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Discussion: Over the course of this lab, we prepared a sample of soap

using the process of saponification. Saponification is a chemical

reaction that produces soap from fats or oils (triglycerides) and a strong
alkali. In this lab we used NaOH(aq) as our alkali and coconut oil as our
oil. Fats and oils are esters formed by the condensation of carboxylic
acids with long hydrocarbon tails and the tri-alcohol glycerol. The
process of saponification involves the alkaline hydrolysis (boiling with
concentrated sodium hydroxide) of a fat or oil to produce the sodium
salt of a carboxylic acid and glycerol. The sodium salt of the carboxylic
acid is the soap molecule and possesses a non-polar tail and a polar
head. When a dirty fabric is place in water containing the soap, the
soap molecules undergo a process where their non-polar tails attach to
dirt particles while their polar heads dissolve in the water. This dual
action enables the soap molecules to effectively surround and detach
dirt from the fabric, facilitating cleaning. In our experiment, we initiated
the formation of soap by combining coconut oil with sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) dissolved in water. Heating the mixture led to the formation of
a white paste comprising soap molecules, glycerol, and water. After
cooling, sodium chloride (NaCl) was introduced to aid in binding the
soap molecules. Subsequently, the mixture was filtered, separating the
soap residue, which was then dried by applying pressure with a filter
paper. The resulting soap was shaped according to preference and
utilized for the washing of our hands.

Sources of Error: 1) Not enough NaCl was added as the soap ended up
being very crumbly and did not hold its shape well.

Precautions: 1) All P.P.E (Personal Protective Equipment) were worn.

Reflection: Over the course of this lab, I learned how to make a soap.
This lab was quite enjoyable for me as soap is something that can be
found in almost every household. The fact that I was able to create
something that is very important to some persons in everyday life was
amazing to me. Basic practical laboratory skills were learnt and
practiced. Overall, this was a very fun and successful lab. In real life, the
process of saponification is used to make soapy detergents which are
used for various cleaning purposes such as washing, bathing, and other
types of housekeeping. Finally, one that that I would have made to the
lab is to use more NaCl to bind the soap molecules more firmly
together, forming a solid bar of soap.

Conclusion: A sample of soap was successfully prepared using the

process of saponification.

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