

It's either increasing numbers is because of the increased time spent at home or because

of the underreporting the reported cases is decreasing. And if so, to know what is the possible

causes of underreporting. This will be help to know if the victims of the case is scared to report

because the abuser is their relative or they live in the same house. Or because they are afraid of

going outside because of the covid-19 pandemic or they don't know where to report or people

can help them.

Given that our judicial process is already slow is one thing in domestic violence cases but

during this pandemic makes it even harder for victims especially children to make a report in

these given circumstances. Another problem is that in PNP, some officers shows little knowledge

in the RA 9262 and if this is the case, how are victims going to turn in information of their

perpetrator if the authorities themselves aren't well-rounded. It has also been an issue that

authorities demonstrated "gender insensitivity" advising victims, specifically women to reconcile

with their partners. And these gives us reason to conduct research for readers to be aware of the

issue itself existing and aggravating when the pandemic occurred. The study seeks what does the

Local Government did to reach out to the victims of domestic violence.

There are so many Laws, rules and regulations that can help prevent domestic violence in

the Philippines especially about women but the researchers found out that there are still wrongs

in the present system including the official data they have does not present coherent pictures of

violence against women in the Philippines (NCRFW 2008a, 2,5), most commonly male officers

are assigned to work on the WCPD (ADB et al. 2008,76) and some police officers and barangay

officials have an adequate knowledge of RA 9262 and also some members of PNP shows gender

insensitivity (Al Philippines/WWTSVAW 2009, 34-35). The researchers are full of desires to

conduct this study to improve or enrich those wrong in the present system.

The researcher aims to know whether the covid-19 pandemic lockdown policy increases

or decreases the report of domestic violence. Since cities have gone into lockdown to stop the

spread of coronavirus, the mass efforts to save lives have put one vulnerable group more at risk.

Women and children who live with domestic violence have no escape from their abusers during


The pandemic heightened tensions at home that have likely led to an increase in domestic

violence. Recently, the Commission on Population and Development (Popcom) renewed its call

for the protection of Filipino women after a recent Social Weather Stations survey showed that 1

out of 4, or 25 percent, of Filipino adults nationwide cited violent acts against women as among

the most pressing concerns of women during the pandemic. Of the 25 percent of Filipinos

nationwide, 11 percent mentioned physical violence as a concern, while 7 percent cited sexual

violence and 7 percent, emotional violence. The figure was higher for Manila: 29 percent (13

percent physical, 7 percent sexual, 9 percent emotional). In the rest of Luzon, it was 28 percent

(13 percent physical, 7 percent sexual, 8 percent emotional).

Setting of the Study

This study focuses within the Baseco Compound, Manila particularly in the Barangay

649. Barangay 649 is situated at approximately 14.5886, 120.9608, in the island of Luzon.

Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 5.1 meters or 16.7 feet above mean sea level. It is

recognized as one of the biggest urban poor communities in the Philippines with over 60,000


Figure 1

Barangay 649, Baseco Compound, Manila


Statement of the Problem

This research aims to study the victims of domestic violence during time of pandemic in

Baseco, Manila. In view of this, the researchers will sought to answer the following sub-


1. What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence in terms of age during the time of


2. What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time

of pandemic?

3. How lockdown policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the

time of pandemic?


The researchers assume that the common victims of domestic violence are those women

who have the age of 18-25 years old living with abusive partners.

The researchers also assumed that the Covid-19 Pandemic lockdown aggravates the cases of

domestic violence because of the increased time at home.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study were of significant contribution to the following:

Victims of Domestic Violence –The result of the study will give them additional knowledge on

how the report domestic violence happened at home and learn the new platform that are used to

report such hotlines since quarantine began. This information will help them to safeguard

themselves from their perpetrator and prevent even more serious incidents of domestic violence

at the same time they can report whether online or to their respective area due to pandemic and

prevent future victimization.

Barangay Women’s Desk – By this research they will have additional information about the

victims of domestic violence. They can also create more appropriate strategies, techniques, other

guidelines or some recommendations that are related to the goodness of the victims of domestic


PNP Women’s Desk – This information can be used by PNP Women’s Desk Personnel to

identify the victims or the suspects of Domestic Violence that is probably under reported. They

can also create some additional tips that are related to domestic violence that will be significant

on understanding the situation of the victims. The idea suggested will become essential to the

future investigation and information of cases.

Women and Children Protection Center – The study and the results that will be gathered from

it will be beneficial to the Women and Children Protection Center in such a way as to further

enhance the activities were initiated by this Center. Profiles of victims will help them to focus

more on prevention of domestic violence. In this way, investigative methods and techniques

might be developed to capture offenders and determine victimization.

Local Government – Based on the results of the study, the city government of Manila especially

the Barangay in Baseco, Manila will be informed of the under reported cases which includes

profile of the victims of living in Baseco Manila. In the same way, once the victims have been

profiled successfully, the local government will be able to find additional ways, rules, policies

and programs on how to prevent more serious cases and by knowing the effect will able help and

understand the situation of domestic violence victims.

National Government – The study and its results will aid the government in producing effective

and efficient programs that will help to understand the seriousness of domestic violence. In this

manner, they will have a basis on creating and passing laws that will help in the process of law

for domestic violence.

Future Researchers –This will serve as a baseline information regarding to the victim profile of

domestic violence that can be utilize in the future study for the development and improvement of

domestic violence cases. This study will serve as their foundation that will give them a

background or an overview about the victims of domestic violence and the effect of to the life of


Scope and Limitations

This study focuses and covers only the following:


This study focuses within the Baseco Compound, Manila particularly in the Barangay



This research aims to study the victims of domestic violence during time of pandemic in

Baseco, Manila. Specifically, it sought to acquire the profile of the victims of domestic violence,

the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of pandemic,

and how lockdown policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the

time of pandemic.


The participants of the study are the residents of Baseco, Manila. The ten (10) selected

residents of the Barangay 649 are the one who asked or the respondents of the study.

Time Frame

This research was conducted during the 2nd semester of school year 2020-2021 and 1st

semester of school year 2021-2022 covering the period of eight (8) months.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the various information that have been gathered by the researchers

from books, internet, surveys and studies that has reviewed and has considered to be relevant to

the research study; these references have given the researchers a good overview related to the

present study.

Thematic Review

Consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence

A very recent article published in The Guardian (2020) reported on how the surge of

domestic violence cases is a pattern being repeated globally. Reporting from several different

countries, the article highlighted alarming figures, for example a rise of 40% or 50% in Brazil. In

one region of Spain, the government claimed that calls to its helpline had risen by 20% in the

first few days of the confinement period and in Cyprus, calls to a similar hotline rose 30% in the

week after the country confirmed its first case of coronavirus. In the UK, Refuge, one of the

leading domestic abuse organizations reported that calls to the UK Domestic Violence Helpline

increased by 25% in the seven days following the announcement of tighter social distancing and

lockdown measures by the government. During the same period, there was a 150% increase in

visits to the Refuge website. Governments across the globe are imposing necessary draconian

measures to try to level the curve of the virus and to delay its peak. In the UK where we both live

and work, we have listened to what has become a well ‐rehearsed mantra: Stay Home; Protect

the National Health Service (NHS); Save Lives. We use this editorial to propose the pandemic

paradox, to unravel and problematize these measures in terms of what they mean for those who

are living and surviving abusive relationships.

According to NZFVC, (2020) around the world, as communities have gone into

lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus, the mass efforts to save lives have put women in

abusive relationships more at risk.

As stated by Jackson, (2020)they raised the emerging concern as to whether domestic

violence rates would rise as a result of the “lockdown” that is being imposed by many countries

across the globe. Although these measures vary, to some degree, in their timing and severity,

they generally require that people stay at home and only leave for an essential reason such as

buying food, collecting medication or carrying out a key worker role. At the time of writing this

first editorial, the concern was expressed as speculation, a questioning as to whether it might

happen. Within such a short time span, there is clear evidence that we need to speculate no more.

Domestic violence rates are rising, and they are rising fast.

While Ingala Smith,(2020) states that In terms of saving lives, one of the most serious

manifestations of intimate partner and familial abuse is domestic homicide. In the UK,

approximately two women are killed every week by their current or ex ‐partner. During the

COVID‐19 pandemic, reports have emerged of an apparent increase in domestic homicides in a

number of affected countries. In March 2020, Spain (a country that has been particularly hard hit

by the pandemic) saw its first domestic violence fatality just 5 days following lockdown; a

woman was murdered by her husband in front of their children in Valencia. There is also

emerging evidence of an increased number of domestic homicides in the UK since the lockdown

restrictions were enacted.

Policing Domestic Violence

According to Candela (2016) all states have domestic violence statutes that offer legal

remedies to victims of intimate partner abuse. To qualify for these remedies, the victim must

demonstrate that they have been subject to certain elements of abuse. Thus, the definition of

abuse under these statutes is crucial, as it determines who qualifies as a victim of abuse and as a

result is afforded legal protection. Despite the clear importance of an efficient definition, the

elements of abuse are outlined differently by each state. Two ‐thirds of states define abuse in their

domestic violence statutes as criminal acts or imminent threats or acts of physical violence.

Limiting the definition of abuse to purely physical acts or threats of physical acts does not

address the unforgiving realities of domestic abuse.

In reality, all forms of abuse emotional, economic, and physical are interrelated, and

based on the desire for power and control. Adding the definition of coercive control can

effectively address the complex issues faced by these victims. However, the definition of

coercive control itself must be outlined as a gender‐neutral term. Doing so will address the

numerous plights faced by victims of domestic abuse and afford them the availability of the

protection they deserve. This Note proposes a recognition that coercive control affects all

genders and urges legislatures to adopt language based on proposed legislation in the United

Kingdom that labels and defines coercive control as abuse, permitting its victims to seek legal


As stated by Goodmark (2018) civil legislation is the primary legal to intimate partner

violence in almost all Australian states and territories. The specific questions I am addressing

may relate to peculiarly Australian problem. but the failure of the law to adequately respond to

the justice needs of women affected by violence has also been raised internationally. The

overarching concern is the ability of mainstream law and legal systems to effectively address

men’s domination and control of women; and in this case the intersections of gender, race, and


While Westmarland and Kelly (2012)revealed that ever since domestic violence gained

prominence on the social policy agenda, the focus of interventions has been on victims. A range

of studies on social work/social welfare note the invisibility and/or lack of interventions aimed at

domestic violence perpetrators. The exception has been perpetrator programmes (known in the

USA as batterer intervention programmes, or BIPs), which increasingly receive referrals from

social workers. However, there remains ongoing disagreement internationally about their

effectiveness. Part of this disagreement stems from the failure to consider a broad range of

potential outcomes, with most research focusing on an overly narrow understanding of what

‘success’ means (as no subsequent police callouts or incidents of physical violence). A total of

seventy-three interviews with men on programmes, their partners/ex-partners, programme staff,

and funders and commissioners were undertaken to explore what ‘success’ meant from their

perspectives. Findings reveal that success needs to berede fined and connected not just to

criminal justice, but also to health and social care agendas.

As stated by Guanzon (2017) progressive reforms in laws protecting women was

brought about by several factors beginning with the democratization process that began in the

1986 People Power Revolution after the fall of the Marcos dictatorship, the

1987 Constitution that has specific provisions on the rights of women and fundamental equality

before the law of men and women, the increasing number of women’s organizations in the

provinces with links to Metro Manila based women’s rights organizations, and the participation

of women legislations who are becoming increasingly aware of the need for gender equality and

the elimination of VAW. This period marks the contribution of women legislators who were

elected in the 1988 elections and thereafter.

Victims of Domestic Violence

In 2015 the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights affirmed that violence against

women can be considered as a violation of human rights and dignity. Violence against women

exists in each society and it can be related to any social, economic and cultural status and impact

at the economic level. It includes physical, sexual, economic, religious, and psychological abuse.

Although men experience domestic violence by women, the rate of DV among women is much

higher than that of men, especially in the category of being killed due to DV.

Recent studies have shown that between 13 and 61% of women (15–49 years old) report to have

been physically abused at least once by an intimate partner. Domestic Violence takes place

across different age groups, genders, sexual orientations, economic, or cultural statuses.

However, DV remains largely under-reported due to fear of reprisal by the perpetrator, hope that

DV will stop, shame, loss of social prestige due to negative media coverage, and the sense of

being trapped with nowhere to go:

Hence, it is estimated that 90% of cases of DV continue to be identified as a non-denounced


According to Acquadro Maran and Varetto(2019) among people who suffered of


Domestic Violence with a romantic or non-romantic partner who became their stalker, stalking

victimization entails physical and emotive consequences for both male and female victims.

Females suffered more than males of depressive and anxiety symptoms (although for both

genders symptoms were minimal), while males experienced more anger. Furthermore, both

genders adopted at least one “moving away” strategy in coping with stalking episodes, and the

increasing of stalking behaviors determined a reduction in coping strategies use. This latter

finding is likely to be due to the distress experienced.

While according to Commission of Human Rights (2020) being constantly in the

presence of abusers due to strict stay-at-home orders may also make victims scared of reporting

violence. "Women and children who experience abuse are trapped inside their homes with their

abusers, and have nowhere to go. Most of these women are not able to seek help because they

fear being overheard by their abusive partners or are stopped from leaving home.” This only

aggravates the already low help-seeking behavior of Filipino women even before the COVID-19

pandemic. Only one in 3 Filipinas who have experienced physical or sexual violence sought help

to stop the abuse, according to the 2017 National Demographic and Health Survey conducted by

the Philippine Statistics Authority. Women are also more likely to seek help from their own

family (65% of women respondents) or a friend (18%), based on the same survey.

Related Studies

Cross-cultural perspectives

According to Alesina (2016) cultural factors arising from pre-colonial customs and

socioeconomic conditions determine social norms about gender roles, family structures and

intrafamily violence which persist even when the initial conditions change. Norms about

marriage patterns, living arrangements and the productive role of women are associated with

contemporary violence. Second, women’s contemporary economic role affects violence in a

complex way which is itself related to traditional norms in ancient times and current bargaining

power within the marriage.

Having bride price in the past is associated with a decrease of 11.5 percentage points in the

probability of ever being exposed to spousal violence. This is a very large effect considering that

the average probability of violence in our sample is 27.1 percent. When we use as dependent

variable the violence index (column 2), which counts the number of violence episodes to which

the woman has been subjected, the coefficient on brideprice is −0.35, significant at the 1 percent

level. Interestingly, in line with the argument about the value of wives, the effect of lower actual

violence seems to be driven by a lower acceptance of wife beating on the part of the man: in

brideprice-paying societies the likelihood of justifying a husband’s choice to beat his wife

declines by 6 percentage points for the male sample (column 5) and also the number of

circumstances in which beating is justified by men (column 6) is significantly lower. The

remaining panels of table 5 refer to the economic value of women as determined by traditional

modes of production. We construct a binary variable equal to one if the society used the plough

(whether aboriginal or not) and zero otherwise.21 The coefficients of the variable ‘Plough’ in

columns 1 and 2 of panel B indicate that the descendants of societies that practiced plough

agriculture experience a higher degree of violence today. Women whose ancestors practiced

plough agriculture are 13.2 percentage points more likely to be victims of husband’s aggressions.

This is a large effect, representing a 50 percent increase over the mean. We next consider the role

of overall dependence on agriculture, as opposed to hunting, fishing, gathering and pastoralism.


The idea is that in economies based on agriculture, especially without the plough like in most of

our sample, women could participate more in the labor force and develop a more equal status in

society and in the family, and this may generate norms of greater respect for women, similar to

what we found above for brideprice. Indeed, the qualitative pattern of results in panel C of table

5 is consistent with this interpretation: the dummy ‘Agriculture main source’ displays negative

coefficients in all regressions, although it is only significant when we consider the violence

attitude index for the female sample.

As stated by Domestic Violence Against Women: A Qualitative Study in a Rural

Community (2011) domestic violence is a major contributor to physical and mental ill health of

women and is evident, to some degree, in every society in the world. The World Health Organization

reports that globally 29% to 62% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence by an

intimate partner. Ending gender discrimination and all forms of violence against women requires an

understanding of the prevailing culture of bias and violence. The present study was conducted in a rural

area in India. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted among married women in the age group

of 18 to 35 years. Physical violence was a major cause of concern among these women. Some women

had to suffer even during pregnancy. An alcoholic husband emerged as the main cause for domestic

violence. Husbands' relatives instigating wife beating was also common. Majority of the women

preferred to remain silent despite being victimized. The women feared to resort to law because of

implications such as social isolation. To address this, all sectors including education, health, legal, and

judicial must work in liaison. Gender inequality must be eliminated and equal participation of women

in the decision-making and development processes must be ensured.


Perspectives and Correlates to Domestic Violence

According to International Journal of Advanced Legal Research (2021), today human

beings live in the so-called civilized and democratic society that is based on the principles of

equality and freedom for all. Therefore, there is an automatic inclination towards non-

acceptance of gender discrimination in the society. In order to eliminate it totally from the world,

many International Human Rights organizations advocate for an end to all sorts of discrimination

against women and promote equal rights for women. Many steps are taken by the government in

the form of various policies and programs to promote the status of women and to realize

women's rights. However, these positive actions towards its elimination are not meeting the

required threshold and despite all the efforts, the basic issue that threatens and endangers the

very existence of women is the issue of domestic violence against women.


The following literatures and studies were examined and analyzed to further support the

procedure and findings to the current research. Literature deals with the consequences of covid-

19 on domestic violence. NZFVC, (2020) around the world, as communities have gone into

lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus, the mass efforts to save lives have put women in

abusive relationships more at risk. . The researchers, in the same manner would like to know

whether the covid-19 pandemic lockdown policy increases or decreases the report of domestic


As stated by Domestic Violence Against Women: A Qualitative Study in a Rural

Community (2011) domestic violence is a major contributor to physical and mental ill health of

women and is evident, to some degree, in every society in the world. The World Health Organization

reports that globally 29% to 62% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence by an

intimate partner. Ending gender discrimination and all forms of violence against women requires an

understanding of the prevailing culture of bias and violence. The researchers would like to address the

women feared to resort to law because of implications such as social isolation. To address all sector

including education, health, legal and judicial work. That gender inequality must be eliminated and

equal participation of women in the decision making and development processes must be ensured. It

also supported the statement of Alesina (2016) norms about marriage patterns, living arrangements

and the productive role of women are associated with contemporary violence. Second, women’s

contemporary economic role affects violence in a complex way which is itself related to

traditional norms in ancient times and current bargaining power within the marriage. Wherein

having brideprice in the past is associated with a decrease in the probability of ever being

exposed to spousal violence. This is a very large effect considering that the average probability

of violence in the sample.

