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P. Helander
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
Wendelsteinstraße 1, 17491 Greifswald, Germany

ABSTRACT There is one final assumption concerning the magni-

tude of the electric field. This can either be ordered
These lecture notes provide a short overview of large,
classical and neoclassical transport in tokamaks. The E/B ∼ vT a ,
classical theory is widely applicable in laboratory and or small,
space plasma physics if the mean free path is shorter E/B ∼ δvT a ,
than the macroscopic scale length. The neoclassical the-
ory predicts important phenomena in tokamaks such as and the resulting theory is somewhat different in the
the bootstrap current, electric conductivity, transport in two cases. Most commonly, the first ordering is adopted
the scrape-off layer, and cross-field transport in regions in the classical theory and the second one in the neo-
where the turbulence is suppressed. classical theory.


As is well known, the moments of (1) express the
conservation of density, momentum and energy,
After Boltzmann had formulated his famous kinetic
equation for dilute gases in the 1870’s, an outstanding ∂na
problem in theoretical physics was to calculate trans- + ∇ · (na Va ) = 0, (2)
port coefficients (heat conductivity and viscosity) from
it. This problem remained open for over four decades ∂(ma na Va )
+ ∇ · Πa = na ea (Ea + Va × B) + Fa , (3)
until Chapman [1] and Enskog [2] independently found ∂t
the correct asymptotic expansion. The extension of ma na Va2
∂ 3na Ta
their technique to ionised gases is referred to as clas- + + ∇ · Qa
∂t 2 2
sical or neoclassical theory, depending on whether the
ma v 2
geometry of the magnetic field plays a role. In either = ea na E · Va + Ca (fa ) d3 v, (4)
case, it is a rigorous theory, meaning that it provides 2
an asymptotic solution of the kinetic equation and it is the task of the kinetic theory to calculate the
friction force
∂fa ea ∂fa
+ v · ∇fa + (E + v × B) · = Ca (fa ) (1)
∂t ma ∂v Fa = ma vCa (fa ) d3 v,
for each species a, under the assumption that the gy-
the pressure tensor
roradius parameter δ = ρa /L is small, where ρa is the
gyroradius and L the macroscopic scale length. In clas-
sical transport theory, it is assumed that the collisional Πa = ma vvfa d3 v,
mean free path λ is short, λ/L ≪ 1, whilst in neo-
classical theory λ is arbitrary. The extension to long the energy flux
mean free path is possible because a transport ordering Z
is adopted, meaning that the time derivative is consid- Qa = ma v 2 vfa d3 v,
ered small,
∂/∂t ∼ δ 2 vT a /L, and the collisional energy exchange on the right-hand
side of (4). The viscosity tensor is defined as
where vT a = (2Ta /ma )1/2 is the thermal speed. This
ordering removes plasma waves from the equations. π a = Πa − pa I − ma na Va Va ,

where I is the unit tensor, and the heat flux is ′ ∂Vak ∂fa
−vaj ′ = Ca (fa ),
∂rj ∂vak
5pa Va ma na Va2 Va
qa = Qa − − π a · Va − . where va′ = v − Va , E′ = E + Va × B is the electric
2 2
field measured in the moving frame, and
The collision operator
d ∂
Ca =
Cab (fa , fb ) (5) = + Va · ∇
dt ∂t
is the convective derivative. The largest terms are
is a sum of contributions from collisions with each par- those involving the collision operator and the mag-
ticle species “b”, including b = a. Its detailed form will netic field, and the equation can be solved perturba-
be of little concern to us, but it is important to know tively by expanding the distribution function accord-
that it conserves particles, ingly, fa = fa0 + fa1 + . . .. In lowest order, the large
Z terms force the electron (ee = −e) distribution function
Cab (fa , fb ) d3 v = 0, to be a Maxwellian at rest in the moving frame,
which has been used in the derivation of the continuity

