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Publisher: Asian Economic and Social Society

The Effects of Cost Leadership Strategy and Product Differentiation Strategy

on the Performance of Firms

Hashem Valipour (Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Firouzabad

Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firouzabad, Fars, Iran)

Hamid Birjandi (Department of Accounting, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad

University, Marvdasht, Fars, Iran)

Samira Honarbakhsh (Department of Accounting, zarin dasht Branch, Islamic

Azad University, zarin dasht, Fars, Iran)

Citation: Hashem Valipour, Hamid Birjandi and Samira Honarbakhsh (2012) “The Effects of Cost Leadership
Strategy and Product Differentiation Strategy on the Performance of Firms”, Journal of Asian Business Strategy,
Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 14-23.
Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

The Effects of Cost Leadership Strategy and Product

Differentiation Strategy on the Performance of Firms


This study empirically investigates the effects of business strategies on the

Author(s) relationship between financial leverage and the performance of firms. The
research data is collected from 45 firms in the Tehran Security Exchange (TSE)
Hashem Valipour during 2003-2010.The statistical technique is used to examine the assumption of
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting,
Firouzabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,
multiple regressions. To test the assumptions, firms were divided into 2 groups:
Firouzabad, Fars, Iran. firms with cost leadership strategy and firms with product differentiation strategy.
Email: The results indicated that in the firms with cost leadership strategy, there were
positive relationships between leverage; cost leadership strategy and dividend
payout with performance. The results also suggested that there were positive
Hamid Birjandi relationships between leverage and firm's size with performance in the firms with
Department of Accounting, Marvdasht Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Fars, Iran.
product differentiation strategy, but the relation between product differentiation
Email: strategy and dividend payout with performance was negative.

Samira Honarbakhsh
Department of Accounting, zarin dasht Branch,
Islamic Azad University, zarin dasht, Fars, Iran.

Key words: Cost leadership Strategy, product differentiation strategy, financial leverage, performance


The purpose of joint stock companies and their managers is Nevertheless, previous studies that tried to solve the
maximizing the value of equity and on the other hand it is leverage–performance puzzle continued to report mixed and
maximizing the value of the company and its stock. The often contradictory findings (Ghosh, 1992; Harris and
maximizing of the company's value is required to use the Raviv, 1991, Jermias, 2008). However, O‟Brien (2003)
financial resources and optimal strategy by managers and argued that the effect of financial leverage on performance
their correct performances. The first time capital structure may be contingent upon competitive intensity and the
and its optimal composition were issued by Modigliani and strategy pursued by the firm and researchers noted the need
Miller (1958) and it was used in the more financial research for studies that examine the influence of these variables
and this research also resulted in new theories. (Jermias, 2008).

Ever since Modigliani and Miller (1958) proposed that Results show that other factors besides capital structure also
capital structure is irrelevant in determining firm's value, and influence company‟s performance, and the intensity of
the theory of capital structure has been studied extensively. competition and the strategy chosen by the companies will
According to this „„irrelevance proposition‟‟, a firm cannot affect these factors. Strategies often include both product
change the total value of its securities just by splitting its differentiation strategy and the cost leadership strategy
cash flows into different streams because the firm‟s value is (Porter, 1996).
determined by its real assets, not by the securities it issues
(Jermias, 2008). The findings contradict with equity accounting theory and
the theory of irrelevance of capital structure issued by
Jensen and Meckling (1976) opposed this idea and argued Modigliani and Miller (1958), but they support financial
that the amount of leverage in a firm‟s capital structure decisions, intense competition and the strategy chosen by
affects the choice of operational activities by managers and the company‟s managements that affect company‟s
these activities will affect company performance. performance (Jensen, 1986; Harris, 1994 Jermias, 2008).