Just like what to Candela (2016) all states have domestic violence statutes that offer legal

remedies to victims of intimate partner abuse. To qualify for these remedies, the victim must

demonstrate that they have been subject to certain elements of abuse. Thus, the definition of

abuse under these statutes is crucial, as it determines who qualifies as a victim of abuse and as a

result is afforded legal protection. It is further supported by the statement of Goodmark (2018)

the failure of the law to adequately respond to the justice needs of women affected by violence

has also been raised internationally. The overarching concern is the ability of mainstream law

and legal systems to effectively address men’s domination and control of women; and in this

case the intersections of gender, race, and class. These will be used by the researches to know

how the lockdown policy affects the domestic violence in the time of pandemic since new

policies were made.

The researchers believe that domestic violence in the time of pandemic is on the rise but

there is lack of study in the Philippines that deals with it since many things were change. Just

like Commission of Human Rights (2020) said being constantly in the presence of abusers due

to strict stay-at-home orders may also make victims scared of reporting violence. Women and

children who experience abuse are trapped inside their homes with their abusers, and have

nowhere to go. Most of these women are not able to seek help because they fear being overheard

by their abusive partners or are stopped from leaving home. This only aggravates the study of As

stated by Domestic Violence Against Women: A Qualitative Study in a Rural Community

(2011) domestic violence is a major contributor to physical and mental ill health of women and is

evident, to some degree, in every society in the world.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored to the Routine Activity Theory that was first developed by

Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson in their explanation of crime rate changes in the United

States between 1947 and 1974. The theory has been extensively applied and has become one of

the most cited theories in criminology. Unlike criminological theories of criminality, routine

activity theory studies crime as an event, closely relates crime to its environment and emphasizes

its ecological process, thereby diverting academic attention away from mere offenders.

The premise of routine activity theory is that crime is relatively unaffected by social

causes such as poverty, inequality, and unemployment. For instance, after the World War II, the

economy of Western countries stated to boom and the welfare states were expanding. Despite

this, crime rose significantly during this time. According to Cohen and Felson, the reason for

increase is that the prosperity of contemporary society offers more opportunities for crime to


Routine Activity Theory has its foundation in human ecology and Rational Choice

Theory. Over time, the theory has been extensively employed to study sexual crimes, robberies,

cybercrimes, residential burglary and corresponding victimizations among others.

The theory stipulates three necessary conditions for most crime; a likely offender, a

suitable target, and the absence of a capable guardian, coming together in time and space.

Routine Activity Theory is based on the assumption that crime can be committed by anyone who

has the opportunity. The theory also states that the victims are given choices on whether to be

victims mainly by not placing themselves in situations where a crime can be committed against


This theory is related in the current study because it can be seen that all of the three

elements required for the crime to occur while we are at home. As cities have gone into

lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus, the mass efforts to save lives have put one

vulnerable group more at risk. Women and children who live with domestic violence have no

escape from their abusers during quarantine.

Criminal incidents involve the physical convergence of three elements: a motivated

offender; a suitable target; and the absence of a capable guardian. Felson refers to "capable

guardians" as persons who provide informal social control through watching, warning,

sanctioning, etc. Becker and Coleman (1988) find that ages 4 to 9 years are the highest risk years

for children in sexually abusive families. During these years children are most naive and

vulnerable to adult manipulation. Target or victim suitability is directly linked to the third

condition in the routine activity theory of criminal events, i.e., the absence of capable guardians.

Becker and Coleman (1988) contend that girls who are sexually molested tend to have mothers

who are weak, sexually frigid, and submissive to husbands; moreover, these mothers seek role

reversal, encouraging their daughters to act more like wives and mothers in the home. Isolation

of the family is another critical variable that reduces external inhibitions against domestic

violence. The convergence of these factors in domestic violence is analyzed; the potential of

routine activity theory in explaining domestic abuse is assessed.

Conceptual Framework

This study is conceptually anchored on the provisions of Republic Act 9262 or the Anti-

Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004. It aims to address the legal issues

concerning violence and threats committed against women and children. It is hereby declared

that the State values the dignity of women and children and guarantees full respect for human

rights. The State also recognizes the need to protect the family and its members particularly

women and children, from violence and threats to their personal safety and security. Towards

this end, the State shall exert efforts to address violence committed against women and children

in keeping with the fundamental freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution and the Provisions

of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the convention on the Elimination of all forms of

discrimination Against Women, Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international

human rights instruments of which the Philippines is a party.

Section 5 of this law discusses the violence offenses including physical, sexual,

psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery,

assault, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty against women which is specifically the focus

of the current study.

(a) Causing a physical harm to the woman or her child;

(b) Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical harm;

(c) Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical harm;

(d) Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm;

(e) Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her child to engage in conduct

which the woman or her child has the right to desist from or desist from conduct

which the woman or her child has the right to engage in, or attempting to restrict or

restricting the woman’s or her child’s freedom of movement or conduct by force or

threat force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or other harm, or

intimidation directed against the woman or child. This shall include, but not limited

to, the following acts committed with the purpose or effect of controlling or

restricting the woman’s or her child’s movement o conduct:

(1) Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the woman or her child of

custody to his/her family;

(2) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of financial

support legally due her or her family, or deliberately providing the woman’s

children insufficient financial support;

(3) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her child of a legal tight;

(4) Preventing the woman in engaging in any legitimate profession, occupation,

business or activity or controlling the victim’s own money or properties, or

solely controlling the conjugal or common money, or properties.


(f) Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on oneself for the purpose of

controlling her actions or decisions;

(g) Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to engage in any sexual

activity which does not constitute rape, by force or threat of force, physical harm, or

through intimidation directed against the woman or her child or her/his immediate


(h) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct, personally or through another,

that alarms or causes substantial emotional or psychological distress to the woman or

her child. This shall include, but not be limited to, the following acts:

(1) Stalking or following the woman or her child in public or private places;

(2) Peering in the window or lingering outside the residence of the woman or her


(3) Entering or remaining in the dwelling or n the property of the woman or her

child against her/his will.

(4) Destroying the property and personal belongings or inflicting harm to animals

or pets of the woman or her child; and

(5) Engaging in any forms of harassment or violence.

(i) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or humiliation to the woman or

her child, including, but not limited to, repeated verbal and emotional abuse, and

denial of financial support or custody of minor children of access to the woman’s


This Law will support the researchers study by having knowledge that there’s a Law

existing that can stop or lessen the record of domestic violence which protects women

from their offender/s. This Law tells the victim that the violence they have been

experienced can be stop and must be stop. They can used it to protect themselves from

the situation of being the victims of domestic violence and this is the tool to punish those

persons who violates it.

Input Process Output

This research aims to study  Identifying and  Identification of the

the victims of domestic searching for profile of the victims
violence during time of the respondents of domestic violence
pandemic in Baseco, during the time of
Manila. In view of following pandemic.
 Conducting
1. What is the profile of the Interview  Identification of the
victims of domestic violence possible causes of

Figure 2

Paradigm of the Study

Figure 2 Represent the Paradigm of the Study. This are the Input, Process and Output of Study,

wherein the researcher will use the interview method to gather information from the respondents

in order to determine and identify the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic, possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

pandemic, the effects of lockdown policy to the victims of the domestic violence during the time

of pandemic.

Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have been defined.

The following terms are:

Abusive- extremely offensive and insulting.

Acrimonious- (typically of speech or a debate) angry and bitter.

Anguish- severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

Arbitrary- based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

Assault- An assault is the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a

person or, in some specific legal definitions, a threat or attempt to commit such an action.

Battery- the crime or tort of unconsented physical contact with another person, even where the

contact is not violent but merely menacing or offensive.

Burglary- entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.

Coercion- practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Complaint- the plaintiff’s reason for proceeding in a civil action.

Coronavirus- is a common virus that causes an infection in nose, sinuses, or upper throat.

Cramped- feeling or causing someone to feel uncomfortably confined or hemmed in by lack of


Crisis- any event that will lead or may lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting

individual, group or society.

Deprived- suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and cultural benefits.

Discrimination- the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things,

especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

Displacement- lacking a home, country, etc. moved or put out of the usual or proper place.

Domestic Violence- violent or aggressive behavior within home, usually involving physical and

mental abuse of spouse or partner.

Epidemic- a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Exacerbated- to worsen; to make things worse.

Gender-based Violence- is violence that is directed at an individual based on his or her

biological sex or gender identity.

Gender Insensitivity- process by which people are made aware of how gender plays a role in

life through their treatment of others.

Humanitarian crises- events that are threatening in terms of health, safety or well-being of a

community or large group of people. It may be an internal or external conflict and usually occurs

throughout a large land area.


Intimate- closely acquainted; familiar or close.

Intimidation- the action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated.

Lockdown- in this case, it is an emergency protocol implemented by authorities to prevent

people from leaving their area.

Maltreated- treat a person cruelly or with violence.

Pandemic- usually referring to disease prevalent over the whole country or the world.

Prevalence- widely accepted; common.

Perpetrated- carry out or to commit; usually to cause harm, illegal and/or immoral actions.

Reconcile- restore friendly relations between two or more parties.

Retrenchment- the reduction of costs or spending in response to economic difficulty.

Spouse-a husband or wife, considered in relation to their partner.

Stigma- a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

Strains- to draw tight: cause to fit firmly strain the bandage over the wound

Unemployment- the state of being unemployed.

Underreporting- fail to report (something) fully.

Victim- a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or


Vulnerable- susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.


WHO- World Health Organization




This chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It also describes the

respondents of the study, the research instruments, the procedure of data gathering and statistical

treatment that will be used for accurate data analysis and interpretation.

Research Design

This study utilize Qualitative Research Design, specifically a Case Study Method.

According to several prominent qualitative scholars, Qualitative research is a systematic

subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. It is intended to

deeply explore, understand and interpret social phenomena within its natural setting. Creswell

(2002); Pope & Mays (1995)

By using a qualitative researcher methodology, researchers want to collect richer

information and get more detailed picture of issues, cases or events. It is said that the goal of this

research design is to gain insight; explore the depth, richness, and complexity inherent in the


This method suited the current study because it will help the researchers in describing in-

depth the experience of one person, family, or group in domestic violence in this time of

pandemic. After its analysis and interpretation, the distinguished data will help to the

recommendations for further betterment, development, and understandings.


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are ten (10) victims of the domestic violence who lives in

Baseco, City of Manila. The respondents must be female, aged 18-45 years. They encounter

either physical violence, sexual violence, or emotional violence. They will aid the researchers in

identifying the problems encountered in solving domestic violence also evaluate the problems

experienced by the victims.

Research Instruments

The main tool to be used in gathering data is an interview of the key informant. The

researchers drafted a personalized questionnaire in gathering data. It composed of main questions

and follow-up questions. This interview questionnaire guide will be use during the online

interview. Each part of interview questionnaire will answer the effects of pandemic lockdown

in the victims of domestic violence.

The interview guide contains of three parts:

1. Identification of the profile of the victims of the domestic violence during the time of


2. Identification of the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic.

3. Identification of the effects of lockdown policy to the victims of the domestic violence

during the time of pandemic.



Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the data gathered from the respondents and herein interpreted

based on the results of the interview and observation.

Sub-Problem 1: What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time of


According to the interview findings, participant 001, age 26, is a victim of domestic

violence perpetrated by her husband. They are married and have two children. They do not own a

home; instead, they are tenants. The house has a total of four (4) occupants. She stated that prior

to the pandemic, both of them had jobs, but when the pandemic struck, she was the only one who

remained employed. In this time of pandemic, she earns Php 9,000 per month, which is

insufficient to meet the family's basic needs. Her relationship with her husband was influenced

by their income. She claimed that rather than working to find a solution, her husband chose to

spend time with his friends. When their income is insufficient, they become irritable, which leads

to an argument. She also stated that there are times when she considers divorcing her husband.

But, having come from a broken family, she didn't want her children to go through the same.

Participant 002, an 18-year-old woman, is a victim of domestic violence perpetrated by

her husband. They have a child and are married. They are currently residing at her mother-in-

law’s residence. There were a total of eight (8) people in the house. She and her husband are both

employed. They earned a total of Php 3,600. She stated that this is insufficient to meet their daily

needs. It has an impact on her relationship with her husband. When they don't have enough

money, they get angry because they can't buy milk for their child, which leads to a fight. Their

parents decided to split them up because they were constantly fighting, but they ended up living

together again for the sake of their child.

Participant 003, a 23-year-old woman who is not married but lives with her partner, is a

victim of domestic violence perpetrated by her partner. They live with their child in their own

home. In total, there were three people in the house. They both had jobs prior to the pandemic,

but when it arrived, only she had a job. Her total monthly income is Php 5,000. She claims that

this is insufficient to meet the family's basic needs. It has a significant impact on her marriage.

She feels bad every time they fight, which sometimes results in abuse.

Participant 004, a 30-year-old woman who lives with her partner and is not married, is a

victim of domestic violence perpetrated by her partner. She shares a home with her husband and

two children, for a total of four people. They do not own a home; instead, they are tenants. She

was the only one who worked. Her total monthly income is Php 6,000. She stated that this is

insufficient to meet her family's daily needs. It has an impact on her relationship with her

husband. They always fight because they don't have enough money. She also stated that it has an

effect on their children because whenever they fight, their children panic.

Participant 005, a married 43-year-old woman, is a victim of domestic violence

perpetrated by her husband. They have their own home and live with their two children, making

a total of four people in the house. They are both employed. Weekly, she is offered 350 pesos in

the unit. Her husband, on the other hand, is a construction worker whose job is insecure. Their

monthly earnings are Php 6,000. She stated that this is still insufficient to meet the needs of their

family. Their relationship suffers as a result. They were always fighting. Every time her husband

hurt her, she felt disappointed in him.

Participant 006, 37 years old, living with a partner, unmarried, has been a victim of

domestic violence perpetrated by her partner. They live in their own home with their five

children, making a total of seven people in the house. They both don't have a steady job. She

claimed that every week, each of them earned Php 100. She went on to say that this is

insufficient to meet their family's needs. They are unable to purchase rice. It has an impact on her

relationship with her husband. Because of this, they were always in squabbles.

Participant 007 is 41 years old, lives with her partner, and is not married. She is a victim

of domestic violence perpetrated by her partner. They shared the house with their two children,

making a total of four people. They do not own a home; instead, they are tenants. She and her

husband both had jobs prior to the pandemic. But when the pandemic struck, only she was

available. She was paid Php 5,000 per month. She stated that this is insufficient to meet the needs

of the family. It has an impact on her relationship with her husband. She stated that, despite the

fact that she is the one who provides for the needs of their family, she is still hurt by her husband.

According to the interview results, the victims of domestic violence range in age from 18

to 45 years old. The majority of them were cohabiting with their partners but were not married.

They share a home with their partners and their children. The smallest number of family

members they had in their home was four (4), and the largest number was eight (8). Their

partners were the ones who abused them. They are all parents. Two is the greatest number of

children they have, and one is the smallest. Some of them own homes, but the majority of them

are tenants.

They all had jobs with their partners before the pandemic, but when it arrives, their

partners are out of work. Each of them made less than ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000) per

month. This income has a significant impact on their relationship with their husband. Because

their monthly income was insufficient, they argued, which resulted in violence from their

husbands. The victims stated that they sometimes wanted to leave their partners but stayed for

the sake of their children.

Sub-Problem 2. What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the

subject during the time of pandemic?

Table 2.1

Participants Responses as to Which Violence that the Abuser Inflict them

Question Maaari mo bang ilahad ang uri ng pang-aaabuso saiyo? (Can you describe

which violence that inflict you?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Pisikal tyaka emosyonal. Dun sa pisikal hindi Transcript A page 4

naman as in sobrang sakitan kumbaga nadadala

sya ng galit nya. Pero may isa o dalawang beses

na nasaktan nya ako at nagkaroon ako ng pasa sa

braso at binti. Dun naman po sa emosyonal, yung

mga masasakit na pananalitaan nya. Hindi nya


iniisip na sobra na yung mga sinasabi nya.”

(Physically and emotionally. Physically, he was

in some discomfort, but his rage was under

control. However, he injured me once or twice,

and I had bruises on my arm and leg as a result.

On the other hand, because of his nasty

statements, he has harmed me emotionally. He

does not believe that what he says is excessive.)

002 “Minsan po kase kapag mababaw po ang kita Transcript B page 3

niya sa trabaho, syempre iinit din ang ulo ko lalo

na kung kulang sa pang araw araw naming

pangagailangan.” (When his income is

insufficient to provide our daily needs, yet he still

exhausted from work but I get to angry and

that’s the reason for our fight.)

003 “Pagnag-aaway kami, puro sa pisikal. Minsan ay Transcript C page 4

nasasapak nya ako sa galit dala nga nang walang

wala kami.” (Whenever we fight, mostly its

physical. There are times where he hit me due to

anger since we had nothing.)

004 “Pisikal tyaka emosyonal. Una po talagang yung Transcript D page 4

verbal na pang aabuso kasi nagsasabe na po sya


ng hindi magagandang salita tungkol sa akin pag

nagtatalo kami at pagmumura po saken. Tapos

pisikal po dahil sa hindi pagkakaunaawaan ay

nagkakasakitan na po kami.” (Physical and

emotional abuse. First is the verbal abuse

wherein he says bad things about me and

whenever we argue he says bad words towards

me. In physical abuse because of

misunderstanding, we fight and hurt each other.)

005 “Kawalan ng budget kaya mainit ang ulo at Transcript E page 4

kapag lasing siya kaya minsan nananakit po

siya. Pinapahiya niya ako at nagsasabi ng

masasakit na salita.” (Due to a lack of income,

he is irritable, and when he is drunk, he may be

harsh. He humiliates me and says hurtful words)

006 “Dahil po sa kakulangan sa pera, syempre po Transcript F page 3

iinit ang ulo ko lalo na kung kulang ang pang

araw araw naming gastusin. Syempre mag-aaway

kayo tapos gusto nya eh ayaw ko mainit yung ulo

ko dahil wala ngang pera imbles na gumawa ng

paraan para magkaroon ng pera para makabili ng

pagkain. Minsan po nasasapok, minsan

nasasampal yung mga ganun po,minsan


naitutulak ng malakas tapos dinadakdakan ko pa

po kaya nasasampal niya ako . (Of course we

fought then he wants to do it and I refused

because I’m stressed financially instead of doing

it. We should be earned money to buy foods.