me 2

equation (2), as well as momentum and energy, fe0 = ne e−x ,

ma vCab (fa , fb ) d v = − mb vCba (fb , fa ) d3 v, (6)
3 where x2 = me ve′2 /2Te . In the next order, we obtain an
equation for the correction fe1 to the Maxwellian
ma v 2 mb v 2
Cab (fa , fb ) d3 v = − Cba (fb , fa ) d3 v. 0 e ∂fe1
2 2 Cee (fe1 ) + Cei (fe1 ) + v×B·
me ∂v
It will also be useful to know that the operator contains
d ln ne 3 d ln Te
pitch-angle scattering, = + x2 − + v · ∇ ln ne
dt 2 dt
a part of Cab (fa ) = νab L(fa ),
3 me v e ′ dVe
+ x2 − v · ∇ ln Te + · E +
2 Te me dt
where the scattering frequency νab is of the order of 
the inverse collision time, and the scattering operator me vj vk ∂Vek me v · u
+ + νei fe0 , (9)
is defined by Te ∂rj Te
1 ∂  ∂ where we have now written v instead of ve′ and where
L= 1 − ξ2 , (8)
2 ∂ξ ∂ξ u = Ve − Vi is the mean velocity of the electrons rel-
ative to the ions. Cei (fe1 ) = νei L(fe1 ) denotes the
with ξ = vk /v. scattering part of the electron-ion collision operator.
A crucial insight by Chapman and Enskog was that
the time derivatives on the right-hand side can be elim-
inated by taking moments of the equation. Indeed, in-
This theory was developed independently by sev- tegrating Eq (9) over velocity space gives the continu-
eral authors, but the most well-known and pedagogic ity equation (2), which implies that d ln ne /dt can be
formulation is due to Braginskii [3]. It considers a replaced by −∇ · Ve . The me v-moment gives the mo-
plasma with a single ion species i, but can straightfor- mentum equation (3), but without the viscosity term,
wardly be extended to multiple ion species, and assumes and can be used to eliminate dVe /dt and E′ by
the large-flow ordering, E/B ∼ vT i . It is remarkable dVe eE′ Fe − ∇(ne Te )
that the complete theory for the small-flow case was + = .
dt me me ne
only worked out only half a century after Braginskii’s
original work [4]. The energy moment, finally, gives the energy equation
III.A. Chapman-Enskog expansion procedure (4), but without heat conduction and energy exchange,

Since the flow is considered large, the first step is 3 d ln Te

+ ∇ · Ve = 0,
to transform the kinetic equation (1) to a coordinate 2 dt
frame moving with the flow velocity Va (r, t)
and this can be used to eliminate dTe /dt in Eq (9). The
reason why certain terms in the full fluid equations (2)-
dfa ′ ea ′ ′ dVa ∂fa
+ va · ∇fa + (E + va × B) − · (4) do not appear in the moments of Eq (9) is that
dt ma dt ∂va′

me ne
they are small in the ordering assumed. Eliminating Fu = − (0.51uk + u⊥ ), (14)
time derivatives from Eq (9) in this manner gives the τe
following kinetic equation for fe1 in the electron rest 3ne
frame, FT = −0.71ne ∇k Te + b × ∇Te , (15)
2Ωe τe
0 e ∂fe1 where u = Ve − Vi and b = B/B. Because of mo-
Cee (fe1 ) + Cei (fe1 ) + v×B·
me ∂v mentum conservation the force acting on the ions is