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

Two empirical studies by Barton and Gordon (1988) and competitive advantage for product differentiation firms
O‟Brien (2003) found that business strategy and financial (Balakrishnan and Fox, 1993; Simerly and Li, 2000; Jermias,
leverage interact significantly to affect firm's performance. 2008).
Thus, there is some empirical evidences that support the
argument that a firm‟s choice of business strategy may affect Biggadike (1979) argued that product differentiation firms
the relationship between financial leverage and performance face high uncertainty, as their strong emphasis on innovation
(Jermias, 2008). requires them to engage in more risky activities and bet on
products that have not yet crystallized. This might make it
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of both difficult and undesirable for firms to use a greater
business strategies on the relationship between financial amount of debt (Jermias, 2008).
leverage and company‟s performance in companies accepted
at Tehran Stock Exchange.  Business strategies, financial leverage and
Literature Review
Several studies on financial leverage and performance are

 Cost leadership strategy

Porter's Strategies done, for example:
Dimitro and Jan (2005) evaluated the effect of financial
The purpose of this strategy is the company's low-cost leverage on return of stock. Their results showed there was a
products offers in an industry. Cost leadership strategy takes negative relationship between debt to equity ratio and return
place through experience, investment in production facilities, of stock.
conservation and careful monitoring on the total operating
costs (through programs such as reducing the size and Ahn et al. (2006) investigated the relationship between
quality management). investment patterns and financial leverage. They showed that
companies with diversified investments have higher financial
The existing literature contains some discussions of why the leverage rather than focused investment firms.
relationship between leverage and performance depends on a
firm‟s choice of strategy. Firms pursuing a strategy of cost Hou and Robinson (2006) investigated the effects of
leadership will benefit more from the use of leverage in concentration and industry average on the stock return. After
terms of the increased managerial efficiency which that control factors such as size and ratio of book value to
corresponds to be monitored by lenders. According to Jensen market, they found that firms in the competitive industries
(1986), monitoring by lenders also limits managers‟ took higher return of stock and had a higher leverage.
opportunistic behaviors by reducing the resources available
for discretionary spending. Hence, Jensen (1986) proposed The inconsistent findings of prior studies on the relationship
that the control function of debt is more important for between financial leverage and performance may be due, in
companies that strive to be efficient (Jermias, 2008). part, to the researchers‟ approach. Most of the researchers
Accordingly, Porter (1985) suggested that cost leadership who conducted these studies used the universal approach,
firms need to control costs tightly, refrain from incurring too which examines the direct or main effects of financial
many expenses from innovation or marketing, and cut prices leverage on performance. O‟Brien (2003) notes that these
when selling their products. prior studies overlooked the effects of a firm‟s business

 Product differentiation strategy

strategy and contends that this may account for their
contradictory results (Jermias, 2008).
This strategy requires the development of goods or unique
services from unmatched by relying on customer loyalty to Porter (1985) developed a framework that outlines how firms
the brand. A company can be offered higher quality, might choose a business strategy in order to compete
performance or unique features that each of them can justify effectively. He argued that a firm must choose between
the higher prices. competing as the lowest-cost producer in its industry (i.e., a
cost leadership strategy) or competing by providing unique
Miller (1987) argued that product differentiation firms tend products in terms of quality, physical characteristics, or
to invest heavily in research and development activities in product related services (i.e., a product differentiation
order to increase their innovative capability and enhance strategy). In addition, he emphasized that the essence of a
their ability to keep up with their competitors‟ innovations firm‟s business strategy is its ability to deliberately choose a
(Jermias, 2008). set of activities which will deliver a unique mix of values to
its customers (Porter, 1996; Jermias, 2008).
The constraints of increased debt and requirements to satisfy
debt covenants will likely impede managers‟ creativity and The two empirical studies by Barton and Gordon (1988) and
innovation, qualities which are critical to maintain O‟Brien (2003) shed important light on the impact of

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

business strategy on the relationship between leverage and investments in the current period (such as innovators) which
performance. are expected to accrue benefits in future. In contrast, market-
based performance measures such as the market value of
Jermias (2008) investigated "Relative intensity of business equities tend to be more objective and beyond managers‟
competition and business strategy on the relationship control (Merchant and Van der Stede, 2007, Jermias, 2008).
between financial leverage and corporate performance". He
concluded that there was a negative relationship between Therefore, this study uses market-to-book ratio to measure
financial leverage and performance; this relation was more firm performance. The main advantage of this proxy for
negative when product differentiation strategies were chosen performance is that it incorporates future expectations of
rather than cost leadership strategy firm's performance. Market-to-book ratio was calculated by
dividing the market value of the firm (year end share price
Research Hypotheses multiplied with the number of common shares outstanding)
by the book value of total assets (Jermias, 2008).
Considering that the basic aim of this study is to analysis the

