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Electrical Sensors for


• o/p of ETS is in Electrical signals

– Voltage
– Current
• Temperature Sensors
– Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
– Thermistor Sensors
– Thermocouple sensors

• Electrical resistance of electrical conductors
will increase with rise in Temperature
– Sir William siemens 1871
• Construction methods were established by
Callender, Griffiths, Holborn and Wein
(1885 - 1900)


• RTD can also be called a resistance thermometer as
the temperature measurement will be a measure of the
output resistance.
• The main principle of operation of an RTD is that when
the temperature of an object increases or decreases, the
resistance also increases or decreases proportionally.

• ie. positive temperature coefficient

Construction :

• It comprises a bulb or resistance

element, suitable electrical leads
and an indicating-recording
• Bulb is in the form of coil of very
fine platinum, nickel wound onto
an insulating ceramic former
• Ceramic former is protected by
metal sheath
• Industrial resistance thermometer,
often referred to as RTD are
usually made with elements of
platinum, nickel and copper


Sensing Element


• Change in temp will cause change in
resistance of the coil
• Leads are taken out of the thermometer for
the measurement of changes in resistance
• Upto 1200 °C

• Precautions to be taken while winding

resistance wire on Insulating frame
– Good Thermal conductivity
– Winding should be free from physical strain
– Resistance wire material should have a
continuous and stable relationship between
resistance and temp.
– It should have high thermal coefficient of
resistance (TCR)
– Should be homogeneous
– Contact resistance and thermo electric effect
should be avoided
• Contact resistance – Soldering, fusing or welding
• Thermo electric effect – all connection at same temp.


Working Substance
• Resistance elements used are Pt or base
metal such as Ni or Cu or the alloy such as
• Standard Pt-resistance thermometer
– These are used as international standard for
temperature measurement between the triple
point of hydrogen (13.81 K) and the freezing
point of Antimony (630 0C).
– SPRT are totally strain free, lightly supported
– Such elements provide high TCR and
maximum thermally stability


• The industrial Pt – resistance Thermometer:

(Industrial RTD)
– The RTD has fully supported and rugged
construction that uses reference grade wire that
gives a TCR over the interval 0 to 100 0C.
– The international grade Pt-RTD curves are
obtained with slightly doped Pt-wire having
TCR of 0.00385 ohm/ohm 0C.
– Wire wound design are most common at ice
point resistance of 100 ohm along with
availability of 200 ohm and 500 ohm at higher

– The thick or thin film type designs are also

available with ice point resistance of 100 ohm
and 1000 ohm at same cost with slightly lower
TCR specified at 1000 ohm.
– PT 100 sensor has 100 ohm resistance at 00C
temperature with fundamental interval of 38.5

• Base metal RTD

– Nickel RTD
– High purity Nickel which offers the
• highest TCR
• Second highest temperature range
• Lower assembled cost
– Resistance of 120 and 500 ohm are most
common; upto 1000 ohm available
– Nickle had non linear TCR that increases with
rise in temperature
– Ni is highly strain sensitive; requires great care
to get interchangeability
– TCR of Ni is highly influenced by purity and
state of anneal.


• Copper RTD
– Cu RTD’s are available only at 10 or 100 ohm
ice point resistance of winding wire
– TCR of Cu is almost same as Pt and it is very
linear above the ice point
• Balco (70% Ni & 30% Fe) RTD
– Having high specific resistance which makes
possible high resistance winding without much
increase in size
– It has ice point resistance of 2000 or 10000
– Second highest TCR and Third highest
temperature capability

• Thermal well
– Is used with resistance bulb when it measures
temperature in corrosive or oxidising medium
– Well is usually made of porcelain, brass or
stainless steel
– Well prevents any contamination of resistance

• Lead Wires
– Lead wires are used to connect the resistance
bulb with the indicating element
– Lead wires of silver or platinum have larger
diameter than resistance wire
– Welded to resistance wire inside glass seal
– Lead wires transmit the information regarding
temperature surrounding the bulb to indicating
– Industrial RTD sensor has 0.0025 mm dia. Pt-
wire wound into coil and inserted into ceramic


Wheatstone bridge as indicating

• Consist of four resistance R1, R2,
R3, R4 arranged in diamond
• A battery of emf E is connected
between terminal P and R
• Galvanometer is connected
between points Q and S
• The circuit is said to be in
balanced condition when
galvanometer shows null or zero

• A and B are fixed resistance and S is the

variable resistance whose value can be
adjusted by changing contactor C position.
• Resistance bulb ‘r’ is connected in the
circuit bridge with lead wires having
resistance RL1 and RL2 .