Fe me νei u
 equal and opposite, Fi = −Fe . The parallel friction
= x2 − v · ∇ ln Te + v · + coefficient in Eq (14) is seen to be smaller than the
2 pe Te
perpendicular one by a factor of 0.51, which has to do
me v e with the fact that the collision frequency decreases with
+ vj vk − δjk Wjk fe0 , (10)
2Te 3 velocity, (τe ∼ v 3 ), causing electrons with large paral-
where lel velocities to be more distorted from the Maxwellian
distribution than slower ones. The fast electrons then
a ∂Vaj ∂Vak 2
Wjk ≡ + − (∇ · Va )δjk . (11) contribute more to the relative velocity, and less to the
∂rk ∂rj 3 friction. The parallel thermal force (15) is also a conse-
is the so-called rate-of-strain tensor. Note that there quence of the circumstance that the collision frequency
are three driving terms on the right: the temperature falls off with increasing energy, for consider a situation
gradient, the term involving the friciton force, and the where the electron fluid is at rest with respect to the
tensor Wjk which measures how rapidly the flow veloc- ion fluid, so that the drag force Fu vanishes. A typi-
ity varies in space and gives rise to plasma viscosity. cal ion is bombarded by electrons streaming along the
The ion analysis is slightly simpler since the ion- field with their respective peculiar velocities. If there is
electron collision operator can be regarded as small, a temperature gradient along the field, those electrons
which implies that the friction is negligible in the ion that travel in the direction of the temperature gradient
kinetic problem. The analogue of (10) for ions is thus come from a slightly colder region and will be more col-
lisional than those going in the opposite direction. They
e ∂fi1 will therefore exert a larger friction force on the ions,
Cii (fi1 ) − v×B·
mi ∂v on which a thermal force therefore acts in the direction
of ∇k Te . The corresponding force on the electrons (15)
2 5 mi i
= x − v · ∇ ln Ti + vj vk − δjk Wjk fi0 , is in the opposite dirction. The second term is smaller
2 2Ti 3 than the first one by a factor of 1/Ωe τe ≪ 1.
The electron heat flux also has two pieces
The equations (10) and (12) are linear, integrodif-
ferential equations involving the complicated (but lin-
qe = qeu + qeT , (16)
earised) Coulomb collision operator. They are tradi-
tionally solved by expanding the distribution function 3ne Te
in a suitable set of orthogonal functions, which converts qeu = 0.71ne Te uk − b × u⊥ , (17)
2Ωe τe
the problem to an infinite set of coupled linear algebraic
equations. A sufficiently accurate solution can be found qeT = −κek ∇k Te − κe∧ b × ∇Te − κe⊥ ∇⊥ Te , (18)
by truncating this system of equations after only a few
terms. where the heat conductivities are
III.B. Results ne Te τe
κek = 3.16 , (19)
Following Braginskii, we display the results in the me
limit ρ/λ = 1/Ωe τe → 0, which is the most interest-
ing case for most situations in fusion and astrophysics. 5ne Te
κe∧ = − , (20)
Here Ωe = −eB/me is the electron gyrofrequency and 2me Ωe
1/2 3/2 ne Te
12π 3/2 me Te ǫ20 κe⊥ = 4.66 , (21)
τe = me Ω2e τe
21/2 ni Z 2 e4 ln Λ
the electron collision time, with Z = 1 the ion charge Physically, the first term in Eq. (17) has to do with
and ln Λ the Coulomb logarithm. the distortion of the distribution of fast electrons from
The force Fe acting on the electrons consists of a a Maxwellian. In a coordinate system where Ve = 0,
drag force and a thermal force more fast electrons travel in the direction of u and more
slow electrons in the direction of −u, which gives rise
Fe = Fu + FT , (13) to a heat flux.

This effect does not arise for ions since the ion- rapid and usually dominates over turbulence. The most
electron collision frequency is independent of ion en- important prediction of the classical theory is probably
ergy. The ion heat flux therefore only has terms related the electric (so-called Spitzer) conductivity, σ regulat-
to ∇Ti , ing the current

