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Distributed vs Lumped Element

RF & Microwave
Top Five Advantages of Distributed Element Circuits
A radio frequency transmission line and the components that are created with or on
them can be described as either a set of lumped elements, distributed elements, or
both. For the purposes of this discussion, we will group together the case of pure
lumped and mixed and compared that to a purely distributed circuit, with the goal of
identifying the advantages of the purely distributed circuit.

Lumped Element:
A circuit element is considered “lumped” if its spatial element can be ignored in its
analysis. If the component can be treated as taking up a single point with little effect on
the electrical response, then it is lumped. By this definition, an inductor or capacitor may
not always be a lumped component, depending on the frequency of operation. However,
for the purpose of this comparison, lumped element will mean discrete component.

Lumped element circuits can be solved with ordinary differential equations, as for each
component there is a constant spatial value.

Distributed Element:
A circuit element is considered distributed if its electrical properties are tapered over its
physical length. This, in turn, is dependent on the frequency of operation of the circuit
in which the element lies. As frequency increases, wavelength decreases and once
the wavelength of the operating frequency is within about an order of magnitude of the
lengths of the elements, they become distributed elements.

Since the electrical calculations are based on position in this case, the equations
become 2-variable equations and require partial differential equations to solve.
Advantage 1: Distributed Element At High Frequency

As operating frequency increases and which would make a distributed network

operating wavelength decreases, discrete unrealizable for most applications, but a quarter
components begin to have more electrical wavelength at 1GHz is only 3 inches and is 0.3
impact from distributed attributes. Leads and inches at 10GHz. This makes a matching or
terminals become more significant fractions of resonating structure possible to build within a
a wavelength and act electrically like inductive footprint that is practical for many mechanical
lines. Parasitic resistances in components specifications.
begin to have a larger impact on loss in series
components and can sink the low frequency Distributed element circuits have high frequency
response in shunt components. It becomes limitations where manufacturing tolerances
very difficult to design circuits with discrete become too large as a percentage of element
components only much above 1GHz. The size to reliably form working circuits. For
wavelength in a TEM (Transverse Electric & instance, a quarter-wave matching stub at
Magnetic) mode circuit is 1 ft. at 1 GHz. 10GHz would be about 0.3 inches and a typical
PCB etch tolerance on unplated one-ounce
Conversely, distributed element circuits become copper is 0.001”, or +/- 0.34%. This resonator
much more realizable at frequencies where would then have a real resonance of 9.97-10.03
lumped element circuits begin to be problematic. GHz. But at 100 GHz, that same 0.001” etch
Distributed element circuits often rely on tolerance would be a +/-3.4% change in resonant
fractional wavelength series, matching, and frequency and could resonate anywhere from
resonating sections. A quarter of a wavelength 96.7GHz to 103.3GHz, which is unlikely to be
in a TEM device is around 30 inches at 100MHz, tolerable per the device electrical spec.
Advantage 2: Lower Insertion Loss

Discrete capacitors must be packaged for Dielectric loss is based on the carrier material
effective use in an LC circuit. This creates the circuitry is printed on.
parasitic components in addition to the desired
main capacitance. Parasitic resistances create With modern low loss materials in play, dielectric
additional circuit insertion loss. On top of this, losses are dominated by metallic resistive losses
discrete inductors and capacitors have a limited in most distributed element systems. Dielectric
quality factor (Q) which limits the minimum circuit losses can be further lowered by replacing much
insertion loss. of the dielectric in the circuit with air or foam,
lowering the effective dielectric constant. Finally,
The loss path on distributed element circuits is the dominant component of insertion loss in
basically a straight transmission line. Insertion distributed element circuits is the metal.
loss on a distributed circuit can come
from radiation loss, reflection loss,
dielectric loss, and resistive loss. “The dominant component of
Radiation loss can be minimized by
containing the circuit with ground
insertion loss in distributed element
planes, radiation covers, and mode circuits is the metal.”
suppression vias.

