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Detailed Lesson Plan in English VI

I. Objectives:
1. Make a stand on an informed opinion. ENGOL. – IIIb-1.28
2. Identify fact and opinion.
3. Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue.
II. Content
Making stand
III. Learning Resources
English k to 12 melc d.136

IV. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good Morning, Class! (Good Morning teacher!)
2. Prayer
Please stand up and let us pray. (The pupils will pray altogether.)
3. Checking of attendance
Is there any absent today?
Who is absent today? (None, Sir!)
A. Reviewing the previous lesson
presenting the new lesson.
Before we proceed, let’s have review
of our previous lesson.
(The teacher will post on the board five
following statements.)
Directions: Read and study the
following statements. Identify fact and
opinion. Write F if the statement is a
FACT, and O if it is an OPINION. (Pupils will answer on the borad.)
1. iPhones are better than Android
phones.___________ 1. O
2. All kids prefer to play video games 2. O
over playing physical 3. F
games.__________ 4. F
3. Excessive playing of online games 5. F
can lead to addiction._________
4. Online games provides
entertainment and social
interaction to other players across
the globe._________
5. Some online games contains

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson.

I am going to show you a picture.
(The teacher will show a picture of a

What did you see? (It’s a cellphone, Sir!)

Yes, you re correct.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the
new lesson.
Do you have your own cellphone? (yes, I Have)
How many hours you are using ( 8 hours, 10 hours. Varied answers of pupils.)
cellphone? ( yes,sir) ( No, sir)
Do your parents limiting your time
using cellphone? (No and yes Sir)
Did you bring cellphone at school? (Not all teachers allowed us to bring
Do your school allowed to bring cellphone.)
cellphone in your classroom?
Most of the children today like you,
enjoy having own cellphone. Through
cellphone, they can easily access
communication, making it easy and
convenient in daily life.
Students should have cellphones
during classes.
Today, we are going to learn about
how to make stand to an informed
Students should have cellphones
during classes.
What kind of statement is this? Is this
an opinion or a fact?
Yes, you are right! This is an
opinionated statement. (It is an opinion, Sir!)
What is your stand on this informed

D. Discussing New Concepts and

practicing new skills #1
 An informed opinion is what a
person understands or
believes, judges or think about
something from the
information he/she has
gathered. This type of opinion
is formed by gathering ideas
from the different point of

Example: Students should have

cellphone during classes.
 A stand is a person’s attitude
towards a particular issue or
 A person’s stand may either
support or contradict an idea
expressed in an informed

E. Continuation of the discussion of new

 Making a stand means a firm
position for defense or
opposition on an informed
opinion. Note that you neither
right or wrong. However, you
need to support your
statement by providing
evidence like proof or
testimony based on facts.
 Below is guide in making a
1. Prepare
Prepare yourself by
knowing and assessing the
situation or issue.
2. Reflect
Reflect on the given
situation or issue that calls
for agreement or
disagreement with a
particular statement.
3. Respect
Respect the opinions and
voices of others.
4. State
State firmly your opinion
whether you are agree or
disagree on the given
situation or issue.
5. Stand
Stand strong in your own
opinion explaining why you
chose to agree or disagree.
In giving opinions to make a stand, you may
use the following signal words:
believe suggest expect
feel none
probably least
in my opinion most
my point of view may not think
always my impression is
never advice
Statement: Student should have
cellphone during classes.
Opinion: In my opinion, students
should not be allowed to use cellphone during
classes. It will cause distractions for both
students and teachers.( Disagree)
Opinion: I think, students should be
allowed to use cellphone during classes.
Through cellphone they can easily access to
variety of tools such as calculator, timer, a
clock, and etc.
( Agree)

F. Developing mastery
Making a stand means giving you STANDARDS FOR GROUP ACTIVITY

opinion on a topic or an issue and 1. Participate actively.

expressing your beliefs and feelings 2. Respect the opinion of others.
3. Minimize noise when doing activity.
about the topic. Now, I will group you
into two groups. But before we
proceed in group activity, what are the
standards for group activity?