qi = −κik ∇k Ti + κi∧ b × ∇Ti − κi⊥ ∇⊥ Ti , (22) Jk = −ne euk = σEk ,

where that arises in response to an applied parallel electric

ni Ti τi
κik = 3.9 , (23) field [5]. It is obtained from (14) as
5ni Ti ne e2 τe
κi∧ = , (24) σ = 1.96 ,
2mi Ωi me
ni Ti
κi⊥ = 2 (25) 3/2
and is thus proportional to Te but independent of the
mi Ω2i τi
density ne .
with Ωi = ZeB/mi and The parallel electron heat conductivity (19) is very
1/2 3/2
important in the tokamak edge, where it governs the
12π 3/2 mi Ti ǫ20 heat flux to the divertor plates. This condutivity is
τii = .
ni Z 2 e4 ln Λ 5/2
proportional to Te but is independent of density. In
Note that the conductivities κk , κ∧ and κ⊥ are con- situations where the heat flux is constant, it predicts a
secutively separated by the large factor Ωτ for both temperature profile Te (s) ∼ s2/7 as a function of the arc
species. The first and third terms in the expressions for length s along the magnetic field. Parallel electron heat
qeT and qi are parallel to the gradients that drive them, conduction is also important in space physics and as-
and will therefore tend to relax these gradients. This trophyiscs. It governs, for instance, the heat flux along
relaxation occurs on very disparate time scales in the magnetic loops in the solar corona.
two directions. Perpendicular to the magnetic field, the The thermal force, which was discovered by Enskog
ion contribution is dominant, since for both species the (then a student) in 1911, has been used for isotope sep-
cross-field diffusion scales according as κ⊥ ∼ nρ2i /τi , in- aration and plays an important role in plasmas with
dicating a random walk with the step size ρi , which is multiple ion species. The point is that the kinetic equa-
much larger for the ions than for the electrons. Parallel tion for hydrogenic ions in a plasma that also contains
to the field, on the other hand, the electron heat flux much heavier impurity ions is identical to the equa-
dominates, and scales as κk ∼ nλ2 /τe with a random- tion for electrons in a pure plasma (with the lighter
walk step size equal to the mean free path. The latter ions playing the role of the electrons in a pure plasma).
is roughly the same for electrons and ions, but the col- Many of Braginskii’s results therefore carry over to the
lision time is much shorter for the electrons. Of inter- situation of an impure plasma and, in particular, there
mediate magnitude is the diamagnetic heat flux term is a thermal force on heavy impurity ions in the direc-
q∧ = ±κ∧ b × ∇T , carrying heat across the field per- tion of ∇k Ti . This force pulls impurity ions out of the
pendicular to the gradient. This flux is not affected by divertor into the main scrape-off-layer in a tokamak. In
collisions in the limit Ωi τi ≫ 1. the transition region between the solar photosphere and
The heat exchanged between the species, the corona, there is a very strong vertical temperature
gradient pulling out heavy ions and making the chemi-
mi vi′2 3ne me cal composition of the solar wind different from that of
Qi = Cie (fi ) d3 v = (Te − Ti ), (26) the Sun.
2 mi τ e
is a result of temperature equilibration on the slow time
scale mi τe /me and frictional generation of heat. The IV. NEOCLASSICAL TRANSPORT
viscosity tensor is complicated and will not be treated
here. Its form depends on whether the large- or small- Classical transport applies in all magnetic-field ge-
flow ordering is adopted. ometries as long as the mean free path is short. When
III.C. Applications it is, the transport is determined locally and does there-
fore not depend much on the macroscopic field struc-
As already remarked, classical transport is rela-
ture. When the mean free path is long, however, the
tively small across the magnetic field and is therefore
transport can become much stronger, which is the sub-
usually of little concern. In most situations it is eas-
ject of neoclassical theory.
ily overwhelmed by neoclassical or turbulent transport.
Along the field, however, the classical transport is very IV.A. Collisionality

The physics of neoclassical transport in a tokamak ǫ ≪ 1. Finally, in the banana regime, ν∗ ≪ 1, the par-
depends decisively on the relative magnitude of the ticle dynamics is virtually collisionless, and both types
collision frequency ν and the transit frequency ωt = of orbits (trapped and circulating) can be completed.
vT /qR, the so-called collisionality. Here q = rBϕ /RBθ The diffusivity of particles and heat is proportional
is the safety factor and R the major radius of the toka- to the collision frequency in the banana and Pfirsch-
mak. We note that the mean free path λ = vT /ν is Schlüter regimes (with different proportionality con-
similar for electrons and ions since νee /νii ∼ vT e /vT i , stants) but is independent of collisionality (forms a
but may differ among ion species with very disparate “plateau”) in the plateau regime, see Fig 1. While this
masses. Highly charged impurities are more collisional is strictly true in the limit ǫ → 0, at realistic aspect
than bulk ions and electrons. If the collisionality is ratios the distinction between the regimes is blurred,
large, and the plateau is difficult to discern.
L ν
∼ ≫ 1, (27)
λ vT /qR
the mean free path is shorter than the parallel distance
around a flux surface L ∼ qR, and the Braginskii fluid
equations may be applied for the analysis. The particle
orbits are then not fully completed by a typical thermal