Working of resistance thermometer

• Temperature around resistance bulb changes

• Resistance ‘r’ of bulb changes
• Loss of balancing condition
• Variable resistance ‘s’ is adjusted by
changing contactor position to restore the
balancing condition
• Contactor position shows temperature on
scale calibrated against slide wire


• Some factors which change in bulb

resistance without any change in
– Contact resistance between slidewire ‘s’ and
contactor ‘c’
– Lead wire resistance that changes with the
ambient temperature
– Joule heating effect rises the temperature of the
bulb that changes its resistance.

Modified Circuit (Callender

Griffith Bridge)
• This modified circuit has three lead wires
and slide – wire S is placed at the top of the

• Compensation of contact resistance

– In modified circuit slide wire ‘s’ and contactor
‘c’ are not in the bridge circuit directly, but they
are in galvanometer circuit.
– Any change in contact resistance due to dirt,
dust and mechanical wear causes negligible
change in galvanometer reading so accuracy
remains unaffected.


• Compensation of change in lead wire

– Three lead wires are connected so that
galvanometer is directly connected to bulb by
third lead wire.
– All lead wires are identical in material, size and
passed through same cable so that they are
subjected to same ambient temperature change.
– Approximately equal length of lead wire is
present in both the arms of the bridge that
achieves compensation.

• Compensation of change in bulb resistance

due to joule heating of bulb
– Current flowing through bulb causes joule
heating of resistance element
– Heat produced = current2 x resistance
– Because of this , resistance varies with current
– Battery voltage should be small and large bulb
resistance leads to negligible change in bulb

• Calibrated by
– Reference to fixed point
– Standard reference thermometer
• Thermocouple,
• Liquid thermometer or
• another RTD


Static Characteristics
• Accuracy
– ±0.25% of span
– Static error can be minimised by use of
standard resistance bulb
• Reproducibility
– Better compared to thermocouple and
expansion thermometers

Dynamic Characteristics
• Speed of response
– Depends on nature of fluid around the bulb
– Response will be fast in liquid than Air
– Thermal well around the bulb introduces lag in
the temperature measurement.
– This lag will be more in liquid than air

• Wide temperature range -200 to 650 0C
• Simplicity in operation
• Very high accuracy
• No drift over long period
• Fast speed of response
• Excellent stability and reproducibility
• Not required any ambient temperature Compensation
• Easy installation
• Average temp can be measured
• Ability to measure narrow spans
• Suitability for remote measurement


• More time lag due to protective sheath
• Possibility of current leakage
• Susceptibility to mechanical damage
• Need for lead wire resistance compensation
• Sometimes expensive
• Susceptibility to self-heating error
• Susceptibility to signal noise
• Unsuitability for bare use in electrically conducting
• Generally not repairable
• Need for power supply


• Coefficient of resistance vary considerably with the

Purity of resistance wire and its heat treatment
• High cost
• Requires external power supply
• Bulb size is larger than that of thermocouple and filled

• Used to measure ambient temperature
• Deflectional RTD used in Aircraft thermometers
• Can be used as standard thermometer to calibrate
other thermometers



• About thermistor
• Operating principle
• Construction
• Applications


– A thermistor is another special type of resistor. Its

resistance changes as its temperature changes.



• A thermistor is a type of resistor used to measure

temperature changes, relying on the change in its
resistance with changing temperature.

• Thermistor is a combination of the words thermal

and resistor.

• The Thermistor was invented by Samuel Ruben in

1930, and has U.S. Patent #2,021,491.

Thermistors are made of semiconductor materials
(metallic compounds including oxides such as
manganese, copper, cobalt, and nickel, as well as
single-crystal semiconductors silicon and germanium).