influence of cost leadership and product differentiation Independent variables
strategies on relation between financial leverage and Business strategies: Classification of strategies is
company performance, the research hypotheses are classified based on the Porter‟s strategies (1985). Thus strategies are
in two groups as follow: categorized into two groups: cost leadership strategy and
product differentiation strategy that calculated as follows:
The first group of hypotheses: The companies that used
the cost leadership strategy. Cost leadership strategy: The ratio of total sales to total
H1: There is a significant relationship between cost Strategy of product differentiation: the proportion of
leadership strategy and company‟s performance.

research and development reserve to total sales.
H2: There is a significant relationship between financial Financial leverage: The financial leverage measure
leverage and company‟s performance. for each firm is based on the book value of debt and assets.
H3: There is a significant relationship between company‟s While the theory of capital structure suggests that financial
size and company‟s performance. leverage should be measured in market value terms, most
H4: There is a significant relationship between dividend empirical works tend to use book value rather than market
payout and company‟s performance. value, mainly because book values are more objective. In
addition, a survey by Stonehill et al. (1974) showed that
The second group of hypotheses: the companies that used those financial managers tend to think in terms of book-
the product differentiation strategy. value rather than market-value ratios when discussing
financial leverage (Jermias, 2008).
H1: There is a significant relationship between product
differentiation strategy and company‟s performance. Financial leverage is defined as the ratio of total debt in this
H2: There is a significant relationship between financial study (current liabilities+ long-term liabilities+ other
leverage and company‟s performance. liabilities) to total book value of assets.
H3: There is a significant relationship between company‟s
size and company‟s performance.

Control variables:
H4: There is a significant relationship between dividend Firm’s size: Size is a control variable that measures
payout and company‟s performance. the size of the firm (Kouki and Guizani, 2009). Firm's size
variable has become a key variable in prior. Firms can be
Variables Definitions categorized according to their size (measured by market
capitalization, total sales or total assets) for the purpose of

Dependent variable: statistical analyses (Al-Najjar and Hussainey, 2009). For the
Company’s performance: Two criteria are used to

present paper, we use total assets as a proxy for the firm size.
assess a company‟s performance: Dividend pay- out: Dividend payout is a major
1 - The Accounting basis corporate decision that managers have to make. (Al-Najjar
2 - The Market basis and Hussainey, 2009). A large number of studies have
While accounting-based performance measures such as examined the extent to which dividends provide value
return on equity (ROE) and return on investment (ROI) tend relevant information for investors to predict firms‟ future
to be more controllable by managers, they can be performance (Hanlon et al., 2007). In this study dividend
manipulated more easily than market-based measures. payout calculated from total dividend distributed dividends
Furthermore, accounting-based measures tend to to the number of outstanding equity.
underestimate the performance of firms that makes heavy

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

These Variables are summarized in the table (I).

Table 1. Description of the variables

Variables Proxies Calculations

PERFORM Performance Market to book value of equity.

Cost leadership Strategy: ratio of total sales to total assets
STRA business strategies Product differentiation strategy: the proportion of research and
development reserve to total sales.
Ratio of total debt (current liabilities+ long-term liabilities+ other
LEV financial leverage
liabilities) to total book value of assets.
SIZE Size of the firm A logarithmic function of total assets
DIV Dividend per share Total dividend distributed / the number of outstanding equity

Methods of Data Analysis Data Analysis

In this study, the multiple regressions are used for data Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Multivariate Regression
analysis. Initial data was inserted in Excel spreadsheet and were used to analyze data.
SPSS software was applied to analyze the data statistically. Ho= Data is normal
Also Rahavard Novin software, Tadbir Pardaz software, H1= Data is abnormal
stock organization library and stock sites such as
and were used. Table 2. One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Research Method and Regression Model N 360
Mean .94639
The correlation research method was used to determine the Normal parametersa.b
Std. Deviation 1.0424
relationship between financial leverage, business strategies, Absolute .074
firm‟s size and dividend pay-out with performance. Multiple Most Extreme
Positive .074
regressions were applied to test the relationship between Differences
Negative -.070
these variables.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.212
We examine the relationship between these variables in a
panel multiple regression framework. Also we determine an Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .106
optimal model to predict the performance. We consider the a. Test distribution is normal.
empirical model described as follows: b. Calculated from data.

