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Clarivate, the informa0on analy0cs firm, recently made an announcement that it is excluding 82 journals

from the Web of Science core collec0on, which means these journals have lost their Impact Factor.

The full list of all de-listed journals (March 2023):

A;er March 24th, any publicaAon in those journals will not be accepted by Jazan University

1. Advances and Applica0ons in Mathema0cal Sciences (Mili Publ)

2. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (Hindawi LTD)
3. Allergy & Rhinology (Sage Publica0ons Inc)
4. Ambient Science (Natl Cave Research & Protec0on Organiza0on, India)
5. Annals of Pallia0ve Medicine (AME Publishing Company)
6. Annals of Transla0onal Medicine (AME Publishing Company)
7. Applied Nanoscience (Springer Heidelberg)
8. Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applica0ons (Egyp0an Soc Nuclear Sciences & Applica0ons)
9. Australian Economic History Review (Wiley)
10. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry (AMG Transcend Assoc)
11. Biomed Research Interna0onal (Hindawi LTD)
12. BMJ Simula0on & Technology Enhanced Learning (BMJ Publishing Group)
13. Cardiometry (Russian New Univ)
14. Computa0onal and Mathema0cal Methods in Medicine (Hindawi LTD)
15. Computa0onal Intelligence and Neuroscience (Hindawi LTD)
16. Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applica0ons (Sage Publica0ons LTD)
17. Contemporary Chinese Thought (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
18. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging (Wiley-Hindawi)
19. Current Colorectal Cancer Reports (Springer)
20. Disease Markers (Hindawi LTD)
21. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
22. Educa0on Research Interna0onal (Hindawi LTD)
23. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alterna0ve Medicine (Hindawi LTD)
24. Evidence-Based Mental Health (BMJ Publishing Group)
25. Film Comment (Film Soc Lincoln Center)
26. Food Science and Technology (Soc Brasileira Ciencia Tecnologia Alimentos)
27. Fresenius Environmental Bulle0n (Parlar Scien0fic Publica0ons (P S P))
28. Hirundo-Mcgill Journal of Classical Studies (McGill Univ, Dept History)
29. Informa0ca-An Interna0onal Journal of Compu0ng and Informa0cs (Slovensko Drustvo Informa0ka)
30. Interna0onal Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (Int Journal Computer Science &
Network Security-IJCSNS)
31. Interna0onal Journal of Early Childhood Special Educa0on (Anadolu Univ)
32. Interna0onal Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science-IJEES (Health & Environment Assoc)
33. Interna0onal Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Int Assoc Online Engineering)
34. Interna0onal Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI)
35. Interna0onal Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applica0ons (Semnan Univ)
36. Journal Japanese Society of Computa0onal Sta0s0cs (Univ Tsukuba)
37. Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business (Korea Distribu0on Science Assoc)
38. Journal of Coastal Research (Coastal Educa0on & Research Founda0on)
39. Journal of Educa0onal Enquiry (Univ South Australia, Centre Research Educa0on Equity & Work)
40. Journal of Environmental and Public Health (Hindawi LTD)
41. Journal of Environmental Protec0on and Ecology (Scibulcom LTD)
42. Journal of Healthcare Engineering (Hindawi LTD)
43. Journal of Historical Sociology (Wiley)
44. Journal of Nanomaterials (Hindawi LTD)
45. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (Elsevier Sci LTD)
46. Journal of Oncology (Hindawi LTD)
47. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier)
48. Journal of Pharmaceu0cal Nega0ve Results (Researchtrentz Acad Publ Educa0on Services)
49. Journal of Renewable Materials (Tech Science Press)
50. Journal of Research for Consumers (Journal Research Consumers)
51. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science (Amber Publica0on)
52. Journal of Risk and Financial Management (MDPI)
53. Journal of The American Society of Agronomy (Amer Soc Agronomy)
54. Journal of Theore0cal and Applied Physics (Springer Heidelberg)
55. Jus0ce System Journal (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
56. Korean Journal of Parasitology (Korean Soc Parasitology, Seoul Natl Univ Coll Medi)
57. Library Collec0ons Acquisi0ons & Technical Services (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
58. Materialy Po Arkheologii Istorii I Etnografii Tavrii-Materials in Archaeology History and Ethnography
of Tauria (V I Vernadsky Crimean Fed Univ)
59. Mathema0cal Problems in Engineering (Hindawi LTD)
60. Mobile Informa0on Systems (Hindawi LTD)
61. Nanoscale Research Leders (Springer)
62. Netherlands Journal of Medicine (Van Zuiden Communica0ons)
63. Ochrona Srodowiska (Polish Sanitary Engineers Assoc)
64. Oxida0ve Medicine and Cellular Longevity (Hindawi LTD)
65. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences (Lahore Medical & Dental Coll)
66. Physical Sciences Reviews (Walter de Gruyter Gmbh)
67. Postmodern Openings (Lumen Publishing House)
68. Progress in Nutri0on (Mafoli 1885)
69. Propositos Y Representaciones (Univ San Ignacio Loyola)
70. Psychiatria Danubina (Medicinska Naklada)
71. Rehabilita0on Process and Outcome (Sage Publica0ons LTD)
72. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Soc Brasileira Med Esporte)
73. Revista Electronica de Inves0gacion Docencia Y Crea0vidad-Docrea (Asoc Docencia & Crea0vidad)
74. Revista Entrelinguas (Unesp-Faculdade Ciencias & Letras)
75. Scanning (Wiley-Hindawi)
76. Scien0fic Programming (Hindawi LTD)
77. Security and Communica0on Networks (Wiley-Hindawi)
78. Technology (World Scien0fic Publ Co Pte LTD)
79. Tumorboard (Krause & Pachernegg Gmbh)
80. Waves in Random and Complex Media (Taylor & Francis LTD)
81. Wireless Communica0ons & Mobile Compu0ng (Wiley-Hindawi)
82. World Family Medicine (Medi+World Int)

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