particle since its motion is disturbed by collisions before
an orbit has been completed. This high-collisionality
regime is called the Pfirsch-Schlüter regime.
In the opposite limit,
vT /qR
≪ 1, 1 ~¶-32
referred to as the banana-plateau regime, orbits are Ν*
completed and short-mean-free-path closure of the fluid
equations is inapplicable. The core of a tokamak is usu- Figure 1: Dependence of neoclassical diffusion coeffi-
ally in this regime. cient on collisionality at large aspect ratio. The dashed
If the inverse aspect ratio is small, ǫ ≪ 1, the curve represents the asymptotic limit ǫ → 0, while the
banana-plateau regime is subdivided into two regimes: solid curve represents ǫ = 0.2.
the plateau regime
ν IV.B. Flows within the flux surface
ǫ3/2 ≪ ≪ 1, (28)
vT /qR
The axisymmetric magnetic field of a tokamak has
and the banana regime the form
ν B = I(ψ)∇ϕ + ∇ϕ × ∇ψ,
≪ ǫ3/2 . (29)
vT /qR where ϕ is the toroidal angle measured in the direction
In the former, most circulating particle orbits are com- of the plasma current and ψ the poloidal flux function.
pleted but trapped orbits are interrupted by collisions Since the pressure
since the effective collision frequency, νeff = ν/ǫ, re- X X
quired to scatter a trapped particle out of its magnetic p= pa = na Ta
a a
well, √
∆B/B ∼ ǫ, is larger than the bounce frequency
ωb ∼ ǫvT /qR, i.e., is a flux function when the rotation velocity is subsonic
so that J × B = ∇p, the diamagnetic current beomes
ν/ǫ ν/ǫ3/2
ν∗ ≡ = ≫ 1.
ωb vT /qR
B × ∇p IB dp
J⊥ = 2
= 2
− R ϕ̂ ,
It is important to note that the effective collision fre- B B dψ
quency for scattering the velocity vector by an angle and is generally not divergence-free, ∇ · J⊥ 6= 0, neces-
∆ϑ is ν/(∆ϑ)2 , since the pitch-angle scattering opera- sitating a parallel, so-called Pfirsch-Schlüter, current.
tor (8) is of second
√ order. Trapped particles occupy the Since
region vk /v ∼ √ǫ in velocity space, so it is appropriate
to take ∆ϑ = ǫ. The effective trapped-particle scat- Jk B Jk
I dp
tering frequency is thus substantially greater than ν if 0=∇· + J⊥ = B · ∇ + 2
B B B dψ

it follows that the quantity within the parentheses must outward and sometimes inward. This leads to a random
be constant of flux surfaces, and the parallel current walk in the radial direction, with a step length
I dp ρvT ∆t
Jk = − + K(ψ)B, ∆r ∼ vd ∆t ∼ ,
B dψ R
where K(ψ) is an arbitrary integration constant. This and a step time ∆t. The resulting diffusion coefficient
is the “return current” necessary to close the diamag- is thus
netic current. A similar argument can be made for the (∆r)
D⊥ ∼ ∼ νq 2 ρ2 , (32)
flux na Va for each species: its perpendicular compo- ∆t
nent is given by the diamagnetic flux but is not diver- which is larger than the classical diffusion coefficient by
gence free, necessitating a parallel flux. The sum is a factor q 2 .
equal to To derive the transport mathematically using the
results from Section III.B, we consider the ion heat
na Va = ωa (ψ)na (ψ)Rϕ̂ + Ka (ψ)B, (30)
flux. When the plasma flow velocity is ordered small,
with E/B ∼ δvT i , the ion energy equation (4) reduces to
dΦ 1 dpa ∇ · qi = 0. Recalling (22), we see that if we expand the
ωa (ψ) = − − , (31) temperature,
dψ na ea dψ
where Φ denotes the electrostatic potential. These re- Ti = Ti0 + Ti1 + . . . ,
lations hold in all collsionality regimes.
in powers of 1/Ωi τi , then in lowest order,
∇k (κik ∇k Ti0 ) = 0, so
Ti0 = Ti0 (ψ).
In the Pfirsch-Schlüter regime, the transport can
mostly be calculated using Braginskii’s equations. Al- Thus, on the fastest time scale parallel heat conduction
though these do not depend on the geometry of the makes the temperature uniform on flux surfaces. In
magnetic field, there is nevertheless an enhancement of next order, we have
the transport level in the tokamak as compared with a  
plasma in a straight magnetic field. On the fluid level, ∇ · κik ∇k Ti1 − κi∧ b × ∇Ti0 = 0,
it has to do with the fact that a parallel Pfirsch-Schlüter
flow must arise, as we have just seen. In the particle so that
picture, the transport enhancement can be understood Iκi∧ dTi0
∇k Ti1 = + Li (ψ)B,
in terms of a simple random-walk argument. κik dψ
Since the collision frequency exceeds the transit fre-
where the integration constant Li (ψ) can be determined
quency, parallel particle motion is diffusive, with a dif-
from the relation B∇k Ti1 = 0. Here the angular
fusion coefficient
brackets denote the so-called flux-surface average,
Dk ∼ λ2 /τ ∼ vT2 /ν, I
Q(ψ, θ)