PERFORMit= β0 + β1i STRAi.t+ β2i LEVit+ β3i STRAit* Following the table (II), Sig = 0.106>0.05. Thus result show
LEVi,t+ β4i SIZEit+ β5i DIVit+ε that data is normal.

Sample Selection Firms that used from Cost leadership Strategy

Testing Results of the first group hypothesis:
The sample was chosen from the firms listed on the Tehran
stock exchange (TSE), for the period 2003 to 2010, using the Table 3. Variables Entered
following criteria: Model Variables Entered Method
1). Firms were listed in TSE during 2003-2010. Cost leadership Strategy
1 Step wise
2). Data was available for all years under study. (STRA)
3). The company didn‟t have change in the fiscal year for 2 LEV Step wise
study period. 3 STRA *LEV Step wise
4). Banks, Insurance and Investment firms didn‟t consider in 4 DIV Step wise
this study.
The data used in the analysis were collected from the annual
reports of the official bulletins of the Tehran stock exchange. A total optimum model was used to predict the performance
The final sample contains 45 firms. based on Cost leadership Strategy. We entered variables into

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

the model respectively. 4 models were defined and finally optimum model to predict the performance. As a result, the
the last model (4) including 4 variables was defined as an regression model came as the followings:

PERFORMit= β0+ β1i STRAit+ β2i LEVit+ β3i STRAit*LEVit+ β4i DIVi,t + εit

Table 4. Excluded Variables

Model Variable Beta t Sig. Partial Coefficient VIF
1 Size 0.036 0.659 0.511 0.041 1.023
As it is seen, size significance level is equal to 0.511 > 0.05, therefore, this variable was not entering the model.

Presenting total optimum model based on model 4 (T-

Optimum model was model 4, which had a more present a more precise prediction of the performance and in
determination coefficient than the previous ones. In fact, the first group hypothesis; the optimum model was model 4.
when most variables were beside each other, they could

Table 5. Coefficients of model 4

Unstandardized Standardized
Model4 Coefficients Coefficients t Sig VIF
B Stl. Erro Beta
Constant -0.058 0.132 -0.439 0.000
STRA 0.715 0.146 0.447 4.913 0.000 1.100
LEV 1.042 0.253 0.485 4.126 0.000 1.367
STRA*LEV -0.752 0.256 -0.439 -2.942 0.004 1.187
DIV 0.017 0.008 0.114 1.975 0.049 1.168

The optimal regression model was written as the following:

PERFORMit= -0.058+ 0.715 STRAit+ 1.042 LEVit -0.752 STRAit*LEVit+ 0.017 DIVit

As it is seen in optimum model, Cost leadership Strategy there is a negative relationship between STRA *LEV with
entered with coefficient equal to 0.715. Thus, there is a performance. Meanwhile, based on the results of table (V),
positive relationship between Cost leadership Strategy with VIF coefficient related to the variables entered to the final
performance. Coefficients of LEV and DIV variables model indicated that there isn‟t major change in coefficient
interred to optimal model are positive, thus relations in relation with figure 1, and there aren‟t collinear between
between LEV and DIV with performance are positive. In independent variables in the final model.
other hand Coefficient of STRA *LEV are negative, thus

Firms that used from Product differentiation strategy

Testing Results of the second group hypothesis:

Table 6. Variables Entered

Model Variables Entered Method
1 STRA *LEV Step Wise
2 Size Step Wise
3 Product differentiation strategy (STRA) Step Wise
4 LEV Step Wise
5 DIV Step Wise

A total optimum model was used to predict the performance and finally the last model (5) including all variables was
based on Product differentiation strategy. We entered defined as an optimum model to predict the performance.
variables into the model respectively. 5 models were defined

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

As a result, the regression model came as the followings:

PERFORMit= β0+ β1i STRAit*LEVit + β2i SIZEit+ β3i STRAit + β4i LEVi,t + β5i DIVi,t+ εit