Leads, coated Glass encased Surface mount



• Thermistor is a semiconductor material

whose electrical resistance decreases with
rise in temperature around it and vice versa.
• Any change in temperature around the
thermistor can be measured in terms of
changing in its electrical resistance.

Thermistors can be classified into two types
depending on the sign of k.

If k is negative, the resistance decreases with increasing

temperature, and the device is called a negative
temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor.

If k is positive, the resistance increases with increasing

temperature, and the device is called a positive
temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistor.





Resistors that are not thermistors are designed

to have the smallest possible k, so that their
resistance remains almost constant over a wide
temperature range.


• Sensing Element
• Thermistors are made from a specific
mixture of pure oxides of Ni, Mn, Cu, Co,
Fe, Mg, Ti.
• Thermistor was first introduced in 1940.
• Thermistors have very large positive or
negative temperature coefficient of
resistance (TCR).
– For Positive TCR material, its resistance
increases with temperature rise
– For Negative TCR material, resistance
decreases with rise in temperature


• Thermistors can have bead type, washer

type, disc type or rod type configuration.
• It can be encapsulated in plastic, cemented,
soldered in bolts, encased in glass tubes.
– Thermistor beads: 1 to 2.5 mm dia
– Thermistor Disc: 5 to 25 mm dia
– Thermistor Rods: 1 to 6 mm dia upto 50 mm

• Indicating Element
– For temperature measurement, thermistors are
connected in Wheatstone bridge circuit


• Thermistor sensing element is placed in the
bath whose temperature is to be measured.
• As the temperature changes electrical
resistance of thermistor changes.
• This cause unbalance in Wheatstone bridge
• This unbalanced signal is indicated by
galvanometer deflection.
• Hence galvanometer can be calibrated in
terms of bath temperature

• Same as RTD

Performance Characteristics
• All performance characteristics are
comparable with the RTD
• Response is faster than the RTD


Most thermistors have a useful

working range of
–90 °C to 200 °C.

• Low cost
• Small Size
• For negative TCR thermistor sensitivity is
• Due to high TCR, effect of contact resistance
is negligible
• Narrow span can be obtained
• Fast speed of response

• Non – linear response
• Wide temperature span can not be obtained


• Used for protecting equipments like
transformers from heavy current


Thermo for heat requirement and couple denoting two junctions

What are thermocouples?

• Thermocouples operate under the
principle that a circuit made by
connecting two dissimilar metals
produces a measurable voltage (emf-
electromotive force) when a temperature
gradient is imposed between one end
and the other.


• The thermocouple conductors must be

insulated from the hot junction to the
indicating instrument.
• The two wires also should not touch each
other except hot junction.
• Therefore suitable insulating materials
should be used according to temperature

Seebeck effect
• Discovered by Seebeck in 1821
• The Seebeck effect is a phenomenon in which a
temperature difference between two dissimilar
electrical conductors or semiconductors or
thermocouple, emf is developed between junction.
• This emf causes electric current to flow through
thermocouple circuit. This is called as thermoelectric
effect by which thermal energy is converted to
electrical energy.
• The emf developed is called as thermo-emf while
resulting current is called as thermo-current.
• Seebeck effect is the combined effect of Peltier and
Thomson effect.

• An electric current flows from hot junction

to cold junction, this produces voltage
(thermo-emf) proportional to temperature
difference between the junction.
• If cold junction is maintained at fixed
temperature then emf developed can be
taken as measurement of the hot junction


Peltier effect
• Peltier effect is defined as change in heat content when
1 coul of charge crosses the junction
• If the battery current and thermal current both flow in
same direction across the junction the heat is liberated
at hot junction and absorbed at cold junction.
• If the battery current and thermal current both flow in
opposite direction across the junction the heat is
absorbed at hot junction and liberated at cold junction.
• Peltier effect develops Peltier emf at the junction whose
magnitude and direction depends on junction
temperature and the metal used in thermocouple.

Thomson effect
• It gives heat content of single conductor of unit cross
section when unit quantity of electricity flows through
it along temperature gradient of 1K.
• For positive wire of the thermocouple carrying electric
current and having temperature gradient along its
length, heat is liberated at any point on it where
current flows in the direction of heat and vice-versa.
• For Negative wire of the thermocouple carrying
electric current and having temperature gradient along
its length, heat is absorbed when current flows in the
direction of heat and vice-versa.
• Thomson effect generates Thomson emf in a single
homogeneous thermocouple wire having temperature
difference between its ends.