hQi (ψ) = dθ/
where λ = vT /ν is the mean-free path. Thus, the time B · ∇θ B · ∇θ
it takes for a particle to move around a flux surface is i.e., a volume average of the quantity Q between two
of the order neighbouring flux surfaces. Since κi∧ B is constant over
qR the flux surface, it follows that
∆t ∼ ∼ν ,
Dk vT Iκi∧


∇k Ti1 = i 1− . (33)
since the parallel distance is of the order qR. The cross- κk hB 2 i dψ
field transport is caused by the guiding-centre drift,
We see that Ti1 varies over the flux surface. The mech-
v + vk2 anism is the same as that giving rise to the Pfirsch-
vd ≃ − ẑ, Schlüter current. The diamagnetic heat flux κi∧ b×∇Ti0
is not divergence free, and must therefore be balanced
which is vertical and therefore directed radially outward by a parallel return flow, which, in turn, implies a small
(say) if the particle is above the midplane and inward but important parallel temperature gradient. Since the
if it is below the midplane. As the particle diffuses in latter (33) is positive on the inside of the torus and neg-
the parallel direction, the cross-field drift is sometimes ative on the inside (assuming that dTi0 /dψ < 0), the

temperature is up-down asymmetric. It is now straight- with Φ1 /Φ0 ∼ δ.
forward to construct the heat flux across the flux surface If an inductive electric field, Ek (A) = −∂Ak /∂t is
from (22) and (33), added to Eq (35), our remaining task is thus to solve
the first-order equation
qi · ∇ψ = −κi⊥ ∇⊥ Ti0 + κi∧ b × ∇Ti1 · ∇ψ

" # ∂fa0 ea vk Ek
(Iκi∧ )2 B2

i 2 dTi0 vk ∇k fa1 − Ca (fa1 ) = −(vd · ∇ψ) + fa0 .
= − κ⊥ |∇ψ| + 1− . (34) ∂ψ Ta
κik hB 2 i dψ
The first term is the classical cross-field heat flux, and Since this equation is linear in fa1 and the driving terms
the second term is the neoclassical Pfirsch-Schlüter heat on the right appear additively, we conclude that the ra-
flux, which arises entirely because of toroidicity. Both dial density and temperature gradients in fa0 and the
heat fluxes are ultimately driven by the radial temper- inductive electric field contribute separate and indepen-
ature gradient, but the neoclassical heat flux is also dent terms to fa1 . In this equation no assumption has
fundamentally associated with a parallel gradient. In a yet been made about collisionality, i.e., on the relative
large-aspect-ratio tokamak with circular cross section, magnitude of the terms on the left. If the equation is
the total flux-surface averaged heat flux becomes solved under the assmption that the collision term dom-
intates, then Pfirsch-Schlüter transport is recovered. If
hqi · ∇ψi  dTi0
qir = = −κi⊥ 1 + 1.6q 2 , the first term instead dominates, banana transport en-
|∇ψ| dr sues. Mathematically, one makes a subsidiary expan-
where the first term is the classical and the second term sion of fa1 in the smallness of the collision frequency,
the Pfirsch-Schlüter contribution. (0) (1)
fa1 = fa1 + fa1 + . . . ,