Presenting total optimum model based on model 5 (T- when all variables were beside each other, they could present
test) a more precise prediction of the performance and in the
Optimum model was model 5, which had a more second group hypothesis; the optimum model was model 5.
determination coefficient than the previous ones. In fact,

Table 7. Coefficients of model 5

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model 4
Stl. t Sig VIF
B Beta
Constant -3.485 0.576 -6.046 0.000 1.4
STRA*LEV 41.028 3.163 0.913 12.971 0.000 1.031
size 0.752 0.099 0294 7.560 0.000 1.392
STRA -23.505 4.035 -0.355 -5.825 0.000 1.302
LEV 0.674 0.235 0.124 2.864 0.005 1.274
DIV -0.028 0.013 -0.096 -2.104 0.036 1.250

The optimal regression model was written as the following:

PERFORMit= -3.485+ 41.028 STRAit*LEVit + 0.752 SIZEit -23.505 STRAit+ 0.674 LEVit – 0.028 DIVit

As it is seen in optimum model, Product differentiation based on cost leadership strategy, with increase in financial
strategy entered with coefficient equal to -23.505. Thus, leverage and Dividend payments; the performance will be
there is a negative relationship between Product increased. The financial leverage multiplication strategy
differentiation strategies and performance. Coefficients of variable has inversely relationship with company's
STRA *LEV, SIZE and LEV variables interred to optimal performance. The overall results of the first group
model are positive, thus relations between STRA *LEV, hypotheses tests suggest that, financial leverage, business
SIZE and LEV with performance are positive. On the other strategy and dividends payout have positiveand significant
hand Coefficient of DIV is negative, thus there is a negative impact on company's performance. It should be noted that
relationship between DIV with performance. Meanwhile, outcome isn‟t the same as the results of Jermias (2008) that
based on the results of table (VII), VIF coefficient related to examined "the relative influence of competitive intensity and
the variables entered to the final model indicated that there business strategy on the relationship between financial
isn‟t any major changes in coefficient in relation with figure leverage and performance". He showed that if the companies
1, and there isnt collinear between independent variables in use cost leadership strategy, the relationship between
the final model. financial leverage and performance will be negative. Bu the
results of this study are the same as the results of Barton and
Results of the First Group Hypothesis Test Gordon (1988) and O‟Brien (2003). They found that cost
leadership strategies had an important influence on financial
Results of the first group hypotheses test (shows in leverage.
appendix),indicated that four variables with significant
relationship with firm performance, explained 25% of Results of the Second Group Hypothesis Test
behavior of the dependent variable.
Results of the second group hypotheses test (shows in
As the relationship between the variables in the model appendix),Indicated that all variables with significant
showed, if companies‟ strategy is based on cost leadership relationship with firm performance, explained 61% of
strategy; cost leadership strategy, financial leverage and behavior of the dependent variable.
dividend variables have a direct link relationship with
company's performance. Thus, if the company's strategy is

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

As the relationship between the variables in the model (product differentiation), the firm‟s size has a positive
showed, if companies‟ strategy is based on product relationship with firm‟s Performance.
differentiation strategy; the financial leverage, firm‟s size
and financial leverage multiplication strategy variables, will References
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firm‟s size and financial leverage multiplication strategy; the Economics, Vol. 79, pp. 317-37.
performance will be increased. The financial leverage
multiplication strategy variable has inversely relationship Al-Najjar, B. and Hussainey, K. (2009) “The association
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Balakrishnan, S., Fox, I., (1993) “Asset specificity, firm
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positive and significant impact on company's performance
while dividend payout and product differentiation strategy Barton, S. L., Gordon, P. J., (1988) “Corporate strategy
have a negative and significant impact on company and financial leverage”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.
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as the results of Jermias (2008). He showed that if the
companies use product differentiation strategy, the Dimitro, V., Jain, P. C. (2005) “The Value Relevance of
relationship between financial leverage and performance will Changes in Financial Leverage”, pp. 230-50.
be negative. But the results of this study are the same as the
results of Barton and Gordon (1988) and O‟Brien (2003). Ghosh, D. K., (1992) “Optimum financial leverage
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important influence on financial leverage.
Hanlon, M., Myers, J. and Shevlin, T. (2007) “Are
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First group hypothesis:

Model Summary e

Adjusted Std. Error

Model R R Square Durbin- Watson
R Square the Estimate
1 .409 .167 .164 .9568820
2 .455b .207 .201 .9357160
3 .489c .239 .230 .9183434
4 .500d .250 .239 .9132998 1.993
a. Predictors: (Constant), STRA
b. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV
c. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV, STRA*LEV
d. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV, STRA*LEV, DIV
e. Dependent Variable: PERFORM

Sum of
Model df Mean square F Sig
Regression 48.568 1 48.568 53.043 .000a
1 Residual 241.725 354 .916
Total 290.292 355
Regression 60.019 2 30.009 34.274 .000b
2 Residual 230.273 353 .876
Total 290.292 355
Regression 69.333 3 23.111 27.404 .000c
3 Residual 220.959 352 .843
Total 290.292 355
Regression 72.588 4 18.147 21.756 .000d
4 Residual 217.704 351 .834
Total 290.292 355
a. Predictors: (Constant), STRA
b. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV
c. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV, STRA*LEV
d. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV, STRA*LEV, DIV
e. Dependent Variable: PERFORM

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

Excluded Variables e

Co linearity Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig Minimum
Correlation Tolerance VIF
LEV .240 a 3.616 .000 .218 .684 1.462 .684
SIZE .058 1.027 .306 .063 .999 1.001 .999
1 DIV .185 a 3.241 .001 .196 .936 1.069 .936
STRA*LEV .094 a 1.065 .288 .066 .403 2.480 .403
SIZE .065 b 1.177 .240 .073 .997 1.003 .682
2 DIV .144 2.496 .013 .152 .884 1.132 .646
STRA*LEV -.491 b -3.323 .001 -.201 .133 7.524 .133
SIZE .043 c .784 .434 .048 .981 1.019 .131
3 DIV .114 1.975 .049 .121 .856 1.168 .129
SIZE .036 d .659 .511 .041 .977 1.023 .127
a. Predictors: (Constant), STRA
b. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV
c. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV, STRA*LEV
d. Predictors: (Constant), STRA, LEV, STRA*LEV, DIV
e. Dependent Variable: PERFORM

Residual Statistics a
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted Value .178041 6.052359 .948084 .5211556 359
Residual -1.377527 4.467954 .000816 .9060194 359
Std. Predicted Value -1.476 9.748 -.004 .996 359
Std. Residual -1.508 4.892 .001 .992 359
a. Dependent Variable: PERFORM

Second group hypothesis:

Model Summary f
R Adjusted Std. Error Durbin
Model R
Square R Square the Estimate watson
1 .676a .458 .456 1.4757277
2 .731b .535 .531 1.3691829
3 .773c .597 .593 1.2761245
4 .780d .608 .602 1.2612381
5 .784e .615 .607 1.2531307 1.918
a. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV
b. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE
c. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE, STRA
d. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE, STRA, LEV
e. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE, STRA, LEV, DIV
f. Dependent Variable: PERFORM

Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2(1), pp. 14-23

Sum of Mean
Model df F Sig
Squares square
Regression 490.563 1 490.563 225.259 .000a
1 Residual 581.465 357 2.178
Total 1072.028 358
Regression 573.368 2 286.684 152.926 .000b
2 Residual 498.660 356 1.875
Total 1072.028 358
Regression 640.477 3 213.492 131.098 .000c
3 Residual 431.551 355 1.628
Total 1072.028 358
Regression 652.078 4 163.019 102.481 .000d
Residual 419.951 354 1.591
Total 1072.028 358
Regression 659.030 5 131.806 83.935 .000e
5 Residual 412.028 353 1.570
Total 1072.028 358
a. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV
b. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE
c. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE, STRA
d. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE, STRA, LEV
e. Predictors: (Constant), STRA*LEV, SIZE, STRA, LEV, DIV
f. Dependent Variable: PERFORM

Residual Statistics a
Minimum Maximum Mean N
Predicted Value -.728565 19.608133 1.108380 1.5681408 359
Residual -2.127228 11.944304 .000 1.2413860 359
Std. Predicted
-1.171 11.797 .000 1.000 359
Std. Residual -1.698 9.532 .000 .991 359

a. Dependent Variable: PERFORM


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