Exist Test

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Business English B2 Exit Test

Section 1: Collocations

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word to complete the common business

1. We need to take ________ of the new market opportunity.

2. The team is trying to strike ________ a deal with the international client.

3. Please carry ________ the necessary market research before the meeting.

4. It's important to ________ the client's expectations.

5. The company aims to build ________ its online presence.

Section 2: Idioms

Instructions: Choose the correct idiom from the options provided to complete each sentence.

6. The new project is challenging, but we'll ___________ to ensure its success.

 a. pull some strings

 b. turn the tables

 c. go the extra mile

7. After the training, the team is now __________ regarding the new strategy.

 a. burning the midnight oil

 b. on the same page

 c. cutting corners

8. The marketing campaign didn't work as expected, so we'll need to __________________.

 a. hit the ground running

 b. touch base

 c. go back to the drawing board

9. Our competitor's success has motivated us to ___________ in the industry.

 a. step up our game

 b. throw in the towel

 c. keep a low profile

10. The manager always encourages the team to ________________ when facing challenges.

 a. close ranks
 b. hit the ground running

 c. think outside the box

Section 3: Grammar

Instructions: Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

11. The team members, as well as the manager, ________ enthusiastic about the upcoming

a. is b. are c. have been d. was

12. If Mary ________ about the changes earlier, she would have adapted more easily.

a. knows b. known c. had known d. know

13. The new policy will impact employees who ________ not yet received proper training.

a. has b. have c. is d. are

14. By the end of the month, the team ________ all the required reports.

a. will have completed b. completes c. completed d. completing

15. The CEO, along with the marketing team, ________ attending the conference next week.

a. is b. are c. have been d. were

16. Sarah's dedication to her work is evident, and she ________ praised by her colleagues.

a. is b. was c. had been d. will be

17. The new employee, as well as some interns, ________ already attended the orientation

a. has b. have c. will d. are

18. The committee discussed the issue thoroughly, but no decision ________ reached.

a. was b. were c. has been d. will be

19. The project's success depends on how well the team members ________ with each other.

a. collaborate b. collaborates c. collaborating d. collaborated

20. The deadline for submitting the proposals ________ extended due to unforeseen

a. has b. was c. is d. will be

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