• It is necessary that each section of

thermocouple wire in a given circuit is
homogeneous, which has uniform
composition and physical properties along
with its length.
• For homogeneous wires, the circuit emf
depends only upon the metal employed and
the temperature of their junction, while it is
independent of length and diameter of wire.


Thermoelectric laws:
• Three laws govern operation of
• Law 1. A thermoelectric current cannot be
established in a homogeneous circuit by
heat alone.
– This law establishes the need for junctions of
dissimilar materials since a single conductor is
not sufficient.

Thermoelectric laws:
Law 2.
The algebraic sum of the thermoelectric forces in a
circuit composed of any number and combination of
dissimilar materials is zero if all junctions are at
uniform temperatures.

– Additional materials may be connected in the thermoelectric

circuit without affecting the output of the circuit as long as
any junctions added to the circuit are kept at the same
– voltages are additive so that multiple junctions may be
connected in series to increase the output.

Thermoelectric laws:
• Law 3. If two junctions at temperatures T1 and
T2 produce Seebeck voltage V2 and temperatures
T2 and T3 produce voltage V1, then temperatures
T1 and T3 produce V3=V1+V2.
– This law establishes methods of calibration of



• Two dissimilar conductors electrically
insulated except at the hot junction, where
conductors may be either be welded
• A refractory and a metal sheath is provided
to protect the thermocouple
• Compensating leads are taken for measuring
the temp

• Sensing element
– Industrial thermocouple has two thermocouple
wire welded or soldered to form two junctions
– This wires are insulated from each others and
covered by protective sheathing.
– Lead wires connects the thermocouple to the
indicating element.


• Thermocouple wires
– Material used for thermocouple wire predicts its
– Properties
• Melting point
• Electrical conductance
• Stability
• Repeatability
• Cost
• Ease of handling
• Thermoelectric output
• Reaction to atmosphere

• Thermocouple wire should be

– Homogeneous to avoid any temperature
gradient along the wire
– Annealed at a temperature higher than max
range of thermocouple to relive internal stresses
– Having size between 8 – 20 gauge.

Formation of measuring junction

• Is formed by welding (twisted or butt) or
soldering wires
– Twisted weld is made with the larger dia wires
– Butt weld is made by fusing two wires into
round bead


Types of measuring junctions

• Exposed type
– Extends beyond protective metallic
– Gives fast response
– Used for non corrosive fluid
• Ungrounded type
• Is insulated from thermocouple sheath by soft MgO
• Junction is isolated from any external electrical noise
• Grounded type
Measuring unction is welded with sheath
Gives faster response than ungrounded type

Formation of Reference /Cold Junction

• Thermal emf developed depends upon the difference
between measuring and reference junction
• for getting emf proportional to measuring junction
temperature, its necessary to maintain reference
junction at fixed temperature.
• Reference junction is located far from the measuring
junction where temperature changes are negligible.
eg. Air conditioned room, Control room


• Lead wires (Compensating cables)

– Connects measuring junction to indicating
instrument as it located far
– Ideally lead wires and thermocouple wires both
should be of same material
– It would be costly to use platinum lead wire for
platinum thermocouple
– Lead wire materials thermoelectric properties
should match with thermocouple wire.
– Lead wire should have low resistivity.

Thermocouple wires Lead wires

+ ve - ve + ve - ve

Copper Constantan Copper Constantan

Iron Constantan Iron Constantan

Chromel Alumel Chromel Alumel

Chromel Alumel Iron Copper - Nickel


Chromel Alumel Copper Constantan

Platinum-Rhodium Platinum Copper Copper - Nickel

• Thermal well (sheathing)

– To protect junction from oxidising or corrosive
bath fluids
– To protect junction against thermal and
mechanical shock
– Thermal wells are made of porcelain, fused
silica or fire clay
– Mechanical properties to be consider
• Resistance to corrosion and oxidation
• Resistance to thermal and mechanical shock
• Resistance to gas leakage
• Mechanical strength


Indicating Element (Measuring

• Thermocouple generates an emf
proportional to temperature difference
between measuring and reference junction
• To measure measuring junction
temperature, thermo-emf should be
measured correctly
• For this purpose millivolt meter or
potentiometer type instrument is used.