Reflection loss is dependent on the

return loss of the device and is not substantial Resistive path loss based on characteristic
for a circuit that is impedance matched well. impedance, overall length, conductivity, and
Advantage 2: Lower Insertion Loss (Continued)

metal surface topology create the majority of the to stick to the dielectric and to any prepreg
insertion loss in the system. 75 ohm transmission materials if the core is to be laminated to another
lines are the lowest loss, but have lower power core in circuit board creation. This would be
handling than 50 ohm lines. 30ohm lines have common in stripline applications.
the most power handling. Circuit length is usually
designed at a minimum, but excessive length Overall, because of the much higher possible Q
interconnects can be shortened on the design for and lack of substantial parasitics compared to LC
lower loss. circuits, distributed elements are normally lower
in insertion loss than their LC counterparts. As
A metal with high conductivity will have the an example, distributed element bandpass filters
lowest loss. Silver is more conductive than often have pass band insertion loss >-0.5dB. In
copper. Any finish involving nickel will have contrast, typical discrete component bandpass
increased loss due to the ferromagnetic filters have passband insertion loss of <-1.5dB.
properties of that metal. Nickel is often used
as a barrier between copper and a finish like
immersion gold or palladium. Metal roughness is “A metal with high conductivity will
the last factor of distributed element loss.
have the lowest loss.”
Different techniques of metal foil creation create
different surface roughnesses. Some very
smooth copper foils can be created, but there is
a snafu – the copper needs to be rough enough
Advantage 3: All Circuit Elements Are Tunable

In an LC discrete element circuit, tunability fixture can be used while circuit tuning before
is limited. In reference to analog tuning, only lamination of the cores, which will seal off access
wound inductors can be adjusted to any value, to the circuit. Element impedances, stub lengths,
by spreading or compressing the coupling of the and ground references can all be altered by
coils. For chip components, like chip inductors trimming copper foil back on the signal layer, or
and capacitors, can only be tuned by replacing adding a metal-doped ink.
the component with

“In reference to analog tuning,

another value, or The cover can then
adding an additional be dry fit in place, or
component in series the clamping fixture
or parallel, but this only wound inductors can be closed in the case of
technique restricts
the technician to
adjusted to any value.” buries stripline. This
shows the technician
discrete values. the response of the
circuit before final assembly, or lamination in the
In a distributed circuit, any circuit element is case of buried stripline.
tunable in the analog sense.

With a microstrip or suspended stripline

application, a technician has access to the
circuit elements near the final assembly stage.
For buried stripline applications, a clamping
Advantage 4: Tunability Through The Cover

When tuning lumped element circuits, the cover This changes the shunt capacitance to ground
must be removed for each tuning step, then of sections of the circuit. Designs often have
replaced to check the final response of the many tuning screws so that there are many
lumped element circuit. This limits the speed at tuning combinations available to the technician.
which the technician can try iterations of tuning Iterations are very fast, as the assembly is
on the circuit. Of course this is also true for the electrically complete, so after adjusting a screw,
tuning techniques described above in Advantage the response is essentially what it would be in
#3 on distributed elements.

However, once rough tuning is

achieved for distributed element “When tuning lumped element
circuits, specifically those with air circuits, the cover must be
dielectric over the metal layer, such
as microstrip and suspended stripline, removed for each tuning step.”
there is a much faster method for
tuning iterations.
completed form without having to take a step
Threaded holes can be tapped in the cover like replacing a cover. This method takes tuning
allowing the insertions of tuning screws. These iterations down to the seconds each and allows
tuning screws can be adjusted up and down in the budget for hundreds of iterations at low
to change the spacing of specific parts of cost to the supplier.
distributed elements to the above ground plane.
Advantage 5: Lower Component Count

“With less components, failure is

drastically reduced.”

In a discrete element system, the bill of chassis, cover, and screws. But even the highest
materials (BOM) component count can is larger component count distributed parts have less
than that of a distributed element system. A components than comparable function discrete
discrete system needs a printed circuit board component parts.
(PCB) as a carrier, then at least one discrete
component per circuit element, but can often There are a multitude of reasons to favor lower
be multiple components per element. These component count designs. There are less
components must be electrically coupled with suppliers on the BOM and less chances for a
each other during assembly, typically with solder. single component schedule to put the assembly
Additionally, for mechanical robustness, these on hold. There are less components to have
components often need staking, which adds design or manufacturing issues, causing rework,
another item to the BOM. or even redesign. There is less opportunity
for mistake during assembly that could cause
In a distributed element part, all the discrete fallout.
components are replaced by transmission line
sections, most commonly etched into a single Finally, with less components, failure in
PCB. In this case the BOM is very simple and environmental testing, which translates to rate of
can be as simple as 1 component, such as field failure, is drastically reduced. Simpler BOMs
for a surface mountable stripline PCB with no drive higher yield.
shielding requirements. Occasionally, distributed
components have larger BOMs, including
components like RF connectors, solder, metal
Derivation of a Distributed Element Low Pass Filter

Following the process outlined in [1], we will now derive a distributed lowpass filter. The
first step is to define the specs and the materials.