(The teacher will group the pupils into

Possible Answer
2 groups.)
What’s your Stand?
Group 1: Direction: Write your stand. Topic: What is the best curfew time for youth
imposing ordinance by the barangay councils?
What’s your Stand? Opinion: 9 PM is the best time for youth curfew
imposing ordinance by the barangay councils.
Topic: What is the best curfew time for youth
imposing ordinance by the barangay councils?
I agree I beg to dis agree
Opinion: 9 PM is the best time for youth curfew
imposing ordinance by the barangay councils. Reason: Youth should Reason:
be at home at 9 PM 9 PM is very early to
I agree I beg to dis agree for security and go to sleep. 10 PM is
Reason: Reason: safety. Crime does not the best time to go
choose time, it will inside the house.
happen anytime. Some youth do their
group project and
Evidence: Evidence: activity with their
friends’ home.
Evidence: Many youth Evidence: Some
reported had been parents let their child
victims of rape slay. went to their friends’
house to make group

Group II. Possible Answer

Directions: Present your opinion about Topic: What’s the best cellphone brand model?
the topic. Write your reasons and Opinion: Samsung is the best cellphone brand
evidences. model.
Topic: What’s the best cellphone brand
model? REASON
Opinion: Samsung is the best cellphone Samsung is the best phone for its immersive
brand model. and vibrant display, reliable battery life and
wealth of special features.

Many of my friends testify that Samsung is
the best brand model of cellphone. I have 10
EVIDENCE: friends owned Samsung
G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living.
Are you ready to make a stand in real life (Yes, Sir!)
Below is a familiar poster we usually see via
social media or television. What’s your stand
about it?
You can answer it orally.

1. What is the poster about?
It’s about privacy in social media.
What informed opinion is presented on
the poster?
2. Do you agree with the opinion being
presented? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Yes, I agree. Think before you click is a
1. What is the poster about? concept in adage of internet that calls
What informed opinion is presented on for someone--- to take extra
the poster? precautions in everything we see on
2. Do you agree with the opinion being the internet as it could pose any risk
presented? If yes, why? If no, why not? and dangers to the users.
3. Present your stand on the information 3. Present your stand on the information
given by the poster. given by the poster.
The poster calls to the user to think critically
before it engage in any act that could endanger
the privacy, security and risks the internet
could provide. For instance, if the user is
careless, and he/she clicks something without
reservation chances are he/she could be hack.
His/ her privacy information could have data
security breach that alone constitute to the
dangers the internet could provide
Another Possible answer Dis agree
I disagree with the opinion. Not everything in
an online activities are considered to be
harmful and risky. Some clicks can lead to
positive outcomes, can discover new
opportunities, and could create new
connections of opportunities.

H. Making Generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson  An informed opinion is what a
1. What is informed opinion? person understands or
believes, judges or think about
something from the
information he/she has
gathered. This type of opinion
is formed by gathering ideas
from the different point of
2. What does making a stand mean?

 Making a stand means a firm

position for defense or
opposition on an informed
opinion. Note that you neither
right or wrong. However, you
need to support your
3. How do you make a stand for an statement by providing
informed opinion? evidence like proof or
testimony based on facts.
 Below is guide in making a
1. Prepare
Prepare yourself by
knowing and assessing the
situation or issue.
Reflect on the given
situation or issue that calls
for agreement or
disagreement with a
particular statement.
Respect the opinions and
voices of others.
State firmly your opinion
whether you are agree or
disagree on the given
situation or issue.
Stand strong in your own
opinion explaining why you
chose to agree or disagree.

I. Evaluation Learning POSSIBLE ANSWER

Directions: Read and analyze the topic AGREE
below and decide on your stand. The opinion is true. In one study by Dule Et al,
USING FACEBOOK CAN TURN INTO (2023), who examined the status of Facebook
ADDICTION addiction and its relation to academic
Social media is one way how to people performance and other correlated among
in today’s world are connected with Ethiopian university students. They found out
each other. Kids are glued to their that Facebook addiction was positively linked
devices all the time. They use with factors like lower academic achievements
applications that allow them to be and the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
connected with young people like In Philippines Literature, the study of Marcial
them in other parts of the world. These (20213) measured the prevalence and degree
make them forget about other of Facebook addiction among 355 university
important tasks because they are students in the Philippines. The study found
addicted to these internet applications. that 15 out of 355 respondents were addicted
1. What is your stand on this to Facebook.
informed opinion?
2. Make a stand and support it with
evidence. Write your answers on
your answer sheet.

J. Additional activities for application or

Do research on the following topics.
Then answer the questions in your
assignment notebook.
1. What does viewpoint mean?
2. What do you mean by differing
3. What is a report?

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