When his income is insufficient to provide our

daily needs, yet he still exhausted from work but

I get angry and that’s the reason for our fight.

Sometimes I got beaten, sometimes I got slapped

and sometimes I’ve been pushed too hard and

then we fought verbally so that he slapped me.)

007 “Palaging mainit ulo at nakasigaw maliit na Transcript G page 3

bagay pinapalaki nya, masasakit na salita yung

binibitawan nya sakin kahit hindi naman dapat

ganun.” Nanampal tsaka nanununtok lalo pag

nakainom sya naranasan ko sakanya. Nakakahiya

sa mga kapit bahay naririnig minumura ako sa

harap ng ibang tao parang nawawalan ako ng

dignidad sa ginagawa nya , napapaisip nalang

ako na makipag hiwalay nakakatrauma kaso

kawawa naman yung mga anak ko. (He was

always hot-headed and shouting small things he

magnifies, he utters hurtful words to me even


though it shouldn't be like that. I got slapped and

punched, especially when he drank. It's

embarrassing for the neighbors, as if I'm losing

my dignity in what he's doing, I just think of

communicating separately, it's a traumatic case

for my children.)

Table 2.1 shows that majority of participants all experience physical and emotional

abuse. These physical abuse consist of hitting, punching and slapping the victim in the face.

Verbal abuse that our participants have experience were mostly profanity, they were called

names and were screamed at even when their children is around. These abusers lose their temper

knowing that they don't have enough money to suffice their needs which resulted in these kinds

of violence. It has also been stated by one our victims that she sometimes provokes her husband

in doing the said abuse by nagging and unnecessary confrontations which give rise to fights and


In the study about COVID-19 Lockdown and the Increased Violence Against Women:

Understanding Domestic Violence During a Pandemic, In Egypt, females reported a 19%

increase in violence among family members with 11% having been exposed to violence by their

husband and verbal abuse being the most form of violence encountered, at 83.4% (UN Women

2020b). In Palestine, service providers to female violence victims noted a 50% increase in call

for help (UN Women Palestine 2020).


Table 2.2

Participants Responses if the Abuser was Experiencing Mental Illness such as Depression

and Anxiety Disorder due to Pandemic Pressure

Question Ang iyong abuser ba ay nakararanas ng sakit sa pag iisip, depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pag iisip bunga ng pandemya? (Is the

abuser diagnosed with any mental illness such as depression and anxiety

disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Stress po sya dala na rin siguro ng paghihirap Transcript A page 5

namin.” (He was stressed maybe because of the

situation we had.)

002 “Wala naman po pero siguro stress lang sa Transcript B page 4

trabaho.” (Nothing, but maybe just stress at


003 “Hindi naman po sya nadiagnosed, siguro dahil Transcript C page 4

lang po talaga sa stressed.” (He is not diagnosed,

maybe because he is stressed)

004 “Stress po sya dala na rin ng pandemic at Transcript D page 4

kakapusan ng pera kaya po siguro sya may

nasasabe at nanakit.” (He was stressed brought

by the pandemic and because of the situation we


had not enough budget that's why he hurts and

says a lot about me.)

005 “Depressed po siguro maam kasi nung nag Transcript E page 4

pandemya, mahirap po ang buhay e. (Maybe

depressed because life was difficult during the


006 “Stress po siguro, dahil po sa kawalan ng kita. Transcript F page 4

Iyong naman po ang dahilan kaya po minsan

nagkakasakitan.” (He may be stressed because

we don’t have income. It is the reason so

sometimes he become assaultive.)

007 “Hindi naman po sya nag pagamot, nakikita ko Transcript G page 4

depression kasi isa sya natanggal sa trabaho

nitong pandemya.” (He didn't get treatment, I

can see depression because he was fired from his

job during this pandemic.)

Table 2.2 Most of our participants have answered that their partners have experienced

stress that was brought by pandemic and there are two respondents who think their partner might

be suffering from depression due to their current situation. These abusers felt the pressure that by

the end of the day they still have families to feed.


In the study of new University of California, Davis, suggests that extra stress in the

COVID-19 pandemic caused by income loss, and lack of ability to pay for housing and food has

exacerbated the often silent epidemic of intimate partner violence. Research participants in the

study completed an online survey asking about previous disaster experience, perceived stress,

their current situation as it relates to COVID-19, if they experienced intimate partner violence,

and what their personal and household demographics were. In all, 374 people completed the

survey. Respondents, whose average age was 47, were asked about how COVID-19 had affected

them financially and otherwise. Of the respondents, 39 reported having experienced violence in

their relationship, and 74 percent of those people were women. Although only 10 percent of the

sample reported experiencing intimate partner violence, the people that had experienced that

violence reported more stress than the segment of the sample that had not experienced it.

Furthermore, the results show that as perceived stress increased, participants were more likely to

end up as victims of violence

Table 2.3

Participants Responses if the Abuser Shows Behavioral Problems

Question May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser shows

behavioral problems?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Opo, lahat naman po tayo may pinapakitang Transcript A page 5

kasamaan ng ugali pero yung sa kanya may

mgapagkakataon na may pagkaisipbata,

immatured.” (Yes, we all have a bad attitude. In

his case, he sometimes acts immatured.)

002 “Yung hindi niya po magandang ugali yung Transcript B page 4

nakakasakit po siya na hindi po niya napipigilan

ang sarili niya.” (When he hit me and that he

can't control himself.)

003 “Opo at naiintindihan ko naman dahil na rin sa Transcript C page 4

sitwasyon namin kaya sya nagkakaganyan.”

(Yes, and I understand him due to our situation,

explaining why he is acting like that.)

004 “Opo minsan, lalo na po pag siya ay lasing Transcript D page 4

nagwawala po sya nagmumura at nagbabalibag

ng mga gamit.” (Yes sometimes, especially when

he is drunk he lose his control he says bad words

and throws thing inside our home.)

005 “Yung hindi niya magandang ugali yung Transcript E page 4


minumura niya ako at masasakit na salita.” (His

terrible manners include offensive language and

hurtful words pointed at me.)

006 “Opo, minsan. Pinagmumura nya ko tapos Transcript F page 4

masasakit na salita na hindi dapat sabihin.” (Yes,

he cursed and bad-mouthed)

007 “Hindi magandang ugali yung nanakit, kung Transcript G page 4

ikaw walang sakit na depression hindi ka

magsasalita ng masasakit sa partner mo.” (The

one who hurt you has bad manners, if you don't

have depression, you won't say hurtful things to

your partner.)

Table 2.3 Our participants responded that their abusers are showing behavioral problems

such as cursing and stating foul words, some can't contain their temper which causes them to

throw and break stuff as a way to vent themselves and show their anger. Their partners are

committing these acts with or without the influence of alcohol.

Some people express anger verbally, by shouting. Sometimes this can be aggressive,

involving swearing, threats, or name-calling.Some people react violently and lash out physically,

hitting other people, pushing them, or breaking things. This can be particularly damaging and

frightening for other people. In a survey by the Mental Health Foundation, 32% of people said

they had a close friend or family member who had trouble controlling their anger and 28% of

people said they worry about how angry they sometimes feel. ( Storch, et al. 2012)

Table 2.4

Participants Responses if the Abuser Engaged with any Activities Cause of Stress Due to


Question Siya ba ay sumasalisa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress ngayong

pandemya? (Is the abuser engaged with any activities cause of stress due to


Participant Answer Reference

001 “Opo unang una po nagkaron po sya ng bisyo. Transcript A page 5

Tapos yun nga napapatambay sya kasama yung

barkada nya, umiinom.” (Yes, he had a vice at

beginning. He was able to hang out with his

mates and drink after that)

002 “Hindi naman po.” (No, he did not.) Transcript B page 4

003 “Opo, madalas po sya nagiinom kasama mga Transcript C page 5

kaibigan nya.” (Yes, he drinks most of the time

with his friends.)


004 “Opo nag iinom sya kaya po nya siguro Transcript D page 5

nasasaktan ako.” (Yes, he was drinking alcohol

that cause him to hurt me.)

005 “Hindi naman po.” (No, he did not.) Transcript E page 4

006 “Opo, umiinom minsan.” (Yes, sometimes he Transcript F page 4

drinks alcohol)

007 “Hindi naman po.” (No, he did not.) Transcript G page 5

Table 2.4 shows that majority of the participants have answered that most of their

abusers are engaged with activities that causes stress when the pandemic started, although there

are few who answered no. To those who have answered yes, most of their partners' vices consist

of drinking alcoholic beverages which is a way for them to cope with stress.

In a study about alcohol use and misuse during the pandemic, A risk factor for the onset

and maintenance of alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorder is trait impulsivity (ie, the tendency

to take risks or act without adequate forethought or reflection). Impulsivity can moderate stress-

induced consumption of alcohol and is also associated with relapse in addicted individuals. Thus,

this period of isolation might lead to a spike in alcohol misuse, relapse, and potentially,

development of alcohol use disorder in at-risk individuals, therefore placing further strain on

addiction and drug and alcohol services, and the health service in general, during and after the

pandemic. ( Clay and Parker 2020)


Table 2.5

Participants Responses About the Possible Causes that Lead the Abuser to Hurt Any of the

Family Members

Question Ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit. (What are the possible

causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 ““Bukod po sa bisyo nya, siguro yung dahilan Transcript A page 5

bakit ganito sya eh dahil nasasakal na sya sakin.

Baka pakiramdam nya ina-under ko sya.” (Aside

from his vice, maybe the reason why he's like

that is because he feels I manipulated him.

Maybe he feels like he’s under my control.)

002 “Kawalan ng trabaho noong pandemic po dahil Transcript B page 5

isa siya sa mga nawalan ng trabaho.” (When he

was one among who lost his job during


003 “Maliban sa paginom nya, madalas dahilan ay Transcript C page 5

yung kakulangan nga sa pera at di rin mabigay

mga pangangailangan namin.” (Aside from


drinking, having no money to provide our needs

is one of the reason the abuse.)

004 “Yun nga po dahil sa pag iinom nya bukod don Transcript D page 5

eh yung pag uwi nya hindi pa ko

nakakapaghanda ng ulam yun po nasisipa nya

ako at nasasaktan.” (Aside from drinking maybe

the reason also is whenever he goes home and

the food is bkt ready he kicks me.)

005 “Kami pong mag ina sinasaktan niya dahil sa Transcript E page 4

kakulangan ng budget at pumupunta mga anak

ko sa divisoria para mamulot ng gulay.” (Due to

a lack of income, he harms me and my 2

children, and my children go to the divisoria to

collect vegetables.)

006 “Kapag nalalasing po pati anak po namin ay Transcript F page 5

nadadamay.” (When he was drunk and our kids

have been affected.)

007 Maaaring yung kakulangan nga po sa pera. Transcript G page 5

(Lack of income)

Table 2.5 and 2.6 both leads to a conclusion that the main reason of the abuse is

Financial vulnerability. As pandemic rises and many went unemployed, people stayed home

frightened that they may get the virus, some even went sick and had to go on isolation giving

them many time at home. This causes financial stress and pressure to citizens making this the

root cause of domestic violence.

The economic impacts of this pandemic are being felt throughout the retail, food,

hospitality, service and entertainment industries, with many businesses and productions

completely shutting down (Sainato, 2020) Individuals who have lost their jobs have no more

income, yet they still have bills to pay and families to feed. They are becoming financially

vulnerable in the wake of the pandemic. Financial vulnerability is a feeling of being exposed to

financial insecurity when individuals are unable to cope financially (Van Aardt, Moshoeu,

Risenga, Pohl, & Coetzee, 2009; Mogaji, Emotional Appeals in Advertising Banking Services,

2018). Today, rising numbers of sick people, growing unemployment, increased anxiety and

financial stress, and a scarcity of community resources have set the stage for an exacerbated

domestic violence crisis. Many victims find themselves isolated in violent homes, without access

to resources or friend and family networks. Abusers could experience heightened financial

pressures and stress, increase their consumption of alcohol or drugs, and purchase or hoard guns

as an emergency measure. Experts have characterized an “invisible pandemic” of domestic

violence during the COVID-19 crisis as a “ticking time bomb” or a “perfect storm.” (Bigio,

Jamille 2021)

Table 2.6

Participants Responses if Financial Capability a Contributing Factor to Cause Violence

Question Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Actually ito po talaga yung unang unang Transcript A page 6

dahilan e. Wala naman tayong magagwa e kase

siguro marami talaga ngayon ganito ang

nararanasan.” (Actually, this is really the first

reason. We can't do anything because maybe a

lot of people are really experiencing this now.)

002 “Opo.” (Yes) Transcript B page 5

003 “Oo kasi mahirap at di rin sapat ang kinikita nya Transcript C page 5

sa trabaho.” (Yes, because its hard and his salary

is not enough for us.)

004 “Ayun po talaga ma'am ang number one naming Transcript D page 5

na problema yung pinansyal kaya po lagi po

mainit ulo.” (Yes, that's the number one problem

of us is financial that's why he's being hot-


005 “Opo” (Yes) Transcript E page 5

006 “Opo” (Yes) Transcript F page 5


007 “Oo kapag nakukulangan kana sa bayarin at Transcript G page 5

pambili ng pagkain lalo na kapag sunod-sunod

na yung bayaran nag sisimula na ang init ng ulo

at hahantong sa pagtatalo.” (Yes, when you are

short on bills and food purchases, especially

when the payments will issue, it will lead to an


Refer to table 2.5

Sub-Problem 3. How lockdown policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the

subject during the time of pandemic?

Table 3.1

Participants Responses on How does Pandemic Affects them to Experience these Kind of

Violence and Does Pandemic Gives them Hard Time to Deal with the Abuser and


Question Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemya sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of



Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya? Paano? (Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the

abuser? How?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Dahil nga po sa pandemic yung mister ko wala Transcript A page 6

ng ibang mahanap na paraan para makahanap ng

pangkain sa araw-araw. Parang feeling ko wala

ng katapusan ang problema. Dahil dito parehas

kami na stress hanggang sa dumating na sa punto

na may nasasaktan na nga.” (Because of the

pandemic, my husband has no other way to find

food for our everyday needs. I feel like there is

no end to our problem. Because of this we both

felt stressed until we get to the point where

someone is already hurting.)

Opo, kase nga mula nung nagkapandemya

palaging aburidos sya sa bahay, palagi na lang

kami nag aaway. Yung mga desisyon nya

tinatama ko pero palagi sya nagagalit.” (Yes,

because since the pandemic he has always been

unsettled at home, we have always been fighting.


Everytime that I’m trying to correct his

decisions, he always got angry.)

002 “Dahil sa mga problema kinakaharap naming Transcript B page 5

mag asawa tulad ng hindi naming

pagkakaintindihan ay nauwi kami sa hiwalayan

pero nagkabalikan po ulit kami.” (My husband

and I split due to problems such as

misunderstanding, but we reunited for the sake of

our child.)

“Opo, dumaan po kami sa ganyang punto pero

syempre hinarap po naming magkasama kase

kung tinakbuhan naming ang problema, wala

pong mangyayare samin.” (Yes, we went through

that point but of course we faced it together

because if we ran into the problem, nothing

would happen to us.)

003 “Nawalan po kami ng trabaho kaya mahirap, Transcript C page 5

nakakastress din kasi kailangan mapunan mga

pangangailangnan naming sa pangaraw-araw

kaya minsan nagkakasakitan.” (We both lost our

jobs so it’s hard for us. It also brings stress as

we need to provide for our needs every day and


that’s why it goes to abuse and fighting.)

“Opo kasi nananakit sya pag di maganda

nangyayare gaya ng walang pera, dahil narin

pandemic kaya mas mahirap.” (Yes, as most of

our fight are due to the fact that we don’t have

any money, and with the pandemic, it makes it


004 “Malaki po ang epekto ng pandemya lalo na po Transcript D page 6

pareho po kaming nawalan ng trabaho lagi po

kaming kapos sa pinansyal na dahilan po bakit

lagi kami nagtatalo.” (The pandemic has great

impact or effect to us partners because we both

stop from working because of the pandemic

that's why we always short in budget which is

because of our argument.)

“Opo, kase nga mula nung nagkapandemya

palagi kaming magkakasama sa bahay dahil sa

kawalan ng trabaho kaya mas madalas ang

pagtatalo.” (Yes, because when the pandemic

started we spent more time together at home due

to stop working policy that's why we argue most

of the time.)

005 “Nung nagkaroon ng pandemic, mahirap ang Transcript E page 5

buhay, walang mapagkukunan ng trabaho at

nauuwi sa pagkakasakitan namin sa isat isa.”

(Life was difficult during a pandemic since there

was no source of work, and we ended up hurting

each other.)

“Dahil sa pandemic nanakit po siya maam at

nakakaranas kami ng gutom dahil wala kaming

makain dahil hindi sapat binibigay niya.” (We

are experiencing hungry because of the

pandemic we don't have anything to eat because

he doesn't give enough, and he was hurting me at

the same time.)

006 “Malaking epekto po dahil nawalan nga po ng Transcript F page 5

trabaho, hindi po naming ito masyado

nararanasan dati. Pinalala po ng pandemya dahil

araw-araw nga po magkakasama.” (It's a big

effect because I lost my job, we haven't

experienced it much before. The pandemic made

it worse because we were together every day.)


Sobrang hirap po talaga. Dahil wala na nga pong

pera tapos magkakasama kayo sa bahay.

Nagkakasawaan. Nagbabangayan.” ( Its very

difficult to me because aside of not having

money, we always argue.)

007 “Sobrang apektado. Bumababa ang kita, Transcript F page 5-6

nawalan ng trabaho. Halos isang taon pandemya

hindi sya nakabalik sa trabaho, sobrang

naapektuhan kame lalo na yung relasyon naming

naging marahas.” (Extremely affected. Income is

declining, jobs are being lost. He was not able to

return to work for almost a year after the

pandemic, we were very affected, especially

since our relationship became violent.)

