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The National Economic and Development Authority, officially Launched the publication of the
medium term socioeconomic development agenda last January 30, 2023 with the theme
“Leading toward economic transformation”. The National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) is the country of the Philippines' top socioeconomic planning organization. It
is highly regarded as the nation's leading source for research, macroeconomic forecasts, and
policy analysis. It offers senior-level guidance to decision-makers in the Philippine Congress and
the executive branch of government. EDA participates in the development of national and sub-
national policies, plans, and programs. The agency reviews, monitors, and evaluates
infrastructure projects, as well as conducting short-term policy reviews that provide decision-
makers with critical analyses of development issues and policy alternatives. NEDA has also
played an important role in encouraging the generation and use of evidence in policymaking. It
is central to mobilizing and coordinating other government departments in order to stimulate
impact evaluation. In the first session there are 7 panelists from the different Departments and
Agencies who had shared his/her program in the year 2023-2028. The host of the said event
asked question about the agency’s priority programs, activities and projects in addressing
immediate issues and challenges. The first person who answered the question was the
secretary of the Department of Tourism, she highlighted the improvement of the roads,
bridges, drainage system, water systems to ensure that we enhance the tourist experience in
these areas, she added. It is important to improve roads, bridges, drainage systems, and water
systems because other parts of them may be damaged, so the construction workers fix them
every month or year to improve the quality of drainage systems and the like. The second
person who answered the same question was the secretary of the Department of the Trade and
Industry (DTI). Mr. Alfredo Pascual, his plan this year 2023-2028 is to create job, and quality
jobs stable and higher paying through industrialization. We all know that some Filipinos are
unemployed due to lack of resources and this is one of the reasons why others are unable to
work. With the help of DTI, the problem of us Filipino will be solved because they will try to
increase the number of jobs, and stable higher Paying. The Department of Energy highlighted
the diversifying sources, especially developing the indigenous sourcing of energy. And also the
Secretary of the Department of Information Communication Technology prioritizing the
connectivity to digitalization. Expanding digital connectivity will hasten economic growth.
According to a World Bank estimate, increasing the percentage of the total population
connected to the internet from 48% to 75% would increase global GDP by $2 trillion per year
and create 140 million jobs. Schools are an excellent place to begin connecting young people.
Connecting schools and using them as a hub for young people's learning and local community
activities has enormous potential for improving the quality of skills for young people,
particularly in rural areas. The Department of Public Works and Highways addressing the traffic
congestion problem specifically in Metro Manila. Manila is well-known throughout the world
for its bustling city life and a plethora of tourist attractions that showcase the Philippines' rich
culture. Apart from the impressive display of hospitality and the wide variety of delicious food
sold in kiosks and various Filipino restaurants throughout the metro, Manila is also known for
one thing: traffic congestion. With millions of cars and public utility vehicles traveling to and
from the city on a daily basis, motorists and commuters face Manila traffic during rush hours,
with travel times of up to two hours. With Metro Manila experiencing hellish traffic conditions,
local government units and traffic authorities have experimented with various decongestion
solution. These include number coding schemes and public utility vehicle rerouting. However,
with millions of private vehicles (which are still on the rise) clogging Manila's congested streets,
these solutions are only a band aid solution. And they will continue to develop the standard
highways and expressways through partnership with the Private Sector. And the Philippine
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, also addressing more investment and to create more jobs.
Creating more and better quality jobs is key to boosting growth, reducing poverty and
increasing social cohesion. At national level, job creation requires a stable macroeconomic
framework coupled with structural policies that encourage innovation, skills and business
development. But how can national and local policies be better aligned and tailored to specific
local opportunities and challenges? There are a number of barriers to getting the local
conditions for job creation right. Policy makers often work in silos, due to institutional barriers
and rigidities in performance management structures, and many policies are not flexible
enough to be tailored to local conditions. Additionally, the search for efficiency in delivering
national policies and programs can sometimes lead to a lack of attention to the negative effects
that a “one size fits all” approach can have in certain regions. This report provides guidance on
how policy makers can bolster local job creation and achieve sustainable inclusive growth, while
meeting challenges such as youth unemployment, population ageing and climate change.
To achieve Social transformation, the second and final session featured 5 panelists from various
Departments sharing their programs for the years 2023-2028. The first person to respond to the
question was Bienvenido Laguesma, Secretary of Labor and Employment. According to him, the
Department of Labor and Employment's plan cent program priorities would be employment
promotion and human resource development welfare, consultation, social dialogue, and
meetings with sector (Private Sector). The portion of an economy that is managed by
individuals and businesses as opposed to a government body is known as the private sector.
The majority of businesses in the private sector are operated with the goal of making money.
