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Introduction to Management concepts and

Managerial skills
1 Monitoring day to day activities and progress is the function of …………
a. Top Level Management
b. Middle Level Management
c. Lower Level Management
d. All of the above
2 The unbroken line of authority from the highest level to the lowest level is called as
a. Scalar chain
b. Unity of direction
c. unity of command `
d. All Of The Above
3 Position, Designation, Seniority defines …………
a. Centralization
b. Authority
c. Scalar Chain `
d. Initiative
4 Following is not required for first-level managers
a. Technical skills
b. Conceptual skills
c. Human or interpersonal management skills `
d. Non of the above.
5 Unity of command means….........
a. flow of command from subordinate to superior
b. flow of command from superior to subordinate
c. parity of authority and responsibility
d. parity in controlling
6 … also known as scalar or military organization.
a. Line and staff organization
b. Project organization
c. Functional organization `
d. Line organization
7 Purchasing, Material Management and Research & Development are the activities of ….........
a. Production Management
b. Finance management
c. Marketing Management
d. None of the above
8 What is management
a. It is a science
b. It is an art
c. Both a and b are wrong `
d. Both a and b are correct
9 There is lack of specialisation in ….........
a. Line and staff organization
b. Project organization
c. Functional organization
d. Line organization
10 Which statement is wrong
a. Organization is a group of working people
b. It has aims and objectives
c. Organization has no boundaries `
d. Organization is a system
The number of subordinates that an executive or managers can supervise directly is called
a. Specialization
b. Span of control
c. Scalar principle
d. Delegation
12 Staffing is associated with…………
a. marketing
b. accounting
c. human resourse `
d. finance
…………refers to the capacity of the organization to withstand the losses of key personnel
without much loss to the working
a. Stability
b. Flexibility
c. Balance
d. All of the above
14 Monitoring day to day activities and progress is the function of …….
a.Top level management
b. Middle level Management
c. Lower Level Management `
d. None of above
15 Following is not a function normally performed by the HR department:
a. Recruitment and selection
b. Accounting
c. Training and development
d. Pay and reward
16 Group member must give first priority to ……..
a. Personal interest
b. Leader interest
c. Organizational interest `
d. None of the above
17 Esprit de Corps is…..........
a. a function of management
b. a principle of management
c. a management concept in Russia
d. a name of company
18 …....... stated 14 principles of Management.
a. Fedrick W. Tailor
b. Arthur Dunkel
c. Henry Fayol `
d. Robert owen
………… principle of management concerns with the distribution of authority among the
various levels of management.
a. Equity
b. Division of work
c. Discipline
d. Centralization
20 Position of a person in an organization is Chairman/ President, the management level in which
a. Top Level Management
b. Middle Level Management
c. Lower Level Management `
d. None of the above
21 Remuneration is not based on …………
a. Performance
b. Responsibility
c. Designation
d. Emotions
22 …........ is not Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management.
a. Cooperation, Not Individualism
b. Unity of direction
c. Authority and Responsibility `
d. Scalar chain
23 Due to unity of direction ..............
a. deviation from the defined path is prevented
b. work is divided
c. authority is delegated
d. teams are formed
24 …..... is not Function of Management
a. Planning
b. Organizing
c. Staffing `
25 The principles of management serve as a general guideline for ….....
a. Decision making
b. Managerial actions
c. Both a and b are correct `
d. Both a and b are incorrect
Planning and Organizing at Supervisory Level
1 The three levels of planning are_____________
a. Operational, intermediate and strategic
b. Headquarters, divisional and local
c. Top, middle and bottom
d. None of the above
Role and Responsibilities of supervisor while planning activities
a. Provision of working conditions
b. Leadership and Guidance
c. Grievance Handling
d. all of the above
3 Strategic plans are:
a. single use plans
b. long range plans
c. for lower management levels
d. standing plans
4 Management is important for …....
a. to minimize risk and uncertainty focus attention on objectives
c. to facilitate control
d. all the above
5 Non-financial incentives have many things to do with:
a. Directing
b. Motivation
c. Planning
d. Organising
6 Following is not Physiological Needs
a. food and water,
b. Intimacy
c. cloth, shelter and sleep
d. breathing and air
………. is an instrument of management used in planning,
programming and control of business financial activity.
a. Inspection
b. Budget
c. Quality
d. Audit
8 Following is not formal group
a. Project Team
b. Technological Group
c. interest group
9 Following is not done during planning by the supervisor:
a. Selection of machines
b. Assigning workers
c. Allocate time for operations
d. Marketing of products
10 Following is not the advantage of Group Dynamics
a. It may lead to unequal participation in a group.
b. It enhances mutual cooperation.
c. It reduces any conflict among group members.
d. It creates good and pleasant work environment
11 Staffing deals with………..
a. manpower
b. materials
c. travelling arrangement
d. Production planning
Following is not the components of the Matching Process
(finding right people to perform defined job)
a. knowledge
b. skill
c. experience
d. emotions
13 Supervisor planning ………..
a. minimizes future uncertainties in production
b. maximizes future uncertainties in production
c. has no effect on future uncertainties of production
d. none of the above
14 Effects of ignoring manpower budget are …...
a. Labor Shortage
b. Hire Workers at Higher Salary
c. Layoff Workers at Awkward times
d. all of the above
15 Following is not a purpose of organizational structure …….
a. to coordinate people and resources
b. to organize line of communication
c. to limit workers rights
d. to formalize authority

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