Table 3.1 shows that majority of the participants have experienced difficulties during the

pandemic such as losing their job and having a hard time without their partners. Their experience

during the pandemic affects their relationship with their partner, spending more time together

causes more arguments, misunderstanding and worst is fighting and hurting each other due to

stress and being grumpy all the time because of a lack of budget for daily needs.

During the initial weeks and months of the COVID-19 crisis, job and income losses have

been particularly severe for everyone. Most the victim particularly says that losing a source of

income is the major problem and reason why they experience domestic abuse. CAGE (2021)

finds that job loss among men raises the chances of perpetration of domestic violence and job

loss among women raises the chances of victimization. They find that men who are eligible for

unemployment benefits are no less likely to commit domestic violence. Major external stressors

for the victim and also the abuser is the pandemic which requires individuals to immediately find

resources for daily necessities that typically turn to in times of stress. Accordingly, individuals

rely heavily on the people closest to them for support in navigating these crises (e.g., Bonanno et

al., 2010). However, reliance on intimate partners has been further heightened during the

COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals across the world were isolated at home from their families for

weeks or months that also a problem because arguments and fights seem to be frequent.

Table 3.2

Participants’ Responses on How they Feel Staying at Home with their Abuser During the


Question Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the


Participant Answer Reference

001 “Nahihiya ako at naawa para sa sarili ko kase Transcript A page 7

ganto yung nararanasan ko dahil sa pakikitungo


nya sakin.” (How he treated me makes me feel

ashamed and sorry for myself.)

002 “Minsan hindi ko nalang po pinapansin kase Transcript B page 6

kung papansin ko pa, magsisimula lang away

namin.” (I don't pay attention because if I do,

we'll argue)

003 “Naiistress ako pero no choice, may anak kami at Transcript C page 6

kailangan magpakatatag para sa kanya.” (I’m

stressed but I have no choice, we have a child

and I have to be strong for him.)

004 “Mahirap po pero tinitiis ko na lang po para sa Transcript D page 6

mga bata lalo na po pandemic mahirap po

magkahiwahiwalay kami at lalong kailangan ako

ng mga anak ko.” (It was so hard for me but I

will endure the difficulties for my children

especially it is pandemic my children needed me


005 “Nagagalit po ako at minsan umiiyak na lang Transcript E page 5

ako, lumalabas ako ng bahay pumupunta ako sa

bahay ng kaibigan ko.” (I get angry and

sometimes I just cry, I go out of the house I go to


my friend's house.)

006 “Gusto ko nang lumayas ng bahay dahil Transcript F page 6

magtatalo lang kami kaso bawal lumabas.” (I

really want to go somewhere but I can’t because

I can’t go outside)

007 “Nakakatrauma yung mga ginagawa nya sakin, Transcript G page 6

lalo kapag naala yung mga pagtatalo at pananakit

nya sa akin, parang pakiramdam mo bawat

minute ka nya sasaktan at sisigawan.” (What he

does to me is traumatic, especially when I

remembers the arguments and how he hurts me, I

feel like every minute he will hurt and yell at


Table 3.2 shows that majority of the participants feels distressed staying at home with

their abuser during the pandemic. Their worries mostly concentrated on the welfare of their

children, staying in the relationship because of the children. And also how to handle their

relationship with their partner some get angry, some feel ashamed because of the situation, some

were stressed and some do things to prevent the abuse such as going somewhere or not giving

attention to it.

"The quarantine is difficult for all of us. But it is a living nightmare for women who are

trapped with their abusers behind closed doors." This was the statement of Senator Risa

Hontivero as she warned against the possible rise of domestic abuse cases in the country due to

the COVID-19 quarantine. Because of the proximity in the home and added stress due to

economic hardship brought by the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), Filipino women and

children who are living with their abusers become more vulnerable to violence, she added. As

the victims stated, the pandemic affects their situation and makes it worse because of the policy

being enforced. All of them stay in the relationship despite the situation because of the sake of

the children and family. Some go to a friend, some want to go out and some choose to endure

and just cry alone at home. The victim concentrates to protect the children at all costs and

according to Jacobsen (2021), a victim may stay in an abusive relationship or choose to return to

the relationship after domestic violence, because the victim has nowhere else to live, and relies

on the abuser for financial support, or believes the abuse is normal or warranted because of the

victim’s flaws.

Table 3.3

Participants’ Responses on How Lockdown Policy Aggravates the Action of their Abuser

Towards them and What was the Impact of the Pandemic Policies, such as Facilities

Closures, Business Shutdowns, and Mobility Restrictions

Question Paano pinapalala ng lockdown policy ang mga pananakit na dulot saiyo ng

iyong partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser

towards you?)

Maaarimo bang ipaliwanag ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga establishimento

o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic

policies, such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility


restrictions? Can you explain?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Mas matagal yung pagsasama naming sabahay, Transcript A page 7

tapos wala pang kita kaya nastress lalo. Init ng

ulo umiiral hanggang sa dumating sa puntong

mananakit na.Dati hindi ko nararansan to e, pero

mula nung nagkapandemya nasasaktan nya na

ako.” (We've been together at home for a long

time, then he doesn’t have any income so it's even

more stressful. Temperament exists until it comes

to the point of hurting. I didn't experience this

before, but since the pandemic, he starts hurting


“Hirap po lalo na para sa mga pangangailangan

namin. Lalo narin po nung nagkasakit yung anak

ko. Kahit sa pagkain nahihirapan kami.” (It's

hard especially for our needs. Especially when

my child got sick. Even providing foods, we

experienced difficulty.)

002 “Sa sobrang tagal po ng lockdown, mas naghirap Transcript B page 6

po kami kase wala rin kaming kita tas sarado din

yung mall lalo na doon ako nagtratrabaho at doon


din ang asawa ko kaya nagtiis po talaga kami

sahirap.” (We suffered even more during the long

lockdown because we didn't have any income and

the mall was closed, so we really suffered.)

“Sobrang hirap po samin lalo na wala kaming

permanenteng trabaho kahit anong oras pwede

kaming matanggal sa trabaho kung hindi naming

pagaayusin.” (It's quite difficult for us, especially

since we don't have a regular job. We can be

fired anytime if we don’t make right our job.)

003 “Mas lumala sya lalo na nang nagkapandemic Transcript C page 6

kasi nung una pareho kaming nawalan ng trabaho

kaya di naming alam san kukuha ng

pangangailangan namin, lalo syang nagagalit sa

mgs nangyayare kasi minsan napupunta sa

pananakit”. (It got worse when the pandemic

came, since both of us lost our job, we couldn’t

provide our needs and it frustrated him resulting

to physical abuse.)

Lalong lumala ang sitwasyon namin, pati na rin

ang mga pagtatalo at pangaabuso.” (Our situation

became worse, even the fighting and the abuse.)


004 “Ayon nga mas pinalala ng pandemic ang mga Transcript D page 6-7

nangyayari dahil nga po inaaya po sya lagi ng

barkada nya para uminom kaya halos araw-araw

umiinom na sya eh wala na nga pong trabaho

imbes pangkain na lang po pang iinom kaya din

po kami lalo nag aaway.” (The pandemic

aggravates the situation because my partner

always drink and his friends invites him to drink.

Instead the money will be use for food it becomes

for the liquor drinks that's why we argue most of

the time because of it.)

“Yun nga po mahirap nga kailangan po naming

magtiis na magkakasama at nagtatalo dahil nga

po bawal lumabas at wala naman pong trabaho

kahit po umalis sa bahay hindi kaya dahil wala

din po pamasahe para pumunta po ako sa

kaibigan o magulang. Tsaka mahirap din po dahil

lockdown sa aming lugar noon.” (It's very

difficult that's why we suffer from it more because

we cannot go outside and also we don't have

work so we stay at home. And even going to our

parents or friends cannot happen because we

don't have money for transportation and also our


community is on hardlockdown that time.)

005 “Sa sobrang tagal po ng lockdown, nakaramdam Transcript E page 6

po kami ng stress mag asawa kaya

nagkakasakitan po kami.” (My spouse and I were

both stressed throughout the longer lockdown,

and as a result, we were ended up hurting each


“Sobrang hirap po samin lalo na nung nawalan

na ng trabaho asawa ko nung nagkaroon ng

pandemic.” (It's quite difficult for us, especially

when there was a pandemic, my husband lost his


006 “Kailangan mong magpakumbaba dahil bawal Transcript F page 6

nga lumabas, kahit gusto mong lumayas eh

nagtitiyaga na lang.” (You really need to be down

to earth because you can’t go outside even

though you want to go somewhere. That’s why

i’m keeping up with what happens to me.)

“Mahirap po, nawalan ako ng trabaho dahil

nagsarado ang mga establisyemento.” (It’s really

difficult because I had no job because the

establishment where I was working need to be


close because of pandemic)

007 “Kung gaano katagal ang pandemya ganun din Transcript G page 6

katagal ang karahasan, hindi sya naging normal

Malaki naging epekto samin ng pandemya.” (The

longer the pandemic, the longer the violence, he

didn't become normal, the pandemic affected us a


Katulad nyan nag titinda lang ako, isang

malaking epekto sa akin ang pandemya, tapos

curfew na 8:00 pm kapag sa gabi lang kami

mabili talagang naapektado yung pinagkakakitaan

namin work from home pa yung iba ngayon

pandemya. (That's how it is; I'm just selling. The

pandemic has had a big impact on me, and the

curfew is at 8:00 p.m., which is when our

products were supposed to sell.)

Table 3.3 shows that majority of the participants experience deprivation which is the

impact of a pandemic that aggravates the action of their abuser toward them. Their worries

mostly concentrated on more time spent at home, and more violence they experience. Their

statements also focused on losing jobs and sources of income during pandemics that make them

suffer as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions in result are lack of

budget and food for daily life. Some tells that the experience makes even worse because of the

pandemic, it causes a lot of stress not only to the victims but also to the abuser who loses their

jobs and turns them to be grumpy, some drink together with their friends, and some get frustrated

because they cannot provide that ended up in arguing and fighting.

Job loss will tend to lead to the couple spending more time together, increasing

‘exposure’ or opportunities for violence (Dugan et al. 2003). Job loss of men and women leads to

higher domestic violence. Male job loss results in a roughly 30% increase in the chances that a

man perpetrates violence. Female job loss delivers a percentage increase in the chances that a

woman is victimized that is almost twice as large. As the resulting pandemic aggravates the

situation of the victim and the action of their abuser toward them. Because of the pandemic, most

people lost their source of income which results in a lack of necessities, especially food. The

pandemic prolongs their suffering, the longer the pandemic happens the longer they will

experience this kind of situation.

Table 3.4

Participants’ Responses on How does Lockdown Policy Affects their Situation as a Victim

in Directing to Ask for Help

Question Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon upang makahingi ng

tulong sa iba? (How does lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim

in directing to ask for help?)

Participant Answer Reference


001 “Syempre minsan kapag nag aaway kami at Transcript A page 8

nagkakasakitan na gusto kong lumayo muna kaso

dahil nga sa pandemic hindi ako makaalis ng

bahay para sana makituloy muna sa iba kong

mga kamag anak para maiwasan sana yung

madalas na sakitan.” (When we fought, I just

wanted to get out of the house. However, due of

the pandemic, I am unable to contact my family

in order to stay with them and avoid frequent


002 “Sa magulang ko po doon po ako humingi ng Transcript B page 6

tulong tapos pinaghiwalay po kaming dalawa

pero saglit lang po yun, tapos nung medyo okay

naman po yung pandemya napagisip isip po

naming magbalikan para sa anak naming

dalawa.” (I asked my parents for help, and they

split us but only for a short of time but we

decided to return for the sake of our child.)

003 “Mahirap dahil nga may pandemic, nasa bahay Transcript C page 7

lang lahat at nakabukod kami. Hindi naman

ganun kadali humingi ng tulong sa mga kamag-


anak sa takot narin mahawa ng sakit.” (Its hard

due to the pandemic. We have our own house

and its not that easy to ask for help from

relatives fearing they might get the virus.)

004 “Ayon nga po sinasalo ko na lang po lahat ng Transcript D page 7-8

galit nya kasi no choice po talaga kung hindi

mag stay sa loob ng bahay. Maraming beses ko

na pong napag isipan na pumunta sa magulang o

kaibigan kaso naawa po ako sa mga bata dahil

pare pareho kaming maglalakad kaya magtitiis

na lang po kami ng mga anak ko sa labas na lang

pampalipas ng oras.” (I just accept his anger

towards me because I have no choice but to stay

at home. I think a lot of times about going to my

parents and friends but thinking that I will walk

together with my children going there is not good

idea so we will just stay outside as time pass by.)

005 “Minsan pumupunta ako sa police station para e Transcript E page 6

report siya para tulungan nila ako dahil

sinaksaktan niya ako at may time po na binabato

niya ako ng kahoy na may pako.” (I went to the

police station to report him so that they can help

me since he hurts me and there is a time, he


throws wood with nails towards me.)

006 “Sobrang naapekuhan dahil wala nga pong Transcript F page 6

income gusto mo magsumbong sa brgy kaso di

makapagsumbong dahil bawal nga lumabas.” (It

really affects me because I had no income and

even though I want to report to the barangay

what is happening but I can’t because going

outside is not allowed.)

007 “Sobra na yung ginagawa nya parang gusto ko na Transcript G page 7

lang humihingi ng tulong sa iba kase torture kana

sa partner, kaso di ko magawa e bawal lumabas.

Di ko alam kanino ako dapat magsumbong.”

(He's doing too much; it's as if I just want to seek

assistance from others because you're torturing

my partner, but I can't because I'm not allowed

to leave the house. I'm not sure who I should

report to.)

Table 3.4 shows that majority of participants experience difficulty as a victim during the

lockdown policy implemented. Their difficulties mostly concentrate to protect the children at all

costs, they stay in an abusive relationship or choose to return to the relationship after domestic

violence, because the victim has nowhere else to live, or believes that they will seek help from

friends or relatives they might get the virus or share the virus. Some of them reported it already

but after days become okay but most of them are not aware of an online hotline or were exactly

to report the abuse, and some thought that because of the pandemic they will not be entertained.

The current crisis also makes it more difficult for victims to seek help. We know that

domestic violence is rooted in power and control. Right now, we are all feeling a lack of control

over our lives, and an individual who cannot manage that will take it out on their victim.” (Ray

Jones) The result of the statements of the victims shows that they don't know where exactly to go

whenever this happens and make it even worse because of the policy being implemented that

they thought they cannot go to Police Station or Baranggay Desk. Some of the victims choose

this violence to continue and happen because they wanted to save the relationship for the family

according to (2021 Women Against Abuse) many survivors are not sure that leaving would be

the best for their children especially if the children are not being abused directly.

Table 3.5

Participants’ Responses on How Lockdown Policy Affects their Condition Especially their


Question Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Minsan talaga nagmemental breakdown na ako. Transcript A page 8

Pero nung tumatagal mas pinapalakas ko na lang


kalooban ko para sa mga anak ko.” (Sometimes I

really have a mental breakdown. But as time

goes on, I just strengthen my will for my


002 “Yun po humingi ako ng tulong sa magulang ko Transcript B page 7

tapos naghiwalay po kami pero napagisip isip din

po namin para na lang po anak namin. Bumalik

naman po yung dating ako, bumalik din po yung

dating siya, yung hindi mainitin ang ulo,

maalaga, mapagpasensya po at maunawain.” ( I

asked assistance from my parents, we split our

relationship and decided to fix our family for our

child. The behavior we used to have is back such

as being not hot-tempered, caring and being


003 “Sa emosyonal, nakakapagod dahil nga puro Transcript C page 7

away na.” (Emotionally, its tiring due to the fact

that we fight most of the time.)

004 “Ayon nga po mas pinalala ng pandemic yung Transcript D page 8

sitwasyon ko lalo sa kalusugan kasi po dahil sa

hirap ng buhay nagtitiyaga kami sa pastil dito sa

Baseco para pantawid ng gutom at madalas na


stress na ko kakaisip kung saan kukuha ng

pangkain sa araw-araw.” (Pandemic aggrevates

the situation especially on my health because we

just endure eating pastil here in Baseco in able

us to eat at least a day and im more stress

thinking of where I can get some income to have

our food daily.)

005 “Nangangayat po ako maam kasama ang aking Transcript E page 6-7

anak dahil sa kakulangan ng pagkain at minsan

nahihimatay ako sa kaba na dulot ng aking

kinakasama na nang aabuso.” (I'm losing weight

with my child due to a lack of food, and I

sometimes pass out from the anxiety or

nervousness created by my partner.)

006 “Nagkaroon po ako ng pasa nang saktan ako ng Transcript F page 7

asawa ko.” ( I get a bruise whenever my husband

is hurting me. )

007 Okay naman ang aking kalusugan. Nagkaron nga Transcript G page 7

lang ng trauma. (My health is okay. I’m just

having trauma now.)


Table 3.5 shows that majority of the participants experience health problems when the

lockdown policy was implemented. Their problem mostly concentrated on physical health

caused by lack of food and violence inflicted on them and emotional health and mental

breakdowns such as anxiety, trauma, and stress brought by the pandemic.

Due to COVID-19, domestic violence victims face a range of mental and physical health

challenges. Domestic violence is a public health crisis that affects all demographics and could

result in significant morbidity and mortality. (Su et al. 2021) 45% of women survivors of

domestic abuse responding to the Crime Survey of England and Wales 2012/13 reported mental

or emotional problems as an effect of the abuse. Most people experience physical health

problems because of a lack of food that only sustains energy for them to live every day resulting

in them losing weight. Most of them experience emotional and mental health problems that the

pandemic aggravates because they don't have any support or to talk with because most of their

time they are spent at home.

Table 3.6

Participants’ Responses on What was the Changes Caused by the Abuser to them and their

Family Due to Pandemic

Question Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa partner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your

family due to pandemic?)

Participant Answer Reference

001 “Nabawasan na po yung tiwala ko sa asawa ko, Transcript A page 8


para nga pong wala na talaga akong tiwala e.

Talagang pinakikisamahan ko na lang sya para sa

mga anak ko at para sa ikaaayos ng pamilya ko.”

(My faith in my husband has eroded to the point

where I don't trust him at all. I simply spend time

with him for the sake of my children and family.)