• Sources of error in millivolt meter reading

– due to electrical resistance of thermocouple,
lead wires, millivolt meter, the
millivoltmeter(mV) reading is not exactly
equals to the emf of the thermocouple but mV
reads slightly less than the actual
– Internal resistance of the mV should be higher
(about 600 ohms) to reduce the effect of
external resistance
– mV is calibrated by taking fixed value of
external resistance
– Error caused by the external resistance can be

– Change in ambient temperature may change internal

resistance of the galvanometer, that affects
• This error can be avoided by using Manganin resistor
which has small TCR
– Change in Ambient temperature cause changes
reference junction temperature that results error in
measuring junction temperature
• Magnitude of error is proportional to change in emf
• Reference junction is maintained at 24 0C instead of 0 0C.
• Millivolt meter is compensated for any change in this
– Never run thermocouple wires in the same conduit
with electric power wires to avoid stray currents


• Reference Junction Temperature Compensation

– Bimetal strip is used
– As reference temperature changes, thermo-emf
developed changes, results change in millivolt meter
– Bimetallic strip will expands or contracts with the
change in reference junction temperature that it
cancels pointer deflection
– Pointer deflection is propositional to difference
between measuring junction temperature and
reference temperature at which millivolt meter is

• Calibrated by comparing its performance
with a standard thermometer
• Standard thermometer may be another
thermocouple or RTD
• Above 800 0C, calibrated by optical

Performance Characteristics
• 1. Accuracy: ± 1.5% of full scale


Source of error
• Depth of immersion:
– Sufficient depth
• Radiation effect
– Measuring high air or gas temp

• Standard Thermocouple Types

1. Type J Thermocouple (Most Common):

• This thermocouple consists of an Iron and a
Constantan leg and is perhaps the most
common thermocouple in use.
• The bare Type J thermocouple may be used
in vacuum, reducing, oxidizing and inert
• Heavier gauge is wire recommended for use
above 1000 deg. F since the iron leg of this
thermocouple oxidizes rapidly at high


2. Type K Thermocouple (Most Common

Real Hot):
• This thermocouple consists of a Chromel
and an Alumel leg.
• This thermocouple is recommended for
oxidizing or inert atmospheres up to 2300
deg. F.
• Cycling above and below 1800 deg. F is not
recommended due to EMF alteration from
• This thermocouple is fairly accurate and
stable at high temperatures.

3. Type N Thermocouple (A Newer, Better

Type K):
• This thermocouple consists of a Nicrosil
and a Nisil leg.
• This thermocouple is recommended for the
same range as a Type K.
• It has better resistance to degradation due to
temperature cycling, green rot and
hysteresis than the Type K and is typically
very cost competitive with the Type K.

4. Type T Thermocouple (Most Common

Real Cold):
• This thermocouple consists of a Copper and
a Constantan leg.
• It may be used in vacuum, oxidizing,
reducing and inert atmospheres.
• It maintains good resistance to corrosion in
most atmospheres and high stability at sub-
zero temperatures


5. Type E Thermocouple (Most Common

Power Application):
• This thermocouple consists of one Chromel
leg and one Constantan leg.
• This thermocouple is not subject to
corrosion in most atmospheres.
• The Type E also has the highest EMF per
degree of any standard thermocouple type.
• However, this thermocouple must be
protected from sulfurous atmospheres.

6. Type B, R & S Thermocouples (Most

Common Real, Real Hot):
• Platinum & Rhodium Thermocouples.
• Recommended for use in oxidizing or inert
• Reducing atmospheres may cause excessive
grain growth and drift in calibration of these
• Types R & S may be used up to 1480 C.
Type B may be used up to 1700 C.

7. Type C Thermocouple (For the Hottest of

• Tungsten and Rhenium thermocouple.

• Recommended for use in vacuum, high purity

hydrogen or pure inert atmospheres.

• May be used at extremely high temperatures (2316 C).

• This thermocouple is inherently brittle.


