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Presentation and Viva - 2

Name of the Faculty: Ms. Anala Padmanabha

SUB : Strategic Management
S.No Students Name
1 Abhishek R
2 Adonis Giovannik Marak
3 Ajay Kumar T
4 Alluri Anjani
5 Ashik Sain
6 Aswathy Madhu
7 Banovath Anil Kumar
8 Basireddygari Sushantika
9 Chandan Kumar S
10 Charles Paul
11 Dayananda M D
12 Denzil Shelton H
13 Dipin Lajeev
14 H Dhanush
15 Hemanth Kumar
16 Jagruth M P
17 Jaya Shree R
18 Jeya Sobika S A
19 Juturu Lakshmi Chaithanya
20 Katari Venkata Kartheek
21 Khangazala Abdullah
22 Kiran Paul B
23 Kiran Pramod Sawant
24 Krishna Chaitan
25 M Vishnu
26 Meera John
27 Megha J
28 Mohammad Danish Nazrul Hassan
29 Mohammed Tariq
30 Nabhay R
31 Nandhu Vijayan
32 Neelkirit Suthar
33 Niharika Shetty
34 Prathiviraj P
35 Parixitsinh Vikramsinh Chudasama
36 Pasupula Meghana Reddy
37 Pavan Kalyan
38 Pavithra R
39 Pooja Raj
40 Pothuraju Pranith
41 Prince Bhadoria
42 Priya L
43 Priyanka V
44 Ramooju Uday Naga Manikanta
45 Rathinapandi V
46 Rutuja Arjun Adsule
47 Sagar K
48 Satej Sarjerao Desai
49 Shon Ranji Panachayil
50 Shravani B
51 Shreya Satish S
52 Shubham Bandu Wayadude
53 Shwethashree K
54 Sourabhauddin Chowdhury
55 Sri shahini
56 Suraj G
57 Swarna R
58 Syed Moyeez Pasha
59 Thanuraj
60 Thanushree B
61 TP Poojith Kumar
62 Vijayakumar
63 Vishal Pranao Satasivam
64 Vrinda Venu Gopal
65 Yashaswini S
66 Zuneira Anjum
67 Mokshith Sharan Adapa
68 Vignesh G
69 Gouri Nandhana A
70 Amrith gokul U P
71 Lanka Annie Besant
72 Anusha Ravindra
73 Miriyala Guna Yoghita
74 Matti Sravan Rohith
75 Moses Leo M
76 Miriyala Guna Yoghita
77 Matti Sravan Rohith
Presentation and Viva - 2
Name of the Faculty: Ms. Anala Padmanabha
SUB : Strategic Management
Busineess Models, features, advantages and disadvantages
Manufacturer Business models. Example CIPLA's business model
Financial control - why is it an important strategic control tool?
Red ocean strategy - meaning, importance, advantages and disadvantages
Process of strategic control system - use example of your own company
Prerequisite to strategic implementation
Strategic Restructuring - meaning, importance
Disruptive innovation - meaning, importance, advantages and disadvantages
What is ethical leadership? Meaning and importance in strategic management
Premise Control - meaning and importance
Strategic Change - meaning, importance
Fee-for -Service Business model. Use Urban clap's business model
Structural Implementation - meaning, importance
Resource allocation - meaning, importance, advantages
Ethical beaviour and leadeship in strategic change - explain
Disruptive revenue models - meaning, types, importance
A marketplace business model - explain taking eBay as an example
Behavioural control - Meaning, advantages and disadvantages
How organizational re-engineering helps strategic change?
How to improve strategic thinking? Explain each step with an example
Explain the subsciption business model. Use a company as an example
Techniques of strategic control - explain
Freemium Business Model - taking a company as an example
Benchmarking - meaning and importance in strategic change
Strategic control systems - meaning and importance
What is ehical decision-making? Explain
Strategic Thinking- meaning, importance, advantages and disadvantages
How leadesrhip vision help achieve startegic goals? Explain
Special alert control - importance
Affiliate Business model - Take on of the social media influencers as an example
Brokerage Business Model taking a company as an example
What are the important implications of strategic leadership?
Strategic surveillance - is it a good strategic tool? How?
Explain the process of Ethical decision making process
Strategic management during an economic crisis
Explain the business model canvas of Netflix
Ethical decision making in strategic control - explain
Bundling business model taking a company as an example
Explain a free offering disruptive business model
What is strategic implementation? Meaning, importance, advantages and disadvantages
Sharing economy disruptive business model. Explain
Blue ocean strategy - meaning, importance, advanatges and disadvanatges
Explain the pyramid model of the disruptive business model
Steps involved in strategic change - explain with an example
Explain how innovation is used as a tool for strategic change?
Mechanics of Blue strategy? How does it work? Explain with an example
Whay is an output control importance in implementating strategies? Explain
What are the steps involved in creating a Business model? Elaborate each topic
Measuring performance - Is it a good strategic tool or not? Explain
Explain the process of strategic implementation
Explain how to set control standards in an organization
Leadership implementation process - meaning, importance and guidelines
Disruptive busineess models - meaning, importance, advantages and disadvanatges
Explain the retailer business model with an example
Techniques that can be used for strategic change and control
Explain the role of strategic management in NGO's
Razor Blade business model. Explain taking one of the company as example
What are the stages in creating an effective organizational structure
Organizational Design - Meaning, importance and explain with an example
Explain the on-Demand sharing business model - meaning, importance
Explain some of the up coming strategies in the internet economy
Explain the importance of startegic management
Strategic Leadership - meaning and importance
Business Model Canvas - meaning, purpose, advantages and disadvantages
Explain the importance of strategic management in Small scale industries
Explain the importance of procedural implementation in a strategic process
Importance of an organizational structure in strategic implementation
Explain Customer Disruption - How does it work?
Steps involved in implementing Blue ocean strategy
What is a Digital ecosystem? Explain its meaning and importance
CSR - Meaning, importance, advantages and disadvantages
Pay-as-you-go Business model taking a company as an example
What are the elements of the Business Canvas Model
Elucidate the operational implementation challenges in a strategic change model
Resource Planning- meaning, importance, advantages and disadvantages
Functional challenges during strategic implementation
How to create a Business Model? Explain the steps involved

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