002 “Napatatag po ako ng pandemya tsaka bukod sa Transcript B page 7

napatatag ako, naging mas strong pa po yung

relationship naming mag-asawa. Mas nagging

masaya kami ngayon kaysa noon po.” (I was

strengthened by the pandemic and apart from the

fact that I was strengthened, my relationship with

my husband became even stronger. We are

happier now than before.)

003 “Mas naging matatag ako na labanan ang ganoon Transcript C page 7

at harapin mga problema namin.” (I became

tough in those situations and bolder in facing


004 “Malaki po yung pagbabago sa relasyon namin Transcript D page 8-9

kasi noon pong hindi pa pandemic maayos po

kami dahil nabibigay nya yung pangangailangan

ng mga bata at may nakakain kami na sapat sa


araw-arawp ero ng dahil sa Pandemic na stress

kami pareho kasi hindi naming alam paano kami

makakaahon dito kaya dahil doon mas madalas

na ang pagaaway dahil bilang Ina na nag

babudget mahirap po talaga pagkasyahin kaya

nasasabayan ko po init ng ulo nya at mas

nagkaaway.” (There are great changes in our

relationship because during the time before

pandemic we're good together because we can

provide everything for our children but when

Pandemic happened everything changed we're

stress because of lack of income for us to survive

the pandemic. We always argue and fight

because me as a mother it so hard to budget the


005 “Napapatag po ako nitong pandemya lalona po Transcript E page 7

ngayon hindi ko na kasama yung nang aabuso

sakin dahil nakakulong na siya ngayon.” (This

pandemic makes me feel better, especially now

that I am no longer with the abuser which is my

partner, who is currently in jail.)

006 “Malaking pagbabago pinalala ng pandemya Transcript F page 7

yung sitwasyon namin. Hindi na masaya pamilya


namin ngayon.” (The pandemic made our

situation worse. Our family is no longer happy.)

007 “Nandun pa din yung trauma na ginawa nya Transcript G page 7

sayo, nagkaroon na sya uli ng trabaho kaya hindi

na mainit yung ulo nya. Hindi na kami madalas

magtalo katulad nung nandito lang sya sabahay.”

(The trauma he did to me was still there, he had

a job again, so his head was no longer hot. We

don't argue as often as when he was just here at


Table 3.6 shows that majority of the participants experience changes in their families

caused by the abuser due to pandemics. The changes mostly focused on changes in the

relationship. Most feel bad and no longer happy because there's a great change that can never be

fixed and just stay for the family, one of them is happy because the abuser is in jail now. Most of

the challenges of the pandemic become stabilized because of the experience which serves as a

reason to be more brave and strong.

Families or individuals who have experienced domestic violence are in the process of

healing both physically and emotionally from multiple traumas. These traumas can have various

effects on the mind, body, and spirit. It is natural to experience these and acknowledging the

effects can be an important first step in embarking on a process towards restoration and healing.

(2021 Arizona Coalition To End Sexual and Domestic Violence) Most of them healed over time

and by the choice, become stronger and bolder.


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations based on the findings of the



This research aims to study the victims of domestic violence during the time of pandemic

in Baseco, Manila. Given this, the researchers will seek to answer the following sub-problems.

1. What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time of the


2. What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject during

the time of pandemic?


3. How lockdown policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during

the time of pandemic?

The study was conducted through online interviews with the victims of Domestic

Violence living within the Baseco Compound, Manila, particularly in Barangay 649. Seven (7)

selected residents of the Barangay 649 are the ones who asked or the respondents of the study.

The researchers used Qualitative Research Design, specifically a Case Study Method. The main

tool to be used in gathering data is an interview of the key informant.


Based on the findings of the data gathered, the researchers conclude the following:

1. Most of the victim’s partners lost their jobs once the pandemic started and even their

income is not sufficient for their family's needs. With that lack of income, it resulted in

arguments, fights, and abuse. They also don't live in their own houses and their family

isn’t usually that big.

2. Since the pandemic started and they have lost their jobs, it bought a lot of stress and

frustration to their partners as they have families to feed by the time they got home. This

results in low income, mainly financial vulnerabilities as the abuser feels pressure from

their family, which causes violence whether it may be physical or verbal as long as it has

an intention to hurt their partner.

3. The pandemic aggravates the abuse experienced by the victim because of having more

time in isolation from their partner. Victims have a lot in common when it comes to their

children, they are thinking about what is best for the well-being of their children and they

wanted to have a complete family that's why they still choose to be with their partner

despite the abuse hoping they might change.


The following are the recommendation of the researchers based on the data and


1. The researchers recommend the continuation of using social media as a platform to

spread awareness to people regarding cases of Domestic Violence and also to use it as a

medium between the Agency and the victim.

2. The researchers recommend that health and social service providers develop safeguards

to strengthen their documentation of abuse and family violence histories in both

individual and group records, regardless of whether the abuse is reported to authorities.

3. Collaborative strategies among caseworkers, police, and prosecutors, are recommended

to improve the victim's compliance with treatment as well as the certainty of the use of

sanctions in addressing domestic violence.


4. The researchers also recommend that home visitation programs in the community should

be imposed to determine the family situation in every household to prevent domestic


5. People, especially those who are females, those who are married and/or live with their

partners that are experiencing domestic violence are encouraged to be more vocal in

communicating with others. In doing so, researchers suggest sharing your concerns with a

trusted friend, family member, or neighbor to lessen the burden they carried.

6. Researchers recommend conducting a council for those families who had relationship

conflicts and issues so that they could fix their problems.



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 Becker & Coleman (1988). Domestic and Intimate Violence: An Application of Routine

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 Braun & Clarke, (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology

 Brustia, P., Ramon, S. & Rolle, L. (2019). Editorial: New Perspectives on Domestic

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 Calleja, J. P. (2020). Domestic violence all the rage in Philippine lockdown

 Creswell(2002); Pope & Mays (1995). WHAT IS QUALITATIVE RESEARCH? WHAT


 Guanzon RV. Lawson, an Expert Group Meeting on good practices in legislation on

violence against women

 Ranada, P. (2020). During coronavirus lockdown: Abused women, and children more



 Candela, K, (2016). Protecting the Invisible Victim: Incorporating Coercive Control in

DomesticViolence Statutes

 Caroline Bradbury-Jones RN, Ph.D. Louise Isham Ph.D. (2020), "The pandemic paradox:

The consequences of COVID-19 on domestic violence"

 International Journal of Advanced Legal Research (2021)


 Kelly L. &Westmarland N. (2012). "Time Out” A Strategy for Reducing Men’s

Violence Against Women in Relationships?

 Mannon, J.M.(1997). Domestic and Intimate Violence: An Application of Routine

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 Rolle, L. (2017). New Perspectives on Domestic Violence: from Research to



 Cohen, Lawrence E.; Felson, Marcus (1979). "Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A

Routine Activity Approach". American Sociological Review. 44 (4): 588–608

Online Source

 domestic-violence-leigh-



 and-i ntimate-





































Questionnaire for Interview

1. What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time of pandemic?

1.1 How old are you?

1.2 Are you married?

1.3 Who do you live with? How many are you in the family?

1.4 What is your relationship to the abuser?

1.5 Do you have any kids?

1.6 Are you living in your own house with your partner?

1.7 Are you the one who provides the income for the family?

1.8 During the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?

a. Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?

b. Does it affect the relationship between you and the abuser? How?

1.9 How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?

2. What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject during the

time of pandemic?

2.1 Can you distinguish what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?

a. Is it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or

injury? Can you explain how was your experience?

b. Is it sexual violence where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or

advances to you? Can you explain how was your experience?

c. Is it psychological abuse that include acts such as he isolates you from others, verbal

aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?

2.2 Is the abuser diagnosed with any mental illness such as depression and anxiety

disorder due to pandemic pressure?

2.3 Is the abuser showing behavioral problems?

2.4 Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to pandemic?

2.5 If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family


2.6 Is financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?

3. How lockdown policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the

time of pandemic?

3.1 How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?

3.2 Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?

3.3 How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?

3.4 How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?

3.5 What was the impact of the pandemic policies, such as facilities closures, business

shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?

3.6 How does lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to ask for


3.7 How lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?

3.8 What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to









Transcript A

Questionnaire for Interview

1. Ano ang profile ng mga biktima ng karahasan sa tahanan sa panahon ng

pandemya? (What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic)

Interviewer: 1.1 Ilang taon kana? (How old are you?)

Interviewee: 26 na po ako (I’m 26 years old.)

Interviewer: 1.2 Kasal ka na ba? (Are you married?)

Interviewee: Kasal na po ako sa religion namin, Islam (Yes, we are married in our

religion, Islam)

Interviewer: 1.3 Sino ang kasama mo sa bahay? Ilan lahat kayo sa bahay niyo? (Who do

you live with? How many are you in the family?)

Interviewee: Asawa at dalawang anak ko po. Bale apat po kami sa bahay namin. (My

husband and my children. We are four in total in our house.)

Interviewer: 1.4 Ano ang relasyon mo sa nang-aabuso sayo? (What is your relationship

to the abuser?)

Interviewee: Asawa ko po sya. (He is my husband.)

Interviewer: 1.5 May mga anak ka ba? (Do you have any kids?)

Interviewee: Opo, meron po. Dalawa po sila (Yes, two)

Interviewer: 1.6 May sarili ba kayong bahay ng iyong partner?

(Are you living in your own house with your partner?)

Interviewee: Wala po, bale nagbabantay po kami ng bahay. Kami po pinagbabantay,

katiwala po kami. (No, we don’t have our own house. We are just a house caretaker.)

Interviewer: 1.7 Ikaw ba ang magtatrabaho sa iyong pamilya? (Are you the one who

provides the income for the family?

Interviewee: Nung wala pa pong pandemic parehas po kami ng asawa ko na may

trabaho. Pero nung pandemic po nawala yung trabaho ng asawa ko sa Pasay. (When there’s no

pandemic, both of us do have each job but when the pandemic started he lost his job in Pasay.)

Interviewer: 1.8 Sa panahong nitong pandemia, magkano ang iyong kinikita? (During

the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?)

Interviewee: Ngayon pong nagtitinda na ako nang damit sa palengke kumikita ako ng

halos siyam na libo kada buwan. (Now that I sell clothes, I save almost nine thousand pesos


Interviewer: a. Sapat ba ang iyong kinikita para suportahan ang inyong mga

pangangailangan sa pamilya? (Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?)

Interviewee: Nakakaipon kami ng konti pero kulang pa rin dahil may anak kami at araw-

araw yung pangangailangan. Maliit yung kinikita kaya madalas hindi nagiging sapat. (We have

saved a little but it was still not enough because we have a child and we need it every day. The

income is small so it often does not become enough.)

Interviewer: b. Naapektuhan ba nito ang relasyon mo sa iyong partner? (Does it affect

the relationship between you and the abuser? How?)

Interviewee: Yes po, sobra. Naging dahilan po ito para mas maging mainitin ang ulo ng

bawat isa. Yung mister ko sa halip na gumawa ng paraan, nakukuha pang bumarkada. (Yes.

Everyone became irritated as a result of this. Instead of working to find a solution, my husband

chose to hang out with his pals.)

Interviewer: 1.9. Ano ang pakiramdam mo tungkol sa relasyon na mayroon ka sa iyong

partner? (How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?)

Interviewee: Nung una po parang gusto ko na sya hiwalayan. Kaso nga lang naisip ko

yung mga anak ko at nanggaling na rin kase ako sa isang broken family at ayaw ko na maranasan

pa nila yun. Tyaka naguguilty rin ako. (At first, it appeared like I was trying to distance myself

from him. But I think about my children, and I, too, come from a shattered home, and I don't

want them to go through what I went through. I'm sure I'm guilty as well.)

2. Mga posibleng dahilan ng domestic violence na nararanasan ng biktima ngayong

pandemya (What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic?)

Interviewer: 2.1. Maaari mo bang ilahad ang pagaaabuso sa iyo? (Can you distinguish

what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?)


a. Ito ba ay sa paraang pisikal na kung saan nananakit siya? At maaari mo bang ilahad. (Is

it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or injury? Can you

explain how was your experience?)

b. Ito ba ay seksuwal? At kung ito man maaari mo bang ilahad (Is it sexual violence

where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances to you? Can you

explain how was your experience?)

c. Ito ba ay emosyonal na kung saan pinapahiya ka o iniinsulto ka? Pwede mo bang

ilahad (Is it psychological abuse that include acts such as he isolates you from others, verbal

aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewee: Pisikal tyaka emosyonal. Dun sa pisikal hindi naman as in sobrang sakitan

kumbaga nadadala sya ng galit nya. Pero may isa o dalawang beses na nasaktan nya ako at

nagkaroon ako ng pasa sa braso at binti. Dun naman po sa emosyonal, yung mga masasakit na

pananalitaan nya. Hindi nya iniisip na sobra na yung mga sinasabi nya. (Physically and

psychologically. Physically, he was in some discomfort, but his rage was under control.

However, he injured me once or twice, and I had bruises on my arm and leg as a result. On the

other hand, because of his nasty statements, he has harmed me emotionally. He does not believe

that what he says is excessive.)

Interviewer: 2.2. Ang iyong partner ba ay nakararanas ng sakit sa pag iisip, depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pagiiisip bunga ng pandemya? (Is the abuser diagnosed with

any mental illness such as depression and anxiety disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Interviewee: Stress po sya dala na rin siguro ng paghihirap namin. (He was stressed

maybe because of the situation we had.)

Interviewer: 2.3. May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser

showing behavioral problems?)

Interviewee: Opo, lahat naman po tayo may pinapakitang kasamaan ng ugali pero yung sa

kanya may mga pagkakataon na may pagka isip bata, immatured. (Yes, we all have a bad

attitude. In his case, he sometimes acts immatured.)

Interviewer: 2.4. Siya ba ay sumasali sa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress

ngayong pandemya? Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to


Interviewee: Opo unang una po nagkaron po sya ng bisyo. Tapos yun nga napapatambay

sya kasama yung barkada nya, umiinom. (Yes, he had a vice at beginning. He was able to hang

out with his mates and drink after that)

Interviewer: 2.5. Kung hindi man, ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit.

(If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Interviewee: Bukod po sa bisyo nya, siguro yung dahilan bakit ganito sya eh dahil

nasasakal na sya sakin. Baka pakiramdam nya ina-under ko sya. (Aside from his vice, maybe the

reason why he's like that is because he feels I manipulated him. Maybe he feels like he’s under

my control.)

Interviewer: 2.6. Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)


Interviewee: Actually ito po talaga yung unang unang dahilan e. Wala naman tayong

magagwa e kase siguro marami talaga ngayon ganito ang nararanasan. (Actually this is really the

first reason. We can't do anything because maybe a lot of people are really experiencing this


3. Ang epekto ng lockdown sa domestic violence ngayong pandemya. (How lockdown

policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

Interviewer: 3.1 Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemya sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?)

Interviewee: Dahil nga po sa pandemic yung mister ko wala ng ibang mahanap na paraan

para makahanap ng pangkain sa araw-araw. Parang feeling ko wala ng katapusan ang problema.

Dahil dito parehas kami nastress hanggang sa dumating na sa punto na may nasasaktan na nga.

(Because of the pandemic, my husband has no other way to find food for our everyday needs. I

feel like there is no end to our problem. Because of this we both felt stressed until we get to the

point where someone is already hurting.)

Interviewer: 3.2 Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya? Paano? (Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?)

Interviewee: Opo, kase nga mula nung nagkapandemya palaging aburido sya sa bahay,

palagi na lang kami nag aaway. Yung mga desisyon nya tinatama ko pero palagi sya nagagalit.

(Yes, because since the pandemic he has always been unsettled at home, we have always been

fighting. Everytime that I’m trying to correct his decisions, he always got angry.)

Interviewer: 3.3 Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?)

Interviewee: Nahihiya ako at naawa para sa sarili ko kase ganto yung nararanasan ko

dahil sa pakikitungo nya sakin. (How he treated me makes me feel ashamed and sorry for


Interviewer: 3.4 Paano nito pinapalala ang mga pananakit na dulot sa iyo ng iyong

partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?)

Interviewee: Mas matagal yung pagsasama namin sa bahay, tapos wala pang kita kaya

nastress lalo. Init ng ulo umiiral hanggang sa dumating sa puntong mananakit na. Dati hindi ko

nararansan to e, pero mula nung nagkapandemya nasasaktan nya na ako. (We've been together at

home for a long time, then he don't have any income so it's even more stressful. Temperament

exists until it comes to the point of hurting. I didn't experience this before, but since the

pandemic, he starts hurting me.)

Interviewer: 3.5 Maaari mo bang iexplain ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga

establishimento o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic policies,

such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?)

Interviewee: Hirap po lalo na para sa mga pangangailangan namin. Lalo na rin po nung

nagkasakit yung anak ko. Kahit sa pagkain nahihirapan kami. (It's hard especially for our needs.

Especially when my child got sick. Even providing foods, we experienced difficulty.)

Interviewer: 3.6. Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon upang makahingi

ng tulong sa iba? (How does lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to

ask for help?)


Interviewee: Syempre minsan kapag nag aaway kami at nagkakasakitan na gusto kong

lumayo muna kaso dahil nga sa pandemic hindi ako makaalis ng bahay para sana makituloy

muna sa iba kong mga kamag anak para maiwasan sana yung madalas na sakitan. (When we

fought, I just wanted to get out of the house. However, due of the pandemic, I am unable to

contact my family in order to stay with them and avoid frequent fights.)

Interviewer: 3.7. Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Interviewee: Minsan talaga nagmemental breakdown na ako. Pero nung tumatagal mas

pinapalakas ko na lang kalooban ko para sa mga anak ko. (Sometimes I really have a mental

breakdown. But as time goes on, I just strengthen my will for my children.)

Interviewer: 3.8. Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa prtner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to


Interviewee: Nabawasan na po yung tiwala ko sa asawa ko, para nga pong wala na talaga

akong tiwala e. Talagang pinakikisamahan ko na lang sya para sa mga anak ko at para sa

ikaaayos ng pamilya ko. ( My faith in my husband has eroded to the point where I don't trust him

at all. I simply spend time with him for the sake of my children and family.)