• Cutoff Frequency = 2GHz

• Fractional Bandwidth = 0.4, or 800MHz
• Passband Ripple = 0.2dB (this also defines passband return loss at -13dB)
• # of Poles = 5
• Material = Rogers 3003 (3.0 Dk), 0.010” thick, ½ ounce copper clad.

With the specs defined, we now pull the low pass prototype parameters for the desired
filter specs from the lookup tables in [2].

g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6
1 1.3394 1.337 2.166 1.337 1.3394 1

We then follow the below equations as defined in [3] to calculate the characteristic
admittances of the filter.
Derivation of a Distributed Element Low Pass Filter

pi h
3.14159 2

0.4 50

J12/Y0 J23/Y0 J34/Y0 J45/Y0
1.4155 0.9618 0.9618 1.4155

N12 N23 N34 N45

4.3585 4.2329 4.2329 4.3585

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
0.0589 0.1243 0.1308 0.1243 0.0589

Y12 Y23 Y34 Y45

0.0283 0.0192 0.0192 0.0283
Derivation of a Distributed Element Low Pass Filter

This yields the admittance values for the open circuited stubs of the low pass filter, as
well as the interconnecting transmission lines between stubs.

From these admittance values, we use the microstrip impedance equations from [4] to
calculate the microstrip widths of each of the sections, based on the material that was
selected, and the microstrip design equations from [5] to determine the guided quarter
wavelength lengths for both the stubs and connecting transmission lines.

The equations used for this process follow:

Derivation of a Distributed Element Low Pass Filter

i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5
Zi 16.9894 8.0461 7.6425 8.0461 16.9894
uStrip Wid (“) 0.1050 0.2435 0.2575 0.2435 0.1050
Eeff 2.2837 2.4107 2.4203 2.4107 2.2837
lambdag/4 0.9770 0.9509 0.9490 0.9509 0.9770

i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4

Zi, i+1 35.3236 51.9870 51.9870 35.3236
uStrip Wid (“) 0.0419 0.0239 0.0239 0.0419
Eeff 2.1837 2.1397 2.1397 2.1837
lambdag/4 0.9991 1.0093 1.0093 0.9991

These values are complete design parameters for the low pass filter. All lengths and
widths are in inches.

[1] A. Agrawal, R. Gupta, and V. Kushwah, “Designing of open stub low pass filter for 1.4GHz,” 5th Int. Conf. on
Comp. Intelligence, pp. 74-77, unk.

[2] G. Matthai, L. Young, and E. Jones, Design of Microwave Filters, Impedance-Matching Networks, and Coupling
Structures, Volume I, pp. 100, Stanford Res. Inst., 1963.

[3] Jia-Shen, G. Hong, and M. Lancaster, “Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications” (1/e), John Wiley & Sons
Inc., 2001.

[4] Microwaves RF Information for Engineers,, Microwaves

101, unk.

[5] Microstrip Wavelength Calculator,, unk.

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About The Author
Mark Stanley
RF Product Manager
As Epec’s RF Product Manager, Mark Stanley works directly with customers to ensure
the highest quality RF products. He is involved from the point of sales inquiry, through
the design stages, manufacturing, product verifications and delivery to the customer.

Mark brings more than 20 years of successful

business creation and enterprising sales, design
and manufacturing experience, strategic partnering,
business development, team building, and OEM

Prior to Epec, Mark was the President of Putnam

RF Filters, Inc. Putnam was founded in 2008 in
Manchester, NH as a product engineering group
for emerging technologies, designed to serve the
military and aerospace industries.

With a focus on manufacturing printed circuit board

based RF filters, diplexers and other custom radio
frequency products.

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