The following criteria are used in selecting a

• Temperature range.
• Chemical resistance of the thermocouple or
sheath material.
• Abrasion and vibration resistance.
• Installation requirements (may need to be
compatible with existing equipment; existing
holes may determine probe diameter).

Dynamic Characteristics
A. Effect of heat transfer characteristics of
Bare thermocouple in liquid, heat transferred by
• In Gas (< 200 0C), heat transferred by Conduction,
Convection and little by radiation
• In Gas (200 - 530 0C), heat transferred by
Conduction, Convection and radiation
• In Gas (above 530 0C), heat transferred by Radiation

• Thermocouple wire material do not affect

the speed of response to great extent
• Thermal conductance of well material is
important at low temperature
– Velocity of fluid decides Film coefficient of
– For reasonable speed of response
• Min. Air flow: 0.6m/s
• Min. Liquid flow: 0.3m/s


B. Effect of well material and Surface

– Quality of well surface decides emissivity and
greater emissivity means large amount of heat
absorbed that results fast speed of response
– Wall surface must be rough
– Ceramic thermal well having higher emissivity
than smoothed oxidised wells
– Metallic material forms oxides scale that results
reduction in conduction heat
– Quartz, glass or vycor transmit the radiation;
speed of response is very fast

C. Effect of thermocouple and well size

– As the size of measuring junction increases, its
thermal conductivity increases; speed of response
– Cast materials like Nichrome, Chromel, iron have
thicker wall and slower response compare to
Inconel, steel and iron.
– Heavier thermal well → Slow speed of response
→better resistance to corrosion
– Thermal well material, must be good compromised
between speed of response and corrosion resistance
– Replacement of corroded light well more
economical than heavier wall

• Sensing element can be installed easily
• Have a better speed of response
• Higher range of temp

• Poor sensitivity
• Change in ambient temp affect accuracy
• Measure temp indirectly
• No danger of contaminating the process by filling


• Not suitable for span less than 33 0C
• Reference junction must be maintained at constant
• compensation arrangement is essential.
• Temperature gradient must be avoided
• They exhibit non-linearity in emf vs. temperature
• Not as simple as direct reading thermometers.
• Cant be used bare in conducting fluid

• To monitor temperature of liquids and gases
in storage and flowing pipes and dusts
• In industrial furnaces
• For temperature measurements in cryogenic


Average Temperature

Temperature Difference

Parallel Operation


• Thermocouple connected
in series
• Generates large emf so
reducing sensitivity
requirement in indicating
• Objections to use
– Electrical isolation of
individual thermopiles
– Error due to short circuit in
one of the thermocouple
which might go unnoticed

Thermocouple Selection
1. Thermocouple wire size
– Small dia wire → Higher sensitivity →
Mechanically Weak
– Higher Temperature measurement → Heavier
wire are used
2. Thermocouple length
– Emersion Error
• In Cylindrical Pipe --→ Centre of Pipe
• In Tank --→ 10 times Dia of Thermal well

3. Well Material
– Carbon Steel 540 0C
– Cast iron 700 0C
– Stainless steel 980 0C
– Inconnel (Cr 14% + Ni 80%) above 980 0C
– Ceramic Tubes upto 1650 0C
4. Lead wire material and Size
– Lead wire are of larger dia compare to
thermocouple wire
– Lead wire should be same as thermocouple
wire to reduce error due to change in ambient


5. Single or Duplex Thermocouple

– Its not recommended to split the thermocouple
connections for two different devices like
Recorder and Controller
– Duplex element consists of two independent
thermocouple housed in same thermal well.


1. Material used is platinum , 1. Mixture of metallic oxides

copper , nickel as such as nickel , cobalt ,
resistance wire. manganese used.
2. Large in size. 2. Small in size .
3. Having more cost. 3. These are cheap.
4. Less sensitive. 4. Higher sensitivity.
5. High temperature range. 5. Small temperature range.


1. It measure low range of 1. It measure high range of

temperature -200 to temperature.
1000°C. 2. It is less sensitivity.
2. RTD is more sensitivity. 3. Ambient condition affect
3. Ambient condition do not the temperature
affect the temperature measurement.
measurement. 4. It has better response.
4. It has slow response.



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