Transcript B

Questionnaire for Interview

1. Ano ang profile ng mga biktima ng karahasan sa tahanan sa panahon ng

pandemya? (What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic)

Interviewer: 1.1 Ilang taon kana? (How old are you?)

Interviewee: 18 years old po ( I am 18 years old)

Interviewer: 1.2 Kasal ka na ba? (Are you married?)

Interviewee: Opo, kasal na po (Yes, I’m married)

Interviewer: 1.3 Sino ang kasama mo sa bahay? Ilan lahat kayo sa bahay niyo? (Who do

you live with? How many are you in the family?)

Interviewee: 8 kami lahat sa bahay (we are 8 in total at home)

Interviewer: 1.4 Ano ang relasyon mo sa nang-aabuso sayo? (What is your relationship

to the abuser?)

Interviewee: asawa po (My husband)

Interviewer: 1.5 May mga anak ka ba? (Do you have any kids?)

Interviewee: isa (1) lang po (1 child)

Interviewer: 1.6 May sarili ba kayong bahay ng iyong partner?

(Are you living in your own house with your partner?)


Interviewee: sa bahay po ng biyenan ko kami nakatira (we live in my mother -in -law's


Interviewer: 1.7 Ikaw ba ang magtatrabaho sa iyong pamilya? (Are you the one who

provides the income for the family?

Interviewee: parehas po kami ng asawa ko may trabaho (My husband and I both have a


Interviewer: 1.8 Sa panahong nitong pandemia, magkano ang iyong kinikita? (During

the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?)

Interviewee: sa isang linggo po, kinikita naming ng asawa ko ay aabot ng 800 pesos (in

a week, we can earn about 800 pesos)

Interviewer: a. Sapat ba ang iyong kinikita para suportahan ang inyong mga

pangangailangan sa pamilya? (Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?)

Interviewee: hindi po sapat para sa pangangailangan naming sa araw araw (not enough

for our daily needs)

Interviewer: b. Naapektuhan ba nito ang relasyon mo sa iyong partner? (Does it affect

the relationship between you and the abuser? How?)

Interviewee: Opo, kasi kapag kami walang kita, hindi maiiwasan iinit ang ulo tapos

walang pambili ng gatas kaya minsan nag aaway at nagtatalo (Yes, because when we don't have

enough money, it's natural to become irritated, and then we can't provide milk for our child, so

we fight.)

Interviewer: 1.9. Ano ang pakiramdam mo tungkol sa relasyon na mayroon ka sa iyong

partner? (How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?)

Interviewee: Noon po ay hindi kami magka sundo kasi nag aaway kami at pinaghiwalay

po kami ng magulang ko pero napag isip isip po magkaayos nalang para din sa anak naming (We

didn't get along at the time since we were fighting and my parents had separated us, but it came

to our mind that we would reunite again for the sake of our child)

2. Mga posibleng dahilan ng domestic violence na nararanasan ng biktima ngayong

pandemya (What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic?)

Interviewer: 2.1. Maaari mo bang ilahad ang pagaaabuso sa iyo? (Can you distinguish

what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?)

Interviewee: Minsan po kase kapag mababaw po ang kita niya sa trabaho, syempre iinit

din ang ulo ko lalo na kung kulang sa pang araw araw naming pangagailangan ( when his income

is insufficient to provide our daily needs, yet he still exhausted from work but I get to angry and

that’s the reason for our fight)

Interviewer: a. Ito ba ay sa paraang pisikal na kung saan nananakit siya? At maaari mo

bang ilahad. (Is it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or

injury? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewee: yung pisikal po kase minsan naririndi po siya sa boses ko at dahil stress din

siya at pagod sa trabaho tapos dinadakdakan ko pa po kaya nasasampal niya ako (He hits me

because my voice irritates him at times, and he is also stressed and exhausted from work.)

Interviewer: b. Ito ba ay seksuwal? At kung ito man maaari mo bang ilahad (Is it sexual

violence where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances to you?

Can you explain how was your experience?

Interviewer: c. Ito ba ay emosyonal na kung saan pinapahiya ka o iniinsulto ka? Pwede

mo bang ilahad (Is it psychological abuse that include acts such as he isolates you from others,

verbal aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewer: 2.2. Ang iyong partner ba ay kumpirmadong may sakit na depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pagiiisip. (Is the abuser diagnosed with any mental illness

such as depression and anxiety disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Interviewee: wala naman po pero siguro stress lang sa trabaho (nothing but maybe just

stress at work)

Interviewer: 2.3. May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser

showing behavioral problems?)

Interviewee: yung hindi niya po magandang ugali yung nakakasakit po siya na hindi po

niya napipigilan ang sarili niya ( when he hit me and that he can't control himself)

Interviewer: 2.4. Siya ba ay sumasali sa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress

ngayong pandemya? Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to


Interviewee: hindi naman po (nothing)


Interviewer: 2.5. Kung hindi man, ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit.

(If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Interviewee: kawalan ng trabaho noong pandemic po dahil isa siya sa mga nawalan ng

trabaho ( when he was one among who lost his job during pandemic)

Interviewer: 2.6. Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)

Interviewee: Opo (Yes)

3. Ang epekto ng lockdown sa domestic violence ngayong pandemya. (How lockdown

policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

Interviewer: 3.1 Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemyo sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?)

Interviewee: dahil sa mga problema kinakaharap naming mag asawa tulad ng hindi

naming pagkakaintindihan ay nauwi kami sa hiwalayan pero nagkabalikan po ulit kami ( My

husband and I split due to problems such as misunderstanding, but we reunited for the sake of

our child.)

Interviewer: 3.2 Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya? (Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?)Paano?

Interviewee: Opo, dumaan po kami sa ganyang punto pero syempre hinarap po naming

magkasama kase kung tinakbuhan naming ang problema, wala pong mangyayare samin ( Yes,

we went through that point but of course we faced it together because if we ran into the problem,

nothing would happen to us )

Interviewer: 3.3 Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?)

Interviewee: minsan hindi ko nalang po pinapansin kase kung papansin ko pa,

magsisimula lang away naming (I don't pay attention because if I do, we'll argue)

Interviewer: 3.4 Paano nito pinapalala ang mga pananakit na dulot sa iyo ng iyong

partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?)

Interviewee: sa sobrang tagal po ng lockdown, mas naghirap po kami kase wala rin

kaming kita tas sarado din yung mall lalo na doon ako nagtratrabaho at doon din ang asawa ko

kaya nagtiis po talaga kami sa hirap (We suffered even more during the long lockdown because

we didn't have any income and the mall was closed, so we really suffered.)

Interviewer: 3.5 Maaari mo bang iexplain ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga

establishimento o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic policies,

such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?)

Interviewee: Sobrang hirap po samin lalo na wala kaming permanenting trabaho kahit
anong oras pwede kaming matanggal sa trabaho kung hindi namin pag aayusin (It's quite
difficult for us, especially since we don't have a regular job. We can be fired anytime if
we don’t make right our job)

Interviewer: 3.6. Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon. (How does

lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to ask for help?)

Interviewee: sa magulang ko po doon po ako humingi ng tulong tapos pinaghiwalay po

kaming dalawa pero saglit lang po yun, tapos nung medyo okay naman po yung pandemia napag

isip isip po naming magbalikan para sa anak naming dalawa. ( I asked my parents for help and

they split us but only for a short of time but we decided to return for the sake of our child)

Interviewer: 3.7. Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Interviewee: yun po humingi ako ng tulong sa magulang ko tapos naghiwalay po kami

pero napag isip isip din po namin para nalang po anak namin. Bumalik naman po yung dating

ako, bumalik din po yung dating siya, yung hindi mainitin ang ulo, maalaga, mapagpasensya po

at maunawain. ( I asked assistance from my parents, we split our relationship and decided to fix

our family for our child. The behavior we used to have is back such as being not hot-tempered,

caring and being understanding)

Interviewer: 3.8. Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa prtner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to


Interviewee: napatatag po ako ng pandemya tsaka bukod sa napatatag ako, nagging mas

strong pa po yung relationship naming mag-asawa. Mas naging masaya kami ngayon kaysa noon

po. (I was strengthened by the pandemic and apart from the fact that I was strengthened, my

relationship with my husband became even stronger. We are happier now than before.)

Transcript C

Questionnaire for Interview

1. Ano ang profile ng mga biktima ng karahasan sa tahanan sa panahon ng

pandemya? (What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic)

Interviewer: 1.1 Ilang taon kana? (How old are you?)

Interviewee: 23 na po (I’m 23 years old.)

Interviewer: 1.2 Kasal ka na ba? (Are you married?)

Interviewee: hindi po kami kasal, magkalive in lang po (No, we are not married, we are

line in partners)

Interviewer: 1.3 Sino ang kasama mo sa bahay? Ilan lahat kayo sa bahay niyo? (Who do

you live with? How many are you in the family?)

Interviewee: Bale tatlo po kami. Anak namin, ako at ang asawa ko. (There are 3 of us in

the house. Our child, me and my husband)

Interviewer: 1.4 Ano ang relasyon mo sa nang-aabuso sayo? (What is your relationship

to the abuser?)

Interviewee: Asawa ko po . (He is my husband.)

Interviewer: 1.5 May mga anak ka ba? (Do you have any kids?)

Interviewee: Opo, meron po. Isa (Yes, one)


Interviewer: 1.6 May sarili ba kayong bahay ng iyong partner?

(Are you living in your own house with your partner?)

Interviewee: Meron po kaming sariling bahay (Yes, we have our own house)

Interviewer: 1.7 Ikaw ba ang magtatrabaho sa iyong pamilya? (Are you the one who

provides the income for the family?

Interviewee: Pareho po kaming nagtatrabaho (Both of us are working)

Interviewer: 1.8 Sa panahong nitong pandemia, magkano ang iyong kinikita? (During

the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?)

Interviewee: Hindi ho sapat, halos limang libo lang po. Nung nagsimula ang pandemic

pareho kaming nawalan ng trabaho, kalaunan nagkaroon na rin sya at sya nag bibigay sa pamilya

(Its not sufficient, we earned 5 thousand pesos. When the pandemic started, we lost our jobs and

then he got one and he is now providing our needs)

Interviewer: a. Sapat ba ang iyong kinikita para suportahan ang inyong mga

pangangailangan sa pamilya? (Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?)

Interviewee: Hindi sapat, syempre dahil mayroon kaming anak at nung una isa lang ang

nagtatrabaho. (Its not enough, of course we also have a kid and one of us is only working)

Interviewer: b. Naapektuhan ba nito ang relasyon mo sa iyong partner? (Does it affect

the relationship between you and the abuser? How?)


Interviewee: Opo, naapektuhan neto relasyon namin, kasi pag walang pera napupunta sa

pangaabuso. (Yes, it affects our relationship, because when there is no money it usually leads to


Interviewer: 1.9. Ano ang pakiramdam mo tungkol sa relasyon na mayroon ka sa iyong

partner? (How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?)

Interviewee: Masaya na mahirap, masaya kapag maayos kami, pagkinukulang kami

napupunta sa away at pangaabuso (Its good and bat at the same time. We are happy when

everything is good, and when we fell short it mostly leads to fighting and abuse)

2. Mga posibleng dahilan ng domestic violence na nararanasan ng biktima ngayong

pandemya (What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic?)

Interviewer: 2.1. Maaari mo bang ilahad ang pagaaabuso sa iyo? (Can you distinguish

what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?)

a. Ito ba ay sa paraang pisikal na kung saan nananakit siya? At maaari mo bang ilahad. (Is

it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or injury? Can you

explain how was your experience?)

b. Ito ba ay seksuwal? At kung ito man maaari mo bang ilahad (Is it sexual violence

where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances to you? Can you

explain how was your experience?)

c. Ito ba ay emosyonal na kung saan pinapahiya ka o iniinsulto ka? Pwede mo bang

ilahad (Is it psychological abuse that include acts such as he isolates you from others, verbal

aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewee: Pagnag-aaway kami, puro sa pisikal. Minsan ay nasasapak nya ako sa galit

dala nga nang walang wala kami. ( Whenever we fight, mostly its physical. There are times

where he hit me due to anger since we had nothing)

Interviewer: 2.2. Ang iyong partner ba ay kumpirmadong may sakit na depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pagiiisip. (Is the abuser diagnosed with any mental illness

such as depression and anxiety disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Interviewee: Hindi naman po sya nadiagnosed, siguro dahil lang po talaga sa stressed.

(He is not diagnosed, maybe because he is stressed)

Interviewer: 2.3. May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser

showing behavioral problems?)

Interviewee: Opo at naiintindihan ko naman dahil na rin sa sitwasyon namin kaya sya

nagkakaganyan ( yes and I understand him due to our situation, explaining why he is acting like


Interviewer: 2.4. Siya ba ay sumasali sa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress

ngayong pandemya? Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to


Interviewee: Opo, madalas po sya nagiinom kasama mga kaibigan nya. (Yes, he drinks

most of the time with his friends)


Interviewer: 2.5. Kung hindi man, ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit.

(If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Interviewee: Maliban sa paginom nya, madalas dahilan ay yung kakulangan nga sa pera

at di rin mabigay mga pangangailangan namin.(Aside from drinking, having no money to

provide our needs is one of the reason the abuse.)

Interviewer: 2.6. Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)

Interviewee: Oo kasi mahirap at di rin sapat ang kinikita nya sa trabaho. ( yes, because its

hard and his salary is not enough for us)

3. Ang epekto ng lockdown sa domestic violence ngayong pandemya. (How lockdown

policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

Interviewer: 3.1 Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemya sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?)

Interviewee: Nawalan po kami ng trabaho kaya mahirap, nakakastress din kasi kailangan

mapunan mga pangangailangnan namin sa pangaraw-araw kaya minsan nagkakasakitan. (We

both lost our jobs so its hard for us. It also brings stress as wee need to provide for our needs

everyday and that’s why it goes to abuse and fighting.)

Interviewer: 3.2 Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya? (Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?)


Interviewee: Opo kasi nananakit sya pag di maganda nangyayare gaya ng walang pera,

dahil na rin pandemic kaya mas mahirap. (Yes, as most of our fight are due to the fact that we

don’t have any money, and with the pandemic, it makes it worse)

Interviewer: 3.3 Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?)

Interviewee: Naiistress ako pero no choice, may anak kami at kailangan magpakatatag

para sa kanya. (I’m stressed but I have no choice, we have a child and I have to be strong for


Interviewer: 3.4 Paano nito pinapalala ang mga pananakit na dulot sa iyo ng iyong

partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?)

Interviewee: Mas lumala sya lalo na nang nagkapandemic kasi nung una pareho kaming

nawalan ng trabaho kaya di namin alam san kukuha ng pangangailangsn namin, lalo syang

nagagalit sa mgs nangyayare kasi minsan napupunta sa pananakit. (It got worse when the

pandemic came, since both of us lost our job we couldn’t provide our needs and it frustrated him

resulting to physical abuse)

Interviewer: 3.5 Maaari mo bang iexplain ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga

establishimento o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic policies,

such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?)

Interviewee: Lalong lumala ang sitwasyon namin, pati na rin ang mga pagtatalo at

pangaabuso. (Our situation became worse, even the fighting and the abuse)

Interviewer: 3.6. Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon upang makahingi

ng tulong sa iba? (How does lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to

ask for help?)

Interviewee: Mahirap dahil nga may pandemic, nasa bahay lang lahat at nakabukod kami.

Hindi naman ganun kadali humingi ng tulong sa mga kamag-anak sa takot na rin ng sakit. (Its

hard due to the pandemic. We have our own house and its not that easy to ask for help from

relatives fearing they might get the virus)

Interviewer: 3.7. Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Interviewee: Sa emosyonal, nakakapagod dahil nga puro away na (Emotionally, its tiring

due to the fatc that we fight most of the time)

Interviewer: 3.8. Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa prtner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to


Interviewee: Mas naging matatag ako na labanan ang ganoon at harapin mga problema

namin. (I became tough in those situations and bolder in facing problems)


Transcript D

Questionnaire for Interview

 Ano ang profile ng mga biktima ng karahasan sa tahanan sa panahon ng

pandemya? (What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic)

Interviewer: 1.1 Ilang taon kana? (How old are you?)

Interviewee: 30 years old na po ako (I’m 30 years old.)

Interviewer: 1.2 Kasal ka na ba? (Are you married?)

Interviewee: Hindi po ako kasal pero may kinakasama po ako ng 5 taon ( No I’m not

married , but we are together for 5 years )

Interviewer: 1.3 Sino ang kasama mo sa bahay? Ilan lahat kayo sa bahay niyo? (Who do

you live with? How many are you in the family?)

Interviewee: Kinakasama at dalawang anak ko po. Bale apat po kami sa bahay namin.

(My partner and my children. We are four in total in our house.)

Interviewer: 1.4 Ano ang relasyon mo sa nang-aabuso sayo? (What is your relationship

to the abuser?)

Interviewee: Siya po yung kinakasama ko. ( My partner)

Interviewer: 1.5 May mga anak ka ba? (Do you have any kids?)

Interviewee: Opo, meron po. Dalawa po sila ( Yes I have two childrens )

Interviewer: 1.6 May sarili ba kayong bahay ng iyong partner?

(Are you living in your own house with your partner?)

Interviewee: Wala po, bale nangungupahan po kami. (No, we don’t have our own house.

We are just a renting house on Baseco. )

Interviewer: 1.7 Ikaw ba ang magtatrabaho sa iyong pamilya? (Are you the one who

provides the income for the family?

Interviewee: Opo ako po yung nagtatrabaho ( Yes I am the one who's working .)

Interviewer: 1.8 Sa panahong nitong pandemia, magkano ang iyong kinikita? (During

the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?)

Interviewee: Noong panahon po ng pandemic nawalan po ako ng trabaho. Yung

kinakasama ko po ay nag extra sa bilang mazon. Kumikita po sya ng 6k ( During the time of

pandemic our work stops while my partner is working as mazon. He earned six thousand a


Interviewer: a. Sapat ba ang iyong kinikita para suportahan ang inyong mga

pangangailangan sa pamilya? (Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?)

Interviewee: . Hindi po pero pinagkakasya na lang po ito para sa pangkain sa araw araw

pero nagkululang po para sa mga pang bayad ng kuryente at renta ng bahay ( No it's not enough

but we're making it enough for food everyday and it's not enough for the payment of bills and


Interviewer: b. Naapektuhan ba nito ang relasyon mo sa iyong partner? (Does it affect

the relationship between you and the abuser? How?)