VI. TRANSPORT IN THE BANANA REGIME which enables the equation to be solved analytically if
the collision operator is simplified. The mathematics is
When the mean free path is longer, the transport somehwat complicated and will not be repeated here.
must be calculated kinetically, but since the gyroradius The student who is interested in all the steps is encour-
is supposed to be small, the full kinetic equation (1) aged to consult Ref [6].
can be reduced (by gyro-averaging) to the drift kinetic
equation, VI.A. Radial transport

∂fa From the distribution funciton fa1 thus obtained,

+ (vk b + vda ) · ∇fa = Ca (fa ), (35) the radial particle and heat heat flux can be calculated.
The results have been obtained in general axisymmetric
where vd is the drift velocity and the derivatives are
geometry but are particularly simple in the case of a
taken at constant energy H = ma v 2 /2 + ea Φ and mag-
2 large-aspect-ratio tokamak with circular cross section.
netic moment µ = ma v⊥ /2B, so that the mirror force
The largest flux is that of ion heat,
is contained in the parallel steaming term vk ∇k fa . In
this equation, not all terms are equally large. As men- dTi
tioned in the introduction, the first term on the left is qir = −ni χi ,
ordered to be a factor δ 2 smaller than the second one,
and the magnetic drift term is by definition a factor whose diffusivity is
δ smaller than parallel streaming, vd /v ∼ δ. We may
1.35q 2 Ti
thus expand fa = fa0 + fa1 + · · · and obtain χi = , (36)
ǫ3/2 mi Ω2i τi
vk ∇k fa0 = Ca (fa0 ),
and thus scales as the classical diffusivity ρ2i /τi en-
vk ∇k fa1 + vda · ∇fa0 = Ca (fa1 ), hanced by the factor 1.35q 2 /ǫ3/2 , which is usually in
in zeroth and first order, respectively. It can relatively the range 10-100. The reason for this enhancement has
easily be shown that the only solutions of the first equa- to do with banana orbits. As already mentioned, par-
tions are Maxwellians that are constant on flux sur- ticles with velocity vectors nearly perpendicular to the
faces. This conclusion is reached by multiplying the magnetic field, |vk |/v⊥ ≤ ǫ1/2 , are trapped in the rela-
equation by ln fa0 , integrating over velocity space, tak- tively weak magnetic field on the outside of the torus
ing the flux-surface average, and using Boltzmann’s H- and trace out banana orbits with a width
theorem. It also follows from this argument that the √
electrostatic potential is approximately a flux function, δrb ∼ qρ/ ǫ,

Φ = Φ0 (ψ) + Φ1 (ψ, θ), cf Fig 2. The banana width δrb is thus considerably

to density and temperature gradients in the plasma. It
also appears in the second term as a reduction of the
Spitzer conductivity σ caused by the fact that trapped
particles cannot contribute to the parallel current.
Physically, the bootstrap current has its root in
drb a diamagnetic effect of the banana orbits. Because
of their width δrb ∼ qρ/ǫ1/2 , the co-current-moving,
trapped population on a given flux surface is larger than
the counter-moving one by an amount

−ǫ1/2 δrb ,

Figure 2: Banana orbit in a tokamak. where ǫ1/2 is the approximate fraction of trapped parti-
cles. These are in collisional equilibrium with the pass-
ing ones, whose co-passing population therefore exceeds
larger than the gyroradius, indicating a large random- the counter-passing one by
walk step size for these particles. The diffusivity (36)
is of order dn
− δrb .
χi ∼ ft (∆x)2 νeff . dr