The public sector is the portion of the economy that is governed by the government. A third
sector of the economy is made up of charities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and
nonprofit organizations. This sector is also referred to as the volunteer sector or voluntary
sector. Nonetheless, due to the fact that they frequently operate outside of governmental
inspection or control, such groups are more frequently regarded as belonging to the private
sector. And increasing income earning capacity. Secretary of the Department of Health Maria
Rosario S. Vergere, prioritizing the stabilization and strengthening of the Surveillance system,
access to the most recent technology, specifically Bivalent Vaccine. The bivalent COVID-19
vaccines contain a component of the original virus strain to provide broad protection against
COVID-19, as well as a component of the omicron variant to provide improved protection
against COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant. Because they contain these two components,
these vaccines are known as bivalent COVID-19 vaccines. A bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster
dose is also known as a "updated" COVID-19 vaccine booster dose. COVID-19 vaccines can help
protect against COVID-19-related illness, hospitalization, and death. You may lose some of that
protection as the virus evolves and your immunity naturally declines over time. oordination and
collaboration with Local Government Units, access to Medicine and Facilities because one of
the problems of Filipinos is how they can treat their loved ones because it is far to buy medicine
so they prefer to get medicine at the pharmacy and they also have difficulty going to the
nearest hospital because it is far. and the OIC Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare
and Development, Eduardo Punay, continues to play an important role in the strengthening of
social protection, and he also shared the department's plans. First, the Department of Social
Welfare and Development is expanding the coverage of the National Poverty Alleviation
Program of 4ps, expanding beneficiaries of Social Pension for Senior Citizens. Social pension
recipients who are subject to the limits put in place by their individual LGUs are recommended
to send their authorized representatives to claim their benefits, providing that the
representative will submit the required documentation, in light of the current health crisis.
They consist of the representative's original and photocopy of a legitimate ID, the pensioner's
valid ID, an authorization letter stating the representative's legal name, and a barangay
certification stating that the area is under lockdown during the quarterly distribution. As well as
strengthening programs in the Department of Social Welfare and Development for People with
disabilities (PWD). Being disabled is a natural part of being human. At some point in their lives,
almost everyone will become disabled, either temporarily or permanently. 1.3 billion
individuals worldwide, or 16% of the population, are thought to be significantly disabled at this
time. This number is rising in part as a result of non-communicable disease prevalence and
population aging. Disability is the result of a person's health condition, such as cerebral palsy,
down syndrome, or depression, interacting with personal and environmental circumstances,
such as unfavorable attitudes, inaccessible public transportation, and a lack of social support.
The experience and severity of a handicap greatly depend on the environment of the person.
Barriers that prevent people with disabilities from participating fully and effectively in society
are frequently created by inaccessible environments. As well as Solo Parents, Children, and
Indigenous Peoples, and strengthening Private Sector Partnerships. The Local Government Unit
expressed their desire to localize the Philippine Development Plan into actionable, measurable
local goals. As well as the Civil Society Organization (CSO) Fr. Lucas also shared the rules of Civil
Society Organizations to the Philippine Development Plan, which are as follows: equity,
improving human potential, partnership with other agencies, and finally training and
They also discussed the significance of digital and physical connectivity in addressing the
challenges of meeting targets in their respective Sector. The internet and the devices we use to
access it have made the world much more connected. This can connect us with family members
on the other side of the world in seconds and help us find a community that shares our values
from the comfort of our own homes. However, while the digital revolution is fantastic, it can
also be a source of stress and anxiety. It is important to remember that we ab re all still human
beings with a physical need for community and social interaction. We lived in an increasingly
sterile world during the pandemic, but the lack of physical contact with friends, family, and
even items and products left its mark. So, in today's digital age, how important is physical
contact with people and things? The world was already becoming less physically connected
before we were all forced to avoid contact with others due to a global pandemic. This can result
in a condition known as touch starvation, which occurs when a person does not receive as
much physical contact as they are accustomed to or require.
In essence, someone suffering from touch deprivation craves physical contact but is unable to
interact with others for one reason or another. The reason was clear during the pandemic
because we were forced into social distancing, which meant grandparents were unable to hug
their grandchildren and vulnerable people in our communities were missing an important
aspect of their daily interactions. This is also known as touch deprivation or skin hunger, and it
emphasizes the importance of touch and how it benefits us as people. We've taken a lot of the
emotion out of communication as we communicate see this happening more and
more. People no longer know how to act in front of one another. Today, I believe there is a
genuine need. Sexuality, in my opinion, is a lifestyle space. It is not only beneficial to our health,
but also to our emotional capacity and ability to connect with others. Businesses can take
advantage of all the positive attributes that technology and the digital world have given us and
channel them into helping people reconnect in real life by using technology to create physical
spaces and connections with communities in the real world. No one will be destitute in the
Philippines' thriving middle-class society by 2040. Humans have long, healthy lives, are
intelligent, and are creative. Families flourish in thriving, culturally varied, and resilient
communities in this high-trust society.
Each department's program is very beautiful, and their message is very motivating and
inspiring. As a Public Administration student, this is a great opportunity to learn more about the
programs that each department does and will implement.

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