Interviewee: Opo sobra dahil lagi po kaming nag aaway dahil sa kakulamgan sa budget .

(Yes because we always argue because of the tight budget.)

Interviewer: 1.9. Ano ang pakiramdam mo tungkol sa relasyon na mayroon ka sa iyong

partner? (How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?)

Interviewee: Naiinis po ako kasi lagi po kami nag aaway pati po yung bata nadadamay

natataranta po sila tuwing nagtatalo kami. ( I feel disgusted because we always fight and

somehow our children being involve and they panic whenever we had our argument.

2. Mga posibleng dahilan ng domestic violence na nararanasan ng biktima ngayong

pandemya (What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic?)

Interviewer: 2.1. Maaari mo bang ilahad ang pagaaabuso sa iyo? (Can you distinguish

what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?)

a. Ito ba ay sa paraang pisikal na kung saan nananakit siya? At maaari mo bang ilahad. (Is

it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or injury? Can you

explain how was your experience?)

b. Ito ba ay seksuwal? At kung ito man maaari mo bang ilahad (Is it sexual violence

where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances soto you? Can you

explain how was your experience?)


c. Ito ba ay emosyonal na kung saan pinapahiya ka o iniinsulto ka? Pwede mo bang

ilahad (Is it psychological abuse that include acts such as he isolates you from others, verbal

aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewee: Pisikal tyaka emosyonal. Una po talagang yung verbal na pang aabuso kasi

nagsasabe na po sya ng hindi magagandang salita tungkol sa akin pag nagtatalo kami at

pagmumura po saken. Tapos pisikal po dahil sa hindi pagkakaunaawaan ay nagkakasakitan na po

kami. ( Physical and psychological abuse. First is the verbal abuse wherein he says bad things

about me and whenever we argue he says bad words towards me. In physical abuse because of

misunderstanding we fight and hurt each other. )

Interviewer: 2.2. Ang iyong partner ba ay kumpirmadong may sakit na depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pagiiisip. (Is the abuser diagnosed with any mental illness

such as depression and anxiety disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Interviewee: Stress po sya dala na rin ng pandemic at kakapusan ng pera kaya po siguro

sya may nasasabe at nanakit. (He was stressed brought by the pandemic and because of the

situation we had not enough budget that's why he hurts and says a lot about me. )

Interviewer: 2.3. May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser

showing behavioral problems?)

Interviewee: Opo minsan, lalo na po pag siya ay lasing nagwawala po sya nagmumura at

nagbabalibag ng mga gamit. ( Yes sometimes, especially when he is drunk he lose his control he

says bad words and throws thing inside our home. )


Interviewer: 2.4. Siya ba ay sumasali sa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress

ngayong pandemya? Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to


Interviewee: Opo siya po ay nag iinom sya kaya po nya siguro ayon nasasaktan na po ako

(Yes, he was drinking alcohol that cause him to hurt me. )

Interviewer: 2.5. Kung hindi man, ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit.

(If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Interviewee: Yun nga po dahil sa pag iinom nya bukod don eh yung pag uwi nya hindi pa

ko nakakapaghanda ng ulam yun po nasisipa nya ako at nasasaktan. (Aside from drinking

maybe the reason also is whenever he goes home and the food is bkt ready he kicks me. )

Interviewer: 2.6. Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)

Interviewee: Ayun po talaga ma'am ang number one namin na problema yung pinansyal

kaya po lagi po mainit ulo. ( Yes, that's the number one problem of us is financial that's why he's

being hot-headed. )

3. Ang epekto ng lockdown sa domestic violence ngayong pandemya. (How lockdown

policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

Interviewer: 3.1 Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemya sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?)

Interviewee: Malaki po ang epekto ng pandemya lalo na po pareho po kaming nawalan

ng trabaho lagi po kaming kapos sa pinansyal na dahilan po bakit lagi kami nagtatalo. ( The

pandemic has great impact or effect to us partners because we both stop from working because of

the pandemic that's why we always short in budget which is cause of our argument.)

Interviewer: 3.2 Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya? (Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?)


Interviewee: Opo, kase nga mula nung nagkapandemya palagi kaming magkakasama sa

bahay dahil sa kawalan ng trabaho kaya mas madalas ang pagtatalo. ( Yes, because when the

pandemic started we spent more time together at home due to stop working policy that's why we

argue most of the time. )

Interviewer: 3.3 Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?)

Interviewee: Mahirap po pero tinitiis ko na lang po para sa mga bata lalo na po pandemic

mahirap po magkahiwa hiwalay kami at lalong kailangan ako ng mga anak ko. ( It so hard for me

but i will endure the difficulties for my children especially it is pandemic my children needed me

more. )

Interviewer: 3.4 Paano nito pinapalala ang mga pananakit na dulot sa iyo ng iyong

partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?)

Interviewee: Ayon nga mas pinalala ng pandemic ang mga nangyayari dahil nga po

inaaya po sya lagi ng barkada nya para uminom kaya halos araw araw umiinom na sya eh wala

na nga pong trabaho imbes pangkain na lang po pang iinom kaya din po kami lalo nag aaway.

( The pandemic aggravates the situation because my partner always drink and his friends invites

him to drink. Instead the money will be use for food it becomes for the liquor drinks that's why

we argue most of the time because of it. )

Interviewer: 3.5 Maaari mo bang iexplain ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga

establishimento o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic policies,

such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?)

Interviewee: Yun nga po mahirap nga kailangan po namin magtiis na magkakasama at

nagtatalo dahil nga po bawal lumabas at wala naman pong trabaho kahit po umalis sa bahay

hindi kaya dahil wala din po pamasahe para pumunta po ako sa kaibigan o magulang. Tsaka

mahirap din po dahil lockdown sa aming lugar noon. ( It's very difficult that's why we suffer

from it more because we cannot go outside and also we don't have work so we stay at home. And

even going to our parents or friends cannot happen because we don't have money for

transportation and also our community is on hardlockdown that time. )

Interviewer: 3.6. Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon upang makahingi

ng tulong sa iba? (How does lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to

ask for help?)

Interviewee: Ayon nga po sinasalo ko na lang po lahat ng galit nya kasi no choice po

talaga kung hindi mag stay sa loob ng bahay. Maraming beses ko na pong napag isipan na

pumunta sa magulang o kaibigan kaso naawa po ako sa mga bata dahil pare pareho kaming

maglalakad kaya magtitiis na lang po kami ng mga anak ko sa labas na lang pampalipas ng oras.

( I just accept his anger towards me because I have no choice but to stay at home. I think a lot of

times about going to my parents and friends but thinking that I will walk together with my

children going there is not good idea so we will just stay outside as time pass by. )

Interviewer: 3.7. Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Interviewee: Ayon nga po mas pinalala ng pandemic yung sitwasyon ko lalo sa kalusugan

kasi po dahil sa hirap ng buhay nag tatyaga kami sa pastil dito sa Baseco para pantawid ng gutom

at madalas na stress na ko kakaisip kung saan kukuha ng pangkain sa araw araw. ( Pandemic

aggrevates the situation especially on my health because we just endure eating pastil here in

Baseco in able us to eat at least a day and im more stress thinking of where I can get some

income to have our food daily. )

Interviewer: 3.8. Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa partner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to


Interviewee: Malaki po yung pagbabago sa relasyon namin kasi noon pong hindi pa

pandemic maayos po kami dahil nabibigay nya yung pangangailangan ng mga bata at may

nakakain kami na sapat sa araw-araw pero ng dahil sa Pandemic na stress kami pareho kasi hindi

namin alam paano kami makakaahon dito kaya dahil doon mas madalas na ang pag aaway dahil

bilang Ina na nag babudget mahirap po talaga pagkasyahin kaya nasasabayan ko po init ng ulo

nya at mas nagkaaway. ( There is great changes in our relationship because during the time

before pandemic we're good together because we can provide everything for our children but

when Pandemic happened everything changed we're stress because of lack of income for us to

survive the pandemic. We always argue and fight because me as a mother it so hard to budget the

money. )

Transcript E

Questionnaire for Interview

1. Ano ang profile ng mga biktima ng karahasan sa tahanan sa panahon ng

pandemya? (What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic)

Interviewer: 1.1 Ilang taon kana? (How old are you?)

Interviewee: 43 years old po ( I am 43 years old)

Interviewer: 1.2 Kasal ka na ba? (Are you married?)

Interviewee: Opo, kasal na po (Yes, I’m married)

Interviewer: 1.3 Sino ang kasama mo sa bahay? Ilan lahat kayo sa bahay niyo? (Who do

you live with? How many are you in the family?)

Interviewee: kasama ko po sa bahay ay yung dalawang anak ko po at asawa ko(My two

children live with me together with my husband.)

Interviewer: 1.4 Ano ang relasyon mo sa nang-aabuso sayo? (What is your relationship

to the abuser?)

Interviewee: asawa po (My husband)

Interviewer: 1.5 May mga anak ka ba? (Do you have any kids?)

Interviewee: dalawa (2) po

Interviewer: 1.6 May sarili ba kayong bahay ng iyong partner?


(Are you living in your own house with your partner?)

Interviewee: Opo maam, sariling bahay

Interviewer: 1.7 Ikaw ba ang magtatrabaho sa iyong pamilya? (Are you the one who

provides the income for the family?

Interviewee: minsan ako po yung nagbibigay, ganun din po siya.

Interviewer: 1.8 Sa panahong nitong pandemia, magkano ang iyong kinikita? (During

the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?)

Interviewee: mahirap po maam. Sa condo po binibigyan ako ng 350 pesos, sa isang

lingo isang beses lang. Sa asawa ko naman nagtratrabaho siya bilang construction worker tapos

minsan hindi tuloy tuloy ang trabaho niya. Halos anim na libo po.( It's difficult, ma'am. Only

once a week, I get offered 350 pesos in the unit. On the other hand, my husband, is a

construction worker, and his work isn't stable. We earned almost 6 thousand pesos.)

Interviewer: a. Sapat ba ang iyong kinikita para suportahan ang inyong mga

pangangailangan sa pamilya? (Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?)

Interviewee: hindi po sapat para sa pangangailangan naming sa araw araw (not enough

for our daily needs)

Interviewer: b. Naapektuhan ba nito ang relasyon mo sa iyong partner? (Does it affect

the relationship between you and the abuser? How?)


Interviewee: opo, kapag walang kita nag aaway kami (Yes, we fight when we don't really

have any income.)

Interviewer: 1.9. Ano ang pakiramdam mo tungkol sa relasyon na mayroon ka sa iyong

partner? (How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?)

Interviewee: malungkot po kasi minsan nasasaktan niya ako ( I'm disappointed when

sometimes he hurts me)

2. Mga posibleng dahilan ng domestic violence na nararanasan ng biktima ngayong

pandemya (What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic?)

Interviewer: 2.1. Maaari mo bang ilahad ang pagaaabuso sa iyo? (Can you distinguish

what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?)

Interviewer: a. Ito ba ay sa paraang pisikal na kung saan nananakit siya? At maaari mo

bang ilahad. (Is it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or

injury? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewee: yung pisikal po kase minsan sinuntok niya ako sa mukha at tinutulak niya

ako sa may patalim kaya nasusugatan ako ( The physical abuse when he recently hit me in the

face and pushed me around with sharp objects, injuring me.

Interviewer: b. Ito ba ay seksuwal? At kung ito man maaari mo bang ilahad (Is it sexual

violence where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances to you?

Can you explain how was your experience?


Interviewer: c. Ito ba ay emosyonal na kung saan pinapahiya ka o iniinsulto ka? Pwede

mo bang ilahad (Is it psychological abuse that include acts such as he isolates you from others,

verbal aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewee: pinapahiya niya ako at pagsasabi ng masasakit na salita (he humiliates me

and says hurtful words) kawalan ng budget kaya mainit ang ulo at kapag lasing siya kaya minsan

nananakit po siya (Due to a lack of income, he is irritable, and when he is drunk, he may be harsh)

Interviewer: 2.2. Ang iyong partner ba ay kumpirmadong may sakit na depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pagiiisip. (Is the abuser diagnosed with any mental illness

such as depression and anxiety disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Interviewee: depressed po siguro maam kasi nung nag pandemya, mahirap po ang buhay

e (maybe depressed because life was difficult during the pandemic)

Interviewer: 2.3. May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser

showing behavioral problems?)

Interviewee: Yung hindi niya magandang ugali yung minumura niya ako at masasakit na

salita (His terrible manners include offensive language and hurtful words pointed at me.)

Interviewer: 2.4. Siya ba ay sumasali sa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress

ngayong pandemya? Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to


Interviewee: hindi naman po (nothing)


Interviewer: 2.5. Kung hindi man, ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit.

(If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Interviewee: kami pong mag ina sinasaktan niya dahil sa kakulangan ng budget at

pumupunta mga anak ko sa divisoria para mamulot ng gulay (Due to a lack of income, he harms

me and my 2 children, and my children go to the divisoria to collec vegetables)

Interviewer: 2.6. Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)

Interviewee: Opo (Yes)

3. Ang epekto ng lockdown sa domestic violence ngayong pandemya. (How lockdown

policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

Interviewer: 3.1 Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemyo sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?)

Interviewee: nung nagkaroon ng pandemic, mahirap ang buhay, walang mapagkukunan

ng trabaho at nauuwi sa pagkakasakitan namin sa isat isa ( Life was difficult during a pandemic

since there was no source of work, and we ended up hurting each other.)

Interviewer: 3.2 Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya? (Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?)Paano?

Interviewee: dahil sa pandemic nanakit po siya maam at nakakaranas kami ng gutom

dahil wala kaming makain dahil hindi sapat binibigay niya (We are experiencing hungry because

of the pandemic we don't have anything to eat because he doesn't give enough and he was

hurting me at the same time)


Interviewer: 3.3 Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?)

Interviewee: nagagalit po ako at minsan umiiyak nalang ako, lumalabas ako ng bahay

pumupunta ako sa bahay ng kaibigan ko. (I get angry and sometimes I just cry, I go out of the

house I go to my friend's house)

Interviewer: 3.4 Paano nito pinapalala ang mga pananakit na dulot sa iyo ng iyong

partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?)

Interviewee: sa sobrang tagal po ng lockdown, nakaramdam po kami ng stress mag

asawa kaya nagkakasakitan po kami (My spouse and I were both stressed throughout the longer

lockdown, and as a result, we were ended up hurting each other)

Interviewer: 3.5 Maaari mo bang iexplain ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga

establishimento o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic policies,

such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?)

Interviewee: Sobrang hirap po samin lalo na nung nawalan na ng trabaho asawa ko nung
nagkaroon ng pandemic (It's quite difficult for us, especially when there was a pandemic,
my husband lost his job.)

Interviewer: 3.6. Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon. (How does

lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to ask for help?)

Interviewee: minsan pumupunta ako sa police station para e report siya para tulungan nila

ako dahil sinaksaktan niya ako at may time po na binabato niya ako ng kahoy na may pako (I

went to the police station to report him so that they can help me since he hurts me and there is a

time he throws wood with nails towards me.)


Interviewer: 3.7. Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Interviewee: nangangayat po ako maam kasama ang aking anak dahil sa kakulangan ng

pagkain at minsan nahihimatay ako sa kaba nadudulot ng aking kinakasama nan ang aabuso (I'm

losing weight with my child due to a lack of food, and I sometimes pass out from the anxiety or

nervousness created by my partner)

Interviewer: 3.8. Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa prtner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to


Interviewee; Napapatag po ako nitong pandemya lalo na po ngayon hindi ko na kasama

yung nang aabuso sakin dahil nakakulong na siya ngayon (This pandemic makes me feel better,

especially now that I am no longer with the abuser which is my partner, who is currently in jail)

Transcript F

Questionnaire for Interview

1. Ano ang profile ng mga biktima ng karahasan sa tahanan sa panahon ng

pandemya? (What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic)

Interviewer: 1.1 Ilang taon kana? (How old are you?)

Interviewee: 37 years old po ( I am 37 years old)

Interviewer: 1.2 Kasal ka na ba? (Are you married?)

Interviewee: Hindi po, pero 20 taon na po kaming nagsasama (No, but we are together for

20 years.)

Interviewer: 1.3 Sino ang kasama mo sa bahay? Ilan lahat kayo sa bahay niyo? (Who do

you live with? How many are you in the family?)

Interviewee: Ang asawa at mga anak ko, bale pito po kami sa bahay (My husband and

kids, We are 7 in our house)

Interviewer: 1.4 Ano ang relasyon mo sa nang-aabuso sayo? (What is your relationship

to the abuser?)

Interviewee: asawa po (My husband)

Interviewer: 1.5 May mga anak ka ba? (Do you have any kids?)

Interviewee: meron po, (5) na (there is already, (5) kids)


Interviewer: 1.6 May sarili ba kayong bahay ng iyong partner?

(Are you living in your own house with your partner?)

Interviewee: oo, sariling bahay namin (yes, we lived on our own house)

Interviewer: 1.7 Ikaw ba ang magtatrabaho sa iyong pamilya? (Are you the one who

provides the income for the family?

Interviewee: Minsan ako minsan asawa ko. Wala po kami parehas permanenteng

trabaho (Sometimes I am the one who provides income,sometimes my husband. We both don’t

have permanent job. )

Interviewer: 1.8 Sa panahong nitong pandemia, magkano ang iyong kinikita? (During

the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?)

Interviewee: Sa panahon ng pandemya wala po kaming kinikita. Minsan po pala, sa

isang linggo 100 (In time of pandemic we don’t have income. But sometimes we earned 100 per

week. each)

Interviewer: a. Sapat ba ang iyong kinikita para suportahan ang inyong mga

pangangailangan sa pamilya? (Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?)

Interviewee: hindi po sapat para sa pangangailangan namin sa araw araw kasi pa extra

extra lang (not enough for our daily needs because we are extra in our work)

Interviewer: b. Naapektuhan ba nito ang relasyon mo sa iyong partner? (Does it affect

the relationship between you and the abuser? How?)


Interviewee: Opo, Sobra minsan nag-aaway po kami kapag walang pera, walang

pambiling bigas. (Definitely yes, because when we don't have enough money so we can’t provide

rice for our meal)

Interviewer: 1.9. Ano ang pakiramdam mo tungkol sa relasyon na mayroon ka sa iyong

partner? (How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?)