where the trapped fraction of the particles ft ∼ ǫ1/2 is The resulting current is of the order
small, but the step size ∆x ∼ δrb is large, and so is the
dn qTa dna
effective collision frequency νeff ∼ ν/ǫ of events causing JBS ∼ −vT ea δrb ∼ − 1/2 .
a trapped ion to take a step of order δrb . dr ǫ B dr
The electron heat flux is also enhanced by a similar Thus, at large aspect ratio the bootstrap current is
factor over the classical result, but is insignificant as it mostly carried by the passing particles, although it is ul-
is smaller than the corresponding ion flux by a factor timately caused by the diamagnetic effect of the trapped
(me /mi )1/2 . The ion and electron particle fluxes are ones.
equal (ambipolarity) and are both on the level of the The bootstrap current is thus of order
electron heat flux. The only neoclassical cross-field flux
that is experimentally relevant is thus the ion heat flux. ǫ1/2 p
JBS ∼ ,
Even this flux is usually overwhelmed by the turbulent rBp
transport, but can be of importance in spherical toka-
maks and in transport barriers. The H-mode pedestal where Bp = ǫB/q is the poloidal field, and compares in
seems to exhibit neoclassical ion energy confinement. the following way with the Ohmic current,
VI.B. Toroidal current JBS /JOH ∼ ǫ1/2 βp ,
The parallel current is very well described by neo-
classical theory, which predicts two important effects: where βp = 2µ0 p/Bp2 is the poloidal beta. In the stan-
a reduction in the conductivity due to trapped parti- dard tokamak ordering β ∼ ǫ2 ⇒ βp ∼ 1, the bootstrap
cles and the existence of the so-called boostrap current. current is thus formally smaller than the Ohmic current
Both are of great experimental significance. When the by a factor ǫ1/2 . In practice, β and ǫ1/2 are sometimes
drift kinetic equation is solved for fi1 and fe1 , and the not very small, and the bootstrap current is often com-
parallel current is calculated, one finds parable to, or even larger than, the Ohmic current. It
is of great importance for the prospects of the tokamak
to be an economic power source.
ft qne Te Ti d ln ne
Jk = − 1.66 1 +
ǫB Te dr VI.C. Plasma rotation

d ln Te 0.29 dTi (A) We have already shown that the flow within the
+0.47 − + (1 − 1.31ft )σEk ,
dr Te dr flux surface of each species is given by Eq (30), where
the constant Ka must be calculated from kinetic theory.
for a large-aspect-ratio tokamak with circular cross sec-
For ions this constant determines the poloidal plasma
tion. The quantity ft ≃ 1.46ǫ1/2 denotes the “effective”
rotation, which is equal to
fraction of trapped particles and appears in two places.
It multiplies the entire first term, which constitutes the 1.17 dTi
bootstrap current – a toroidal current that arises thanks Viθ =
mi Ωi dr

for a circular, large-aspect-ratio tokamak in the banana there is radial transport – either caused by collisions as
regime. Contrary to widespread belief, the poloidal ro- in the neoclassical theory or by gyrokinetic turbulence.
tation is independent of the radial electric field. In fact, It is interesting to note that the robustness of the the-
this field only plays a minor role in neoclassical theory oretical predictions decreases with increasing order in
for axisymmetric plasmas. In the quasi-steady state the expansion. The zeroth-order predictions are very
described by the transport ordering, it does not affect robust in the sense that they are hardly affected by
cross-field transport or poloidal rotation. The only ob- turbulence and are very well borne out in experiments.
servable quantity where it shows up is the toroidal rota- The first-order results are also broadly in line with ob-
tion frequency (31), where it appears in the same way servations, whilst the cross-field transport, which is of
for all species. Of course, there is a good reason for second order, is famously difficult to predict with con-
this. Suppose that we make a transformation from the fidence. The neoclassial cross-field transprort is usu-
laboratory frame to a frame rotating at the velocity ally overwhelmed by turbulent transport, but this is
dΦ0 (in gyrokinetics) also of second order in the gyroradius
V = −ϕ̂R and therefore sensitive to details in the mathematical

treatment and the physical conditions prevailing in the
of some flux surface ψ. The electric field measured in plasma.
this frame vanishes on the flux surface in question since
E′ = E + V × B ≃ −∇Φ0 + V × B = 0, VIII. FURTHER READING
and the equation of motion for each species acquires A more complete exposition can be found in the au-
new terms corresponding to the centrifugal force and thor’s book [6] and in the review by Hinton and Hazel-
the Coriolis force. These terms are, however, small if tine [8]. Classical transport is very well described in
V is smaller than the thermal speed, in which case the the reviews by Braginskii [3] and Hinton [9].
only consequence of the coordinate transformation is to
eliminate the radial electric field. Thus, as long as the
flow velocity is small, the radial electric field cannot REFERENCES
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