Interviewee: Minsan nasasaktan, minsan nagbubunganga dahil walang pera na maibigay.

2. Mga posibleng dahilan ng domestic violence na nararanasan ng biktima ngayong

pandemya (What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic?)

Interviewer: 2.1. Maaari mo bang ilahad ang pagaaabuso sa iyo? (Can you distinguish

what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?)

Interviewee: dahil po sa kakulangan sa pera, syempre po iinit ang ulo ko lalo na kung

kulang ang pang araw araw naming gastusin. Syempre mag-aaway kayo tapos gusto nya eh ayaw

ko mainit yung ulo ko dahil wala ngang pera imbles na gumawa ng paraan para magkaroon ng

pera para makabili ng pagkain. Minsan po nasasapok, minsan nasasampal yung mga ganun

po,minsan naitutulak ng malakas tapos dinadakdakan ko pa po kaya nasasampal niya ako

(Ofcourse we fought then he wants to do it and I refused because I’m stressed financially instead

of doing it, We should be earned money to buy foods. When his income is insufficient to provide

our daily needs, yet he still exhausted from work but I get angry and that’s the reason for our

fight. Sometimes I got beaten, sometimes I got slapped and sometimes I’ve been pushed too hard

and then we fought verbally so that he slapped me.)

Interviewer: a. Ito ba ay sa paraang pisikal na kung saan nananakit siya? At maaari mo

bang ilahad. (Is it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or

injury? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewer: b. Ito ba ay seksuwal? At kung ito man maaari mo bang ilahad (Is it sexual

violence where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances to you?

Can you

Interviewer: c. Ito ba ay emosyonal na kung saan pinapahiya ka o iniinsulto ka? Pwede

mo bang ilahad (Is it psychological abuse that includes acts such as he isolates you from others,

verbal aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewer: 2.2. Ang iyong partner ba ay kumpirmadong may sakit na depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pagiiisip. (Is the abuser diagnosed with any mental illness

such as depression and anxiety disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Interviewee: stress po siguro, dahil po sa kawalan ng kita. Iyong naman po ang dahilan

kaya po minsan nagkakasakitan. (He may be stressed because we don’t have income. It is the

reason so sometimes he become assaultive )

Interviewer: 2.3. May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser

showing behavioral problems?)


Interviewee: Opo, minsan. Pinagmumura nya ko tapos masasakit na salita na hindi dapat

sabihin. (Yes, he cursed and bad-mouthed)

Interviewer: 2.4. Siya ba ay sumasali sa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress

ngayong pandemya? Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to


Interviewee: Opo, umiinom minsan.(Yes, sometimes he drink alcohol)

Interviewer: 2.5. Kung hindi man, ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit.

(If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Interviewee: kapag nalalasing po pati anak po namin ay nadadamay (when he was drunk

and our kids have been affected)

Interviewer: 2.6. Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)

Interviewee: Opo (Yes)

3. Ang epekto ng lockdown sa domestic violence ngayong pandemya. (How lockdown

policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

Interviewer: 3.1 Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemyo sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?)

Interviewee: Malaking epekto po dahil nawalan nga po ng trabaho, hindi po naming ito

masyado nararanasan dati. Pinalala po ng pandemya dahil araw araw nga po magkakasama.( It's

a big effect because I lost my job, we haven't experienced it much before. The pandemic made it

worse because we were together every day.)

Interviewer: 3.2 Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya? (Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?)Paano?

Interviewee: Sobrang hirap po talaga. Dahil wala na nga pong pera tapos magkakasama

kayo sa bahay. Nagkakasawaan. Nagbabangayan. ( its very difficult to me because aside of not

having money, we always argue

Interviewer: 3.3 Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?)

Interviewee: Gusto ko nang lumayas ng bahay dahil magtatalo lang kami kaso bawal

lumabas ( I really want to go somewhere but I can’t because I can’t go outside)

Interviewer: 3.4 Paano nito pinapalala ang mga pananakit na dulot sa iyo ng iyong

partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?)

Interviewee: Kailangan mong magpakumbaba dahil bawal nga lumabas, kahit gusto

mong lumayas eh nagtitiyaga nalang. ( You really need to be down to earth because you can’t go

outside even though you want to go somewhere. That’s why i’m keeping up with what happens

to me.)

interviewer: 3.5 Maaari mo bang iexplain ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga

establishimento o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic policies,

such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?)

Interviewee: Mahirap po, nawalan ako ng trabaho dahil nagsarado ang mga
establisyemento. ( It’s really difficult because I had no job because the establishment
where I was working need to be close because of pandemic)

Interviewer: 3.6. Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon. (How does

lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to ask for help?)

Interviewee: sobrang naapekuhan dahil wala nga pong income gusto mo magsumbong sa

brgy kaso di makapagsumbong dahil bawal nga lumabas (It really affect me because I had no

income and even though I want to report to the barangay what is happening but I can’t because

going outside is not allowed.)

Interviewer: 3.7. Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Interviewee: Nagkaroon po ako ng pasa nang saktan ako ng asawa ko. ( I get a bruises

whenever my husband is hurting me )

Interviewer: 3.8. Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa partner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to


Interviewee: Malaking pagbabago pinalala ng pandemya yung sitwasyon namin. Hindi na

masaya pamilya naming ngayon. (The pandemic made our situation worse. Our family is no

longer happy.)

Transcript G

Questionnaire for Interview

1. Ano ang profile ng mga biktima ng karahasan sa tahanan sa panahon ng

pandemya? (What is the profile of the victims of domestic violence during the time

of pandemic)

Interviewer: 1.1 Ilang taon kana? (How old are you?)

Interviewee: 41 years old po ( I am 41 years old)

Interviewer: 1.2 Kasal ka na ba? (Are you married?)

Interviewee: Hindi po (No, I’m not married)

Interviewer: 1.3 Sino ang kasama mo sa bahay? Ilan lahat kayo sa bahay niyo? (Who do

you live with? How many are you in the family?)

Interviewee: Apat kame dito sa bahay yung dalawang anak kong lalaki (My two sons

have four people here at home.)

Interviewer: 1.4 Ano ang relasyon mo sa nang-aabuso sayo? (What is your relationship

to the abuser?)

Interviewee: asawa po (My husband)

Interviewer: 1.5 May mga anak ka ba? (Do you have any kids?)

Interviewee: dalawa (2) po

Interviewer: 1.6 May sarili ba kayong bahay ng iyong partner?


(Are you living in your own house with your partner?)

Interviewee: nangungupahan lang po kame (We are just tenants)

Interviewer: 1.7Ikaw ba ang magtatrabaho sa iyong pamilya? (Are you the one who

provides the income for the family?

Interviewee: dati dalawa kami, dahil nagkaroon ng pandemya nawalan sya ng kita ako

nalang ngayon. (We used to be two, because there was a pandemic he just lost my income now.)

Interviewer: 1.8 Sa panahong nitong pandemia, magkano ang iyong kinikita? (During

the time of pandemic, how is your income going? How much do you earn?)

Interviewee: halos naging kalahati ang kita apektado kame ng pamilya ko sa pandemya,

sobrang liit ng kita sa araw-araw na pagtitinda mataas pa ang bilihin. Kumikita kami halos

pitong libo kada buwan (almost half of my family's income was affected by the pandemic, very

little income from daily sales and high prices. We earned 5 thousand per month.)

Interviewer: a. Sapat ba ang iyong kinikita para suportahan ang inyong mga

pangangailangan sa pamilya? (Is it enough to support the family’s everyday needs?)

Interviewee: hindi po sapat, magbabayad pa kame ng upa ng bahay sa pagkain palang

pero wala kaming magawa kundi pagkasyahin (It's not enough, we'll still pay the rent for the

food but we can't help but be content)

Interviewer: b. Naapektuhan ba nito ang relasyon mo sa iyong partner? (Does it affect

the relationship between you and the abuser? How?)


Interviewee: oo sobra, simula ng nawalan sya ng trabaho madalas na kami nagtatalo kung

saan kukuha ng pambayad at pambili ng pagkain sa liit ng kinikita ko. (Yes too much, since he

lost his job we often argue about where to get payment and buy food on my small income.

Interviewer: 1.9. Ano ang pakiramdam mo tungkol sa relasyon na mayroon ka sa iyong

partner? (How do you feel about the relationship you have with your partner?)

Interviewee: iba na, hindi kana masaya kasi dumadating na sa punto nasasaktan kana

hindi naman dapat kase ako nagtratrabaho mananakit pa (It's different, you're not happy because

you're getting to the point where you're hurting, I shouldn't be working because I'm still hurting)

2. Mga posibleng dahilan ng domestic violence na nararanasan ng biktima ngayong

pandemya (What are the possible causes of domestic violence experienced by the subject

during the time of pandemic?)

Interviewer: 2.1. Maaari mo bang ilahad ang pagaaabuso sa iyo? (Can you distinguish

what kind of violence has been inflicted upon you?)

Interviewee: palaging mainit ulo at nakasigaw maliit na bagay pinapalaki nya, masasakit na

salita yung binibitawan nya sakin kahit hindi naman dapat ganun. Nanampal tsaka nanununtok lalo

pag nakainom sya naranasan ko sakanya. Nakakahiya sa mga kapit bahay naririnig minumura

ako sa harap ng ibang tao parang nawawalan ako ng dignidad sa ginagawa nya , napapaisip

nalang ako na makipag hiwalay nakakatrauma kaso kawawa naman yung mga anak ko. ( He was

always hot-headed and shouting small things he magnifies, he utters hurtful words to me even though it

shouldn't be like that. I got slapped and punched, especially when he drank. It's embarrassing for

the neighbors, as if I'm losing my dignity in what he's doing, I just think of communicating

separately, it's a traumatic case for my children.)

Interviewer: a. Ito ba ay sa paraang pisikal na kung saan nananakit siya? At maaari mo

bang ilahad. (Is it physical violence where he uses part of his body or any object to cause pain or

injury? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewer: b. Ito ba ay seksuwal? At kung ito man maaari mo bang ilahad (Is it sexual

violence where he attempts to do sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances to you?

Can you explain how was your experience?

Interviewer: c. Ito ba ay emosyonal na kung saan pinapahiya ka o iniinsulto ka? Pwede

mo bang ilahad (Is it psychological abuse that include acts such as he isolates you from others,

verbal aggressions, threats, intimidation, control, harassment or stalking, insults, humiliation and

defamation towards to you? Can you explain how was your experience?)

Interviewer: 2.2. Ang iyong partner ba ay kumpirmadong may sakit na depression o

anumang nakakaapekto sa kaniyang pagiiisip. (Is the abuser diagnosed with any mental illness

such as depression and anxiety disorder due to pandemic pressure?)

Interviewee: hindi naman po sya nag pagamot, nakikita ko depression kasi isa sya

natanggal sa trabaho nitong pandemya (he didn't get treatment, I can see depression because he

was fired from his job during this pandemic)

Interviewer: 2.3. May pinapakita ba siyang problema sa paguugali? (Is the abuser

showing behavioral problems?)


Interviewee: hindi magandang ugali yung nanakit, kung ikaw walang sakit na depression

hindi ka magsasalita ng masasakit sa partner mo. (The one who hurt you has bad manners, if you

don't have depression you won't say hurtful things to your partner.)

Interviewer: 2.4. Siya ba ay sumasali sa mga aktibidad na maaaring dahilan ng stress

ngayong pandemya? Is the abuser engaged with any activities that causes stress due to


Interviewee: hindi po (no, he did not.)

Interviewer: 2.5. Kung hindi man, ano ang naiisip mong dahilan ng kanyang pananakit.

(If not, what are the possible causes that leads the abuser to hurt any of the family members?)

Interviewee: Maaaring yung kakulangan nga po sa pera. ( Lack of income)

Interviewer: 2.6. Ang kakulangan ba sa pera ay kasama sa dahilan ng pangaabuso? (Is

financial capability a contributing factor to cause violence?)

Interviewee: oo kapag nakukulangan kana sa bayarin at pambili ng pagkain lalo na kapag

sunod-sunod na yung bayaran nag sisimula na ang init ng ulo at hahantong sa pagtatalo. (Yes,

when you are short on bills and food purchases, especially when the payments will issue, it will

lead to an argument.)

3. Ang epekto ng lockdown sa domestic violence ngayong pandemya. (How lockdown

policy affects the domestic violence experienced by the subject during the time of

Interviewer: 3.1 Paano nakakaapekto ang pandemyo sa nararanasan mong mga pang-

aabuso? (How does pandemic affects you to experience these kind of violence?)

Interviewee: Sobrang apektado. Bumababa ang kita, nawalan ng trabaho. Halos isang

taon pandemya hindi sya nakabalik sa trabaho, sobrang naapektuhan kame lalo na yung relasyon

namin naging marahas. (Extremely affected. Income is declining, jobs are being lost. He was not

able to return to work for almost a year after the pandemic, we were very affected, especially

since our relationship became violent.)

Interviewer: 3.2 Ikaw ba ay nahihirapan sa pakikitungo sa iyong partner nang dahil sa

pandemya?(Does pandemic gives you hard time to deal with the abuser? How?)Paano?

Interviewee: oo sobrang hirap lalo na nung nawalan sya ng tarabaho, palagi nalang mainit

ulo nya nakakatakot sya kausapin. (Yes, it was very difficult, especially when he lost his job, his

head was always hot, it was scary to talk to him.)

Interviewer: 3.3 Anong pakiramdam nang nakakasama ang iyong "abuser" nitong

pandemya? (How do you feel staying at home with your abuser during the pandemic?)

Interviewee: nakakatrauma yung mga ginagawa nya sakin, lalo kapag naala yung mga

pagtatalo at pananakit nya sa akin, parang pakiramdam mo bawat minute ka nya sasaktan at

sisigawan(What he does to me is traumatic, especially when I remembers the arguments and how

he hurts me, I feel like every minute he will hurt and yell at me.)

Interviewer: 3.4 Paano nito pinapalala ang mga pananakit na dulot sa iyo ng iyong

partner? (How lockdown policy aggravates the action of your abuser towards you?)

Interviewee: kung gaano katagal ang pandemya ganun din katagal ang karahasan, hindi

sya naging normal malaki naging epekto amin ng pandemya (The longer the pandemic, the

longer the violence, he didn't become normal, the pandemic affected us a lot.)

Interviewer: 3.5 Maaari mo bang iexplain ang epekto ng pagsasara ng mga

establishimento o mga business sa paligid mo? (What was the impact of the pandemic policies,

such as facilities closures, business shutdowns, and mobility restrictions? Can you explain?)

Interviewee: katulad yan nag titinda lang ako isang malaking epekto sa akin ang
pandemya, tapos curfew na 8:00 pm kapag sa gabi lang kami mabili talagang naapektado
yung pinag kakakitaan namin work from home pa yung iba ngayon pandemya. (That's
how it is; I'm just selling. The pandemic has had a big impact on me, and the curfew is at
8:00 p.m., which is when our products were supposed to sell.)

Interviewer: 3.6. Paano naapektuhan ng lockdown ang iyong sitwasyon. (How does

lockdown policy affects your situation as a victim in directing to ask for help?)

Interviewee: sobra na yung ginagawa nya parang gusto ko nalang humihingi ng tulong sa

iba kase torture kana sa partner, kaso di ko magawa e bawal lumabas. Di ko alam kanino ako

dapat magsumbong (He's doing too much; it's as if I just want to seek assistance from others

because you're torturing my partner, but I can't because I'm not allowed to leave the house. I'm

not sure who I should report to.)

Interviewer: 3.7. Paano nito naapektuhan ang iyong kalusugan, pisikal at mental (How

lockdown policy affects your condition especially your health?)

Interviewee: Okay naman ang aking kalusugan. Nagkaron nga lang ng trauma. (My

health is okay. I’m just having trauma now.)

Interviewer: 3.8. Ano ang mga nagbago sa relasyon mo sa prtner mo at pamilya ngayon

pandemiya? (What was the changes causes by the abuser to you and your family due to


Interviewee: Nandun pa din yung trauma na ginawa nya sayo, nagkaroon na sya uli ng

trabaho kaya hindi na mainit yung ulo nya. Hindi na kami madalas magtalo katulad nung nandito

lang sya sa bahay. (The trauma he did to me was still there, he had a job again so his head was no

longer hot. We don't argue as often as when he was just here at home.)



She is 4th year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology at Universidad de

Manila. She finished primary school education at Libertad Central School, continue her

secondary education at St. Theresa's School of Novaliches. She is currently residing at 644

Lorenzo Chacon St. Tondo Manila. She believes that " The way you speak and think matters.”


She is a 4th year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology at

Universidad de Manila, She Finished her primary education at Burgos Elementary School and

continue her secondary education and senior high school at Burgos National Highschool. She is

currently residing at Sunt rust Parkview Condominium T6-16M, Ermita, Manila. She believes

that "If you get tired, LEARN TO REST not to quit”



She is a 4th year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology at

Universidad de Manila, She Finished her primary education at Amado V. Hernandez Elementary

School, continue her secondary education at Tondo High School and took up Science

Technology Engineering And Mathematics (STEM). She is currently residing at 140 Liwayway

St. Tondo Manila. She believes that “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”


She is a 4th year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology at

Universidad de Manila, She Finished her primary education at Plaridel Elementary School,

continue her secondary education at Florentino Torres High School and took up humanities and

social sciences (HUMMS) At Philippine College of Criminology. She is currently residing at

2651 F Severino Reyes St. Tondo, Manila. She believes that “Do your thing, and don't care if

they like it.”



She is a 4th year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology at

Universidad de Manila, She finished her primary education at Callejon Elementary School

continue her secondary education at Callejon National High School and took up Accountancy

Business Management strand in Senior High School at Universidad de Manila. She is currently

residing at 796-A Sevilla St. Binondo, Manila. She believes that “The mind is everything. What

you think you become. “



She is a 4th year college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology at

Universidad de Manila, She Finished her primary education at Kaunlaran Elementary School and

continue her secondary education and senior high school at Macario B Asistio Unit 1. She is

currently residing at 1354 Sevilla extension Tondo Manila. She believes that “Think Big Trust

Your Self and Make It Happen.”


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